Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1097: Fisherman

Jueying gallops, the earth shakes the mountains. There was a rumbling muffled sound throughout the cave, as if a train rushed past. The demon wolf rushed straight, and the rocks on the road smashed to the left and right. The momentum alone was shocking enough, not to mention the coldness of Jue Ying's body. Wherever it went, the ground was frosty, so it went all the way, like laying a light blue carpet on the ground!

"His Royal Highness, step back!" The strong bearer roared, pulling the huge shield directly from behind, and then smashing it to the ground. An iron thorn with a thick arm suddenly popped out of the shield, which was inserted into the ground by a heavy-armored warrior for fixing purposes. At the same time, the warrior's source force soared with brilliance, and the source force gathered together, forming a shield-shaped barrier in front of him. This shield is just like the substance, with a heavy and thick feeling. The shield surface is dark, with flying golden flame patterns on the edges, and a bear head with clear texture in the middle. The eyes of the violent bear even jet thin fire light.

Jueying's big head hit the original force shield, and every texture on the shield lit up, and even the middle bear head protruded forward, and a violent bear phantom was drilled from the shield. The violent bear phantom roared, and then the shield was torn apart, the original force shield exploded into thousands of fragments, blowing several strong air currents and whistling toward it. After smashing the shield, Jueying hit the heavy armored warrior's great shield. However, with the buffer of the original force shield, the impact force of Jueying was weakened by more than half, and the remaining power of the heavy armored warrior could still be After bearing it, Jue Ying also slammed back with a shield.

After sliding three meters out, the heavy armored warrior resisted Juoying with a shield. There was a man's yell from the helmet, he pushed away Jueying's head, and then swept with a shield, making Jueying involuntarily staggered to the left.

The torch was thrown from the hands of the brown-haired female of the Lion King Army, fell on Jue Ying and then bounced to the ground next to it. The brunette woman drew out a pair of knives behind her back, and the blades rubbed each other, spouting raging flames. The woman swiped the two burning long swords in her hands flexibly, leaning forward and rushing towards Jue Ying.

Jueying was shaking his head at this time, and then there was a woman rushing in his sight. With a low growl, he raised his paw and patted. Seeing Jueying's claws swept across, the woman pulled a smile on her face, and suddenly she leaned back and slipped from Jueying's claws. Relying on the remaining kinetic energy of the forward thrust, she slid her back against the ground and slid under Jueyoung, swinging the burning long knife left and right, sweeping out patches of flame ripples and blasting on Jueyoung's limbs.

Jueying's body exploded again and again, and the flames spit out, and the shock wave of the explosion made it lose its balance, and suddenly fell to the ground, his chin hit the hard ground heavily.

Hausen's eyes lit up and he raised his sword and shouted, "Attack! Kill it now!"

He was the first to take the lead, and rushed over. The sword slashed away in the air, and the blade's blade pulled out a dark blade of light, drawing a full-strength arc, sweeping on Jue Ying like splashing ink. Under Yuan Li's collision, the dark Yuan Li flames exploded. The two black wolf army powerhouses were afraid of the big prince's loss, so they didn't dare to neglect, speeding up from his left and right sides. He attacked Jueyoung with his saber and mace. Behind Hausen, the archer from the Bucks armed his bow to shoot. Their arrows would always be entangled in a light green storm of source force. It will cause a violent explosion when it is in Jueying.

In the direction of the valley exit, Allen looked at the battlefield in the cave, squinted his eyes and said: "Hausen and the others cooperated very well."

"Lord Earl, are we just watching the show here?" Gao Hu stared and said, "Look, Jue Ying is about to kill them!"

"No hurry." Allen waved his hand: "If Jueying were to be killed so easily, he wouldn't live to this day. Let's see again."

At this moment, the temperature of the cave dropped suddenly. In this obvious cooling down, Jueying let out a long howl, and a chilly wave of air exploded from the surface of the demon wolf, forcing the people who besieged it away. It shook its big head and got up from the ground. The two spars on its back flashed and all the stripes inside were lit up. So on the ground, a circular wave of air was first rolled up, and then the airflow rotated faster and faster. With a bang, a tornado mixed with countless icy debris rushed up, and the surrounding area was very cold.

Boom boom boom! After connecting a few muffled noises, there were a few more frost tornadoes around Jueying. A total of six tornadoes quickly swept around and spread around when Jueying looked up and roared. The two black wolf army powerhouses were the closest, and they were caught by the Frost Tornado, suddenly throwing away the huge centrifugal force of the air current. The two collided in mid-air, and when they fell, they swept through another tornado and bounced back and forth.

The female double swords of the Lion King’s Army slashed continuously, blasting flame ripples on an oncoming tornado, using the heat of the flame to affect the trend of the tornado and neutralizing the strong chill contained in it. Under her continuous slashing, this frost tornado exploded, and the air current rushed away and blew her side. The flames of the two long knives in her hand visibly dimmed, and the thin frost rose up on her feet.

Only then did she have time to look at other companions.

