Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1120: Blazing volcano

"For the sake of god, soldier, put away your **** pipe. If I see him again, I swear to put your bird in that **** pipe! Hell, I don't want to talk about it anymore. Twice, we are on the gunpowder now, if you still want to die, just **** me be careful!"

Earl Russell’s familiar loud voice rang from a bell tower, and his burly bear-like figure appeared under the lights of the bell tower. He pointed at the soldiers downstairs who were smoking in the corner and shouted: "You guys Yes, watch the night for me, stand all night. Which one finds me dozing off. Hey, then this unfortunate gentleman can sleep forever until the end of time."

The soldiers were so scared that they extinguished the sparks in their pipes, took their swords and ran away from the bell tower. Earl Russell wore a black armor and a heavy fur cloak. This cloak was actually a bear skin, and it even retained the head of a wild bear. Of course, the bear’s head is actually only a skull as a support. Count Russell does not have a helmet. This bear head is his helmet. He often wears a bear head and a cloak on his body like this, so he looks like a talking wild bear from a distance.

He was full of alcohol, and anyone who knew him knew that Earl Russell could not do without wine. Some people even say that the Earl's body is not blood, but wine, of course no one will go to verify. After all, Earl Russell can't be called a good temper. On the contrary, Tian Tian has the nickname of a tyrant in his territory. Legend has it that there is a cellar in Russell’s castle. There is a place where the earl specializes in torturing people. There is a collection of all kinds of torture instruments that can be collected. The Earl's greatest enjoyment is drinking wine and watching the prisoner scream.

When there are no prisoners, the earl will also capture civilians, especially women. He would torture the woman to the dying breath, and then forcefully rejoice. In the end, none of the women who walked into the cellar of the castle could get out. Russell’s castle is like a beast that eats people without spitting out bones. There are many legends about this earl. The soldiers in this town are usually willing to use the legend of the tyrant earl to scare the Raijiao, but when the legend is in front of them, they are not so interested.

Although due to Mason’s constraints, the earl has not yet tortured soldiers, but every time he sees his bear-like figure, even the most slippery soldier in the week can only meticulously complete each of the earl’s command.

Russell took off the bear's head and the cloak from his head. He was sweating profusely. Today, there is no rare wine bottle on hand. Because when he didn't want to get drunk, he set fire to explosives everywhere. Just as Allen had guessed, the town had planted a large amount of explosives as early as the crusades left. The evacuation of the cavalry during the day was also to draw the dragon army deeper, but Woodrick carefully chose to suspend the offensive, so that the explosives in the town were useless.

But these are headaches for Russell. He must constantly warn the soldiers to be careful and careful to avoid burning explosives. That would be too unjustified.

At the entrance of the town, several soldiers who had named Russell pulled their heads down, and took over each other's work amidst the laughter of their colleagues. Bolton was one of the hapless ones. He happened to be from Russell's territory and knew the terrible earl. This young soldier who has not yet reached the age of twenty joined the army during the recent conscription and has not really killed a single person yet. When he wanted to join the army, Bolton had only a simple wish to feed poor family members with military pay. In the past, Russell’s soldiers had been only responsible for protecting the territory, and there was no precedent for foreign transfer.

Unexpectedly, this large-scale conscription turned out to be an enemy of the Imperial Army. If he had known this, Bolton would not have participated in this war if he was killed. But now it was too late to quit. Russell would not let any deserter go. If he fell into his hands, he would die quite ugly. Before this, someone had escaped, but was caught, and was torn to pieces by Russell in front of everyone to feed the dog.

Bolton didn't want to be a dog food, so now he was standing on an arrow tower and had to spend this long night with his eyes open.

Looking at the faint flames of the imperial military camp in the distance, Bolton's heart has flown to the old man's home. He missed his family members very much, especially his little brother who was less than nine years old. That naughty little guy can always do things that make people laugh or cry, but it is undeniable that Bolton can laugh happily with that kid around. Thinking about it, the corners of the soldier's mouth turned up unconsciously.

A colleague next to him hit him, blinked and asked: "Thinking about women?"

Bolton blushed, shook his head and said, "No."

"You haven't tasted a woman?" The veteran whistle: "Oh, it's still a green apple." He deliberately slapped Bolton's ass, causing the other two soldiers to laugh.

"Don't make any noise, look! There are people there."

While a few soldiers in the arrow tower were joking, one nervously pointed to the farmland in the dim night outside the town. Several soldiers surrounded him, including Bolton. Bolton has good eyesight, and when he was at home, he often followed his father to hunt in the forest. The light was dimmed now, but he still saw that there was a person walking towards the town in the direction of his colleagues' fingers.

