Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1129: Fall

Hearing his words, Julian's expressions became bitter. Tangerio waved his hand and said: "Come here, don't be bitter. I have never been afraid of death, as there are four seasons in a year, and everything has its own life and death. Even the ten sages can only extend life. , Not immortality, death is fearless. It’s just that it came faster than I expected, which is a little different from what I expected when I left for the Flame Fort."

"Father, who attacked you!" Julian asked with gritted teeth.

"I don't know the specific identity, I can only be sure that the other party is a foreign race." Of course, Tangliou will not forget the purple blood that the man left, which is not human.

"Alien? The three major warlords?" Woodrick frowned.

"No." Tangriou shook his head: "It's not the three warlords, that man is a bit more terrifying than the three warlords. I want to fight back with all my strength, but I still can't keep it, showing his power. Maybe it's the shadow. A new powerhouse in the Principality, right? Anyway, it is bad news for us."

Tangerio smiled helplessly: "But now I have worse news to tell you that I am about to die. That person completely shattered my heart. Although I wanted to get to Olisa, I didn’t Time is up. So you listen to me carefully, here, Woodrick, and Earl Alan. I need your testimony. After my death, I decided to let Julian inherit my throne."

Julian shook his head. He always wanted to win the crown prince battle. But now Tangierou directly passed the throne to him, but the second prince was not happy at all. Perhaps he had been fighting for the crown prince all the time, just to prove it to this man.

"This is the last thing I want to see. Originally, Julian would be better if he polished it for ten years and eight years, and some of my arrangements can also be carried out calmly. By then Julian will take over from me will be a prosperity A peaceful human empire, but next, the empire will have internal and external troubles. You need to do a few things after you arrive in Olisga. One is to exile Hausen. You must not be soft on Julian at this point. Hausen's ambitions Vigorous, and Rodke is planning behind. If he is the king, Balegang will be in flames. This is what I don’t want to see. And now I am about to fall asleep, Howson will definitely not let you go."

"Another one, tell Nedt to suspend the law of cutting the army. If I am not there, you will not be able to control the scene. If you force the cutting of the army, it will only split the country. The last is Rodek. Our marshal must Get rid of it, but you can’t get rid of it now. You still need to keep him to deal with the alien race. As for when to do it, and how to do it, I believe there should be no difference if Nebot assists you."

Tangerou looked at Woodrick and Allen again, and he shook the general's hand: "My friend Wood, I want to hear you swear to Julian. Although he is still immature now, I believe he will in the future. Become a good king, my friend, but he needs help now, can you help him?"

Woodrick's shoulders shook slightly, and he simply turned to Julian and knelt down and said: "With my sword, I, Woodrick, will be loyal to the future King Julian, until the end of life."

Julie trembled safely, and quickly helped Woodrick up.

Allen sighed. Tangerio was doing his last best to pave the way for Julian. Without the words of the emperor, whether Woodrick would be loyal to Julian is still unknown. At this time, his hand was held by Tangiero, and Allen was shocked to realize that this generous palm was actually

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) So cold and weak, and then he saw Tangliou's hot eyes, the emperor whispered: "Earl Ellen, you have extremely high talent and potential. This is my first. I know when I see you. As long as you give you time, the ten saints are like something in your bag. I am very glad that you are on Julian’s side and hope you can stand as long as possible. I assure you , Julian will not betray your efforts, and your actions will be rewarded as they deserve."

"Your Majesty, rest assured, I will watch His Royal Highness Julian sit on the throne." Allen patted the back of his hand.

Tangerio laughed: "In the last moments of life, to be with you, the gods have been very kind to me. The only regret is that I should have a drink with the old fellow Nebot."

After the great said, he waved his hand gently: "Can you leave first, I have something to say to Julian alone."

Woodrick and Allen quit quickly. After they left the tent, Tangiero began to look at Julian. At this time, his eyes became very gentle: "Son, I left you mother and son in the cold. You are sure in your heart. Hate me?"

Julian couldn't help it any more, hugging Tangliou and said, "No, father. I don't hate you, nor does my mother. When I was young, I always asked her why her father didn't come to see us. It must be reasonable for you to say you did this. She believes in you, so I believe in you too."

