Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1104: Rebian of Chaos

Alan knelt on the ground, handing the thunder rage to a guard of the King's Sword before he looked at Tangiero on the high platform: "I'm sorry, your Majesty. It happened suddenly, I can only cut down the Buddha. Earl Lun’s palm caused the Earl to be injured. Please punish him."

Tangerio raised his hand and waved, Fran used his own power to activate Thunder Fury. If it was him, he could only cut off the palm of the old count. Otherwise, if you attack Thunder Fury or the Earl itself, it may cause Thunder Fury to be launched in advance, and then it will be out of control. With the palm of Fran's hand, the lives of dozens of His Highnesses were exchanged, which is lighter and heavier, Tangliou can still tell himself, and of course he will not punish Alan for this.

Allen bowed his head and thanked, and left. Tangerio looked at Fran, who was holding his broken wrist, and opened his mouth to say something, but could not speak. At this time, Prime Minister Nebot stood up and said respectfully toward the platform: "Please leave first."

The president of the Privy Council and the justice also proposed Tangereo to leave the scene. The emperor could only sigh and stand up and leave the high platform. The guard of the King's Hand in the Triumphal Palace followed the king. After the emperor had left, Nebot turned and looked at Fran: "Do you have anything to say?"

The old earl's face was earthy, sitting on the ground with a wry smile. Allen glanced at him, but felt a sense of relief in his smile, Allen frowned, as if things were not as simple as the surface. The key lies in the change of Earl Forren’s attitude. Even though he has different views on the issue of cutting soldiers, from his support a few years ago, to today he is going to attack Nebot with thunder and fury. This attitude is a 180-degree change. This is really abnormal.

At this time, a jazz shouted: "No one will come and take this old guy down."

"Looking at Old Folun to bring in the thunder rage, this defense is too lax?"

"We are almost dead, we must punish him severely!"

The knights said rushingly, the front door of the Triumphal Palace opened, and guards strode in, but they were no longer the guards of the king's sword, but the silver frost iron guard with silver armor and white draped. These guards responsible for the safety of the palace entered in file, with dozens of people. The two sides of the Iron Guard were separated, and a group of seven people walked in front of the Earl of Forlan. The leader was a captain of the Iron Guard, waving his hand: "Take the earl down."

Two knights helped the earl up, the other four guarded the front and back, and six quickly left. The Captain of the Iron Guard looked at Nebot and the others again: "Please leave first, sirs, and leave it to us."

Naibo nodded his head with a special characteristic: "You have to cross-examine carefully. Forun is not like this person, there may be difficulties."

"My lord, please rest assured, we will not let go of any clues."

The Prime Minister was relieved and left with the other important ministers. After they leave, the other Jazz will also leave. Since this hearing cannot go on, they have no need to stay there anymore. Unexpectedly, someone walked to the entrance of the main hall. Suddenly the two iron guards crossed their swords outside the door and blocked the way. The jazzy immediately roared: "What's the matter, let me back!"

The Captain of the Iron Guard in the temple said lightly: "I'm afraid this won't work."

"What do you mean? Do you think we are accomplices?"

"Even Iron Frost and Iron Guards can't do this, we are the Earl of the Empire!"

The crowd immediately exploded, especially the Earl of Bled. The jazz who claimed to be "Your Majesty's Parrot" was very "heroic" at this time. He didn't say anything in his mouth, and almost pulled up his sleeves to teach the Iron Guard. long. All Silver Frost Guards, including the captain, kept restraint, but used long swords to mechanically separate the crowd. Among these people, there are no lack of knights with good combat power, and not all of them have empty titles like Brad, but have no combat power. Those people released their qi, and the entire triumphal palace was immediately drawn up.

Julian stepped up to the high platform and exclaimed: "Stop it all!"

Allen assisted by himself, released the air machine, and activated the marking. Suddenly the temperature of the main hall rose, and a mighty power rushed up with scorching flames, and everyone's sight blushed, and sparks drifted down. At this moment, Alan's power on the high platform was like a mouthful of a furnace, which instantly suppressed the rest of his energy, making it impossible for people to deliberately ignore it, so everyone naturally looked towards the high platform.

Seeing that success attracted everyone's attention, Allen put away a little power, but still gave people a sense of condensedness. The invisible tension made people who want to make trouble not dare to act rashly for fear of incurring Allen's attack. Julian nodded, and stepped forward: "My sirs, please stay calm. What happened today is a matter of great importance. No wonder the silver frost and iron guards have to be cautious. After all, they are responsible for the safety of the Dawn Fort Palace. It’s not too careless."

With Julian's words, the Captain of the Iron Frost Guard also said in his tone: "It is true that the second prince said that Earl Forun was able to bring the thunder and fury into the Triumphal Palace. This matter is not trivial. Please cooperate with all the adults. Our investigation will delay you adults for some time. After we ask some questions, we will naturally let the adults leave."

He turned to Gaotai again: "His Royal Highness Julian can leave first."

