Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1130: Man called father

Howson struggled symbolically on the ground a few times, looked up at Stark and said, "Let me get up."

"Oh, is our angry little cowboy finally calm down now?" Stark raised his hand and removed the force field that was acting on Howson.

The prince patted his knees and stood up: "You are right. Anyway, there is only one throne. Someone is always needed to sit. I don't sit, and some people are willing to sit, so I will come."

Stark applauded: "You have the essence of being a king, that is ruthless. That's not bad. Family affection is something, and power is true. It is not in vain that I put my bet on you. Now that we achieve Consensus, then, your Royal Highness, can you announce the news to everyone tomorrow. I have to remind you that the people in Tangliou must be on the road now, and they will carry the king’s body. If the king has already been erected before then Make a will, and if you haven’t gotten one step ahead, then the next situation will probably not be too pleasant."

"I also think, but it's not that simple." Howson shook his head and said, "There are only three ways to succeed. One is to make a will by the king and witness it by a notary. Then when the king dies, the will will automatically become effective; The second is that the king appoints an heir before he is alive, and abdicates a day to allow the new king to succeed. As for the last, the king dies suddenly without any will, then the eldest son succeeds to the throne according to the laws of the Empire. It requires the signature of any two of the President of the Privy Council, the Chancellor or the Prime Minister to make it effective."

"In this situation, if I want to succeed, I can only take the third way. However, it is difficult to do so at least overnight if two of the three mentioned above sign and agree." Howson shook his head: "Also. As far as the president of the Privy Council is relatively easy to talk, the justice and prime minister have always looked at me wrong. It is almost impossible for them to sign their names tonight in this environment."

"With me, there is nothing impossible." Stark said calmly: "You find two of them, no matter what method you use, as long as you let me meet them, I can get them to agree."

"Also, even if you succeed in a'legal' way, you still need time to appease those subjects. So the people of Tangliou will definitely not be able to enter the city. You need to give them a crime, and finally give me another one. The army asked me to deal with them. Don’t get me wrong, I can sweep them out of the city by myself, but you don’t want my identity to be exposed, so you need an army as a cover."

Howson turned around in the study a few times and said flatly: "Okay, I can transfer a dragon army soldier to you. They are all mine and will be under your full command."

"That's easy. Let's go ahead and invite two adults to come, hurry, after all, time is limited."

Howson walked to the door and suddenly said, "Mr. Stark, can you tell me what you want?"

Stark smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I will talk about it later, and now it is still important to the succession of the prince, do you think your Royal Highness Howson?"

Howson nodded, and Stark suddenly trembled, and purple blood dripped from the corner of his eyes and nose. The second daughter of Mei Li hurriedly helped him sit down, and the other woman said anxiously: "Master, you need to heal your wounds now. Or let us both stop people for you tomorrow."

"You two can't stop it. My brother alone can't stop you. Don't worry about me. Although Tangliou's counterattack is heavy, it won't kill me. And even if I am like this, It’s still possible to stop people. If I’m lucky enough, maybe I can take care of my brother, it’s a lot easier. But judging from his strength, it’s probably not going to go so smoothly." Duck patted Melly's hand: "Go and call Diego, while I have some time now, I have something to arrange for him to do it."

Meili nodded and left in compliance.

In the evening of the next day, the setting sun went west, and the sky on the west side was stained blood red by the afterglow of the setting sun, revealing a depressing breath. In the wilderness outside Olísca, a team headed towards the imperial gate. Woodrick rode his horse forward, followed by Alan and Julian with his head hanging down. Then there was a wooden cart moved by two warriors, on which was a temporary wooden coffin, covered with a golden battle flag with two lions.

After Tangiero’s death last night, Alan and Woodrick cut down trees to build a coffin. The general even removed the ice crystals from the great sword and put Tangiero’s body in the coffin so that Use the cold air of ice crystals to protect the emperor's body from decay.

Everyone in this team is depressed, and the only thing that hasn't changed is probably the ten steel front samurai accompanying them. They are not living creatures, so naturally there is no emotion.

"Your Majesty, you have to cheer up." Allen whispered: "We have already arrived at Olísca. You need to cheer up to complete your majesty's entrustment."

"I know, Ellen." Julian sighed softly. "I knew I had to cheer up, but my father didn't know until last night that he loved me and my mother so much. When I heard him say so personally. , I am both happy and painful. Alan, why are the gods so cruel, so they took him away from us."

