Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1118: Initiative

"Mr. Stark, are you leaving?"

Olísgar, at the entrance of a manor, Howson was standing by an unmarked carriage. The window of the carriage opened, and Stark's perfect profile appeared in the eyes of the prince. He showed a meaningful smile: "Stay in the imperial capital can't fulfill my promise to you, honorable prince. I am leaving just to fulfill my promise. Of course, please don't forget what you promised. what."

"You can rest assured, as long as..."

Stark raised his hand and didn't let Howson finish his sentence: "Just so, I'm sorry to borrow Mr. Diego from you. I find him very suitable as a groom."

Howson looked at Diego on the throne, and said coldly, "That's his honor."

Diego's mouth twitched and finally lowered his head. Stark's voice sounded in the car: "Let's go."

The carriage gradually moved away from Hausen's sight and left Olísgar along the Königsallee. Because of Hausen's warrant, the guards at the gate did not conduct a thorough investigation, and did not know who was sitting in the carriage. When he was walking on the grassland outside the city, Diego cleared his throat and asked, "Master Stark, where are we going?"

"Gushan Ice Field, Flame Fort."

"To the Flame Fort?" Diego said in surprise: "Is there a war over there?"

"Earl Alan is there, then I will go there. Besides, there is another important thing to do besides this." After saying this, there was no sound in the carriage. Knowing that he would not answer any more questions, Diego could only shrug his shoulders and spur the horse to pull the cart to the direction of the Lonely Mountain Icefield. While sitting on the throne, Diego remembered what Stark said to him last night.

"Tell me everything about Ellen."

Diego didn't know why this man was staring at Allen, but he knew very well that no matter who he was staring at, it was an unfortunate thing. The strength of this Stark is at least the Ten Saints level, or the level of the Grand Admiral of the Shadow Principality. And from the lines of his words, Diego couldn't tell that he had any kindness towards Allen.

He was a little gloating, but not happy. After all, Stark at least regarded Allen as a target, and he? Only do things that grooms can do!

In the carriage, Stark slowly closed his eyes, he was careful not to touch the natural disaster circuit, because he didn't want to be spotted by Alan too early. The smile on the corner of his mouth gradually widened, and Stark had to try his best to restrain himself, so he did not break out of the car and rushed to the Blaze Castle at full speed.

It is not the time yet.

Back to the palace, Howson came to the King's Landing Hall, but was stopped by the chief of staff in front of Tangliou, just as he had expected before coming. The housekeeper gently stopped in front of Howson with his hand patting the foundation, with a smile on his face. Howson snorted: "Is the father's injury still not healed?"

"The gods are on top, how I wish I could be injured on behalf of your majesty. But unfortunately, the gods never gave me this opportunity. So yes, your majesty, your majesty still needs to rest, you better not disturb him." The maid-in-chief always gives people the feeling that they are not smiling when they are smiling, just like wearing a personal skin mask on their face.

Howson disliked the manager since he was sensible, but Tangliou trusted him. So when he stopped, Howson didn't dare to rush, but he still said unwillingly: "It's been so many days. With the father's ability, what kind of injury can make him rest for so long! Or, the father is not there at all? In the Palace of King's Landing?"

The chief maid let out a string of laughter like rooster crowing, he giggled and said: "My dear little prince, the one who hurt your majesty is Ruibian of Chaos, and Mason, the sword master. If it's yours, only I am afraid that there will be no chance to heal the injury. If you have any questions, you should ask your Majesty for advice, and I will not stop you. Don’t blame me for not reminding you that the emperor’s mood is not so good now."

He turned sideways and gave up the passage to the depths of the palace. Hausen squinted his eyes, stared at the passage for a long time, and finally decided not to bet on this one: "Say hello to my father for me."

"It must be brought here."

Howson stared at him in disgust, then turned and left.

He returned to his palace and suddenly found that the palace was deserted. Before the spring hunt, it was crowded with people who were loyal to him, who were either vulgar, talking loudly, and drunk. But at least to bring vitality to the palace, at that time he also knew what he was going to do and what to do next. But now? Except for Diego, the others either died or left, and the female from the Lion King Army sent him back. With Stark, a top powerhouse, what else do ordinary elites in the army do?

But in this way, Howson was a little confused. Stark promised him that it would help him become the crown prince, and even the new king of Balegan. At that time, Howson must promise him one thing in return. But Stark didn't say anything, only that it became clear when the time came. Howson's goal has not changed, but now he can clearly feel that the initiative has been transferred from him to Stark.

He had no idea what the man would do or what to do. He can only wait passively in the palace, waiting is not in Howson's style, but at this moment he is helpless.