The heavily armored warrior chased after Howson, with a big hand, he picked up Howson and threw it behind him. He raised his shield to face a tornado, and this time there was no time for him to gather the shield. The tornado hit him directly, his huge shield and heavy armor made his weight astonishing, the tornado could not blow him, but the astonishing cold in the airflow made him and the shield quickly freeze. The ice layer continued to thicken, and when the tornado passed, the heavy armored warrior had been frozen in a two-meter-high block of ice!

Six frost tornadoes whizzed through more than half of the cave. Everything was frosted everywhere, and the ground could see people. A strong black wolf army shook his head and wanted to stand up, but the ice layer under his feet was smooth, and he fell to the ground unsteadily. Jueying looked at him, and then galloped up. Every time the devil wolf's claws fell, he grabbed a piece of icy debris to maintain his balance. Seeing this, the brunette woman behind it immediately chased and slid behind Jue Ying with a pair of knives in hand.

Seeing to catch up with Jue Ying, the demon wolf in front suddenly shifted sideways and then turned around. Squat down and squat. The ice on the ground burst, ice chips flew all around, but Jueying hit and bumped like a cannonball. The woman couldn't stop her footsteps for a moment, and she couldn't avoid it, so she could only bounce and shrink her body to make a defensive posture. Then he hit Jue Ying directly, the light armor on her body groaned and deformed, the woman had bleeding from her eyes and her nose, she heard the sound of her own bones, and then flew out.

Jueying hit the ground, plunged his claws into the ice to stop his body, and then leaped forward. As soon as the strong black wolf army stood up again, he saw Jue Ying's huge mouth of the blood basin occupying all his sight. He only had time to scream, and Jueying bit his upper body. The big head of the demon wolf flicked left and right, blood flowing between sharp teeth. When it flew the man out, the corpse that fell to the ground looked like a broken doll.

Howson stared at all this in a dumbfounded manner, but in an instant, two of his men were killed and the other injured. Watching Jueying hit the heavy-armored warrior who had been blocked in the ice again, watching the Demon Wolf hit the elite of the Bear Armored Army, and then kept patting his body with his claws. Seeing the warrior's shield and armor gradually deformed, and blood oozes from the gaps in the armor, Howson, who had never understood what he was afraid of, felt cold in his hands and feet. His hand holding the saber began to tremble, and when he realized this, he was ashamed of his fear.

The eldest prince roared, carrying his sword to rush towards Jue Ying, but he slipped and fell into the sky. His actions caught Jueying's attention, and the heavy armored warrior ran towards Hausen instead.

"Protect Your Highness!" A Bucks Army archer rushed up desperately and jumped onto Jue Ying. He buckled three arrows at a time, and drew a bow at Jueying's unprotected neck. Three arrows were nailed into the devil wolf's neck, and Jueying screamed in pain. With a trembling of its body, it threw the archer off. As soon as he caught the claws, the leather armor on the archer could not protect him at all, and a few **** wounds suddenly appeared on his chest. He lay on the ground, still taking out an arrow and shooting it into Jueying's chin, and Jueying angrily slapped him on the chest. The archer's entire chest collapsed, and his eyes finally lost his spirit.

Howson got up at this moment, but Jueying still ran towards him with several arrows stuck in him. At this time, the Black Wolf Army soldier nearest to him was also ten meters away, and the farther archer was still attacking Jueying. It's just that the threat of those arrows is limited, and Jue Ying simply ignores it.

Death has never been so close.

Howson watched Jueying's mouth widened, and the sharp fangs were still stained with human blood, and the huge mouth of the blood basin came over his head. Howson's head was blank, and he even forgot to avoid it. He just lifted the long knife, and instinctively cut it to Jue Ying~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The big mouth of the magic wolf, biting the long knife and shaking his head, threw Howson and the knife into the air. The long knife was let go, and Howson began to drop.

The magic wolf opened his mouth wide, ready to welcome this delicacy from the sky.

At this moment, people in Hausen in the air saw a red light flashing horizontally. The magic wolf seemed to feel it, but before he could react, he brushed the light from his neck. At this time, the remaining black wolf army masters rushed, hugged Hausen in the sky and fell to the side. Howson rolled on the ground twice, then looked at the devil wolf. Jueying's head then began to tilt and slide down. The wolf's head with its mouth wide open fell to the ground, sparks flashing on the wound of the neck, the wound was directly charred by the high heat, and no blood was splashed. The headless wolf corpse shook, and finally fell to the ground with a bang.

The cave was surprisingly quiet, only the gasp sounded. Before Howson could react, he grabbed the thick teeth in Jueying's mouth with one hand, and then someone dragged the wolf's head out. When the man disappeared in the cave, Howson remembered something. He jumped up and shouted, "Let it go, Jueying is mine!"

Alan, who had already walked out of the cave, heard the grand prince's roar, and smiled back: "I don't think so." He didn't care whether Howson heard it or not, dragging this huge head and Regis and the others quickly left here. . When Howson chased him out, there was no such thing as Ellen in the mountains. The eldest prince was so angry that his chest was rising and falling, but he was helpless.

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