Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1114: 1 person, 1 dollar

"My lord, I heard from the imperial capital that it is the dragon army and the mixed team of other legions that are going to expedition. My Hellhound alone can't stop it."

Jerio looked at the man in the high position with a distressed expression. The duke who sneaked into Olísgar to assassinate Tangerio after failing to assassinate Tangliou, and then openly issued a betrayal declaration. Oh, no, the Empire has reclaimed his title. But in the twenty years of Tangliou's reign, he has held the supreme power of the empire for a long time, and the arrangement for so many years, even if the title is taken back, has little impact on him.

So Mason can still laugh at this time, even his voice is three-point milder than usual: "My dear Lord Earl, your city is Milaham. Although it is inconspicuous, it is a strong city. Still Yes, I will deploy enough materials and manpower for you and arm it to your teeth. At least you can drag Woodrick for three days, right?"

"That's the problem, my lord." Jerio smiled bitterly. "If Woodrick participates in the siege, I'm afraid I can't hold it alone."

"It turns out that this is what you are worried about. It's easy to handle, Count Jerio." Mason patted his palm.

There was a cold female voice behind Jerio: "Renise obeys your instructions, sir."

The earl's hair and beard were all upright, and when he reached out to touch the giant sword, he had to turn around and cut it. When he touched the air, he remembered that the giant sword fangs had been released when he entered the castle, and his hand was hanging in the air awkwardly. After a while, I took it back. Before a woman walked, she was petite and wore a leather jacket close to her body. The leather suit on her is so tight and thin, it looks like a woman's second skin. Jerio had no trouble seeing the two bulges on the chest of the leather jacket. Under his eyes, there was no difference between a woman and no clothes.

When she turned her head, Jerio realized that she was wearing a mask on her face. The mask was only half of it, with the edges stitched together with the skin. Those earthworm-like dark red joint lines made Jerio cold behind his back, and the woman glared at him before taking back her gaze.

Mason said happily, "How is it, Jerio. This is a killer I carefully cultivated, not to mention that Reness is only level 25. But her concealment skills are top-notch. When she bursts out with all her strength, Even a general of the empire will have a headache. A person who can't cope with it is dead and injured. So you can imagine such a picture, when the dragon army is fully attacking, Woodrick or other masters and strongmen will also participate in the siege. Approaching them quietly, and then giving a killer blow... It's great, isn't it?"

"So, you two cooperate well."

Jerio squinted his eyes, his thoughts pulled away from the picture of the memory and returned to this moment. He subconsciously looked next to the iron seat, and Jerio hadn't seen her since the female assassin Renesse followed to Milahan. But the earl always felt like she was by her side, and probably the impact on him was so great when Reness first appeared, that she was a little suspicious now. The most obvious is that when the earl was gentle on a woman, he suffered the first failure in his life because of his thought of Reness!

This is simply a great shame.

But that assassin was indeed terrible, and Jerio asked himself that his strength was not weak. But he didn't notice until the woman spoke. Now think about it, if the woman didn't speak but stabbed him, would he not notice until the blade entered the body? Jerry only felt that the battle suit under the heavy helmet had been wet with cold sweat. This armor was not only insecure in front of the woman, but rather cumbersome.

As a loyal supporter of Ma Sen, Jerio knew from the end that Ma Sen had such a killer. Now Mason has transferred Renice to him, first to assist him, and secondly, there is no sense of monitoring. If Jerlio turns to the battle, he believes that Woodrick will not be the first to shoot, but the female assassin.

Thoughts are flying, and when the war begins, this state is not perfect. In a trance, Jerio heard a low whisper. He recovered and saw the surrounding soldiers craned their necks and looked down the city, each one said: "What happened?"

"It's strange, my lord." The Hellhound's commander reported: "The enemy blew the offensive horn, but..."

"But what?"

"However, only one person appeared."

"One person?" Jerio stood up on the handrail, strode to the wall and looked down. Sure enough, in the field outside the city wall, in the camp of the dragon army opposite, only one person walked out. The other party didn't even ride a horse, and Jerio squinted his eyes, exhausting his eyes, and saw that it was a young man. The morning sun made his short silver hair fluttering with the wind, and the young man wearing a silver-gray shirt and carrying a sword walked in the direction of Mirahan.

One person, one knife.

It has become the focus of the battlefield at this moment!

"Is Woodrick crazy?" Jerio sneered. "Does he think that an earl can take my Milahan? A joke!"

The Hellhound commander laughed, and the laughter continued to spread. After the initial surprise of the soldiers on the wall, the imperial team's unwise actions made them laugh loudly. The Earl's combat power can indeed enter the forest of the strong in the empire, and it is above average. But if any earl can break Melaham, unless the city is made of paper.

