Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1106: Shaking conspiracy

[Thanks to the addition of a rudder master in "Huaxia Zhihuo" yesterday, and today's addition is still for him. In addition, thank you brother Xiang, Su and Z Taotian in the war for your support! ]

The guard only had a standard long sword in his hands. Of course, this sword was excellent. It was made of high-quality steel and was forged to be very sharp. Otherwise, it would not have become a sword for the King's Sword. Now this sword is showing its most dazzling brilliance since it was released. The flame is erupting from the inside out, the long sword is burning, and the flame is deep. The core of the burning sword is a blazing white, then it transitions to light yellow in the middle, and then to orange red on the outside. The flame on the sword is like a snake walking along the dragon, and the weather is severe, like the tail of a comet that crosses the sky in summer, stabbing towards Tangliou's vest!

The emperor's cloak ignited spontaneously without fire, and a circle of flames burned and spread from the direction of the sword's finger as the origin.

Tangriou's thoughts flashed.

The thunder and fury in Fran's hands, the quietly lurking Rebian, and the mysterious guard who has suddenly turned averted at this moment, all these are strung together at this moment. Tangierou finally knew that all this preparation was only for the sword in front of him!

He turned and faced the sword of fire that had become drawn toward his chest.

Rebian's pupils contracted, and the dark dark fire, deep purple electric light, indigo frost and green fog surged behind him, and they mixed together to form a chaotic source force storm. The storm pushed Ribian toward Tangiero. Two daggers in the hands of the Grand Warlord dragged Frost, Wind, Electricity, Fire, and outlined two tensioned arcs, stabling the human king from top to bottom.

Tangliou is all enemies!

Suddenly roared into the sky, like the roar of the king of beasts, Tangerio transmitted golden light from every inch of his body, and the radiance of the source was full of endless hegemony, and there was a sense of suppressing everything. The fire of the comet on the sword of the mysterious guard, the chaotic storm entangled between the two swords of Ribian, were all dimmed before the rising sun in the garden. Then the golden light soared and wrapped the three figures.

Guard Captain Erin swung his sword and flew an alien assassin. He turned and looked in the direction of the emperor. The dazzling light made him squint. Exhausting his eyes, he could only see a strange color in front of him, and a continuous loud sound filled with his ears.

The tide of light slowly gathered, and Erin finally barely saw the three figures.

The cloak on Tangerio's body had been burned out by the fire, and he was holding a broken sword in his hand, and the flame on the sword died down. The long sword broke, and the broken part fell to the ground and was turning into molten iron. A drop of blood fell between the fingers of the palm of the emperor's hand, dripping onto the coke-like ground, and evaporating instantly.

On the ground that was originally paved with lawns, a scorched area of ​​hundreds of square meters appeared. There was still red flame jumping on the charred ground, and purple electricity flashed. Tangierou stood in the center of the charred ground, standing tall.

With a scream, Rebian flew out. When the person was in the air, his metal arm swelled suddenly to the size of a bull's arm and then exploded. Numerous flame-flaming metal fragments splashed around, falling like rain. The alien warlord slid to a fountain a hundred meters away, tapped his toes, and the stone sculptures of the fountain collapsed from top to bottom, and he turned to the direction of other palaces.

As soon as Rubick left, the remaining alien assassins dared not stay and fled. But they are not Rubik after all, and the swords of the king did not intend to let them go, so it was another chase.

At this time, there was a whistling sound coming from outside the garden, and several powerful air machines rolled in, and it seemed that several powerful people sitting in the palace were rushing.

Tangerio and the mysterious guard looked at each other, and no one spoke, the atmosphere was extremely strange. Suddenly the guard turned around and flew, but the route he escaped was toward the Triumphal Palace. At this time, Allen just ran out from the back door of the Triumphal Palace, and came to the collapsed corridor a few turns, and then saw a man dressed as a guard of the King's Sword approaching. That popularity machine is huge, with a hint of heat, is it the strength that ordinary guards can have. The flame pattern on Alan's body lit up, but at this moment, Tangierou yelled: "Don't stop him!"

Since the emperor had spoken, how dared to block the way, Alan could only retreat and retreat sideways. The man passed by him and turned his head to see that the two blue eyes on the helmet contained too much meaning. After seeing this, he changed his course again, bypassing the Triumph Palace and crashing into a small forest, leaving the dust.

Allen was overwhelmed and came to Tangliou's side to kneel and salute. Suddenly two figures jumped in from behind the palaces on the east and west sides, rushed to the scorched garden, and when they saw Tangliou kneel down, they shouted in unison: "I'll be late, please give me your sin!" To these two people, the one on the left, dressed in gold-plated scale armor, dropped a crimson cloak, was holding a long-horned helmet with one hand, and his head was buried deep on the ground with no appearance. The one on the right is a pale blue armor, with silver lines on the armor depicting crystalline patterns like ice and snow. Two short silver-gray cloaks hang from the back of the shoulder armor, and two long knives are crossed behind it. This person is younger, but he is also about thirty years old.

