Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1122: Under the Flame Fort

The crusaders passed through the town wall demolished yesterday, through the burnt farmland, and bypassed the side of the town that had become ruins. Alan rode on the horse, staring into the distance. He can already see the Flame Fort. No matter what the castle was like before, now it can definitely be described as hideous and terrifying. Mason armed it like a monster. The straight thorns that stretched towards the periphery, the stacked turrets, the dense stacks of arrows and shooting holes, all silently declared their strength to the enemy.

If you want to eat such a castle, you will surely pierce its enemies with blood.

Before the castle, yesterday's miscellaneous cavalry was already waiting for it, but after losing some of its troops yesterday, the remaining cavalry battle formation today seemed a bit loose, not as dense as yesterday.

Woodrick raised his hand.

The army stopped one by one, and Allen also stopped. At this moment, he felt something in his heart and looked up in the direction of the Flame Fort. Looking closer, he saw someone walking out on the only terrace behind the Blaze Fort. It was a tall and majestic man, with long black hair, a robe and a set of close-fitting flaming red armor. The lines on the armor are flying like flames, as if there is a ball of fire hidden under the man's robe!

Allen knew who he was when he saw him.

In addition to the swordsman Mason, who can stand under that castle, and who can smile when facing a military power that is several times his own. Woodrick also saw the figure. He didn't rush to speak, but looked at Julian to show the face of the second prince. Julian nodded, kicked the horse's belly lightly, and stepped forward a few meters away from the battlefield. He raised his voice toward the figure on the castle: "Ma Sen! You have been unforgivable for betraying the empire. But I think you have done something to the emperor. Today Here is a chance for you. Give up resistance and stand trial with Us Olísca!"

Julianti was full of energy, and his voice was loud, oscillating between the battlefield and the castle. It's just that he is still young, and that tone always gives people a feeling of lack of confidence. Of course, facing the sword lords of Ten Saints, replacing them with other princes may not do better than Julian.

Mason’s laughter came from the castle. At first there was a chuckle. In a blink of an eye, the laughter resembled a flood, and it rang out loudly on the four fields: "It’s ridiculous, if this is said from Tangierou’s mouth. , Then I'm still a little bit jealous. You? Julian, you're still a little tender. The battlefield is not for you, go and touch the woman, it's more suitable for you."

The cavalry in front of the castle immediately burst into laughter.

Julian's handsome face flushed red, he was very angry, and Ma Sen humiliated him in public. Finally, the second prince was still calm, not as violently as Ma Sen expected, full of embarrassment. He just nodded and said loudly: "Since you refuse to accept my suggestion, you have to change to another method."

Turning the horse's head, Julian drew out his sword and said loudly to the army on his side: "In the name of the king, fight here against the betrayer Ma Sen. All fighters..."

Julian turned to the Flame Fort and swung down the long sword vigorously: "Follow me!". He pinched the horse belly with his legs, and the horse hissed and rushed out. Woodrick drew out the great sword, roared and followed Julian, and then the dragon army knights behind him launched a charge in rows!

"Do it hard, boys!" Russell, who was appointed by Mason as the commander today, still wears his bearskin cloak. In his hand is a rare weapon. Not everyone can use it well. Three head-sized maces dragged on the ground, Russell

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Pointing at the emperor who is rushing, squeezed a violent shout from his chest: "Kill them all!"


The cavalry passed by Russell one after another, and Russell also ran with the mace. With his size and heavy armor, there is no horse that can bear his weight. Russell simply doesn't ride a horse. It makes no difference to him whether he has a horse or not. He sprinted with all his strength, and Mason was watching from the Flame Fort, this time there was no chance for Russell to be lazy. The earl can only arouse a murderous intent, and he will stop until he gets rid of a few masters.

Compared with the surging emperor, Russell and his cavalry bar are like a strong wave, but lacking stamina. Soon, two floods of steel met and collided in the middle of the battlefield. At the same time as the steel cried, the turrets of the Flame Fort also rang, and the shells dragged out a sharp whistling over the two fully occluding fronts, and fell to the rear of the emperor's battle formation, exploding fireballs.

The emperor immediately returned the color, and the artillery on the shooting position in the rear roared, and a cloud of fire exploded on the Flame Fort.

In the blast of artillery from both sides, on the ground, Russell swung his shoulders wildly, hitting a horse of the dragon army next to him and flew out, and the knight on the horse also fell into a mess. Russell laughed, and the meteor hammer burned with a dark red flame and hit the chest of a rushing knight. The knight flew out, his chest armor sank, and he couldn't survive.

Russell killed two horses in a row, and then squinted for new enemies. Suddenly seeing Julian's eye-catching and gorgeous armor, the earl grinned and rushed away. Those knights who stood in front of Julian either smashed back or swept the meteor.

Julian was using a long sword to cut down an enemy soldier. Suddenly, the knight in front of him was in chaos, and then a cavalry and horse flew into the air. Russell's demon-like figure appeared in Julian's eyes. Julian breathed, but still turned his horse's head and rushed towards Russell. Russell laughed, suddenly short, swept across the horse's legs with a meteor hammer in his hand. Julian immediately heard the scream of the horse under the hips, and the world revolved. When he was overwhelmed, he had fallen to the ground. After a brief dizziness, he got up and saw Russell dragging the meteor hammer and rushing over with high arrogance.

