Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1123: alarm

[Today 51, ten more good news. I'm going to refresh my own record again, just do it without talking nonsense. Monthly tickets, rewards, red tickets come more vigorously, let me hear your voice! ]

Russell panted, frowning at the huge gap in his chest armor that almost bisects his chest. There was still red light on the gap, like a metal cut that was struck by high-heat light. Russell couldn't imagine that if there was no armor and he didn't step back in time and flashed a few inches, it would definitely not be as simple as tearing the armor apart. His awe-inspiring bearskin cloak had already fallen into an unknown corner of the battlefield, and even the Meteor Hammer had only two spikes left.

All this is thanks to the young man in front of him.

Russell took a deep breath, his body roared slightly. The earl had no reservations anymore and released all the source power. Suddenly, a dark red flame soared up, the flame surging and twisting, transformed into a strange beast. It looks like a mountain wild boar, but with its head covered in bone marrow armor and only two legs. The pair of crescent-like fangs are surprisingly large, half the length of a body. There were dark red lines all over the fangs, and the strange beast roared up to the sky, and the lines on the teeth were all lit up, and the surrounding blood was filled with light.

"Come again!" Russell shouted.

Allen lifted the Red King flatly, bursting flames from the blade, squeezing, and raising behind the blade like a banner of flames. At this moment, Allen and Russell suddenly looked towards the sky at the same time. On one of the sky screens, an orange-red flame lay across, like a comet's tail flame piercing the sky. In the river of flames, Alan could clearly feel the solemn sword intent. Watching Yanhe cross the sky and land at the center of the imperial army. After a while, suddenly there were seven or eight lightsabers slanting like mountain peaks. The lightsaber flickered twice, exploding into flames, and the shock wave alone swept Allen's breathing hard. It is not difficult to imagine how amazing the destructive power of the explosion center of the sword mountain is.

The imperial army in that direction immediately lay down a blockbuster.

Then there was a flickering and flickering shadow, swept away from the mid-air near the flame river, Alan vaguely saw Belleky's figure. At the same time, an awe-inspiring aura rose to the sky in the crowd in front, with the astonishing chill of everything withering, and then the crowd split apart, and Woodrick rode away with the great sword Frost.

"Sword Lord." Allen murmured. Obviously the sword lord Mason who dragged the Flame River into the Imperial Army should be the sword lord Mason. Two strong men rushed out first. Allen had long heard that Ma Sen's sword skills and sword intent were all leaders of the empire, otherwise how to win the name of the sword master. Now the master is on the other side, and he can't wait to fly with his wings behind his back. If he can play a trick or two with a strong like Mason, it will be difficult to measure for him.

A fierce breath surged, and the **** smell of nausea penetrated Alan's nose. He looked at Russell in disgust, the bear-like earl was looking at him with a grinning smile: "Your opponent is me, get out and let me kill you with a hammer. I don't have time to play with you. It."

Allen sneered: "You are right, I wasted too much time on your boar."

"Really? Let me take a look. Are you bragging?" Russell was short, and rushed towards Allen.

A road in the body lights up, and the three nodes of the natural disaster road bloom with various brilliance, a group of dark flames rushes out of Allen's body, rotates and gathers, and clings to him like another battle suit. Then pieces of gray bone armor floated from under the dark flame suit, protecting several important parts of Alan's body. The last two vermilion flames hung from behind their shoulders, and the sky fire spit out at the end, twisting and moving like silk.

Flame Shadow Fighter outfit!

Allen Ba pretended to add himself and also greeted Russell.

Seeing that the two were about to bump into each other, Russell raised his huge hand, and the two meteor hammers spewed blood flames and hit Allen on their heads. The latter raised his left hand and swiped it to his side. The meteor hammer smashed it down, but it was like an invisible barrier between the two. This barrier absorbed and deflected the kinetic energy on the Russell Hammer, allowing the Meteor Hammer to pass by Allen.

The Red King was horizontal, and Allen made a gesture of swinging a knife, but the man disappeared in Russell's eyes. Almost at the same time, Alan's figure appeared on the battlefield ten meters away as if it had drilled out of the void.

The two settled.

A little red fireflies lit up between the two of them, and the red fireflies quickly stretched left and right, and instantly turned into a vermilion light across the space. One end of the light is on Russell's chest, and the other end is on the blade of Akagi. Then with this light as the center, Russell's projection of the strange beast shifted up and down with a click, and then exploded into thousands of light pieces, flying away. Russell opened his mouth, and a lot of blood poured out from his mouth. He murmured, "It shouldn't be like this."

Before he finished speaking, the man broke up into several pieces, and fell to the ground with fragments of his armor. Only then did an unusually sharp howling sound, and the air wave behind Allen stretched like wings. He beheaded Russell with a single thunder light, and then looked towards Jian Jue.

The three strong men on the other side have already fought into a group.

