Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1117: The war is here


In the world of consciousness, the two volcanic craters in the distance in the distance are full of fires rising into the sky. As the hot magma flows down the mountain, forming lines of different shapes, when finally sinking into the void, Allen seems to hear all the cells in his body chanting. There was a certain invisible shackle in his body that opened with a "click", the sky fire source force roared, and Allen knew that he was promoted again.

At the twenty-seventh level, this combat power is enough to make a lieutenant general in the Federation. In Heaven Star, as long as he can possess enough territory, he can even be promoted to Marquis immediately, even if his combat power level is one level lower than the imperial standard. But with his slashing through the walls of Myrahan, most of the city was plunged into flames. This difference is almost negligible.

God knows how much Allen wants to enter the depths of consciousness again to explore the boundless land and the will of the original ancestor. However, considering the arrival of the Flame Fortress, Alan retreated from the world of consciousness in peace. When he opened his eyes, he felt a genetic circuit in his body sprung up like bamboo shoots, and then a brand new ability emerged in his mind.

Blazing volcano.

A destructive ability that is completely inclined to attack and is a group attack. When the ability is activated, it will generate a restraining force field, which will forcefully gather opponents within the force field's range before launching a fatal attack. Of course, because its attack range is as high as nearly a hundred square meters, obviously this ability has to be used carefully, otherwise it would be embarrassing to pull in friendly forces.

The sky is slightly bright.

Allen had no pajamas, so he got out of bed. When he opened the window, he could see the gray-blue sky outside and the sleeping city under this sky.

Sharp Rock City.

This third city occupied by Mason fell into the control of the crusaders without resistance yesterday evening. In fact, since the city of Mirakhan was broken, it is not known whether the defenders of the other two cities have been frightened. Long before Sharp Rock City, the second city, Pike, only symbolically resisted a few times, and the soldiers who defended the city surrendered early.

Afterwards, Woodrick learned that there were only a hundred soldiers left to defend at the time. As for the original main force of the defenders, they had already withdrawn from the city before the arrival of the crusades. Sharp Rock City is even more amazing. There is no defender. Allen remembers that when he arrived in the city last night, the city gate was wide open. The residents of the city were left behind and looked at them with helpless eyes. .

The food reserves of Sharpstone City were looted, and the defenders left an empty city for Woodrick, and everything that could be taken away, including food and young men, was swept away by the defenders. So Woodrick had to set out to settle the residents of the city. He distributed the rations to the residents and wrote to the Imperial Capital to request material support.

Jianshi City is quiet now, but in the shadow of countless buildings, I don't know how many homeless residents lie. Their house was torn down before the defenders left to block the road, and Woodrick had to clear several main roads to restore traffic in the city. In fact, Sharp Rock is not rich. Strictly speaking, the three cities of Milahan are like this. The food that the defenders can take away is not much, but it is fatal to the abandoned residents of Sharp Rock, if Woodrick does not open the rations.

The most abundant resource in this city is stone, which is extremely hard. No matter how hard the stone is, it can't bring wealth. Even though there are several large quarries in this city, people still have a hard time living. Compared with Olísga, it is a far cry.

But no matter what, time always moves forward every second, not because of anyone stopping. Whether it is aristocrat or commoner, everyone is equal before time. So the gray-blue sky to the east gradually stained the sun with a touch of Ryukyu, and the city gradually had voices. A new day comes, no matter how difficult life is, you have to continue as long as you don’t close your eyes.

People have to rebuild houses and quarries are to resume production. Residents have to exchange their hard work for life capital. After all, military rations are not infinite supply. Of course, the Empire will provide assistance, but it is not enough to keep them out of poverty forever.

After breakfast, the messenger brought Woodrick's message. Allen took Edward and left the residence in the city, and went to the city lord's mansion to discuss the specific matters of attacking Blaze Castle with Woodrick. Walking along a main road in Jianshi City, Alan saw Miro when passing a small square. The priest was standing on a stepped stone, vividly describing the benefits of becoming a Christian. One of the biggest benefits is the assistance of the church. The church will send food to these poor believers. Of course, believers have to offer their loyalty to the church.

Allen shook his head and said softly: "Miro often said that in fact, between the church and the believers, it's just a bargain."

"But this kind of transaction is mutually beneficial, why not?" Edward pointed at the onlookers: "See those tired faces? I believe they need the spiritual care of Father Milo now. It Even beyond matter."

"Perhaps this is the charm of faith."

"Do you have faith? Master Ellen?"

