Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1107: Rebellious

There was a soft sigh in the study.

Allen looked at Nebot, and the soft sigh just now came from the Prime Minister. After a long talk with Princess Shana, we can see that the relationship between Tangliou and Mason is not shallow. The emperor thought of his old feelings, and had always been tolerant of what Ma Sen did. Nebot's sigh today was a sigh that the friendship between the two men has come to an end. After all, it was Tangliou who personally uttered the identity of the mysterious guardian from his mouth, which was already an obvious signal.

Mason's actions have been shaken to the root of the empire, and Tangliou can no longer pretend to be deaf and dumb. Only today will a few people be called and the assassin's identity will be revealed in front of everyone.

Tie Shuangwei leader Lien sighed: "If it is Grand Duke Mason, then everything will make sense."

Sharo, the commander of the King's Sword next to him, snorted from his nostrils: "That man is no longer qualified to be the Grand Duke of our empire!"

Tangerio raised his hand and waved, his gaze fell on Lien: "What did you find?"

"Many, Your Majesty." Lien's face looked heavy: "On the day of the hearing, I checked the Tiewei's transfer diary and found some problems. One of my team captains changed the transfer without authorization, which made the counterfeit Tiewei be able to Entering the Triumphal Palace, it was delayed for a long time. After the investigation, the captain was missing, but his body was found in a ditch in the third district yesterday."

"Quiet it?" Tangliou was not surprised: "What about Old Forun? What did he confess?"

"No, Earl Forren would not say anything, so we had to start with his family. So I sent someone to visit the Earl's mansion, only to find that his wife and children had left Olísgar long before the hearing day. According to the people in his house, it seems to have been picked up. Also, during the royal spring hunting period, someone visited the Earl of Forren."

"who is it?"

"From the description of the servant, it should be Mrs. Natasha."

Tangierou raised his forehead and said, "That woman from the Twin Snake Chamber of Commerce, well, she has been dealing with Mason all the time. Needless to say, she must be the one who picked up the relatives of Old Fron. It happened in Spring Hunter. During that time, it was when I was not in the imperial capital that Old Folun was intimidated by him."

"The subordinates think it should be the same, so the old earl dare not say anything."

"anything else?"

Lien opened his mouth and knocked on the door before he had time to speak. Tangriou looked a little unhappy, but still said solemnly: "Come in."

A tall man strode in. He was wearing a silver-white armor with light blue pierced flowers as decoration, and a light blue cloak was hung down like snow in the cold winter. He bowed to Tangliou and saluted: "I'm sorry to disturb your majesty and sirs."

"General Woodrick?" Tangliou actually stood up: "What happened?"

Julian next to him whispered: "This is the general of the Frostwind Dragon Army. The Dragon Army is responsible for the safety of the imperial capital. There must be something serious about Woodrick's presence here."

Alan's heart was shocked, and he hurriedly raised his ears, not daring to miss a word.

The general of the Dragon Army buried his head and said: "Just received the news, the Gushan side issued a declaration. Your Majesty, with all due respect, this declaration is really unruly!"

Tangriou's ten fingers were slightly closed, and he cut deep finger marks on the solid wooden table: "You speak."

Woodrick raised his head to look at his king: "Your Majesty, the proclamation is stinky and long, and the wording is cumbersome, so I won't go into details. The most important part is like this: the king is stupid and the jester is treacherous, causing The empire is full of grievances. When the army is cut, it is against the imperial order. It is at the time when the aliens are waiting for the empire. The empire is suffering from internal and external troubles. In the name of my Ma Sen, I call on the whole country to gather the insightful and talented people in the Gushan Flame Fort. With the flames in our chest, the empire will live forever..."

"After this statement, there are also various requirements. For example, His Majesty must abdicate, the Prime Minister must be sent to the gallows, Prince Seves becomes the crown prince, etc." Woodrick looked up at the emperor and saw that his shoulders were light. Shaking, if your eyes breathe fire, shut up now.

Sure enough, there was a roar in the study, and the emperor hit the desk with a fist, and the desk fell apart, and the "Knight's Travels" exploded into thousands of pages, slowly falling in front of Tangliou's eyes. Everyone knelt down quickly, the emperor's chest rose and fell, and he said for a long time: "No wonder Seves didn't do much in the spring hunting. It turns out that Ma Sen had already made up his calculations and was ready to do nothing. Make a fuss."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Ma Sen's declaration was sent to hundreds of nobles, large and small, across the country with fast horse letter crows. Now many lords in the north and south have responded openly, and Ma Sen has closed the road to Gushan. The three cities of Milahan, Sharpstone, and Pike in the ice field. All officials and families who refuse to be loyal to him will be driven away..." Woodrick said solemnly: "How is Mason doing this different from rebellion? Please also Your Majesty ordered, crusade against Ma Sen!"

Tangerio looked at the ceiling of the study room, his eyes flashed a little sad: "Mason, Mason, what do you want, do you have to let me be the throne before you are willing to stop?" He shook his head. When he looked at Nebot again, his eyes were already full of absolute color: "My Prime Minister, I will trouble you to draft an essay to announce the crimes of Ma Sen for me, so that the world can see his true face! "

"I am willing to serve you, Your Majesty." Nebert bent down and bowed.

Tangerio looked at the dragon general again: "My general, gather the army. Since Mason wants a war, I will give him a war. I can tolerate his previous actions, but he did it for Power can also collude with foreign races. This has crossed my bottom line. I can give him everything, but I cannot let my people live under the threat of foreign races. Ma Sen must pay for this!"

"I am waiting to fight for your Majesty!" Lien and Sharo looked at each other ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and knelt and said.

Allen stabbed Julian with a look of excitement without a trace. The latter reacted and immediately knelt down with Allen and shouted: "I am willing to conquer Mason on behalf of my father. At the Fortress of Flame, I will definitely insert it. Get on the golden battle flag of the two lions!"

Tangiero looked at Julian and fell on Alan again, without speaking, but nodding. With his nod, Julian was shaking with excitement. The emperor's consent to his expedition was undoubtedly his greatest encouragement. Julian realized that after the Royal Spring Hunting, this would be another major turning point in his life. When he returns from Blazeburg, he will completely surpass Hausen and become the best candidate for the crown prince!

When Allen left the King’s Landing Palace with the excited second prince, Seves and his mother knelt before the stone steps of the palace, burying their heads on the ground, loudly requesting the emperor’s sin and expressing their desire to sever relationship with Ma Sen. Obviously, the four princes also received the declaration issued by Ma Sen. In fact, at the same time that Ma Sen issued the declaration, it also meant that he would give up Seves and his sister and treat them as abandoned sons.

It is conceivable that if Tangliou vented his anger on their mother and son, Seves and his mother would probably die. The power struggle is so cruel.

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