Julian shook his head: "I also want to find out how Earl Forren brought Thunder's fury into the palace."

Since the second prince said so, the Captain of the Iron Guard would not force him to leave. Suppressed by Allen's momentum, another second prince expressed his attitude. No matter how dissatisfied the people in the temple are, they dare not object at this time, otherwise it will be different from admitting accomplices. At this time, it is even more necessary to cooperate with Tie Wei's work to remove suspicion.

Tangierou was walking towards the King's Landing Hall, which was his residence, and all the kings of the past lived in this hall, and he was no exception. Today, a hearing was disrupted. The emperor's expression should not be happy, and his gray-blue eyes were full of solemnity. The emperor has experienced many ups and downs in his life, how could he not see that today's Earl Forren's move is strange? Reminiscing about the expression of Old Fran when he left his seat, Tangerio fixed the picture in his mind at a certain moment with his amazing memory.

At that moment, a special look flashed in Old Folan's eyes. That's fear. How could an earl who plans to create an explosion in the Triumphal Palace be afraid? Unless, that is not his voluntary.

Who was intimidated by Old Folun?

Tangriou stopped abruptly, and he squinted his eyes to look towards the corridor ahead. It was almost noon, and the sun was bright, pouring from the sky, dragging out the shadows of stone pillars in the corridor. On the left side of the corridor is a garden with flowers in full bloom. Usually at this time, there will be bees buzzing in the flowers, but this moment is a bit quiet. The emperor smiled coldly: "When will I hide, although I am very curious how you sneaked in. But now that you are here, get out of here!"

Suddenly, a powerful force soared to the sky.

The light from the corridors and even the garden became extremely dim, like dark clouds in the sky. But the sky is still clear, and the illusion that the space is dark is due to the suppression of the opponent's power. Tangerio was naturally unaffected by any influence, and the King's Sword guards beside him also dissipated radiantly after a moment, resisting the pressure of the power and power of the coming. Captain Erin shouted: "Disperse, defensive formation!"

Twenty-six guards immediately dispersed, protecting Tangliou in the center. At this moment, a hundred steps away from the crowd, the shadow of a pillar twisted, and then a figure slowly walked out from behind the shadow. The other party seems to appear between the shadow and the matter, as if there is another space in the two. This figure is tall and close to three meters in height, giving him an amazing sense of oppression. His whole body was wrapped in a dark cloak with torn edges, only half of his face was exposed.

On that face was a pair of black eyes without white eyes. There was occasionally a blue flame rising inside, like a flash of ice. One side of his head is covered with gray hair, and the other side is shaved cleanly. It is embedded with metal armor pieces. There are several short cones on the nail pieces, and there is an electric snake jumping at the tip of the cone. A hoarse voice came from the cloak covering the nose: "King of mankind, you will be buried here today. This is the victory of the shadows. Darkness will come back to this land, as before."

"Oh, does it depend on you? The three warlords of the Shadow Principality, Lord Ruibian of Chaos?"

Tangerio's face was calm, but his words made Erin, the captain of the guard next to him, his heart tightened. There are three great warlords in the shadow duchy, each of which is a terrifying powerhouse. "Chaos" Ruibian is one of them. It is said that this great warlord is better at stealth and assassinations than fighting for supremacy on the battlefield, but Erin never expected that the great warlord of the shadow duchy would come to the palace. There is nothing more terrible than this.

The strong alien named Ruibian stretched out his hand and pressed the cloak. The cloak on his body that was used to cover his figure should have disappeared, revealing Ruibian's strange body. Erin's eyes widened, the alien powerhouse in the corridor is simply a mixture of life and metal. He is tall but not strong, and his skin exposed to the air is in a state of light gray. It is not known whether it is due to ethnic characteristics or other reasons. From below the nose, Ruibian's face is wrapped in a piece of metal iron. From the perspective of the fusion of the edges and muscles of the iron plate, it seems that the thing is embedded on it and becomes an inseparable part of Ruibian's body.

In addition, the left arm, right chest, and right leg of the great warlord were all shiny with metal. They do not look like armor, but part of Ruibian’s body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now Erin somewhat understands why Ruibian has the name "Chaos", and his name is reflected in this body. Exhaustive.

At this moment, Rebian raised his hand and pointed towards Tangiero. Suddenly, a figure surrounded by black mist flashed from the shadow of the corridor. In those figures, there was a scarlet fluorescent light. These shadows are weird in size and different in height. The only thing in common is that the murderous aura they exude is as sharp as a blade!

Erin raised his sword and pointed: "King’s sword, fight! Don’t let these dirty guys touch your majesty!" The figures that broke through the black mist came from different races in the Principality of Shadow, but they had one thing in common. Name, dark dagger. This was an assassination force commanded by Ruibian. In an instant, Tangerio's King's Sword had already clashed with the Dark Dagger, and Captain Erin even burst out, doing his part to prevent Chao Ruibian from rushing over.

PS: It is still three-shift today, for the deep black and white rewards!

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