The auras on the two of them are extremely powerful, and the natural light of the source of the body surface is dazzling, not much inferior to Tangiero. Alan was stunned to himself that there was such a strong man in the palace, but he had no idea before.

"Sharo, Lien. Get up, a lot of things have happened today. I don't have the strength to punish you. I will leave the things here to you. I will come to the palace first." Tangiero finally released his sword. , The broken sword fell to the ground and it became ashes. There was a deep blood trough in the hand of the great emperor. Seeing the two kneeling men trembling all over, they didn't know whether they were angry or afraid.

Tangierou glanced at Allen again, but said nothing, raising his foot to leave. When he walked away, the silver armored man suddenly hammered the ground with both hands, and the surrounding scorched ground burst suddenly, and dust and smoke a few meters high spewed from the cracks. He stood up, gritted his teeth and said: "It is my shame to hurt your majesty. That alien powerhouse is extremely chaotic. It should be Rubik of the three major warlords. But who is the other one?"

"I don't know, but Lien, it is my responsibility to protect your majesty, so your so-called shame should be placed on me." The middle-aged strong man with golden scales also stood up, at this moment Ai Lun saw his appearance clearly. He has an angular face, thick eyebrows raised, his eyes sharp, full of fortitude. He hammered his breastplate hard: "Let your majesty be attacked, my personal guard commander is really unqualified."

At this moment, Julian also came from the Triumphal Palace and saw the two men sullenly said: "Commander Sharo, and commander Lien, where are you going. Such a big thing has happened, you only appeared at this time!"

The silver armored strong man named Lien smiled bitterly: "Your Highness, it's a long story."

When leaving the palace, Allen found that the number of Silver Frost Guardians had more than doubled. Of course, thinking of what happened today, it was only natural that Lien, the leader of the Silver Frost Iron Guard, would have such an arrangement. In the garden, even though the two commanders had only taken a few simple sentences, behind those few sentences, there was a hint of a shocking conspiracy.

It turns out that the two commanders both received the order from the emperor today and left the palace early. What is surprising is that the two commanding handwritings named the emperor, Sharo and Lien two commanders have served the emperor for many years, how can they not recognize Tangliou's handwriting, so there is no doubt. When they heard that the palace was attacked by alien assassins, they didn't rush, but it was delayed because of the journey.

Thinking about it now, obviously those two orders were forged, and the intention was to mobilize the two powerhouses in this palace so as to create opportunities for Ruibian and the mysterious guardian. So what about Tangliou's handwriting? Who on earth is deliberately imitating the handwriting of the emperor, so as to pave the way for today's action.

This person must be very close to Tangliou, otherwise, how could he be so familiar with the handwriting of the Great that even the two commanders could not see the flaws. On a deeper level, this person also intimidated the Earl of Fran. The purpose of that thunder rage was not to create an explosion at all, but to make Tangiero leave the temple and step into the opponent’s carefully arranged killing game. . But Tangliou saw through the lurking of Rebik first, causing a flaw in this perfect killing. Otherwise, if the emperor didn't notice and waited until Rubick took the initiative to take the initiative, then the mysterious guard would stab him at a critical moment, maybe Tangerio would really fall today.

The difference in this step is the difference between heaven and hell.

Alan thought about it afterwards. This killing was interlocking. If this is not a conspiracy, what is a conspiracy?

Two days later, Julian and Allen came to a study room in King's Landing Hall. Tangliou was flipping through a book in the study room. Allen caught a glimpse of the words on the cover page that read Knight's Travels. Hearing the opening of the door, the emperor finally raised his head, still reading the book saying: "When I was young, I liked to read this kind of travel notes. I often imagined that I was a free knight and went wherever I wanted. At that time, Ma Sen often laughed. I'm a foolish dream. He said that as long as I have royal blood on my body, I don't want to travel freely. So sometimes I envy those guys of the Ten Saints. They are much more free than me."

"Father, your body?" Julian asked in a low voice.

Tangerio put down the book, raised his head and said calmly: "Rebic's two swords won't kill me, so I told me to unscrew his arm. But that monster will soon install a new one on himself. Arm, it just takes time to get used to it."

"More than one Ruibian attacked you that day."

"That's right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I thought about it for two days, but decided to tell you who that person is."

At this time, the door of the study was opened, and Prime Minister Nebot, Sharo and Lien filed in. They nodded slightly when they saw Julian and Allen, and they said hello, and then saluted Tangliou together. The emperor waved his hand to let them not be restrained, and then looked a little at a loss as if they were falling in a distant place. Tangerio has always been an energetic and focused person, and he rarely loses his mind like he is now.

Nebot gave a light cough, and the emperor's eyes refocused, and his gaze flicked across the people in the study, and he said in a heavy tone: "Here I want to be public, except for the Grand Warlord Ruby of the Principality of Shadow that attacked me that day In addition to Ke, there is another person."

"Master Sword, Ma Sen!"

The atmosphere of the study suddenly froze.

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