Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1096: Jueying (2)

[Today I saw someone in the comment area saying that the chapter is wrong or the content is not correct. I will explain here. I have modified the original main website, but whether other places will be modified synchronously is not something I can interfere with~~]

In the sour sound, Allen rolled on the ground and stood up again. Holding the red king's hand numb for a while, the shadow pounce just now was very powerful, Allen slashed like a stab on a piece of high-speed steel, and the red king almost let go. Looking at it now, the opponent's figure has appeared in the rare sunshine in the valley. Just as Julian described, Demon Wolf Jueying is nearly seven meters long, and is definitely a big guy. There were mask-like bony bumps on the head, and the three vertical eyeballs above were looking in different directions.

Many parts of its body are protected by exoskeleton armor, including its abdomen. Just now, the red king drawn is the protective armor of Juying, but it does not appear to be unharmed. The devil wolf’s abdomen is dripping with dark and purple blood, but judging from its size, the amount of bleeding can only be measured. It's just a minor injury. On both sides of Jueying's body, there was an oval spar, like two magic pupils. It opened its mouth and let out a series of low growls from its mouth.

Jueying didn't like the sun, so he slowly retreated into the shadow of the valley. This is also the reason why Allen chose to act during the day. The Silver Winter Mountains at night are the kingdom of Jueying. It is ten times more difficult to hunt this fierce beast at night than during the day. When the magic wolf appeared, Gaohu and others were all energetic. Especially Gao Hu, the eyes of this short man were shining. According to the previous plan, the four of them dispersed and surrounded Jueying in the middle.

The devil wolf roared, its four claws constantly digging on the ground. Jueying’s claws are purely made of ice crystals. These crampons scrape across the ground and spread a thin layer of frost. The surrounding drafts are gradually covered with a layer of blue frost under the cold air emitted by Jueying. A blue ice circle appeared around, in sharp contrast with the greenery in the valley. Jueying finally couldn't hold it back. It always hid in this valley during the day, with a few wild wolves acting as its guards. At night, it was time for its activities, but these uninvited guests disrupted its work and rest, making it had to wake up when it was sleeping. The awakened demon wolf's temper is definitely not friendly, it has even begun to plan to freeze these humans into popsicles, and then divide them into several times to enjoy.

Jueying has always been picky about food. Although humans are not common foods in recipes, humans with powerful sources are definitely a delicacy. The source power of these four people is not weak, but the man with dazzling silver hair, the aura on his body makes Jue Ying reluctant to approach. It was like Dongxue not close to the flames, and the faint burning flame of the man's body was an object that Jueying, who was biased towards the source of ice, was unwilling to approach.

So it intends to kill the silver-haired human, but it won't eat him. Jueying doesn't want to swallow a ball of flame in his stomach. After making up his mind, the demon wolf lashed out awe-inspiringly, leaving the strongest silver-haired man aside, rushing towards the thin-looking human teenager.

Regis snorted coldly: "I look so easy to bully?"

Jueying responded with a low growl, the temperature near Regis dropped sharply, and a few icy ridges on top of his head were driven into Regis. The young man squinted his eyes, rushed forward, and then made a few flexible turns, causing Bing Leng to penetrate. However, Jueying didn't intend to nail this human boy to death with Bing Leng, it believed in its own power even more. Jueying lowered his head and hit Regis's chest with its bulging bones. The bones on the head of the magic wolf are almost like its custom-made helmet. Not only is it hard, it can also be used when charging. Used for breaking the city. It is definitely not a pleasant thing to be hit by it. Reggies had wind on the soles of his feet and dodged sideways as early as the magic wolf hit. With a pull, Xinghe suddenly cut through the forelimbs of Jueying.

Jueying's limbs were not protected by bone armor, and immediately sprayed out black and purple wolf blood, which also contained a strong chill. It was still in the air but quickly frozen, and when it fell to the ground, it had turned into patches of deep purple frost. A lot of wolf blood was spilled on Zhu Jue, the chill was deep, and the frost spread. Regis raised the iron sword and knocked it on the star knife, shaking endlessly, and Hajime sent the frozen wolf blood out.

"Look at me!" At this time, Gao Hu rushed to the side, the short and stout man's aura was as solid as thick soil, and the earth-yellow source power radiated from his battle axe. Raising the axe high and smashing it fiercely on the skeletal armor on the side of the devil wolf, a harsh rubbing sound immediately sounded in the valley. The battle axe drew sparks on the armor, tearing a crack in Jueyoung's outer armor, but it could not hurt its body. However, the devil wolf was also slashed to the side by Gao Hu's axe, and the strong impact shook Juoying's bones and internal organs through the armor. It was both frightened and angry, and turned its big head towards Regis and Gaohu. When a person opens his mouth, it is a silent scream with a frequency of tens of thousands!

Regis raised his leg and kicked Gaohu, kicking the beard away, and he also took the opportunity to dodge in the opposite direction. But I saw a circle of faint ripples spreading, scouring across the grass, and instantly a puff of mud and rocks and countless long grass exploded, and the clamor was filled.

