Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1108: Night of the Imperial Capital

[Little Fire of China, this chapter is still for his rewards! ]

The gentle moonlight swept across the streets of Olísca like water, casting mottled shadows between the clock tower and the high walls. Although the night is dark, it is not dim. Above the sky, stars are shining, and the night sky to the north is faintly fired, as if flames are tumbling above the nebula. If the gentle moonlight is a woman, then the prosperous and beautiful Olísca is a majestic and polite man, they are leaning against each other without distinction.

Many people have fallen asleep, and too many things have happened today. People can only use sleep to calm the excitement and anger in their hearts. Yes, angry. The declaration of Gushan Blaze Fort is no secret. One day's effort is enough to let the people of the imperial capital know clearly. Living near the political circles of the entire human kingdom, even traffickers and pawns are more concerned about the political affairs of the empire than people in other places. After hearing the declaration of Blaze Castle, the pubs of the empire were full one after another. People drank alcohol in the pubs and yelled at Mason for rebelliousness. They were even more angry than the king.

In the afternoon of the same day, Fort Dawn sent a message to Duke Mason. This essay is concise and logically rigorous. It points out that Mason has intimidated the old Earl Fran, colluded with foreign races, assassinated the king and other unjust crimes. For this reason, the empire officially banned Ma Sen's title, and required Ma Sen to unconditionally open the three cities of Mirakhan, Jianshi, and Pike; disband the army and personally go to the imperial capital for trial.

This declaration made the people of the imperial capital complain, and at the same time, the beer sales of various pubs soared by 30%. In the end, people even paraded the streets chanting the name of the emperor, and of course they cleaned the house for the guards.

At this time, Olísca really calmed down. But not everyone has fallen asleep. For example, the Prime Minister, Naibot is not sleepy. He was in his study room, holding the wine glass in his hand, looking at the night view outside the window in silence. The Prime Minister furrowed his eyebrows, he was not as optimistic as the people in the imperial capital. It was not a good time to launch a crusade against Mason at this time, but the declaration of the Right Flame Fort forced Tangliou to make this decision. It can be said that Mason has mastered an excellent time mobile hand. At this moment, the shadow Principality gathers troops from the north and the south, and the imperial army is bound to respond. At this time, Mason is in trouble, and the army that Tangriou can mobilize becomes limited.

At least, Flame Fort now only needs to face the Frostwind Dragon army, instead of facing multiple elites of the Empire at the same time.

Furthermore, according to the information currently available to the empire, several real power lords are known to have joined Mason's alliance. So even after Mason was put down, there would still be an inevitable far-reaching influence on the empire. Especially in the presence of foreign races, this influence will be greater and deeper.

Nebot could not help but sigh, if Tangerokun had acted on Mason earlier, it would not have caused the current situation. But if he did that, he wouldn't be Tangiero. It was Ma Sen's mentality to catch the emperor in order to make arrangements calmly.

There was a knock on the door, and Nebert put down his wine glass and said solemnly: "I said don't disturb me, Just"

The door of the study was opened, and someone got in and said, "Don't blame poor Jaster, because he can't stop me, my honorable Prime Minister." Under the lights, Tangerio Chao Naibert in casual clothes raised up. The wine bottle in his hand, at this moment, he is like the alcoholic who can be seen everywhere in Aulis Garry, how can he look like the emperor. The butler of the prime minister next to him helplessly spread his hands, Nebot shook his head and let the butler leave.

"Your Majesty, why are you here."

"It's not clear. I'm looking for you to drink. My good Prime Minister, you have to know that there are too few people in the palace who can safely drink. If you want to go, it's most comfortable to come and drink. Speaking of, I have How long hasn't been here for you?" Tangliou pulled a chair unceremoniously by himself, and then shoved his tall and sturdy body onto the poor chair. Hearing the chair rattle, I really worried about it. Will it sit down for the emperor?

"It has been several years, Your Majesty." The Prime Minister replied.

"Now I'm not a **** emperor, I'm a middle-aged man full of distress. Nebot, why did you say that Mason did this. I can't give him except the throne. I have given everything I can, and he still So dissatisfied?" Tangriou picked up the bottle and delivered it to his mouth. He was already full of alcohol. Of course, even if he drank it for three days and three nights, the emperor wouldn't be drunk unless he wanted to get drunk himself.

The current situation is obviously the latter.

"The human heart is a bottomless pit, Your Majesty. A python is not as big as an elephant, but it wants to swallow an elephant into its stomach. That's because of desire."

"What about you, Nebot. Tell me, what do you want?"

Nebot's eyes were clear: "I want the empire to prosper and the foreign races will not invade. I want no lords, the upper and the next, the people stay away from war. Whether it is a foreign race or a lord. Your majesty, I have a humble background, but because of this, I see more than anyone else."

