Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1131: Prime culprit

Julian's face flushed red, and even if he was humiliated by Howson in the public, he had never been as angry as this time. Howson referred to the deer as the horse, and turned black and white. Not only did he disregard the king's will, but he also accused him of murdering the king. That's all, and now even Tangliou's remains are not admitted, what a heinous crime!

The knight named Ward drew his sword and pointed, and the horse behind him began to advance. Woodrick snorted, and this time he wanted to rush to the imperial capital. He only took ten cavalry as guards on the road. Even if the copper front warrior on Ellen's side was added, the number was at an absolute disadvantage. But both Woodrick and Allen were strong men in the empire, not to mention the general Woodrick, even Allen was enough to sweep this enemy soldier.

Alan frowned, and Woodrick could see the strength of both sides, how could he not. At this moment Julian next to him whispered: "I need the palace. Howson can't succeed as the king so easily. In this situation, he won't get the approval unless he can get the signature of the justice, the prince or the teacher. Admit it. I don’t believe that without any real evidence, the three teachers would so hastily agree to let Hausen inherit the imperial system."

At this time, Woodrick had dismounted. With a hand drawn, the great sword came out of its sheath. Although there is no Ice Soul Crystal, the giant sword no longer has a cold scene. But with Frost in hand, Woodrick could still easily take down this army.

Allen didn't mean to interfere at all.

Suddenly laughter sounded from behind the enemy soldiers: "You can retreat, relying on you, also want to be others' opponents?"

Knight Ward couldn't see any expression on his face, but he hummed and made a gesture. The soldiers and horses that had advanced retreated, and then separated him, including him. One person walked forward from behind the passage separated by the soldiers. The man was tall and covered in a dark cloak. Even his face was hidden in the shadow of the hat, with only one chin exposed and a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

He passed Varde, then stopped, and sighed, "If you are willing to catch it, don't you save a lot of effort, and why waste everyone's time." As he said, he took off his hat, revealing a middle point. Drooping black hair, and a fair and handsome face under long hair. It was just that a drop of purple blood came out from the corner of his eye, and then rolled down, tracing the face like a tear.

In that purple blood, there are still strands of golden fluorescent light, this blood actually contains strong source power!

Alan's heart beat hard, and suddenly the world before him dimmed. Julian by his side, and even the wilderness and the imperial capital city walls disappeared one by one. The world became dark and desolate, leaving only the person with his eyes facing each other. Then a blood route came from afar to the other side, and the blood poured under the feet of the two.

The next moment, the flame rose.

Road to Burning Blood!

At the moment, Allen knew that the man was a **** voter.

The vision was gone in the blink of an eye, and the world was still that world. Alan saw the corners of his mouth lightly and said silently: "Hey, brother."

"His Royal Highness, and the general, we have to go." Allen said solemnly: "That person should be the culprit who killed the emperor. We will not be his opponent. We must leave immediately!"

When Woodrick still had an unbelievable expression on his face, Stark laughed: "Earl Alan really observed meticulously, but it's a pity that it's too late now?"

He acknowledged Allen's guess, but at the same time, Allen was surprised by his tone. Before Segris and Carly, they used Eboins language when they met. Even if outsiders didn't know the relationship between them, they could infer some connections from a language that only they could understand. But now, the **** voters over there don't seem to want to let outsiders know their relationship, otherwise this will call him "Earl Allen".

Julie trembled in safety, unable to see whether it was anger or fear. Alan was afraid of his impulse, and gestured to a cavalry behind him. The cavalry understood, stepped forward and pulled the reins of Julian's horse, leading the second prince to the back of the team. Seeing all this, Stark looked indifferent. He raised his hand and gently wiped off the blood stains on his face, and said, "So, are you going to go together or come one by one?"

Woodrick suddenly soared into the sky, the milky white brilliance of the source force gushing out from every gap under his armor, the general of the dragon army rushed out with a frost sword, and he came to Stark in the blink of an eye. Woody jumped high in the sky, the huge sword smashed into an arc, the flames erupted from the sword, and a heavy slash hit Stark. It seems a simple slash, but Stark can feel the tidal squeeze from the space on both sides. If he intends to move sideways to avoid it, he will definitely be affected by the invisible force field and expose flaws. Let Woodrick take the lead.

Stark smiled slightly, his head full of black hair was already pulled back by the violent sword wind. At this moment, he raised his hand and lightly pressed on the side of the Frost Sword, his eyes suddenly lit up. The sudden change occurred, and the flames on Woodrick's sword suddenly dimmed, and the Wushuang momentum carried by that sword was weakened. Stark flashed forward, and hit Woodrick with his elbow and shoulder at the same time. Connecting two muffled noises, Woodrick flew out with a muffled hum. The armor was visibly sinking, and blood lines escaped from the general's nostrils and mouth.

Allen secretly screamed hard, even though Woodrick hadn't made a full shot yet, he wounded the opponent in one face-to-face encounter, which shows the terrifying of this **** voter.

Stark ignored Woodrick and rushed forward. Allen's internal energy roared, and the natural disaster road was lit up at the same time, and the dark dark flames came out through the body. Together with the emergence of the bone armor and fire belt, they formed the Flame Shadowmaster outfit! Lucy at the back of the team raised her finger, and two steel front warriors passed Ellen and threw a fierce and heavy army to Stark.

Stark stretched out his hands ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and pressed on two heavy weapons. It is necessary to siphon the opponent's source force with the source force like dealing with Woodrick, and then donate it to them. Unexpectedly, the ability was activated, but he couldn't get the slightest source of power, Stark said "Huh". His own source force blasted out surgingly, pushing two heavy soldiers away. Stark jumped over the top of the steel front samurai's head, touched his feet on the samurai's head separately, and rushed to Ellen regardless of the others.

The two steel front warriors collapsed from head to toe just as if they were being weighed by the mountains of Wanjun. The armor groaned and broke into pieces. Stark still had time to look at it, seeing that there was no blood flowing out, and whispered: "It really isn't a creature."

A scorching energy soared into the sky, Stark turned his head and looked, Allen leaped from the horse. The Red King ignited the explosion, dragging a fire path like the tail flame of a comet towards him. Stark smiled and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Hey, brother, I miss you so much."

When I pointed it out, the space between Alan and Stark suddenly trembled, tearing apart a few ribbons of colorful lights, those seemingly beautiful lights, in fact, they were space cracks!

PS: The last cry, monthly ticket, red ticket, and reward! Seek motivation!

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