There was black electricity coming across the air, stabbing under Jue Ying, and suddenly a piece of black ice spread and spread. The ice crystals continued to grow, instantly freezing the limbs of the demon wolf. Temporarily blocking the movement of Jueying, Fares lifted the spear upside down, leaped and rolled. He used the spear as a long stick, and he smashed the spear for several times to build up his strength and smashed it on Jueying's back. The demon wolf shook his whole body, and shot Fares down on his stomach, causing a shock wave.

When Jueying was relieved, the three eyes on that head saw a ball of vermilion sky fire blasting towards him at the same time. The next moment his sight was filled with flames!

"His Royal Highness, we have lost contact with Diego." A man covered in heavy black armor said solemnly. He was also carrying a huge shield behind him, and the whole person was like a moving fortress.

"Then leave him alone." Howson kicked the wolf corpse away from the ground and looked at the cave in front of him. From the depths of the cave faintly heard the roar of the beast, and Howson's eyes glowed: "Julian's people must have discovered Jueying, go, the head of the demon wolf can only be mine!"

He resolutely got into the cave.

The heavy armored warrior was afraid that he would lose, and followed closely behind. Then there were two men in dark green leather armor, carrying two quiveres and carrying long bows decorated with patterns and stag motifs. Then there was a woman wearing dark red light armor with a pair of knives on her back; and two warriors in black half-length armor, one with a sword hanging on the waist, and the other carrying a mace.

Together with Howson, the group of seven disappeared in the shadow of the cave.

In the valley, Jueying Man stood up. Among the two spars beside it, countless blue-gray stripes lit up at the same time. A large group of snow and ice whizzed and gathered above its head, forming a hockey puck. Jueying rushed down, and the hockey puck flew towards Allen. The surface of the hockey puck is undulating, and after flying a certain distance, the ice ridges that exude chills are continuously shot from the sphere.

Suddenly, ice ridges in the valley filled the sky, and the attack range of the ice spike ball of Juoying reached the level of two hundred meters in diameter, and these ice ridges would be continuously produced before the source of the ice ball was exhausted. At this moment, Gaohu and the others could not care about attacking Jue Ying, they could only dance their weapons to protect themselves, smashing the roots of the ice ridges and flying them.

Alan squinted his eyes, and the Red King's blade suddenly turned red. He locked the ice puck and slashed away. The flame in the air appeared out of thin air, and the whistling converged to form a vermilion sword flashing away. He didn't get into the ice hockey in a flash, but he still castrated and not only cut to Jue Ying. The demon wolf howled long, his limbs stunned, and his body as high as a small hill leaped into the sky, which could be dodged by the light of a knife. As for the hockey puck in the air, a bright red light appeared, and then it was dislocated up and down, and then scorching fire from the sky, swallowing the puck completely.

The seemingly endless diffusion of ice edges finally stopped.

Allen watched the magic wolf land again, Gaohu and others were still about to attack, but he suddenly closed his sword and said: "Time is almost up, stop attacking, you come with me!"

Gao Hu looked upset: "Master Earl, why don't you fight! Are you afraid that the big dog won't succeed?"

"Of course I'm not afraid, but I have another plan. Stop talking nonsense and come with me." Allen turned and walked quickly.

The other three looked at each other, and could only follow Alan. Jueying watched these uninvited guests make a big fuss, but now they want to escape, how could they let it go. The demon wolf roared and followed, and the drafts flew everywhere it passed, and the momentum was astonishing.

After a while, Jueying watched several humans sink into the cave, and it followed without hesitation.

"Your Highness, there is light over there, it should be an exit." In the cave, the only woman in the team said to Howson holding a torch.

Howson also saw the light, and walked forward without saying a word. This team in his hand can be described as a gathering of elites. Except that Diego was trained by him, the rest are all masters that Rodk has recruited for him from the imperial team. The tall man with heavy armor and shield comes from the Grizzly-backed Bear Armour ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The woman with double knives on her back is the elite of the Red Lion King Army. The two archers are from the Bucks Army, and the last black armored soldier All come from the dark wolf army of the night.

Except for the two legion systems of the Frostwind Dragon Army and the Shadow Corpse Eagle, they are not controlled by Rodek, so there is no elite participation. However, with the strength of this team, Lu Sen had no doubt about beheading Jue Ying. Besides, aren’t there still Julian’s people fighting? When His Royal Highness thought so, suddenly the light in front of him dimmed, and he vaguely saw something rushing into the cave. That figure is so huge that it almost completely blocks the light from the exit!

Behind them, the two archers of the Buck Army exclaimed at the same time, and one shouted: "Your Highness, be careful, it's Juying!" Their eyesight is more developed than that of ordinary people, and they can see clearly what they are exporting with the light of torches.

Howson was taken aback and cursed: "Damn, where's Julian's people? So what kind of **** count, just like this?"

Jueying rushed into the cave, already familiar with this passageway. As soon as he entered the cave, the fire on the side of Howson immediately attracted its attention, and the magic wolf was greatly annoyed. It turned out that the humans had reinforcements. As far as Jueying is concerned, humans look the same, so it naturally wouldn't tell whether the two groups of people were in the same group, and immediately ran towards the flames. After Jueying rushed away, behind a stone pillar in the cave, Allen poked his head out and smiled in the direction of the fire.

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