Tangerio looked at him blankly, and sighed for a long time: "If everyone is like you, I won't have so much trouble."

"It's obviously impossible, as long as you sit in that position."

Nebott paused and changed the subject, not wanting to remind Tangerio of the things that bothered him: "But today, it surprised me that your Majesty would agree to Julian's expedition. After all, compared to Julian, How Sen seems to be a more suitable candidate."

"Why, don't you be happy for your students? With this feat in defeating Mason, Julian is the crown prince." Tangerio shook the bottle: "Do you still have wine?"

Naib nodded his head, called the butler to let him fetch the wine, and said: "It turns out that your Majesty has long ago decided on the crown prince."

"There are some ideas." Tangerio put down the bottle and looked at the night outside the window and said: "Among the princes, Howson is undoubtedly the most appetite for those old guys like Rodek. But look, Prime Minister. My lord. After we repel the Principality of Shadow, the empire needs a period of rest and rejuvenation. But if Hausen is allowed to be the leader of this country, his character will probably listen to Rodek's brutal force, so the national power consumption will be our responsibility I'm sorry."

"Julian's strength is not obvious, but he is steadfast and gentle. He is suitable to be the king of the empire during the recuperation period. He is even more suitable than me. Of course, if there is no such person as Earl Alan to assist him, that will not work. With the force of suppressing the opposing voices, I sat firmly in the position I gave him."

The butler knocked on the door, and then a servant pushed in the dining car. There is not only wine in the dining car, but also roast chicken with honey sauce, butter cake, grapes, apples and other fruits and vegetables. Tangierou spread his hands and looked at Nebot: "Do you want to fatten me? My good Prime Minister, do you want your king to look fat?"

"You are in a bad mood, Your Majesty, and I heard that food can make people happy."

"I think you are right, now I am in a much better mood." Tangliou tore off a chicken leg, put it to his mouth and bite it, Mi Ju Siyi: "Actually, there is nothing to worry about, but a brother It’s just sent to the gallows. Ha, how simple, I used to do a lot of this kind of things, so why bother to do more."

Nebot chose to remain silent, and Tanglio's heavy eyes couldn't see how simple it was.

The prime minister looked out the window, the night was deep.

Above the cloud sky where Nebot's eyesight was inaccessible, a nocturnal flying beast glided across the cloud that was dyed into a silvery gray by the moonlight. The flying beast's triangular head was covered with eyeballs, and it glided leisurely across the clouds. Suddenly, as if I felt something, all the eyes were looking up. In the eyes of different colors, the stars and the sky were reflected. The flying beast's sight even penetrated the planet's atmosphere and saw what was happening in a certain corner of space. So it seemed to be frightened, and its streamlined flat body pierced up, swept into the clouds and disappeared.

In the cosmic space outside the heavenly stars, a space suddenly bulged like a bubble, and then a light appeared in the center, and the light separated on both sides, revealing a colorful space channel. From this space passage, a starship jumped out. The red skulls on both sides of the hull are strange and eye-catching, making them unforgettable at first sight. The starship stayed in the outer space of the heavenly stars. After a while, the bottom compartment opened and a small spaceship slid out from inside.

The airship is dark red, and when it slides out of the mothership hull, the wings on both sides spread out, making the hull triangular. The tail engine flashed, and the spaceship flew past the heavenly stars. When it entered the atmosphere, viewed from space, it opened up a pair of beautiful flame wings.

After entering the inside of the planet, the flying ship disappeared and became invisible.

In the hull control room, two hands were constantly stroking a red triangle crystal floating in the air. With each stroke, the triangular crystal will rotate to a different angle, and the wave energy will spread in circles. Each wave energy is a set of commands, in exchange for feedback from the spaceship brain. Stark’s eyes reflected countless jumping information, and Starship’s brain directly projected these data on a crystal board in front of the pirate emperor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The symbols and text on it were only visible to Stark. Understand, even the simplest symbol contains a lot of data.

When his hand left the triangular crystal, the crystal plate was lowered and became a crystal tray.

Stark looked at the porthole of the spaceship. At this moment, the spaceship passed over the ground silently, and the porthole reflected the pictures of the earth, forest, river and city. Seeing these, Stark said softly: "This is still a young planet. The creatures that thrive on this planet are still very backward in the civilization they have created, but their understanding and control of Yuanli are not lost. Any high-level civilization. Not only that, but the inner power of the planet is abundant, so this place is rich in resources."

Two purple-clothed sword slaves walked to both sides of Stark, and one looked at Stark's almost perfect profile and said, "Master, I don't understand. Since the person you are looking for is on this planet, why not directly Why do you need to be so careful when you enter the planet and catch people."

"For those who want to read the latest chapters of this book, please search Yunlaige on Baidu. This article is collected from www.yunlaige.com"

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