"Me?" Allen smiled and patted Chi Wang: "Yes, my sword is my faith."

Edward gave an expression of disapproval.

Inside the conference hall of the City Lord's Mansion, this place has been re-arranged. The previous cumbersome decorations were cleaned up, but all that could be used was left to the residents to dispose of. Woodrick's request was that the place was spacious enough to fit the war sand table. The command of the general was carried out most thoroughly. At least Allen who walked into the room didn't even see the curtain, but in this way, the place seemed to be well lit.

In the meeting hall stood a few important figures, Woodrick, Julian, and Belle Kay, as well as the following ten officers, large and small. The meeting didn't seem to have started, Belleky was alone, the others were standing in twos and threes, and Woodrick and the prince were talking about something. Seeing Allen appear, the general coughed dryly: "Please come here, everyone."

The war sand table was immediately surrounded by people, and the models on the sand table were re-stacked last night. From above, it is not difficult to see the Blaze Fortress where Mason is located, as well as the newly built small town in front of the castle. The long, winding town wall seems to tell everyone that behind the wall is Mason's territory.

Woodrick propped his hands on the table, glanced across the crowd, and said in a low voice: "According to the scout report, our enemy has gathered its forces, and they are all stationed in the Flame Fort and this unknown town. Everyone, Mason wants to have a general battle with us. What do you think about this?"

Julian pondered for a moment, and said: "It is true that the concentration of our troops is a huge obstacle for us to fight against the Flame Fort. But this is not a good thing, as long as the main force of Mason is defeated here, the sword master will no longer have the power. Make a comeback."

"I agree with your Royal Highness." Belleky, who had not expressed it at the meeting before, said this time: "Use a battle to decide the victory or defeat. It is simply and exciting. If it is procrastinated, it will be too much. Field, I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep.”

Woodrick shook his head, disagreeing with Belle Kay's words. The Ten Saints might not be an excellent military strategist, and Bellekay's stage is to confront Mason, not on any battlefield. Woodrick looked at Alan who was smiling and silent, and said, "What's the opinion of the earl?"

Allen pointed to the town wall, and said solemnly: "This thing is too long, this time I can't split it with a knife."

Julian laughed, making the atmosphere in the conference hall less serious. Allen's words evoked everyone's memories. The picture of him breaking through the city that day was still vivid and successfully aroused the confidence of the participating officers. Allen reminded them that in addition to the Ten Saints like Belle Kai, there was also him, a master who could threaten the Ten Saints. Woodrick’s resolute face also smiled a little more: "I didn’t plan to let the earl do that again, not to mention, as you said, this time the guard wall is too long, and another Milahan’s feat is just a waste of you. Yuanli. I don’t believe that Mason will not be unguarded against you after hearing about things like Mirahan."

"So what is the general going to do this time?" Allen blinked and asked.

Woodrick said directly: "It's very simple. At that time, I will assign you a man and horse, plus the earl your own men. I hope you can form an assault team to remove the enemy's strong. There is no strong. With the support of the enemy, I don’t believe that Mason’s line of defense can hold back the pace of our army."

"This happens to be what I am good at. I promise that except for Mason, the other enemy masters will disappear one by one."

Woodrick nodded and said, "I think Master Bellequet will be happy to greet Mason if he makes a move."

Belleky tapped his pipe on the table and sighed, "Say okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I’m not good at frontal combat. If I were to face Mason’s sword, it’s not a big deal. So I need help. Being able to face Mason's helper head-on, so I still have a chance to kill him."

Woodrick straightened up. "I will cover you, my lord."

"Just do it," Belleky said cheerfully.

After discussing the details of the offense, the meeting was disbanded. The Crusaders will stay in Jianshi City for one day, leaving at dawn tomorrow, and are expected to arrive at the unnamed town in front of the Flame Fort at noon. So today is a rare day off. It's just that the war is just around the corner. Everyone is hurrying to prepare, and they are willing to waste time.

In the golden morning light, Ma Sen, wearing silver armor with red stripes, and a fiery red cloak hanging behind his back, walked up to a tower. He looked condescendingly, a group of soldiers lined up neatly, forming several square formations, looking up, all eyes were on him. Mason's eyes lit up, as if flames spurted out of it, and an instant power enveloped the audience. With a bright and confident smile, he looked at the soldiers downstairs and said succinctly: "This battle will win!"

Sure to win

His ending sound echoed continuously on the empty ice field, as if this ice field was also shouting!

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