"It's nice to hear you say that, child." Tangerio's big hand fell on Julian's head and gently rubbed his hair: "I still remember the day you were born, it was an early morning. The sun was flooding, and you smiled at me in the sun when you were just born. Julian, you know what, I cried at that time. It’s not easy for you to come here. Your mother has always been weak. When you were in the stomach, I almost lost you a few times. Fortunately, the gods were not so cruel, and finally let me wait until you come. I believe that is the best gift God has given me. Believe me, I How much I wish to put all the favors on you, but I can’t do that, even if I love you more than Howson them.”

"But I am not only a king, but also the father of several children. I must be a little fairer. And there is a more critical issue. Your mother is of ordinary origin, and there is no family support behind her. If I pay too much attention to your mother and child Two, it will bring you disasters instead."

Tangierou patted Julian on the shoulder: "Besides, my Julian will be a man who will carry the empire on his shoulders. I am afraid that my doting will make a wise king die. I love him the same, and because of his mother’s relationship, I can say that my love for him is the most among your brothers and sisters. But now, sometimes I feel strange to him when I look at him. The boy of the knight, now he is only focused on the position of power, so sad that he has lost his original intention."

"So Julian, you have to remember that to be the king, you must put your people first. This is the root of the country's prosperity." Tangliou sighed, and his face was full of fatigue: "Child, you don't I know how much I want to say to you. But now it’s too late. I’m sleepy and I can’t open my eyes, so I can only accompany you to this point. After I go, please tell your mother that I will always love her In my heart, she will always be the beautiful woman who picked a bunch of grapes for me on a sunny afternoon. This heart has not changed for so many years."

"I'm sleepy... I, sleep first..." Tangerio closed gently

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) There is still a faint smile on the corners of the eyes and mouth, like a person who has been asleep. But Julian knew that he would never wake up again. Thinking of this, his eyes burst into tears.

He lost his father forever.

The emperor fell.

When Tangerio closed his eyes, Nebot, who was looking at Olisgar far away in his room, suddenly felt a tingling pain in his heart. It was as if looking at the dissatisfaction and sorrow of a friend who was about to travel, the prime minister came over and found his hands trembling. He quickly poured himself a glass of wine and drank it to calm himself down. In the Palace of Fort Dawn, a woman had already fallen asleep, but she suddenly woke up from her dream. In the gloom, she found her face hot, but she did not know when she left tears, and then she was overwhelmed by unspeakable sadness.

But more people were unaware. The music and cheers of the guests could still be heard in Olísgar’s bar, who were celebrating the fall of the Blaze Castle. Pedestrians on the street come and go, still running for their lives. Even Tangliou's eldest son, Howson was also unaware. He only knew that Stark and his party had arrived, so now he rushed to his private estate and saw Stark in the room.

"Where have you been?" Howson asked with some anger.

Stark looked at him indifferently, the eldest prince shivered, and suddenly remembered that the man in front of him was not someone he could control, and then he quickly lowered his posture and said: "Mr. Very worried."

"His Royal Highness Lao is concerned, here I want to congratulate His Royal Highness."

"Congratulations to me?" Howson was startled.

"Congratulations you are about to become the king of this human kingdom. Yes, the crown is already in your pocket." Stark smiled and said: "Because your father, the former king Tangliou has passed away."

"What did you say!" Howson was taken aback and looked at Stark incredulously: "Why, I haven't received any news at all."

"Of course you don't know, because Tangliou was my hands, and now, this news is probably blocked."

"You... you killed him?" Howson opened his mouth, and when he reacted, he impulsively rushed out to Stark: "How can you do this!"

Stark reached out and swung lightly like a fly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A force field fell, which firmly pressed Howson to the ground. Stark's expression turned cold: "Why can't I do this? Killing Tangliou is the fastest way to fulfill the promise. You are his eldest son. According to your law, don't you automatically continue the throne? Do you want me to accompany you in the battle for the crown prince, and then play for a few years to slowly seize the throne? I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry, so everything is the simplest."

"But he is my father!" Howson yelled: "Even if I want the throne so much, how can you kill him!"

Stark sneered: "What's the matter with me, anyway, Tangierou is dead now. Either you listen to me and inherit the throne. Or I will kill you and let another prince inherit it. Tangierou But you are not the only son. Oh, Diego also said that he happened to have a brother next to you this time. Don’t know that Tangliou has passed the throne to him, how about it? Do you want to continue playing the king game? ?"

ps: Don't let my enthusiasm fall! Come on, brothers, please support me!

(End of this chapter)


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