That is a young man.

At least Bolton couldn't tell how much the opponent was older than him. He was covered in a robe, and underneath was a tight battle shirt. He seemed to be carrying a weapon. Such a person appears alone outside the town, the picture is weird. Bolton suddenly remembered something. It was rumored that the day of the fall of Myrahan was caused by a single knife. That person’s name seems to be

"Allen? It's the earl who captured Milatus!" Bolton screamed.

Allen raised his head, and there was a faint voice from the arrow tower in the distance, which seemed to have been discovered. He wasn't afraid of being discovered, but after calculating the distance, the position seemed to be just right, so he stopped. At this time, the town had already sounded the alarm, several arrow towers were blazing, and the town was full of people, thinking that there should be an army coming here.

Just right. He thought, and then urged the source of energy in the body, and the surrounding farmland gradually lit up, and a layer of fire light evacuated from the ground and dissipated. A number of flame patterns appeared on Alan's body, and an ability was taking shape under the roar of Genesis.

He raised his hand.

At this time, the bowstrings and guns sounded in unison on the arrow tower. Feather arrows broke through the air, bullets flew by, and the town’s army took the lead in attacking. A circle of firelight illuminates, spins, and spreads at Alan's feet. The arrow rain bullets falling all over the sky seemed to hit an invisible barrier, suddenly the feather arrows broke, the bullets melted, and all splashed towards the periphery. At the end of the wave, the town's army will launch a second wave of attacks. With a smile on his face, Allen reached out and pointed towards the town.

Russell, who was rushing out of town, stopped abruptly, his hair standing up all over his body, and a warning sign in his heart. But the earl didn't know where the danger came from, so he could only hold his breath and looked around. In the earl’s perception, the source force of the space is moving in a nearly boiling manner, and the earl has never experienced this degree of source force movement. Then an astonishing heat began to come from under his feet, Russell looked down, and saw a thin fissure that did not know where it originated, but it spread from between his feet and pointed straight to the center of the town.

That amazing heat is emitted from the cracks, as if a volcano is hidden in the town.

There is no volcano under the town, but there are countless explosives. At this moment, the underground heat is rising. If there is heat, there must be a heat source. If the heat source is flame, Russell is no longer willing to think about the result. More and more fissures appeared and expanded, roads in the town were cracked, and houses were raised. In addition to the heat waves, the fissures also showed fire. Russell suddenly knew that the town could not be kept.

This is his intuition, and he has always believed in intuition. Russell yelled, but his clumsy body swept towards the direction of the Flame Fort at an unusually fast speed, and the figure smelled a bit of agitation.

At this moment, the fountain in the center of the town suddenly flew up into the air, and the ground kept bulging with a dirt bag, as if something was about to break through the ground. The whole town has been full of cracks, big and small, hundreds of cracks and fire. These cracks all point to the same place, which is the bulging soil pack in the town.

Russell smashed through a door directly and then slammed out of the back window of the house. Suddenly the speed was suffocated, and the air became viscous, as if the surroundings became a swamp. Then an invisible suction pulled Russell back, and the earl was so lucky that his legs plunged into the ground to counteract the gravitational force. But other people in the town didn't have his ability, and the soldiers' exclamation came from all directions. They were pulled out by the invisible gravitational force from the house and the bell tower, and headed towards the center of the town.

The earl's scalp exploded, his source of energy exploded, and his body spurted with flames. The invisible force field that pulled him suddenly weakened a lot~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Russell couldn't care about anything else, and ran away.

Bolton screamed, even in the arrow tower outside the town, he floated out with a few other colleagues. Bolton tried to grasp the fence of the arrow tower, but still carried the force field. He danced helplessly in half empty-handed, and then floated with the others on the dirt bag in the town. At this time, the soil bag began to crack, and a stream of fire spewed from the crack, and then the second, and even countless.

All the fire currents merged into one, forming a thick pillar of fire rising into the sky. The oncoming fire was the last picture Bolton saw in his life. He never went again, and the pillar of fire spouting from under the dirt engulfed him and the other soldiers. A volcano swelled up in the center of the town, and the scorching flames erupted in an all-round way. The pillar of fire that rose up almost licked the sky.

The gunpowder buried in the small town was detonated, and the whole town was lifted into the air. In the thick tumbling smoke, countless burning debris splashed and scattered in all directions, like a fire rain in the sky. At this moment, Alan was far away from the town, and when he looked up, he could still see the volcano in the town erupting endlessly, and the town no longer existed.

That is Blazing Volcano, an ability that exists entirely for destruction!

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