Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1116: similar

The wheel hit a stone beside the road and jumped violently, so that Diego, who was acting as a groom, almost didn't fall out. Of course, with his ability, this kind of thing is unlikely to happen, but now he is a little absent-minded, so half of his body has left his seat. He hurriedly reached out and pulled himself back. However, the seemingly non-existent sight behind him still did not leave him, and Diego was like a man on his back, but there was no alternative.

He knew who the owner of the sight was.

That man named Stark must have a great background, Diego will not forget the scene he saw when he arrived at Lake Narancui at noon the day before yesterday. Except for the eldest prince Howson, everyone else died, including the two strong men of the Black Wolf Army and the Bucks Army. It is true that those two are just ordinary strong men, but they died in a miserable state. Such a fatal injury showed the opponent's overwhelming strength.

Then Diego saw him, Stark, with a handsome and tall appearance, but a man as cold as the polar ice. In the eyes of that man, Diego saw a disregard for life. When the opponent flashed in front of him and slapped his forehead with a palm, Diego couldn’t move at all as if he was caught in a terrifying nightmare. He could only watch the death approaching bit by bit, and even heard the death. The chuckle in his ear.

As a result, Howson yelled: "Don't kill him, we lack a groom."

Then Diego survived.

It wasn't because Howson looked at him differently, it was just that he was the last to arrive, and they just lacked a groom. Then Diego left the hunting ground with trembling hands and feet, and it took him a long time to find a carriage, but Stark was not in a hurry to leave. They camped on the shore of the Great Lake for two days. In the past two days, Hausen and Stark met frequently. Diego didn’t know what they were talking about. He only knew that every time he left Stark’s camp, Hausen’s face The smile is a little bit more.

As for Diego, he had to endure the harassment of the two alien women. Once upon a time, Diego was also an arrogant noble son, and there were also a dozen women who had slept with him. He is definitely not a gentleman, not to mention that the two foreign women know how to seduce men. Unfortunately, they are Stark's pets. Not to mention Diego, even Howson dare not touch them, although Stark said that as long as Howson is willing, he can pick one person to accompany and sleep with him.

The **** is that the prince, who has always been domineering and defiant, has turned down this kind of good deed to the door for the first time. Even Hausen is like this, how dare Dia touch one of their hair?

Finally, until today, Stark agreed to leave. So the three of them shared a car with Hausen, Diego Yuma. When leaving the imperial capital, a group of more than a dozen people came back but there was only one carriage.

In Olísca, Howson naturally has his own industry. He placed Stark in a manor under his name and ordered his servants to serve the three people well before taking Diego back to the Palace of Fort Dawn. As soon as you enter your palace, the Lion King army females who have heard of the return of the prince should not come. Seeing that only Brother Dia came back, what she wanted to ask, Dia gave her a wink, and she stopped asking.

Standing at the window, Howson said indifferently: "You go out first, I want to be alone."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Diego pulled his colleagues and left the room quickly. When the two walked to the garden, the woman asked, "Why are you the only one coming back?"

"Where are there other people?" Diego shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Even I almost can't come back. You have to be prepared. His Royal Highness probably doesn't need us anymore."

The Lion King Army female was shocked: "Why?"

"It's very simple, because he now has more powerful helpers." Diage said in his heart, but who is the master and who is the servant is hard to say. He licked his lips and raised the woman's chin with a finger: "We are probably separated, or else, let's try my marksmanship. Of course it's another gun, just treat it as farewell."

The woman swept away his hand and said, "Go to **** Dia, find a woman somewhere else. Do you want me to bed? Be careful I bite your baby."

"It's so merciless." Diego shook his head, joked and left first. Just like what he said, Howson now has strong people like Stark who can't see the depth at all, and they are no longer necessary for the prince. Then, if it is considered good to be kicked out of the palace, I am afraid that it will be sacrificed to Howson in a certain action. Diego didn’t want to die on the heaven star inexplicably. Walking on the road, he murmured: “It seems that I can only go to Alan. Only he can get me back. I hope he won’t be too greedy. I can't afford to buy this ticket at a big price."

It was night, Diego was lying on the bed but never fell asleep. He was waiting for someone, waiting for a woman. That was the maid in Hausen Palace, the woman who was as innocent as a piece of paper, had promised to accompany him to sleep tonight in exchange for the protection of the celebrity around the prince. Diego made a fishy mess on the two foreign women, and he couldn't bear it without asking someone to vent. Before long, he heard a soft knock on the door of the bedroom, and Diego said "come in".

The lights in the room went out early, and Diego even closed the curtains, making the room dark and ambiguous. The door was pushed open, and a figure came in. Diego ordered: "Undress and go to bed."

