Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1111: encounter

As Tangriou's son, Howson certainly does not lack women. He had tasted the forbidden fruit after he was 14 years old. After serving in the Black Wolf Army, his bed partner has never been less. There are female soldiers, blacksmith's daughters, or the charming lady of a certain officer. When he returned to Olisgar, he had not much interest in women, and he was more keen on power. Of course, if it is a woman like the Naga tribe, he is still happy to taste it.

It is a pity that Princess Shusha in the palace is a woman from Tangliou. As for the princess of the Naga clan, the princess is too young. It is impossible for other Mossaurus knights to give him tools for play. There have been interracial women.

At this moment, the woman in the lake is obviously an alien.

At least Hausen has never seen a human woman with indigo skin. She has long fiery red hair that makes the sun eclipse. After shaking off the drops of water, the alien woman swims to the crime, revealing a beautiful body. , And a reptile-like tail behind the hip. She had discovered Howson, but she didn't care, and even turned her head back and smiled at Russon, so two points of orange and red were reflected in Howson's eyes. The eldest prince squinted his eyes, he noticed a reaction in a certain part of his body. Then the woman put on her clothes in front of him. Her clothes were not the usual style of the human empire. The underwear is purple and the workmanship is simple. The top is sleeveless, exposing smooth shoulders on both sides. The pants are close to the long legs, like a woman's second skin.

With purple clothes and blue skin, coupled with red hair and orange pupils, the alien woman by the lake aroused the interest of Howson. He was thinking that if he vented on this special body, he might forget the unhappiness caused by Julian's expedition. Then he saw another foreign woman, who walked out of the forest beside the lake. The facial features are almost the same as the woman on the shore. The difference is that she carries a long box behind her.

Howson breathes faster, two alien twins? This was a novel experience. The eldest prince rolled over and got off his horse. The people behind him arrived one after another, but Diego was missing. At this time, Howson didn’t care. Among the people he brought, the Black Wolf Warriors and the Archers of the Bucks Army had the highest combat power. The others were just a dozen Silver Frost Guards who were responsible for protecting him. Not as good as the other two elites in the army.

But these people are enough to deal with two foreign women, even though they don't seem to be weak either. Howson walked towards them and said loudly, "Tell me who you are. The spies of the Principality of Shadows? If this is the case, then you must be the dumbest spies I have ever seen. After all, you can ask in the Royal Hunting Grounds. Not much information."

The two blue-skinned women have already stood together, and Howson had to admit that they were more attractive when they stood together. He already wanted to taste the two women immediately. The two women didn't seem to know their current situation at all, and had time to look at each other and smile, and then turned around holding hands and wanted to do it. Howson sneered and gestured. The two strong men in the army each brought five or six Yinshuang guards around to surround them.

Howson stepped forward and said, "This is not compliant. Didn't anyone tell you that when someone talks to you, you have to look into his eyes. This is the most basic courtesy."

The second girl finally replied, but there was a voice instead of them to answer Howson's words: "I blame me for that, because I said to both of them, except for me, other men don't need to look at them."

Howson was shocked, and there was no idea when there was an extra person between the two women. This person stands with his hands up, is tall and has broad shoulders. The long dark hair was draped in the middle, and the facial features were profoundly cut like a knife. He was dressed in a robe with a red robe with red lines on the robe like fire. This person just stood there casually, but as if trying to open the world, he naturally exuded an invisible sense of oppression, and his breath was particularly domineering.

The eldest prince has seen many domineering people, his father Tangerio, Marshal Rodke and even himself. But no one can interpret the word domineering vividly as the man in front of him. Because Howson couldn't see himself in his eyes, the man facing him simply regarded him and the others as nothing!

Howson took a breath and squinted, "Are you a foreign race?"

"Why should I answer your question?"

The opposite man asked back, the two women next to him were already leaning on him, and it made Howson's eyes burst into flames. Julian, who had never been in his eyes, had already set off today, and he let Tangriou set aside. Now there was another strange man who didn't put him in his eyes, and the flame inside Howson suddenly became extremely hot. He sneered: "Because I am Tangliou's son, because I am the prince, and even more because I am the future king of this empire. Since you aliens have broken into the royal hunting ground, don't want to leave easily. So you see , You’d better answer my question, and you’ve got to be as detailed as possible!"

The black-haired man's expression moved slightly: "You said you are the prince? What proof?"

"They are the proof." Howson felt ridiculous, and pointed his hand at the horse.

The black-haired man glanced at them and saw that Yin Shuangwei and the two strong men in the army really looked respectful towards Hausen. He nodded and pulled the corners of his mouth together, and a perfect smile appeared on his face: " Then things will be easier."

