Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1102: Hearings

[This chapter is for "China's Little Fire". Congratulations to him for accumulating rewards for becoming a rudder master. Papa Papa (applause from others)]

Cutting the army, even if it is only disbanding the army of the viscount and baron, it still has a catastrophic impact to the noble class of the entire empire. The imperial nobles are like an ancient towering giant tree whose roots are intertwined and the relationship is extremely complicated. Perhaps an empire baron, or viscount, whose family is not worth mentioning in the empire. But above these families, there may be a certain earl or even the upper family of the marquis. The upper family gave shelter to the baron and the viscount, while the lower jazz served the upper family, thus forming the oldest relationship between the nobles of the empire.

On the surface, the dissolution of the army by the lords of the baron and the viscount seems to have little effect, but it is a catastrophic storm for those invisible interests. It disagrees with the same interests. In a short time, the families of the earls and marquis do not seem to have been affected much. But if the time is extended to a hundred years or more, the losses suffered by these families will be in the ruler of time. Accumulated a considerable number.

Therefore, as soon as the decree came out, it was not the barons and viscounts who responded the most. After all, they were too far away from the political core of the empire, as far as Tangliou could not hear them. It was the earls everywhere who opposed the loudest. Although the marquis remained silent, they used their own means to support those opposed voices. Only a few marquis openly supported Tangiero's decision, including the iron gun Hoy in the South.

But after all, there are only a few supporters, and more are opposed to it. Therefore, in the past few days, there have been parades and slogans hoping that Tangliou will change the decree. All this was within the emperor's expectation, so it didn't take long for Dawn Castle to hear new news, and Tangliou will hold a hearing in the palace five days later to hear the opinions of opponents. Let's not say whether the emperor will eventually change the law due to pressure, but at least this move has eased the emotions of opponents, but anyone who cares can see that this storm is far from over.

In the next few days, Olisga successively had earls or marquis who participated in the hearings. In the last ten years, this was the first time the imperial capital had so many great lords. Among the many adults who arrived in the imperial capital, the Marquis of Peel was definitely the most dissatisfied. It's just that Marquis of Peel's dissatisfaction is not entirely due to the cutting of the army, but more of it is signed by Tangliou himself, and an order is sent to the City of Flame.

The order required the Marquis of Peel to cancel all targeted actions against Dragonlance Town from now on, and if he ever forced the residents of the town to migrate, he would be punished by Tangliou. This was a bolt from the blue for the Marquis of Peel, and he never expected that Tangliou would give this order for those noble people. Later, after many inquiries, I realized that Alan took the opportunity to be alone with the emperor to make a request for Dragonlance Town.

For this reason, Peel hates Allen even more.

In a hotel in the imperial capital, the Marquis of Peel had just met the two earls, and after discussing how to deal with himself at the hearing, his servant sent the earls away. The Fat Marquis took a sip of the tea himself, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized it was not a taste. If there is no trouble with Alan, Longlance will be surrounded by his army early, and everything will follow his plan, and the residents of the town will be forced to leave.

But Peel didn't give them new land, so these residents would become poor homeless people. At this time, Peel will make some wonderful suggestions, such as let these poor people move to his city of flames, and they will be allocated some land on the edge of the city. Not much, just enough for them to squeeze together, but at least there is a family. As a newspaper, the blacksmiths in Longlance Town had to serve him unconditionally. This was Peel's real goal.

He had long been fond of the gun casting technology of the Gaocang clan. These stubborn guys could create sophisticated spears, and if they were operated properly, they could sell for three or even five times the price. He drove the blacksmith of the Gaocang clan to his city, and Peel was sitting on free labor, making a profitable calculation. It's a pity that Allen's appearance made his calculations come to nothing. The Marquis of Peel was quite unlucky. Before that, he had discovered a vein of ice crystals in the Coldridge Mountains, and his engineer vowed to say that it was just a side vein. If you follow the vines, you may touch the main line of resources.

But just after the Marquis of Peel built a secret mine, he was attacked by Shadow Fiends. The Coldridge Mountain Range is not in Peel's territory, and it is impossible for him to mobilize troops to deal with Shadow Demons. Otherwise, it is not clear to tell others that there are treasures hidden in the mountain that has been recognized as poor in resources since ancient times. Peel didn't want to share a cup of pie with others, so he could only postpone the matter and attack Longlance Town instead.

This connection plan went bankrupt, and the city of Flame was attacked by a group of unidentified creatures not long ago, and Peel could be described as utterly devastated. Now coupled with the imperial slashing order, this fat marquis has lost a lot of weight.

"There will always be a way," Peel murmured, "Isn't there still that adult."

Suddenly someone knocked on the door, and Peel said displeased: "Who is it? I didn't see that I was annoying!"

"You have a great temper, dear Lord Peel, what makes you so troubled?" A joking voice sounded from the door, and the person pushed the door directly regardless of whether Peel agreed or not.

Seeing the familiar black hair, Peel's heart thumped and jumped up and lost his voice: "My lord, why are you here? I have no news at all."

"I'm here to give our Majesty a surprise. If even you know, what kind of surprise is there?" The man with an imposing appearance smiled faintly.

Peel was frightened.

Soon it was the day of the hearing. On that day, Allen put on the Earl's uniform, and early in the morning followed Julian in the carriage to the mountain of dawn. Edward will accompany him. He will attend with Allen as a baron, and will present a letter of consent for the order to cut the army to Tangliou at the venue. This is Julian's arrangement, and Edward has no opinion on this~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Originally, Lola wanted to be Ellen's guard, but the Jazz was not allowed to bring the guard into the hearing, so Lola could only dispel this attention.

Early in the morning, there was a lot of traffic in front of the gate of the Palace of Liming. Even the prince Julian did not receive special treatment. He could only follow other carriages and accept the inspection of the gate guard. By the time I entered the palace, it was already in the sky, which delayed a lot of time. The venue was arranged in the Triumphal Palace. It is calculated that Alan has come to this palace for the third time, but the purpose of each visit is different.

Today, the gate of the Triumphal Palace is guarded by Tangerio’s “King’s Sword”. The brightly armored guards strictly check every entry to ensure that they do not bring weapons and guards into the arena.

PS: Next month is Labor Day, so it will explode anyway. Otherwise, April Fools’ Day will explode. Isn’t it justifiable if Labor Day does not explode? O()O If I say that there will be a vomiting blood on May 1st, can it explode A leader?

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