Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1119: Man's world

Alan's outfit today was as soon as he left Aulis, and the Red King and Dragon Flame were behind them with swords and swords. He looked back and glanced over the members of the commando team. In addition to Regis, Lola, Fares, and Lucy, these members also included the twenty Golden Swordsmen of the Bolin family. These swordsmen were born from nobles and have always been above the top. If it were changed to an ordinary time, even if Alan had the status of earl, it would be difficult for them to admire. But in the battle of Mirakhan, Allen’s stunning and stunning knife has convinced many people, including these golden swordsmen, when Woodrick told them to follow Allen to assault the enemy strong, these swordsmen did not One person refused.

In addition to these people, there are ten Steel Front Warriors who will **** this team, which is why Lucy is involved in Kizhong. As for Adele, her sniper was not suitable for this kind of assault that quickly changed positions, so she left Allen in the main army behind.

The members of the assault team turned on their horses one after another, and Lucy and Allen rode together. After seeing everyone ready, Allen simply yelled: "Follow me!" Immediately, his legs clamped the horse belly, and the warhorse Stand up, dash out in a long hiss, and take the lead! .

This team broke away from the main force and bypassed the side of the battlefield. Although their numbers are quite large, they are like a splash of water in the current battle of thousands of people. The sea will not attract anything at all. Human attention. Allen rode his horse and galloped wildly, shells roaring past his head, his eyes were dyed red with flames, and the sound of rumbling explosions and shouts came from his ears.

Steel, flames, and gun smoke have become the themes of this space, this is the world of men!

Allen only felt a roar in his body, urging him to fight, but he didn't even notice it. The flames in his eyes were burning like magma. It was as if the original ancestor's will dwelling deep in his consciousness was peering into the world through his eyes.

The team has crossed the front line of the battle between the two sides and circled to the left flank of the enemy cavalry position. The enemy immediately separated a team to intercept them, and it seemed that Mason's commander regarded them as an ordinary harassment team.

This is a fatal error.

Lucy raised her hand, and the golden rose ring on her finger shone with golden light. The steel front samurai running on both sides of the team suddenly accelerated. These war machines hidden in the cloak had two bright red fireworks illuminated in their helmets. Their speed increased sharply, leaving deep footprints on the wasteland, and a few sprints passed the team and converged in one place in front. With warrior leader Gertes as the forward, ten steel-front warriors formed an arrow formation, each of them dragged the ground with heavy weapons, arched their iron shoulders and crashed into the enemy group.

People turn their backs!

At the moment of the collision, seven or eight war horses and the knights on the horses hit the air directly, and the men and horses fell three or four meters above the height of the bullets, and they were greeted by the uniform offensive of the steel front samurai. The heavy weapons dragged by these war machines on the ground suddenly rose, and huge swords and axe screamed. Both humans and horses were cut open in the air. The blood was raining and the forward of the enemy cavalry squad collapsed immediately.

The steel front samurai scattered left and right, allowing Allen and others to drive straight in. Allen breathed fire in his eyes, and the Scarlet King and Dragon Flame were out of their sheaths at the same time, each wielding a ball of sword and lightsaber flowers, and the flesh and blood flew everywhere, no knight could stop him with a sword. At this time, the steel front samurai guarded the two wings of the team to keep up with them, and with one impact, the interception team was dispersed. Allen ignored the few enemy soldiers who had fled. He could already see the enemy's main force before his eyes.

They are still pushing forward, trying to suppress the penetration of the dragon army. At this time, a few soldiers on the edge of the battlefield finally found Allen's team. A knight was about to give a warning, suddenly the helmet flashed and he was shot in the forehead and fell off the horse.

Behind Alan, a puff of smoke rose from the muzzle of the Golden Rose in Lucy's hand.

"Open the bow!" a golden swordsman yelled, and they took off their longbows one after another, and used arrows to draw the strings. When the bowstring is pulled to perfection, the feather arrows begin to be shot. Golden Swordsman's strength lies more in swordsmanship, but the arrows shot by them are powerful, and a dozen soldiers on the edge of the enemy line can be brought down in one shot. When the team was close to the enemy, they shot three rounds in a row.

"Follow me!" Allen yelled again, Chi Wang pointed forward. A ball of vermilion skyfire appeared out of thin air, and the flame rolled back, forming an inverted arc. It looks like a burning awl. With Alan’s sprint, this cone of flame slammed into the enemy’s formation. All the cavalry hit by the cone of fire bounced off. The man and horse burned wildly at the same time, and the soldiers screamed. Fleeing around, created a lot of chaos.

Allen cleared the way with a cone of flames, and led the commando into the enemy's formation. Lucy stretched out her hand and waved it down. The steel front samurai immediately dispersed, and the golden swordsman added to the gaps of those war machines. With the steel front samurai as the node, the golden swordsman can rely on their protection to separate their hands and feet. Sheath, with concise and efficient swordsmanship, harvests the lives of enemy soldiers.

