Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1109: Primordial will

"My brother is indeed on this planet, and I can already feel it. But the woman named Sanna also said that my brother has already established his own power on this planet. If we emerge rashly , I’m afraid it will attract the interference of the planet’s natives. After all, I faintly feel some powerful auras in it, and some of them are enough to threaten me." Stark squinted his eyes: "So to find my brother, I think we also have to take advantage of the power of the indigenous people on certain planets.

In the ship's porthole, a prosperous city soon appeared. Although it is late at night, the lights in the city are not visible, but the magnificent tension of the city is not concealed by the dark night. Even Stark, who is used to seeing the magnificent scenery in the universe, has to admit that this city has a simple And majestic and beautiful.

What he saw was Olisga, the capital of the human kingdom.

At the same time, on the road to Fort Liming, the satiated emperor rode on a gray horse, looking like a fallen middle-aged knight. But when Dawn Mountain was looking at, Tangerio's eyes suddenly lit up, and the sun rose in the two eyes. The emperor suddenly raised his head, and the night sky was as quiet as ever. He frowned and shook his head and said: "Look, I really am old, this is a shock..."

What he didn't know was that when he raised his head, the invisible spaceship was slipping past the top, and then circled the mountain of dawn one by one and threw it towards the royal hunting ground.

Consciousness is empty.

When Allen passed by the foot of the Void Volcano and brushed against the hot lava, what he saw was endless darkness. He seemed to be falling towards the bottomless abyss, but after having previous experience, Allen knew very well what was coming next.

He was about to enter the depths of his consciousness again. After the previous few experiences, he knew what he saw at the time. That is a will that lives deep in consciousness, it is old enough and absolutely powerful. If there is no accident, that will should be the original ancestor on the other side of the life river. It's just that Alan hasn't heard of it. Someone can get a glimpse of the will of the original ancestor from deep in his consciousness.

This is definitely a novel experience for Allen. Through the first two contacts, he already knows that the will is like lava in the depths of a volcano. It is hot and violent. On that night in Frostwind City, when he first came into contact with that will, Allen was affected by it and his heart was full of violence. It just so happened that Lola appeared and used her body to guide the flames in Alan's body, and Alan did not become a murderer or anything.

The second time he touched it, he went deeper into the will, saw its giant statue like a giant god, and then gave out consciousness. But that contact gave a lot of information from that will, which made Alan very profitable.

Now Allen intends to make a third contact. As for what will happen, even he can't predict. But this is an imperative. After all, the will of the original ancestor lives deep in the consciousness. There is no precedent for this kind of thing. Allen has no way of judging whether it is good or bad, so all he can do is try to understand.

The answer can only be found through my own hands.

A faint light of fire began to appear in the abyss, and Alan watched intently, and the sea of ​​flames in the depths of his consciousness emerged from the dimness. When Allen saw the flame, his hair and skin began to burn.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) and finally turned into a ball of flame. This group of flames fell from the sky, into the sea of ​​flames, but did not splash a spray. Alan was calm, looking through the "eyes" of consciousness, in the depths of the sea of ​​flames, burning trenches were everywhere. He was falling towards one of the trenches, even if he turned into flames, he could still feel the kind of scorching heat that even his soul would burn.

He fell into the trench.

At first, the sight was full of flames, like purgatory. Soon, the flames flew before his eyes, and Alan seemed to have passed through another space, and he found himself on another piece of land, slowly falling. At this moment, he felt something, he looked towards the end of the land. At the end was a bright red fire, spitting thick smoke of entangled black and gray, and a faint figure.

That figure is so huge, it is like a giant standing between the sky and the earth. Its legs are hidden deep in the earth, flowing clouds roll over its waist, and its eyes are two rounds of blazing sun beyond the sky!

come here!

There was a voice resounding through the world, and the mighty sound waves filled every corner of the world, making Allen heard clearly. That will is calling him, and every cell of Allen is cheering and jumping for joy, if he still has cells in this state.

at the same time.

Far away in the southern land of the Balegun Empire, the Valley of the Dead shook again, and the shock came from the depths of the blood king's graveyard. The entire cemetery was shaking, but for the Fallen Lion Army soldiers stationed on the tenth floor, the shock was no surprise.

Seeing a strand of mud powder falling on his shoulders, the soldier with his face hidden in the crimson helmet said with a hoarse voice: "Here again, the guys below are probably going crazy again."

A colleague next to him shrugged and said: "God knows what happened down there. From the discovery of the graveyard to the present, there have been such frequent rampages from the end, and I always feel like something big will happen sooner or later."

