Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1124: Royal Driving

At noon, a carriage drove into Jianshi City. The carriage appeared to be dusty, and its wheels were splashed with mud. As soon as the horse pulling the carriage stopped in front of the hotel in the city, one of the horses screamed and fell dead. The remaining two horses are too tired, I'm afraid they won't live long. The horseman on the throne jumped down and said to the hotel attendant who was approaching him indifferently: "The dead horse has been slaughtered, and the other two horses will be taken care of by me. How much money is not a problem."

After Jianshi City returned to the empire's jurisdiction, the basic order was finally restored, but strange travelers are still very rare. The waiter Dui smiled and said: "Please don't worry, sir, I will let people take care of your horses carefully. But where do you come from? It's a pity that the horses are exhausted in such a hurry." He saw that the dead horse was tall, with a pure white coat, and was a rare purebred horse. Such a good horse can be sold for a lot of money, and it is so exhausting to hurry. Even if the horse is not his, the waiter feels distressed.

The horseman said indifferently: "It's none of your business, we want two rooms, ready for me immediately."

At this time, the car door opened and three people got out of the car one after another. The first one is tall and tall, and one stop ahead, it has its own turbulent weather. Although the person is hidden in the cloak that travelers often wear, he still makes the waiter two steps back subconsciously, just hoping to stay away from the person. The other two behind the man are also wearing cloaks, but it is not difficult to see that they are women. It's just that they are tall and tall. Even if they are of Northland descent, both men and women are taller, but the two women's temperament are not common, and the waiter can't help but look at them. Then the sight of the young groom was occupied. The groom threw a purse in his hand and said like a fly: "What are you doing in a daze? Didn't you hear what I just said?"

"Yes, yes, please follow me." The waiter quickly invited these people in.

In a fairly clean room, after the waiter left, the leading man took off the cap of the cloak, revealing an unusually handsome face, but it was Stark who had left the imperial capital. As for Namaf, it is naturally Diego. Diago suffocated his stomach, thinking that he was also a noble son on Babylon. Even if he came to the heavenly star, he would be someone next to His Royal Highness. But when he reached Stark's hands, he immediately became a groom. Since leaving the imperial capital, Stark asked him to drive around day and night. When resting on the road, give the horse a brightly colored pill to keep the horse strong. It's just that physical stamina is at the cost of burning lives, but if it weren't for this, they wouldn't be able to rush to Jianshi City so quickly.

Even Diego himself feels tired, not to mention having to deal with Stark's various problems on the road. The man showed an unusually strong interest in Alan, and the questions he asked were basically related to Alan. Diego had almost shaken out all he knew. Now Diego knows not much more than Stark. .

Stark took off his cloak and said, "You stay here and wait for me. I'm going to a place."

The two sword slaves obeyed Stark's advice, of course, they won't have any questions. Diego had some doubts, but he dared not ask. Stark may not answer at first, and at the second, I am afraid it will offend him. For a strong man who can kill you at any time, any unpleasant behavior is stupid, so Diego also nodded.

Stark smiled slightly and suddenly disappeared. Diego couldn't even see how he left, and his scalp exploded. Going to his room, Diego frowned and sat down. Stark apparently rushed to Blaze Castle. On the way, he had said that it was for Allen, but Diago always felt that this was not the case. He pondered for a while, but still couldn't figure out what the man was going to do, and finally gave up this futile job.

In front of the Flame Fort, the imperial crusaders were surrounded from front and back. From then on, the army that had outflanked the imperial army obviously came from multiple families, and the flags of different colors were depicted with different family crest patterns. The burning warship, the three-eyed cat, the stag stepping on thorns, the two entangled eels, and the colorful coral battle flags are so many that Alan can hardly count them.

At this time, Mason’s voice came from the direction of the castle: "Woodrick, you can see clearly. How many families are opposed to your king here, if only a few families, then it is reasonable, let me tell You, there are fifteen families here. And more families have not arrived yet. What does this show? This shows that Tangliou does have problems. If I am in power, then these problems can be solved."

"So now I give you a chance. If you are still loyal to the kingdom, then immediately disarm and surrender. I can promise you that you will retain your current position and your family will be protected by me. Your soldiers can return home. , And all this will depend on your choice!"

Julian's face became quite difficult to look at, and at this time he couldn't control Woodrick's thoughts. In this situation, even if Woodrick surrendered, he wouldn't be surprised. At this time, someone tapped him on the shoulder, and Allen's voice sounded from behind: "Your Highness, if you can't do anything, please follow me. "

There was an unspeakable feeling in the heart of the second prince, what is loyalty, this is it.

