Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1103: Shocking changes in the palace

The guards of the King’s Sword can be described as fully armed today, which is different from the usual light attire. Today, the members of the Guards wear black uniforms as the base, and then cover with a layer of chain mail. The outside is silver with gold patterns. armor. A scarlet cloak was hung behind his back, with a circle of mink fur around the cloak, and a covered helmet on his head, with only one pair of eyes exposed. Bright red feathers are inserted in the helmet, and they move in the wind like flames.

The guard held the sword in his hand, majestic and majestic, showing the emperor's might. A total of 16 guards from the two rows of the King's Sword were assigned to the gate of the palace, and a captain of the guard and two guards checked the people who entered. The weapons that the Lord carried at any time were released at the request of the guards and placed on a weapon rack nearby. Alan, who knew that there was this rule, didn't bring the Scarlet King today, but only carried the devil's praise with him.

Seeing Julian, the guard stood straight and saluted the prince. Stained by Julian's light, and seeing that Alan had no obvious weapons on his body, the captain of the guard did not ask for a body search, so they let them pass. Walking into the Triumphal Palace, you can clearly feel the solemn atmosphere here, which is completely different from the previous two times. On the day of the award, the people in the Triumphal Palace were full of curiosity and anticipation. The atmosphere was not tense, but rather festive. When I met Tangliou for the second time, the palace seemed quiet, as if a thousand years of time were frozen here.

This time there were not so many honoring days, but those who came in were all high lords from all over the North. These earls and two or three marquis took their seats according to the arrangement of the guards, except for a few words of greeting. There is still one high platform in the center of the palace, which is the throne of the great emperor. On each side of the stage, there are four chairs arranged in a figure eight, which are prepared for other officials. The jazz attending the meeting below are divided into two sides, leaving a wide road in the middle. If the jazz at the meeting have opinions, they can walk on this wide road to face the king and put forward their own ideas.

Allen and the three people are only observers today, so they are led to the gallery on the left. There was a row of seats in the auditorium, but only three of them were seated.

When all the participants arrived, the guards closed the gate, and the entire Triumphal Palace was quiet enough to be heard. On the walls on both sides of the main hall, fierce beasts beheaded by members of the royal family of past generations silently watched the palace. They are witnesses of history, and today is no exception. After a while, the emcee sang: "Here the king!"

In the hall, everyone got up, no matter where they were, they all looked at the high platform.

On the high platform, Tangliou strode up, nodded to the people below, and sat on his throne. Then the former Prime Minister Nebot, Privy Council President Rogge, Justice Gendley and several other imperial ministers filed in, sitting on both sides of the platform. In the end, all the talents underneath went back to their seats, Tangerio's eyes swept across the audience, and slowly said: "I won't say anything extra. Since I have summoned you today, just ask if you have anything you want to say. All right."

The emperor’s opening remarks were very brief, but they kicked off the hearing. At the moment, a fat man with a bloated body, foundation powder on his face, and gold and silver on his body, moved to the middle of the wide road with difficulty. He half-kneeled to the emperor on the high platform. This movement was extremely difficult. The fat on his clothes and body made it difficult for him to kneel on the ground completely. At best, it was a squat.

In the auditorium, Julian looked at the fat man and smiled: "The parrot was the first one to come out, which is really surprising."

Allen cast an inquiring look.

The two princes interlocked their fingers: "That is the Earl of Bled. He was once nicknamed a parrot by his father, and he was proud of it. As far as I know, the Earl of Bled has a sister who is married to a baron. It seems that the baron’s title was bought with money, and that man is actually a big businessman. The relationship between our Earl Bled and his sister is unclear, and now no one can tell the baron’s. Whether the son is biological or Brad's. In short, with this well-earned brother-in-law, Brad has been seldom exposed in recent years. This is not because the Earl’s weight has increased every year. As for his cheap brother-in-law, he actually doesn’t care. The relationship between his wife and the earl is nothing more than a name. The jazz started his career as a slave, and the slave-catching squad of the year has now become a private army of 800 lords. Even slave-catching is no longer called slave-catching. , It's called conscription, what a high-sounding excuse."

At this time, Brad used his usual ostentation to praise the emperor first. It wasn't until even the emperor himself was impatient that the earl got into the topic: "Your Majesty, the empire was shot from blood and corpses. The founding emperor also said that if the empire is to prosper, it must be bloody. There are local lords and private armies. This tradition is deeply ingrained in people's hearts. I personally think that it is very inappropriate to overthrow the ancient precepts of the first emperor."

Tangerio on the high platform sneered: "At the beginning of the empire, Olísca was just a fortress. Later, there was a small town and then to a city. Hundreds of years have passed, Olísca Expanding and expanding, we have today's scale. Brad, if everything follows the ancient precepts, don't I have to do nothing? The empire needs to remain **** and needs to change, and the latter is the foundation for continued prosperity! "

Brad has never been a brave person. Even if he opposes cutting the army, he dare not raise it directly before he has to play a card that is "violating the ancient teachings". Seeing Tangliou's displeased face, he didn't dare to hold on any longer, smiled awkwardly, and quickly retreated.