The Woodrick Greatsword carried the frosty wind and attacked from the front. Even facing a strongman like Sword Master Ma Sen, he didn't show the slightest timidity. The giant sword's moves were simple and refined, majestic, and let go and attack with the momentum of breaking the mountain and breaking the sea. Belleky kept walking around Mason. He made very few shots, but Mason needed his best to resolve each shot. As for Mason, he was one enemy two, but he was calm. The flame sword in his hand constantly used subtle tricks, sometimes like a thunderbolt and a strong collision with Woodrick; sometimes like a delicate spring rain, dissolving Becquel's poisonous ultimate move.

Although there were two people attacking Ma Sen, the one who had the upper hand seemed to be the one with fewer numbers.

Another strong collision, a large flaming cold wind blasted between the flame sword and the frost. Pushing Woodrick away, Mason shook up a sword rain, killing Belleky who had appeared out of nowhere on his side in a hurry. At the same time, pushing the two powerhouses away, Ma Sen pointed his sword at the ground, and suddenly eight pillars of flame rose from the ground. The fire column spit out endlessly, the temperature in the surrounding space rose sharply, and a flame sword of various shapes began to appear around Ma Sen.

There are no fewer than dozens of daggers to long blades. These flame swords centered on Mason and guarded him. The sword in the sword in the hand of the sword master pointed forward. The flame swords, with their swords facing outward, suddenly dragged the flames and flew across, drawing a complicated trajectory toward Woodrick and Baylor. Kai and the two kill.

Woodrick had a solemn expression, using the giant sword as a shield to block the almost irregular attacks of those flame swords. Belleky flashed faster and threw the flame sword behind his ass, but in this way, he couldn't get his hand to attack Mason. At the first glance, Ma Sen had a mocking smile on his face, like watching a circus clown on the stage. Bellekay snorted and tried to use several secret abilities to make Mason unable to laugh.

Suddenly, Ma Sen's smile froze, but his eyes suddenly sharpened. The spitting pillars of fire seemed to lack stamina at this moment, and gradually fell, and even the many flame swords chasing Woodrick and the two were dim, and their movements were no longer as fast and agile as before. At this time, a voice came in: "How about adding me?"

Belleky picked up the daggers, and pushed away several weak flame swords, and saw Alan walking in between the two low-hanging fire pillars. The flame patterns on his body flickered, and the flames even showed through the Dark Flame Armor. Mason stared at Allen and whispered softly: "What kind of ability is this that can suppress my power?"

Hearing these words, Belle Kay and Woodrick were surprised. Alan even hid such a hand, able to suppress the power of a ten-sage powerhouse, it is no small thing. But before, I had never heard of any ability that could suppress the Ten Saints, let alone a person like Allen who had never touched the edge of most of the 30th level.

Allen shrugged: "It's just a coincidence. Obviously, Lord Sword Lord uses the origin power of fire, and the same is true for me. And among the several abilities I have, one can suppress the power of flame. Unfortunately, Lord Sword Lord's power It happened to be within the range I could suppress."

Now Allen's Lord of Fire is suppressing the audience, suppressing Mason's fire power. This was an unexpected surprise for both Woodrick, and Allen's suppression brought Mason down by at least one level. Even if it is only one level, it is equivalent to a little more chance for them to win. The two looked at each other and wanted to take advantage of this great opportunity to attack. Suddenly a rapid horn sounded from the rear of the Imperial Army, it was an alarm!

Belleky was startled, and Mason laughed loudly: "I will accompany you to this place, but unfortunately, you have no chance to kill me."

With a sudden stop, eight pillars of fire gathered around him. Mason flew back, passing between the two pillars of fire. When the pillar of fire closed, it was an earth-shattering explosion. However, the scale of the explosion was much smaller than Mason expected, and the flame that had just risen seemed to be pressed down by an invisible hand. Before all the heat energy was released, it quickly faded away. Ma Sen squinted his eyes and whispered: "That kid doesn't seem to be bragging, but it doesn't matter."

When he came, he came across the sky above the battlefield from the Flame Fort, but when he left, he went straight from the ground. There were hundreds of knights in front of Mason, but no one could stop him for a moment. As soon as Mason left the imperial army, he made a gesture and ordered the cavalry at war to retreat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hearing the alarm from the rear of the army, Woodrick did not dare to be careless, and gave an order to suspend the attack. At the same time gather the army.

Alan knew that the situation had changed, and Ma Sen temporarily left, so he lifted the Shadow Fighter outfit. An officer of the Dragon Army ran to Woodrick like burning his ass, pointing to the rear and shouting: "No, General, we are surrounded. It is Mason's reinforcements, which seems to belong to many families. The private army, under the banner of their family's battle flag and the banner of the Flame Fort, have surrounded us."

Woodrick was also calm and asked: "How many reinforcements are there?"

"A lot, at least twice ours!"

"Go, take me to see."

Julian also came to the scene and glanced at Allen. Both nodded at the same time, and both followed Woodrick to the rear of the army. When he walked out of the crowd, Allen shook slightly. Just behind their army, a soldier front was pressing on them in a half-moon shape, and on this front line were densely packed figures. Alan looked roughly, there were thousands of forwards alone, and there were dozens of different flags!

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