Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1110: Set off

In the early morning, the golden sunlight shone on the eastern corner of Olisgar, and the low horn sounded the sky of the entire imperial capital, and the birds frightened and the flowing clouds ran away. It was not an ordinary horn, but two "Zanna" that stood in front of Fort Dawn and were as high as an arrow tower. The Zanna horns can only be sounded when the imperial army is on the march, and they must be sounded by fighters above level fifteen. At this moment, the ancient trumpet sounded in the ears of every imperial capital, making everyone look solemnly and solemnly toward the main road of Olisga!

The King’s Road starts at the foot of the morning hill, runs through the four districts of Olíga, extends straight out of the city, passes through the moat, and disappears into the grassland outside the city. The army conquering Mason was slowly heading out of the city along King's Road, and Julian was walking in the front. His Royal Highness the Second Prince wore a set of indigo blue armor, with light blue source crystals embedded on the armor, and silver-white patterns that were full of power like lightning as decoration. This is Chunkari's trophy starwing armor. Julian hung a snow-white cloak behind him, riding on a snow-white war horse of the gods, with a long sword Yinxue hanging from his waist. Although it is also a well-made sword, it is not on the same level as the Dragon Flame gifted to Allen.

Behind Julian, is the general of the Frostwind Dragon Army, Woodrick, who is also the commander of this crusade. Woodrick still wore silver armor and light blue cloak. A slight difference from what I saw in the study of the last time is that he has a giant sword behind his horse. This huge sword has two palm widths, and the hilt guard is embedded with an ice crystal the size of an egg, which makes Woodrick's huge sword always surrounded by a cloud of ice mist, which is also a huge sword. The origin of the name "Hanbing".

Compared with the majestic dragon army, the man on the horse standing beside Woodrick is not as attractive as the general. The man was slender, his flax hair was tied back in his head without any trimming. There is a lazy smile on his face, his eyes are always half-closed, and a circle of beard around his chin does not know how long he hasn't been repaired, and he looks a bit sloppy.

He was wearing a dark battle suit, a silver dripping necklace hung around his neck, and a black leather coat on the outside. The long dress is stitched with nail leaves on the shoulders and chest, providing a defense that is better than nothing. There was no sword on the man, only a row of daggers tied to each side of his legs. He had a cigarette gun in his mouth, and he had free time to swallow the clouds on the horse.

He looked like a wandering mercenary man, but he was actually the Night Shadow of the Ten Saints, and at the same time Belkay, the strong town clan of the Bolin family. He is Elizabeth's uncle, and finally rushed to the imperial capital before the crusades set off. Belleky didn't have any official titles, but any one of the ten sages or the elders of the Grand Duke was enough to walk with Woodrick.

After these two rides, Allen sat high, wearing a silver-gray long coat that Julian gave him before the expedition. The collar of the long coat was bound with gold thread, and the chest and cuffs were decorated with golden patterns. A black belt embroidered with jewels and silver thread tightens the long dress, and the demon's praise, which has always been pinned behind the waist, is tied to the side of the right leg this time. The long clothes hang down, naturally hiding the posture of the source. The Red King and the Dragon Flame were staggered behind by Alan. Although the Dragon Flame was also a good weapon, it was a pity that compared to the Red King, its symbolic significance was more than the use of the weapon itself.

Five Mosasaurus knights including Regis, Lola, Fares and Nellie followed Allen's side, and beside them was a carriage with Father Lucy and Miro on the carriage. Father Milo recently broadcasted the gospel in the Imperial Capital. People in the Imperial Capital also heard about the Christianity of the South and Verana's ability to see the future, so the arrival of Father Milo is not abrupt. In addition, Miró can't do anything else, that is, being able to speak well. These days, two earls have become his followers and promised Miró can build a church on their territory.

This was the initial penetration of Christianity into the North, and it was a milestone for Miro to be proud of. Originally, this crusade against Mason didn't have anything to do with this magic stick, but Miró decided to go there, saying that he would bring the gospel to the three cities of Meirahan occupied by Mason and pray for the people there who suffered from the war. Allen himself didn't believe in such nonsense, and when he used his brain, he knew that Miró intended to attract a large number of believers after the war. After experiencing the war, people's hearts are the most vulnerable, and it is a good time to spread faith. Of course Allen will not break it. The greater the power of the church, the greater its influence. For him, it is profitable and harmless. How could he refuse.

After Ellen and the others, it was the ten steel front samurai who were still in the dark cloak. These steel soldiers were speechless all the way, even without any breath escaping, but their almost consistent pace, stepping on the dull chorus, naturally revealed the icy smell of killing. Even the Gunners of the Gaocang Clan and Allen's soldiers subconsciously kept a delicate distance from these war weapons.