Seeing that he was about to rush to Julian's side, a flash of scarlet sword flashed horizontally between the two. Russell let out a strange cry, pausing on both feet, pressing the ground to arch a slope, before stopping himself. Otherwise, rush forward and wait for Ruo to give the spatula light to his neck. Julian was overwhelmed, and he could see a familiar figure standing in front of him. The red blade was drooping, and sparks flickered faintly around him.

"Alan!" Julian called.

Allen nodded, then looked at Russell and smiled: "I'll play with you."

On the terrace of the Fortress of Flames, Mason heard the sound of rumbling cannons, and the flickering fire of the lower fort was reflected on his face, which made Ma Sen's face erratic. He held the fence with both hands, and the wind blew from the direction of the battlefield, sending fire debris and gunpowder smoke, as well as the pungent smell of gunpowder. Ma Sen took a deep breath and looked away from the battlefield, looking to the other side.

In that direction, it was Olisga, the capital. There was artillery fire in Ma Sen's eyes, as if he could see that the ancient capital city would eventually disappear into the flames of war.

A piece of ashes still shining with stars and flames floated towards him, and the arc of Mason's mouth was raised by a point. On the side of the head, a dagger came out from behind the ashes, and then a figure appeared in the space behind the ashes, from nothing.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), it looks like ink-washed layers, blurred and clear. The dagger passed through the tip of Ma Sen's nose, Jian Jue turned his head and looked at the assassin with a slight smile, and then flew out as if sliding on ice.

After exiting for a few meters, he stopped. Ma Sen looked relaxed and looked at the humanity: "While you don’t learn the swordsmanship and defensive skills of the Bolin family, you will learn the assassination methods of the dark world. Bellekay, don’t you want to give up the worst? ?"

Today, without a pipe in hand, Belleky, who was holding a dagger, shrugged and said with a smile: "Swordsmanship is killing, and assassination is also killing. In my opinion, it makes no difference. As long as it can kill people, Okay, whatever means it works."

Ma Sen shook his head: "So that's why you will never be on the stage. People who only sneak a knife behind the back are also worthy of being included in the Ten Saints. Let me remove your name today." Jianjue stretched out his hand to catch him, around A fire was born out of thin air, and the fire continued to converge, finally condensing into a long sword with flashing flames in his hand.

"Who is still going to die, I think you have a higher chance of dying here." Beleky's figure shook, his body swayed from side to side, and Beleky appeared like countless incarnations, imagining dozens of shapes. Appeared around Mason. Then all the phantoms swarmed up, and the daggers pointed at Mason's body, making people defenseless.

Ma Sen smiled, and Yanjian specified. Suddenly an erythema lit up under her feet, and a pillar of fire suddenly rushed up from that erythema. The pillar of fire concealed Lord Sword's figure, and at the same time smashed away the figures that rushed forward. All of Belleky's phantoms ignited spontaneously without fire. They turned into ashes in the flames, and in the end only Belleky's deity was safe and sound. Mason's long smile sounded from the pillar of fire, and the sword master burst out of the fire, stabbing Belleky with a sword in his chest.

Belleky's sword showed a mocking smile.

Suddenly, behind Ma Sen, a shadow surged like a tide, and the shadow twisted into a demon-like figure. The Shadow Demon grabbed Ma Sen's back with both hands, Jian Jue snorted. Turning around halfway, the flame sword drew an arc and cut through the shadow, and the figure tore apart like a curtain. Mason's sword continued, swaying towards Belleky and struck his chest. Kellekai looked stunned, and his chest was filled with flames.

But after a while, his figure gradually disappeared like a bubble, only one outer robe was cut in half and fell to the ground.

Ma Sen squinted his eyes, Belleky's figure emerged from nothing, fell from mid-air onto the patio fence, and then hooked his finger provocatively. Ma Senyan pointed his sword to the ground and marked out. A curtain of sword light and fire flashed, dividing the entire terrace into two. The terrace was separated from the left and right and slipped down, showing that the cut surface was still flickering and then exploded into countless rubble. But there is no figure of Belkay here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The night shadow of the same ten sacred has appeared on a fort on the left under the terrace, Belkay's dagger swiped, and the gunner was killed.

He smiled and flashed to another turret below. Mason smiled: "I just want to lead me out of the castle so that I can join forces with other masters to besiege. Bellekay, if you think so, I will fulfill you."

Mason kicked his feet and the remaining half of the terrace was completely shattered. The Sword Lord skimmed through the castle like a cannonball, ignoring Bellekay at all, and went straight to the line of the dragon army. Bellekay appeared on a turret, his face was bitter, and he felt like he had lifted a rock and hit him in the foot.

He had no choice but to chase.

Otherwise, let a ten-sage powerhouse make a wanton move on the ground, even an idiot knows how serious the consequences are.

ps: It will break out tomorrow, please support!

(End of this chapter)


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