"I really want to say that I can understand your feelings, my lord." Allen looked at the wall of the imperial capital on the other side: "But I have lived with my mother since I was a child, and I never knew what my father was like. Yes, mine. Father, he appeared from the end before I was born. I don’t even know what he looks like. I only know that my mother hates him. I can understand. I know that my mother wants me to hate him. But honestly, I don’t even love him. He is also hard to hate."

"Although there was a period of time, when I knew that my mother could have lived better, I did hate him. But time has gradually calmed things down, especially after experiencing so much, I was wondering if he would have It’s hard to say. Just like the emperor did to you, is there another reason that the man left us?" Allen shook his head and smiled: "Actually, I envy you. At least, you know your Majesty loves you. . You are his proudest son, so Your Highness, you can't let him down."

Julian gritted his teeth and finally raised his head and said in a deep voice: "You are right, Alan. He puts all his hopes on me. I can't continue to be so depressed. I shouldn't let him down. On the contrary, I Make him proud of me. And all this starts with Olísgar."

Allen smiled and nodded.

Suddenly Woodrick raised his hand.

The team stopped and Allen stepped forward: "What's the matter?"

"There is a situation." Woodrick pointed to the front, and a smoke screen was raised on the field ahead. Judging from that size, it should be an army. Woodrick said: "Due to the emergency, I didn't notify Olissaga. It stands to reason that they have not received the news yet. How could they send an army to ‘greet’ us?"

Alan frowned and winked at Lucy. The latter knows, the pattern on the ring shines, but the steel front samurai strode forward, standing in a row in front of the team.

After a while, an army appeared in front of the team. The army also held the banner of the Dragon Army, and it looked like there were about two hundred people. Dozens of knights galloped in front, and hundreds of infantry sprinted to follow. The army stopped at a distance of about 100 meters, and the atmosphere was a little bit wrong.

Woodrick passed through the steel front warriors and said loudly: "I am the general of the dragon army Woodrick, who is your commander?"

"It's me Varde, my lord." A middle-aged knight walked out, his face under the helmet was shrouded in shadow, and his expression couldn't be seen clearly. It's just that although he used honorifics in his words, he didn't feel the slightest respect for him. If he had any respect for Woodrick, he should get down and kneel now.

But he didn't, he was still sitting on the horseback with a big thorn.

Woodrick frowned. "Ward? Never heard of it."

"Of course, I'm just a small person, how can adults hear about it."

"Well, Ward. Are you here to meet us?" Woodrick Quandang did not hear the inferior tone of the other party's words, tentatively asked.

The knight named Ward laughed: "Of course it is, and to be precise, we are here to meet His Royal Highness Julian."

"Welcome me?" Julian, accompanied by Allen, walked forward by the side of the steel front samurai: "Who made you come?"

"Of course it is the king." Ward shouted: "In the name of King Howson, it is now announced that Julian had murdered his father, and that His Majesty Tangliou died violently. This is a heinous crime. Now Julian is arrested and put in prison. The judge judges and awards!"

Julian's expression changed, and he shook his head: "What did you say? The new king? Howson?"

"Didn’t Your Highness hear you clearly? Then I’ll tell you the second time. That’s right. Your Majesty Howson has learned of your crimes and announced this morning under the witness of the two lords of the Justice and the Privy Council Succession is king!"

It was Woodrick's turn to yell: "Impossible! His Majesty Tangliou died last night~www.wuxiaspot.com~How did Howson get the news. Besides, His Majesty has made a will, and His Majesty Julian is The new king, Earl Alan and I will witness this!"

Ward laughed: "Julian was the culprit in the murder of the former king, and Woodrick and Earl Allen were accomplices. Your Majesty Howson said clearly. Your lord, what do you think of the new king and the two of you? More weight?"

Julian wanted to say something more, Allen pulled him gently, shook his head and said: "No need to say it, it is obvious that Howson has received the news, he has to act first. No, he has already done this, these are definitely It's his people, they won't listen to any words."

Woodrick also nodded and shouted: "You get out of the way, we are going to Fort Dawn. The body of the emperor is here, don't you dare to intercept it?"

The knight sneered: "You said it was the remains of the emperor? I said that it was just someone to pretend to be. I won't let you have the opportunity to disturb your Majesty Howson. Catch the offender, kill!"

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