Parallel to Allen’s team are twenty golden swordsmen from the Boleyn family. In addition to wearing black uniforms embroidered with the logo of Tsuta flowers, they also wore light-weight combat uniforms of the same color. A. Everyone rides a horse, these swordsmen are all young talents in the Bolin family, it's quite worth seeing that they get together. Walking along the King's Avenue, the whispers of young girls from the crowds on both sides were heard from time to time, but they were more popular than the ten-sage powerhouse Ye Ying.

The Queen of the Golden Swordsmen is the silver tsauhua infantry regiment of the Bolin family. This three-hundred-man infantry regiment is all dressed in silver-gray armor. They hold high the Bolin family’s tsauhua battle flag, reminding people not to ignore this The ancient family of the empire.

In the future, there will be a dozen nobles who voluntarily joined the crusade against Mason, as well as their own private army. There were more than a thousand people in these noble armies. They walked together, with different colors of armor and holding high the flags of each family. They looked like a miscellaneous army. However, Tangliou allowed them to travel together. Of course, what he valued was not their combat power, but an attitude that represented the imperial aristocracy.

Of course, the protagonist of the Crusade Army is still two thousand Frostwind Dragon soldiers, and a mixed army from the Black Wolf Army, the Bear Armies and the Lion King Army. Their armor was unified, their army lined up, erected the golden two-lion battle flag that represented the royal family, and drove across the King's Road mightily. At the end of the team, there are logistics units and various siege equipment. The crusade set off from the mountain of morning light, pulled up a long dragon, and left Olísgar in the morning light amid the constant sound of horns on the mountain.

On the morning hill, on a semicircular terrace of the Limingbao Palace. A pair of eyes caught the long dragon heading outside the city. These eyes almost burst out of flames. Howson clenched his fists and his nails fell into his palms. He suddenly hit the stone fence on the terrace with a fist, and the whole stone fence cracked with a few shocking cracks. The big prince rose in flames, panting like a dragon with red eyes.

"His Royal Highness, are you all right?" Just after speaking, Diego wanted to slap himself, what a stupid question. How could Hausen be all right now, it was obvious.

Howson sneered: "Don't say such stupid things next time, how can I be okay? Logically speaking, it should be me, not the sissy Julian! What does the father think, agree to let Zhu Li Ann went out on the battle, but refused my request. Julian won a spring hunter, or his men helped him to lay down. Is that so that he is more qualified than me to play?"

"Perhaps Your Majesty has his consideration." The woman from the Lion King Army whispered. The Silver Winter Mountain Range and the Fierce Beast Jueying were seriously injured last time, and she has not fully recovered. He didn't wear battle armor, and he could smell the herbs under his thin long clothes.

"I know what my father thinks. In the final analysis, he is afraid of my relationship with Marshal Rodke." Howson said solemnly: "He definitely doesn't want to see me and Marshal Rodke get too close. Nebot’s policy of cutting the army was nothing more than to warn Marshal Rodke. Since the father can cut off the military power of lords everywhere, he can also take the power of Marshal at any time."

"His Royal Highness sees very far." Diego planned to make up for the gaffe.

Unexpectedly, Howson glanced at him coldly, and left without saying a word. Seeing a few smiles on the faces of the people next to him, Diego was itchy with hatred, but could only helplessly smile. On the Silver Winter Mountains, he caught Lola and Adele by surprise, so that he could not support Hausen. In the end, the prince finally scored a point in the spring hunting, but he was very angry with Diego.

Now he still didn't give him a good face, and Diego was also quite helpless. In fact, after he understood the whole story of Jue Ying, Diego asked himself that even if he assisted, he couldn't change the ending. But Howen didn't think so, nor did he think so. Who made him disappear in the fight against Jue Ying, now that Howson hasn't kicked him away, he has to bear the anger.

After a while, Howson left the palace. Diego and a few good players followed closely. Except for the badly injured Lion King army elite who stayed in the palace, the others followed the prince to leave the palace. The team went straight to the royal hunting ground, and had no chance to go out. Howson planned to vent his anger on the beasts in the hunting ground. So that day, the wailing of wild beasts continued to sound in the hunting ground, and they became Howson's punching bag.

After spending a night in the forest, the next day Hausen went directly to Lake Narancui~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Before that, Diego tried to dissuade him, because it was the territory of the King of Wild Elephant. But Howson said coldly, "I can't kill Jueying, can't I also kill a wild elephant king?" Diage didn't dare to persuade him, so he could only follow the team with a bitter face. Howson seemed to embarrass him intentionally and walked alone. Others followed him closely, throwing Diego out of the boss.

Diego looked at the hustle and bustle ahead, and had to sigh unlucky. He did not want to teach Howson's ridicule anymore, so he slowed down his horse and let his horse trot all the way. As a result, when Diego was still on the road, Howson had already seen Lake Narancui. He was in a bad mood, and even with the beautiful scenery of the Great Lakes, there was nothing to make him happy.

At this moment, water splashed in the lake, and someone broke out of the water. In the bright sunshine, his long hair flung out a beautiful arc, and the water droplets flying all over the sky made Howson couldn't help but look more.

That is a woman.

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