Suddenly his body swayed from side to side, and dozens of figures flashed out. Each figure rushed towards one person, including the two strong men in the army. As soon as the man's figure approached, he patted it with a flat palm. This palm was faster than lightning, and those Silver Frost Guards couldn't even react, and they were already shot by him. As for the two strong men in the army, they finally reacted faster. The strong man in the Black Wolf Army slashed with lightning, while the archer of the Bucks Army drew his bow.

The figure rushing towards the strongman in the black wolf army ignored the swords that swept across, and slammed into it, knocking the strongman in the army away with a knife. The person was in the air, and the sword broke every inch. The strong black wolf army had a bleeding in his mouth and nose, and the sound of broken bones continued to be heard in his chest. When he fell to the ground, he became a corpse. As for the archer's side, just as the longbow was pulled out, one foot was already on his chest. The pupil of the **** archer shrank, and even screamed, his chest had been directly stepped in by that foot. The hand holding the bowstring loosened, and a feather arrow shot out, but it weakly stroked the sky and landed not far from the dead archer's body.

All the figures returned to their place, overlapping and reverting to the black-haired man. At this time, all the bodies of the Silver Frost Iron Guard fell down.

Hausen's brain was blank.

Then the fear began to spread.

The black-haired man walked over to him and smiled: "Now we can have a good talk, introduce ourselves first, my name is Stark, the respected human prince."


Alan, who was riding on the horse, turned his head and glanced in Olísgar's direction. The imperial capital is no longer visible here. They marched on the endless grassland. If it goes well, they will arrive at Shubia, which is a small city. The army will not enter the city, but it can rest there. Tomorrow, bypassing Shubia, they will be able to see the Furhorn Forest, and they will be only a forest away from the first city of Milahan controlled by Mason.

"What?" Laura noticed Ellen's abnormality.

Allen shook his head, feeling something in his heart just now. But he didn't have time to capture it. This feeling has disappeared without a trace, just like a dream in a summer night. When he wakes up, he can't remember what he has experienced in the dream.

"That lord is here." Regis on the other side reminded.

Allen looked up, and Belle Kay, who was originally a black horse, rode in. Lola spread out wittily, leaving room for the two to talk. Belleky still had a lazy smile on his face, as if there was nothing in the world to make him anxious. He knocked off the ashes in the pipe and said: "The Misty Mountains are really not a good place, but there is a lot of fog grass. It is a kind of tobacco, and it is not available in other places. The taste will be unforgettable after you taste it. I I think I’m addicted, so I take time to visit the Misty Mountains every year, and by the way, see what new changes have been made in the Principality of Shadow, so that I can sell the information to our king for some cigarette money."

"Master Bellekay still needs money for cigarettes?" Allen laughed. Bellekay was a strong man in the Bolling family, so how could he be short of money.

"You don't know." The dignified Ten Saints Ye Ying said with a bitter face: "Iris that girl is good at everything, just stingy. It is easy to say that the uncle is a famous strong, self-reliance and so on, and then change Use tricks to deduct my gold coins. I bet that there is no such miserable mess in Ten Saints."

"She can be very generous to herself..." Allen will not forget that Iris' shot is a shocking scene of a crystal.

Belleky shook his head and smiled and said, "She is not generous, she is inexperienced. My brother, who is Elise's father. He passed away very early and was sick. So we all love this little guy. The care was taken in every possible way, so Iris had very little contact with the outside world. You don’t know, when I heard that she ran out by herself, I almost didn’t get a heart attack."

Ye Ying’s expression was exaggerated. He smoked a cigarette and said, “If Ms. Saran and Mr. Starm hadn’t protected her all the way, I guess I would leave everything behind to find her. I will marry so far, and the child is like my own. Daughter, I can’t let her suffer even the slightest harm.” Belleky looked at Ellen: “I heard that you saved her in Sardin. I owe you a favor~www.wuxiaspot.com~Earl Alan.”

Allen hurriedly said, "For this, the Grand Duke paid me enough."

"She's her, I'm me." Belleky breathed out a few smoke rings: "Mason actually wanted to kill her, and a magnificent sword master shot the kid, and he really did it. I really hope he doesn't run away, otherwise If it does, I will be disappointed."

With another smile, Belleky blinked and said: "Mrs. Saran told me that the child doesn't hate you. And, have you taught her?"

"Judging from the situation at the time, I did give the Grand Duke a lesson. Now that I think about it, it's incredible."

Belleky laughed: "Then I understand what Mrs. Saran meant."

Allen was taken aback: "What do you mean, madam?"

"I can't tell you for the time being. I'll talk about it when the crusade is over." Belleky took off his cigarette. "You really don't want to take a bite? Foggy grass is my baby. I don't let ordinary people smoke."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I don't need it." Allen smiled and refused.

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