At this time, in front of the team, a strong enemy suddenly jumped high. The strong man was holding a double axe, spinning around in the air, raising his left hand, and a short-handled double-moon axe whistling out in his hand. The axe was dragged with a light yellow source of brilliance, drew an arc and hit the cannonball flying high above the sky, detonating it in the air. Looking at the fire cloud blooming above his head, the corner of the strong man's mouth was slightly stunned. Suddenly, he felt an unparalleled aura approaching from the left. When he turned his head, he saw Alan carrying the Scarlet King Dragon Flame and rushing towards him. The strong man had nowhere to evade in mid-air, so he could only forcefully lift his source power, and use the remaining axe to strike Allen with all his strength.

The Red King whispered, and a three-inch Zhu Feng popped out of the blade. Alan squinted his eyes and stepped on the void. A cloud of skyfire exploded behind him, pushing him to a sudden increase in speed, and instantly passed the enemy strong.

After Ellen swept to the highest point, one rolled to the other side of the battlefield, where there was a breath of power. As for the person behind him, the double-moon axe that exploded the shells spun back, but its owner had no strength to catch it. The strong man was in the air, suddenly turned into a human-shaped fireball and fell back, fell to the ground but never got up.

fighting! fighting! fighting!

After the enemy cavalry began to be unable to stop the penetration of the dragon army, the main force of the crusade army also began to press forward. But at this time, there was a short but regular horn from the enemy. After the horn sounded, the miscellaneous cavalry began to retreat. A cavalry team in yellow armor was responsible for the break, covering the rear friendly army after retreating to the town wall, and fleeing all the way towards the town.

After the cavalry left the battlefield, the few dead teams surrendered very simply. Such kind and shameless approach made Woodrick stunned, but he also complied with his previous statement of disarming and not killing. It's just that the prisoners who were escorted back to the formation were only a few dozen people, and there was no gain at all.

Woodrick did not rush to order the army to continue pursuing. Although the opponent was already in a disadvantaged position, it was far from the collapse of the whole line. Choose to retreat at this time, obviously leaving behind. Reminiscing that Mason has never appeared, Woodrick is even more reluctant to attack. He ordered the army to retreat to the rear to rest and encamp, and at the same time sent a unit to take down the arrow tower of the town wall so that it could hit Huanglong in the next attack.

A big battle ended temporarily, and Allen returned to the camp with the commando. Their record is very dazzling. There are more than a dozen enemy strong men who died under their hands, and hundreds of cavalry lives were attached. For this, Woodrick naturally gave them a credit. The golden swordsmen were very excited, except for being able to fight side by side with powerful men like Allen, which made these glorious warriors excited. What is even more rare is that none of them died. We must know that in this kind of battle of thousands of people, unless it is the top powerhouse, it is difficult not to die.

And all this thanks to the ten steel front warriors, many of the time the deadly attacks from the enemy were directly stopped by the steel front warriors with their bodies. If this is not the case, the Golden Swordsman will suffer damage after the battle. As a result, the Golden Swordsman was full of curiosity about the powerful warriors hiding in the cloak, and he was a little more grateful to Allen in addition to admiration.

It is said that friendship is the easiest to cultivate on the battlefield. This is true. After all, these feelings are cultivated between life and death. They are stronger and more lasting than other methods. The Golden Swordsman is the backbone of the Bolling Family Armed Forces, winning their friendship, and Alan waits if he wins the goodwill of the younger Bollinger.

Night fell.

Woodrick stood on a high ground, looking at the brightly lit town on the other side. Allen walked up to him and coughed slightly to draw the general's attention. Woodrick squinted his eyes and said, "Earl Ellen, what do you think?"

Allen knew that he was referring to the sudden retreat of the enemy during the day, and said without hesitation: "I'm afraid it is a strategy to show the enemy's weakness and draw the enemy deeper, right?"

"I think so too~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Woodrick said solemnly: "Mason is a terrible opponent, and his terrifying is not only in personal combat power, but also in other aspects. Our former duke is an erudite and talented person. In addition to the source of swordsmanship, he has also dabbled in art, military and national management. If we despise him, we will taste bitter fruit. "

"If I were Mason, I would bury a lot of explosives in that small town. If the enemy can be drawn in, just detonate the explosives, which can save a lot of trouble. Don't forget, if we want to force the Flame Fort, we will be there. It must pass through this town." Allen looked at the flames on the other side of the night and said: "Furthermore, it has blown up the town, in addition to mass destruction of the enemy, it can also create obstacles to passage and greatly reduce the speed of our advancement."

Woodrick frowned. "Earl Ellen mean?"

"I mean, Mason must have hidden some assassins, we can't break it, but it doesn't mean there is no." Allen said solemnly: "General, you should have noticed it too, since the defenders of the two cities of Pike and Sharpstone have chosen After the evacuation, where did they go? In short, the number should be more than the number we saw, right?"

"Mason prepared an ambush for us. The only question is, where are they ambushing and when will they appear?" Allen looked at Woodrick: "I believe that is the key to this war."

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