Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1125: Persuade


Woodrick rode slowly in front of the family coalition army on horseback, and those families loyal to Tangliou separated from the original array with the golden double lion flag, and gathered like streams to the left and right wings of the Imperial Army. After they left, the original thick coalition army seemed to be sparsely drawn. You can see the faces of those fighters appear blank and panic. After all, the situation is changing, and no one can calm down.

What's more, now Mason and Tangliou are fighting, without Mason, they will always be just a mess.

Woodrick continued to persuade: "You have no chance of winning, no matter whether it is the strength of the army or the strong. Moreover, the emperor is now going to drive himself, do you think that Ma Sen can beat your Majesty? Or you have to put your bet on Ma Sen. The body of the rebel?"

"I have to remind you that this is your last chance. I don't know what promise Mason gave you, but I can tell you that none of his promises can be fulfilled! If you are desperate, then after you fail here, You and your family will all bear the name of a betrayer. This shame will always follow your children and grandchildren until the end of your bloodline!" Woodrick yelled, "Think about it, for a Mason, does it worth?"

Julian clamped his horse between his belly, and hurriedly went to Woodrick's side and said: "I know very well what kind of person the father is. He has a strict side, but he is not lacking in kindness. If you do this When you surrender, I can intercede with him on your behalf, and you will be forgiven and keep the honor. Gentlemen, **** and heaven are only between your thoughts!"

At this time, the identity of the second prince was the last straw that overwhelmed the defense of the coalition forces. A family chief sighed and jumped off his horse. I personally took off the battle flag of the Fortress of Flames on behalf of Ma Sen and walked to Julian Horse and knelt on one knee: "Please forgive your Highness. We have been blinded by greed and ambition, and we have turned away from the trust of the empire and the glory of the family. Here, I represent The Tanganyi family announced their surrender."

All the men and horses belonging to this family dismounted and knelt down on one knee. Everyone bowed their heads, put down their weapons, and said in unison: "Please forgive your Highness."

With precedents, there will be no psychological barriers for other people to surrender. In an instant, most families have chosen to surrender. Only one or two families were still unwilling, and still launched a charge under the roar of the patriarch. In front of the Blaze Castle, the Cavalry of Masson also launched an attack, but for Woodrick's side, such an attack was almost a pebble hit.

Woodrick reacted quickly, leaving the surrendered family to deal with those still stubborn stubborn elements, and the Imperial Army returned to kill the remnants of the Flame Fortress. Woodrick planned to eat them all at once.

The result of the battle on the ground was already predictable from the end, when the dull voice of collision came again in the air. Allen looked up and saw that the River of Flame and the Sun were swiftly moving to the south, and the two superpowers of the empire were shifting the battlefield. He saw Julian's eyes hesitating again, Allen smiled slightly, came to the second prince and asked: "If your Royal Highness wants to watch the battle, I will accompany you."

Julian was overjoyed. He knew very well that a powerful man like Tangliou could not cross their battle circle. Even if you barely squeeze into the circle of battle, it will be hurt by the aftermath of the battle. But it would be different if he was accompanied by Allen. Allen hadn't reached the level of the Ten Saints, but he was more than enough to protect himself in the battle circle. After Julian notified Woodrick, he and Allen rode off, and followed the river of flames and the sun that were constantly falling to the south.

Clay, who has a baby face, is walking among the rebels on foot, facing the charge of the knight, his face is still harmless to humans and animals, even humming a little tune that doesn’t know where, and then The rushing cavalry just waved his fingers. The cavalry was still a distance from him, but in the process of sprinting, the body of the centaurs and horses separated, and when they rushed to his side, they had already rolled into pieces.

"You people, honestly surrender is not over. It's rare that the second prince is so generous and kind, and he is not willing to take such a good opportunity. No wonder you are so short-lived. Hey, I will be a good person and die. In my hands, it’s better than living in the imperial capital and having to undergo various interrogations.” Kray squinted and said with a smile: “Believe me, it’s more uncomfortable than death, oh, that’s not good.”

He seemed to move aside awkwardly, but comfortably passed the blade of a cavalryman. Just as he was about to wave his hand to end this knight, a figure suddenly emerged from under the horse's belly, and his eyes were filled with countless sword lights. Kray's smile solidified, his hands flicked, but the light of the other party's knife wiped out a flamboyant spark in the air. Clay folded his hands together, and the man slid back with his knife knowingly, and looked at Clay in a half-kneeling posture.

Clay spread his hand and said: "Dear Reness, I know you will come, but can't you come later?"

Opposite him was the half-masked assassin. Renesse said blankly: "You shouldn't betray him, Clay. Then I won't have to deal with you. After all, although you are a bad person, The roast chicken is still pretty good."

"It turns out that you know how to appreciate me, so should you consider surrendering? No matter how you look at it, your boss has little chance of winning. Anyway, you don’t lose money when you come here. I can ask your Majesty to forgive you for everything before, and you can still How about eating the roast chicken I made?"

"Sounds good, but unfortunately, it doesn't work." Renesse stood up, the dagger in her hand turned flexibly, and she pulled out round knives: "Since she was eight years old~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yours When I got a piece of bread, my life was an adult’s. If an adult is destined to die here today, then I am willing to bury him. Of course, before then, I think I still have a way to drag the shameless betrayer into the grave. ."

Clay stretched out his hand and shook: "Then don't find me, the gloomy place of the tomb is not suitable for me. Besides, the object of my allegiance at the beginning was your Majesty, but Mason himself misunderstood."

"Stop talking nonsense, Clay, stand still, it will save trouble for us." Renesse stepped out and charged straight.

"Can't you stop being so passionate?" Kray raised his fingers lightly, and an energy thread composed of source power emerged around his body. He was weaving a web with energy silk like a spider, while Renesse was facing The web bumped over. Clay sighed slightly: "Although I know I am likable, if the girl is too enthusiastic, I will be quite distressed."

He pushed forward with both hands, and hundreds of source force silk threads swam away like a snake, entangled to Renesse from the air and the ground. These two killers, who belonged to Mason in the past, faced each other for the first and last time on this battlefield.

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