"Who knows, I just want to know how long we have to stay in this grave."

"Hush, look..."

The two soldiers looked at it at the same time, and in the dimly distant space, a little scarlet fluorescent light emerged. The two soldiers looked at each other, and with a sense of helplessness, they drew out their swords and faced the countless cemetery creatures that threw out from the darkness. That night, the creatures in the cemetery of the Blood King ran away again. This was the third large-scale violent walk since the cemetery changed. Regarding this phenomenon, the ruins investigation team responsible for studying the cemetery could not give an exact answer.

In the depths of consciousness, Alan continued to fall. He saw thousands of miles of dark red scorched ground. There were no plants on this scorched ground, but there was no life. There are only undulating black mountains, large and small magma lakes, black smoke-spraying volcanoes, and huge cracks that look like wounds on the earth! Finally, Alan fell to the ground. When he landed, Allen found that he could stand up, and he was in shape again.

It's just that there is no human body anymore. Now his body is made up of flames. Allen raised his hand and watched the ten fingers continue to swim out of flames. In these vermilion flames, you can feel the existence of the heavenly fire source force. That distant will is still calling, but there is no longer the shocking sound wave that rang through the world at first, its voice only rang in Alan's mind. Low, as if the father was calling his son.

So Allen moved, despite

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) I don't know how long it will take to reach the place of the figure, but he still walks towards the direction of the two waves of scorching sun rising in the sky.

The ancient will is watching him.

In this deserted land, a burning man walked forward. Alan was accustomed to this form of flame, and soon he began to fly, and even swept a hundred meters last, turning into a stream of fire, rolling across the red ground like a meteor.

But obviously the journey was not as smooth as he had imagined. After traveling a distance of about ten kilometers, the ground began to shake. Allen had to stop in case of an accident. Just ten meters away from him, the scorched ground bulged. The dark red mud powder scattered all around, and a strange animal that looked like a wolf and a tiger jumped out of the ground. The whole body of the alien beast is covered with scorched earth, and there is fire light flowing from the lines on the body. Its eyes, and even the growling mouth, can see the spitting firelight, just like the body of this alien beast. A ball of flame, even magma!

There were more and more strange beasts like this, and they jumped out of the burnt ground, densely packed, like a sea of ​​beasts. Alan couldn't feel the slightest kindness in them, and at the same time, he knew that these strange beasts existed to prevent him from moving forward. This is a kind of enlightenment, you can know yourself without explanation from outsiders. Of course Alan would not retreat here, but with a thought, a flame erupted from his right hand.

The flame sprayed thin, then gathered, and finally condensed into a war knife. Allen waved the flame knife and hooked his finger at the strange beast closest to him. The strange beast spouted two streams of fire from its nostrils, and then shrank its body before rushing towards Allen. Alan flashed sideways easily, and the Flame Knife dragged freely, opening a wound on the side of the alien beast. No blood spilled from the wound, only magma fell to the ground, burning wisps of smoke on the ground.

The flame knife dragged to the end and cut the alien beast away. The alien beast was still in the air, and its body suddenly separated into a pile of burning stones. Allen let out a long and silent howl, dragging the flame knife into the beast sea. The strange beast was like a tide, and instantly drowned Allen's figure. But in the beast tide, a mighty power quickly rose to the sky, the flame knife broke through the group of beasts, the strange beasts flew down, scattered into countless burnt stones, and Alan Flame knife pointed forward. What is pointed is the direction of the ancient will.

I don't know how long it took, Allen opened his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ consciousness has returned to reality. After a moment of trance, Allen remembered that he was in Julian's private estate. The flame patterns all over his body are slowly disappearing, and Alan closes his eyes, and the picture of killing into the herd with a flame knife in the world of consciousness is still vivid. At first, he was still confined to the identity of a human being, and only killed the enemy with a flame knife. But later, he began to form the second flame knife, and eventually he was no longer restricted to the human form. He turned into a sea of ​​flames and surrounded the beasts and killed them, or even like a meteor rushing for thousands of miles, he directly cut a hole in the beast .

At the same time, Allen felt it. Every time he kills a strange beast, his presence in the world of consciousness becomes stronger. When the herd finally retreated, he found that his body was no longer pure flames, but was covered with thin rock layers like those alien beasts. The flames inside would burst out from the cracks in the rock formations from time to time, so at this time, Alan's body seemed to be illuminated with thousands of lines.

It was a very fulfilling sense of power, but Allen had not had time to experience this brand new body. The scorched ground, the giant shadow, and the whole world quickly retreated. When he was overwhelmed, he had already woke up in the manor room.

(End of this chapter)


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