Milahan is certainly not paper-cut, let alone the Hellhound guarding over a thousand. Just the towering city walls, many defensive equipment and other fortifications can make an earl hate on the spot, if he insists on attacking.

Therefore, the figure walking from the opposite side seemed to come to die in no way.

Woodrick half-squinted his eyes and looked at the figure that was moving far and wide, and said: "No matter how you look at it, this is the craziest decision I have ever made."

Julian next to him smiled and said: "Since Earl Alan personally made the request, I think I can take a bet. This Earl, but the strong man who killed the shadow for me."

"But Jueying can't break Myrahan, maybe the two can't be regarded as the same, your royal prince."

"What does it matter? Just let him try." Belleky, who was smoking, said lazily. "Earl Alan doesn't seem to be the kind of rash man who only knows how to kill. If nothing can be done, he will Think of a way to get out. Compared to that, don't you want to see how our earl broke the city alone?"

"If this can be done, he will be enough to squeeze into the Ten Saints. But as far as I know, this earl does not seem to hide his strength. At least, he does not hide that much." Woodrick rubbed his brows and said: "But if If he can do it, it will save us a lot of effort."

"Let's wait and see, see, he stopped."

Allen stopped, five hundred meters away from the walls of Myraham. He looked up, and the towering city walls revealed a simple but solid taste in the morning sun. This fortress city has never fallen since its completion. Will it be an exception today? Allen didn't know, he only knew to do his best, regardless of the consequences.

He set aside everything.

Yuanli roared in the body, and the skyfire Yuanli illuminated every blood vessel of Allen. If you observe carefully, you will find that the inner walls of Allen's blood vessels will now be illuminated with wispy lines. This is a vision that only appeared after his deep consciousness and the beast sea battle. However, this vision is too subtle, and Alan has never fully urged the source force as at this moment, so he never learned.

A little igniting light permeates from the veins of each blood vessel, and they merge into the source of heavenly fire, like fire oil dripping into the flame, urging the source of heavenly fire to become more explosive!

The sky began to dim.

A soldier on the city wall finally noticed this. He raised his eyes suspiciously to the sky, but saw that there was a cloud at the end of the sky, and the sun could still be seen. Suddenly the soldier rubbed his eyes and wondered why he could see the sun today, which cannot be seen directly. That was because the surrounding light became dim. The reason why the light dimmed was because of the flames rising from Alan's feet and gradually spreading around.

A little spark fell from the sky, landed on Jerio's shoulder armor, burned a little red light, and disappeared. Jerio looked towards his shoulder, and then there were more sparks floating in the corner of his eyes.

Fire dancing in the sky.

Allen's hand rested on the hilt of the Scarlet King, and a series of vermilion flame patterns appeared, forming the engraved "Vanxiang Ashes". He has silver hair that dyes the flames red inch by inch, and when Alan raised his head, his eyes are soaring!

With a choke, the red king came out. Fire spouted from the scabbard, and the king made a semicircle with the tip of the sword pointing to the ground. From the blade's edge, the dark red burst of flame sprayed out, then gathered, wrapped around the red king's sword, swaying like a flaming banner.

At some point on the wall, all laughter disappeared. Look at the man, the knife, and the fire in the city! No one can laugh anymore ~www.wuxiaspot.com~including Jerio. An invisible sense of oppression made them not to laugh at them, and even their breathing seemed heavy. Jerio reacted first and shouted angrily: "What are you waiting for! Catapult, heavy crossbow, artillery, all attack me!"

The order was passed quickly, and the officers at all levels woke up like a dream, shouting and ordering various equipment to operate. Pieces of tons of boulders were thrown out by the catapult, and the stones drew a parabola in the air, slamming them in the direction of Allen with palpitation. The heavy crossbows adjusted their directions and fired one after another, shooting out the black iron crossbow arrows with thick arms. The artillery roared, and the flame from the muzzle was full of Michel, and the strong propelling force blasted the shell out, sandwiched between the huge boulders and heavy crossbows, like a black rainstorm falling on Allen.

Allen looked around and saw that some heavy crossbows caught the boulder in midair and bounced off, while the artillery shells hit the crossbow bolt volley and exploded, but more boulders, crossbow bolts and artillery shells fell towards him. With a smile on the corner of his mouth, the burst of flames on the Scarlet King suddenly condensed into the blade, and the long sword was bright red than blood. Allen raised his hand and waved horizontally.

The blade slashed through the air, leaving a trace of vermilion blade light everywhere, and black threads were sandwiched in the blade light, and a volcano-like aura surged through it. At the middle of the stroke, Chi Wang paused, and Hajime stroked it out, the blade trembled, leaving a strong ending.

The space seemed to have torn a gap, and then the wound began to advance and expand!

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