Woodrick laughed at this time, turned around, and yelled in the direction of Blazeburg: "Mason, do you think everyone is you? Yes, life and even the continuation of the family are very important. But don't forget. Now, there is one thing that is higher than the mortal species. That kind of thing is honor! I still have not forgotten every word and every sentence when I swore with the sword and allegiance to the king. Even though many years have passed, the words are still in my ears!

"I will dedicate my life to your Majesty until I leave the last drop of blood. This is my glory for Woodrick as a knight, and I will never abandon this glory!" Woodrick looked at the soldier behind him, Suddenly shouted: "How about you?"

Look at me, all the soldiers, I don’t know who yelled first: "Dragon Army, don’t surrender!"

So the men’s voice filled the battlefield: "Deadly fight, don’t surrender!"

Ma Sen sighed, the flame sword pointed at the sky, and the tip of the sword shot a stream of flames.

That is a signal of offense.

Woodrick immediately issued orders to shift the center of gravity of the line of defense from the Flame Fort to the rear. The Imperial Army displayed a high level of military quality at this time. The team interspersed, changed positions, fast and not chaotic. A row of shield soldiers swarmed to the front, behind them were the Pikemen and Musketeers, then the third echelon was the Dragon Knights, and finally the infantry regiment. In an instant, a formation that combines defense and counterattack has been put in place.

At this time, joint forces from different families began to advance. Suddenly, a brilliant golden beam of light rose from the middle of the men and horses. Seeing that beam of light, at least half of the battle flag of the enemy coalition was lowered. Seeing this picture, Ma Sen frowned. After a while, the golden double lion flag representing the royal family was raised, and the coalition forces suddenly became chaotic.

Woodrick and Julian were both stunned. The two looked at each other, and then a voice rang from the enemy coalition: "Mason, my brother. The gods know how I don't want to make this move."

Ma Sen was shocked. This voice was someone he never expected, because according to the information, that person should still be in the imperial capital.

That is Tangiero!


"His Majesty?"

Julian and Woodrick exhaled softly, and then in the direction in which the golden beam of light rose, the horses split to the sides, leaving only one person in the middle. The man wore a golden armor, a scarlet cloak, and a magnificent giant sword in both hands. Who else would it be if it wasn't the Great Emperor Tangliou?

Ma Sen smiled bitterly and raised his voice: "Tangriou, you are here? No, you should be in Fort Dawn."

"Because Clay told you this news, you put him in Fort Dawn to monitor me, but unfortunately, I let Clay use it for you back then." Tangriou said solemnly.

In the crowd, a baby-faced youth came out, and said with a hippie smile in the direction of Blazeburg: "I'm sorry, Lord Mason. Although you have treated me well, my allegiance was your Majesty and not you at first."

"Clay!" Ma Sen squinted his eyes and whispered softly: "Ranis, do you know what to do?"

The colorless woman wearing a half-mask appeared behind Ma Sen, and then quietly disappeared into the crowd, as if she had never appeared before.

Only then did Ma Sen shouted: "So these lovely allies who have betrayed me, are you also the one who motioned them to join me?"

"Don’t you think I don’t know that over the years you have tried to win over the families. Mason, I regard you as a brother, but that is my personal feeling. Before that, I am the king of this country first, and I need to be My people are responsible, so I must know what you want to do." Tangliou said in a muffled voice: "So under my instruction, some of the families here have joined your alliance. But I still hope you can stay sane~ www.wuxiaspot.com~Don’t do things that are harmful to the country, but unfortunately, you let me down."

"But no matter what, you are still my best brother. So today I am here. If you have to die, you can only die in my hands!"

Ma Sen laughed: "This is my honor, Your Majesty. But have you ever imagined, perhaps, it will be you who die today?" Then Ma Sen had a kick with his feet and jumped high into the sky, his body gushing in the sky. A river of flames was drawn above it again, and it went straight in the direction of Tangiero.

The emperor sighed lightly and let go of his giant sword. The cloak flew upside down suddenly, brilliant golden light came out, and a round of sun rose slowly on the battlefield, facing the flame river coming across the sky. The two collided in mid-air, and the entire sky was suddenly dimmed. After a while, countless flames and streamers shot across the sky, and a random stream fell to the ground, blowing up a ball of fire. There was a sharp muffled sound in the sky, as if the whole sky was torn apart.

And that is just the remnant of the collision of the top powers, as for the main tune, it is a high-frequency sonic boom that ordinary people cannot hear!

Da Yin Xisheng.

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