"Perhaps, I dare not recruit a guy who is uncontrollable." Howson thought, but at that time, does he have a choice?

He has no choice.

Either cooperate with Stark or die.

Howson still wants to live, and try to live as long as possible.

In the palace, a soft sigh.

The drum of war sounded in this wasteland, heavy and full of power. The earth seemed to vibrate gently, because it couldn't bear the weight of the steel torrent on its body. The strong warrior in armor strode forward at almost one step, the eyes under the helmet looked straight ahead, and the sword on his body whispered like a cry for blood.

The bright noon sun reflected a dazzling halo on the armor. The golden lions embroidered with gold thread roared silently on the flag. The wind was blowing the flag, and the gold thread exuded the brilliance of flame in the sun. The soldiers marched in hordes. They didn't make any sound. The marching momentum was enough to shock the enemy.

When Woodrick raised his hand, the army stopped. Thousands of people stopped neatly, and the picture itself was full of shock. Woodrick squinted his eyes and looked forward. Behind a desolate stone field, there was an army of about two thousand. It's just that the army has different colors, the armor is blue and red, and it looks messy. Compared with the Emperor team, the difference is not a little bit. After the army is the town wall, which has a height of four or five meters, and has an arrow tower, and then farmland and a vague outline of the town.

Looking across, Woodrick shouted: "Where is Mason!"

There was a rider in the opposing enemy line. The knight had gorgeous armor and bright cloak, and even brightly colored feathers were inserted on his helmet. He looked arrogant and responded loudly: "Master Ma Sen is waiting for you at the Flame Fort. Of course, the premise is that you can reach the Fort."

Woodrick nodded: "Okay, then now I'll give you a chance to surrender and disarm without death!"

"Disarm without death!"

The platoon of soldiers from the Dragon Army in the rear echoed, with loud noises.

The enemy's knight looked a little ugly, but he pulled out his sword and swung forward suddenly: "Kill!" He replied with action instead, and there was a loud hoof behind him. A tall war horse carried the famous knight wrapped in heavy armor across. After the commander, more knights passed by him. The enemy forces took the lead in charging, and the colorful armor reflected the sunlight, like a turbid current billowing.

Woodrick was not surprised, he raised his hand, and the giant sword ran into the general's hand with a cold scream. The ice soul crystals on the ice lit up from the inside out, and a column of icy wind rushed from the sword edge of the giant sword instantly, becoming a striking signal. Seeing this icy wind, all the dragon knights pulled down their helmets and visors, and Woodrick struck down the great sword. The ice wind charged forward, and the general roared, "Charge!"

Everyone of the dragon army knights clamped the horse belly, drew out their war knives, picked up their spears, and passed Woodrick's side. The general also galloped on his horse, and a few sprints were far ahead, leading the knight behind him to face the enemy. Everyone of the dragon army knights conquered snow with their cloaks, and the view from a distance is like a mountain avalanche, a line of snow surging down from the mountain top. The momentum of the two thousand dragon army knights charging collectively is suffocating just by looking at it.

Alan's chest rises and falls. Before that, the only scene he had seen when a large-scale cavalry group charged was when he defeated the unicorn cavalry group. At that time, the Unicorn Cavalry Regiment had only 500 people. But now, the two cavalrymen add up to nearly 4,000. With the vast wilderness as the background, the two cavalrymen are like two floods of steel gathering in the middle distance. The magnificence cannot be described by words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Soon, the two waves meet in the middle.

The moment they met was the collision of steel and the screaming of swords. The flood peaks met across the board, immediately blowing up countless waves of death. It's just that Mason is a miscellaneous army after all, with commendable courage, and no matter how powerful or equipment it is, or even the individual qualities are not comparable to the dragon army. Under the first collision, the muddy road on the opposite side fell down, and the turbulent snow line of the Dragon Army continued to deepen, as if a dozen soldiers were pierced through the enemy formation.

At this time, the sound of cannons came late.

The artillery of the two sides began to bombard each other, and the artillery shells screamed sharply in the air, pulling the flames to their respective positions. Artillery fire and gunpowder smoke made the sun look pale, and the fireball from the bomb explosion became a dazzling color on the battlefield. At this time, the advantages of the number of strong on both sides began to manifest. The waiting officers in the Dragon Army also have a level of 17 or 8 strength. They are divided into the entire army. Once shells fall, they will intercept them and detonate the shells in mid-air, thus affecting the advancement of the Dragon Army knights. Not big.

The number of strong men on Mason's side was obviously less, and many shells fell in that turbid current, exploding fireballs. But seeing the flames of the source of power from those strong, Allen knew that it was time for him to act.

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