As soon as the parrot went down, another person stepped wide. This man is tall, with majestic features, and has a beautiful beard, but the bags under his eyes are a little blue, and he looks long drunk. He knelt and bowed to Tangliou neatly and said: "Your Majesty, my eldest brother is Baron White Raven, the place is poor in resources, and there are thieves everywhere. If it hadn’t been for your eldest brother and his army to stand by for many years, I’m afraid your territory would not In the territory of Bai Crow Ridge. It’s just that the big brother’s contribution is not obvious, and it is far from being passed on to His Majesty’s ears. However, if there is no credit, there will be hard work. If his army is suddenly cut off, let alone whether the imperial army sent to the territory can be Adapting to the water and soil there is just for the eldest brother and his soldiers. His Majesty’s move will undoubtedly negate all their contributions, and it may damage his prestige."

"Count Bettany, a man of mere appearance. Regardless of his superficial majesty, he is actually a dirty guy in the interior. What is the most in Bettany's territory? There are the most brothels. Where do those prostitutes come from? Humph, it's not his elder brother's credit. The white crows are indeed rampant, but the biggest thief leader is the eldest brother of Count Bettany!" Julian said in a contemptuous tone.

Allen shook his head when he heard it. If it weren't for Julian's point, it would be hard to tell from the surface that this Count Bettany was such a stuff. Allen thought to himself that even if this guy could not be an earl, he would be more than enough to be an actor.

On the high platform over there, Tangierou slowly said: "Bettany, although the empire wants to abolish the jazz’s military power, it is not without compensation. Don’t look at me from leaving the palace, but lords everywhere, everyone has a copy here. Account. In the account, I remember clearly, those who have merit, reward! If your eldest brother is really as he said, he will get more generous compensation than what he has now."

"However, if he has ever had it, then it is not a matter of just cutting the army and revealing it lightly."

Bettany's whole body shook when he heard it, his lips were smacked but he couldn't say anything else, so he had to withdraw. Next, several earls and a marquis came forward again and again, each expressing what they had seen, although they had different fronts, but they came to the same goal by different routes, all hoping that Tangierou would cancel the decree of cutting soldiers. Sitting on a high platform, the emperor occasionally responded, saying that those opponents could not resist. After the ten or so knights all expressed their opinions, Julian secretly prepared Edward to find an opportunity to present the consent letter.

At this moment, another knight walked into the broad road. The man was so generous, his forehead was sweating, his body was trembling, and he couldn't tell whether he was nervous or afraid. Alan squinted his eyes, and he saw the man's hands close together, as if there was something hidden in his hands. Julian next to him said "Huh" and said softly: "This is Count Forun. He has always supported the various political opinions of his father. When the teacher first proposed the proposal of cutting the army a few years ago, Count Forun clearly supported him. Come against cutting the army today?"

Tangerio on the high platform also sat up a little bit, frowning and said: "Fran, what? Even you are against it? Come, come, and just put it forward here."

Count Forlan was over fifty, his hair was gray, and an unnatural blush appeared on his face, which seemed to be extremely excited. His hands trembled, and his voice trembled: "Your Majesty, the lord cutting the army is really a ridiculous proposal. Your Majesty has not passed it before, but now he is going the other way. With your majesty's wisdom, how can you not understand the pros and cons? His Majesty’s move today must have been deceived by some people!"

Tangierou couldn't help looking at Nebot, and the Prime Minister also looked up, and the two eyes quickly met in mid-air. Nebot shook his head, but Tangerio nodded. No one knew what they were thinking, probably only they knew it.

At this time, Earl Fran slowly withdrew his close hands and said in a trembling voice: "If the army cut order is implemented, it will split the empire. I cannot let this happen. Since your majesty’s eyes have been blinded, Let me remove this person for your Majesty!" His right hand was finally raised, and a deep blue spar Zhengyi between his five fingers revealed gleams of brilliance, with lines floating in it, and a violent breath of source power suddenly rose in the Triumphal Palace.

"Thunder is furious!"

"Is old Fran crazy?"

"Stop him!"

There are no shortage of knowledgeable people in the palace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In an instant, someone recognized that the spar in the hands of the Earl of Forren was the thunder rage known for its destructive power. If the power of the spar in the earl's hand is fully released, I am afraid that the entire Triumphal Palace will blow up to the sky. The light in Tangiero's eyes skyrocketed, and the emperor got up slightly, but someone was faster than him. Seeing a red light flashed in the hall, the spar in Folun's hand began to dim. The old earl opened his eyes wide, and then he realized that his palm slipped off slowly, falling down along with the thunder and fury.

Still halfway through, a hand stretched out and lightly took out the spar from the broken palm. The smooth surface of the spar reflected Alan's face.

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