The woman chuckled, and a moment later the sound of clothing falling to the ground sounded, and then a smooth body fell into Diego's bed. Diego got his hands up and down, and after he got over the addiction, he would do business. I don't want the victimized woman to suddenly say: "If you are going to do this, I'm afraid my master will not let you go."

Diego was like a blazing campfire, but suddenly it was extinguished by a shower. He shuddered, lifted the quilt, and illuminated the surroundings with a rising flame of energy. Where is the prince maid on his bed, but one of the women beside Stark. What's terrible is that she still put on a look of enjoyment, so that the blood of Diego is stunned, but she can only watch and not move.

That kind of uncomfortableness is beyond words, and Diego snorted coldly, jumped out of bed and quickly put on his clothes and said angrily: "Although I am not a big person, Master Stark teased me like this, is it too much! "

The woman sat up and showed her mysterious body without hesitation. Her posture was enchanting, and every part was full of fatal temptation: "Don't be angry, Lord Stark asked me to come to you, but didn't let me tease you. , It’s just a temporary intention by myself. Why, are you brave? Just so afraid of adults?"

Diego was silent.

The woman stretched out her leg and said: "Useless guy, come here, I promise not to tell the adults. The adults are too busy lately, so busy to talk to us. I want it now, understand, and you only have ten minutes time."

"I insist on staying all night!"

"Oh, then let me see what you can do."

Diego yelled, rushed to bed, and immediately turned over the bedding. After a short but fierce battle, Diego sat on the side of the bed panting, feeling like a coolie. The body is happy, but not happy at all. Especially looking at the alien woman next to her with a "willing" expression, Diego wanted to spit out old blood.

"Let's go, don't let the adults wait too long." The woman put on her clothes and hooked her finger.

Diego could only admit that he was unlucky and went out in his clothes.

They left the palace in the dark, as if Stark didn't want to let Hausen notice, so the two picked a remote place to climb the wall out of the palace. When he came to the manor and walked into the study, Stark was flipping through a copy of "Imperial History", and before the case, there were still two or three stacks of books. Stark was buried in the sea of ​​books, and finally raised his head, just whispered: "Recently, I didn't have time to touch the two sisters Meili, but now Meili is smiling. It seems that Mr. Diego has spent much time on her. Strength. Mei Li is much more greedy than her sister. It's hard for you to come so quickly, it will be a quarter of an hour in the morning than I expected."

Diego shook his whole body, and the woman next to Meili chuckled: "My lord, I'll just try it. It won't take that long."

"Go down."

As soon as Meli left, Diego hesitated to say what he wanted to say, Stark shook his head and said: "You don't need to say anything, as long as they are willing to do anything behind the scenes, I won't count. So Brother Diego Sir, you don’t have to blame yourself. I also want to thank you for greeting Melly for me. Come on, sit down, I want to have a good talk with you."

Diego felt that he was completely passive, and could only bite the bullet and sit down on the other side of the desk, and smiled dryly: "What does Lord Stark want to talk to me about?"

"A lot, let's put it this way, I am thankful that His Highness Howson called to stop at the time, otherwise I am afraid I will lose a friend like you." Stark put down the book with a sincere expression.

Diego pointed to himself: "Friend? Your sir praises me too much."

"Not at all, even an imperial prince like Howson is not qualified to be my friend. Because he and I are not the same people, but we are, Mr. Diego." Stark's lips rolled up with a smile. : "I heard Howson told you about your origins. Howson may not realize it, but you are definitely not a person from this planet. You... come from outside the planet."

This is Diego's biggest secret, now speaking from Stark, he immediately jumped up, subconsciously urging Yuanli. But an invisible but powerful force field fell on him, and the source force that urged him to move easily smashed and suppressed. Diego was sweating profusely, and Stark smiled calmly: "Don't be nervous, I have no malice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As I said just now, we are the same kind of people, so I won't stab you out of this secret. ."

Diage said in surprise: "You...you are..." He pointed to the top of his head.

Stark nodded.

"Damn it, I thought..." Diego hurriedly stopped. He originally thought that only the Earth Federation had the coordinates of the heaven star, and Stark was obviously not human. But this is the same as revealing his identity, and God knows whether Stark is from a foreign race in the Yorton star field.

Stark didn't seem to pay attention to Diego's failure. He smiled and said: "After knowing that Mr. Diego is also from outside the planet, I have been thinking, maybe you can do me a favor.

Diego cast a questioning look.

"I'm looking for someone who is not from this planet. Then do you happen to know someone named Ada, no, maybe Alan, that woman's pronunciation is not very accurate. That's right, Alan, Do you know this person?" Stark asked.

Diego's heart shook wildly, even if he wanted to hide it, he couldn't hide it. Looking at his expression, Stark nodded, and Diego had already told him the answer.

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