Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1134: Missed opportunity

[Thanks to the chubby rudder master and other brothers for their monthly ticket rewards. There will be a later update. Thank you for your support! ]

The fire in the fireplace was very strong, and the whole room was as hot as July in midsummer, but Stark still didn't feel warm at all. He wrapped himself in a thick fur coat, but still felt that his soul had broken a hole, and the extreme sense of emptiness and cold took the opportunity to get in. He was pale and cold, but sweat was all over his forehead, and the corners of his eyes and nose began to bleed again.

This is what Meili saw when she walked into the room. She was worried about her master. In her years following Stark, she has not seen her master so miserable. Even when he was expelled and displaced by the Idahua stars, Stark did not look like it is now. At that time, Stark was like a wandering interstellar mercenary. He found their sisters in a ruined city on a dark planet and took them to train a new generation of sword slaves.

The two of them are absolutely willing to dedicate everything to Starck, including their own lives.

But now, she has nothing to do with Stark's injury.

Seeing Meili's expression, Stark still laughed: "It's nothing, but it's just a combination of light and dark injuries. I will survive, I can always survive, right?"

There was a knock on the door, and another sword slave said at the door: "Master, Brother Diego is here."

"Very well, let him come and see me."

Mei Li hesitated: "Should I change the time?"

"No, you go out, I want to talk to that man alone."

"the host?"

"It's okay, go out." Stark waved.

When Melly left, Diego just came in through the door. Seeing Stark, he was startled at first, then lowered his head: "My lord, are you looking for me?"

"Why don't you dare to look at me, Mr. Diego?" Stark trembled even when he spoke, but his face was still smiling: "Are you afraid that I would see the expression on your face? Let me guess, Diego. Is the sir thinking. Look, this guy is seriously injured, or can I take the opportunity to kill him and get rid of all this?"

Diego's chest rose and fell, suddenly raised his head, and suddenly charged up, he gritted his teeth and said: "You are right, maybe I can try."

There was a sound of footsteps outside the house, but Stark shouted: "Don't come in!"

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Then he looked at Diego and reached out from the sleeve of his coat to hook it up: "It’s me and I will try too. How about it, Mr. Diego, the opportunity is rare in a lifetime. ."

At this moment, Diago's various thoughts were floating, and he looked at Stark's eyes, but after a while, his aura fell, and he shook his head with a wry smile. Suddenly he knew that he could not beat Stark, the other party had grasped his idea from the beginning, but he was still hesitating whether to make a move. In comparison, he was far inferior to Stark. At this point, he could no longer hold up the idea of ​​resisting Stark.

Stark laughed: "You made a wise choice, Mr. Diego. I promise you will get what you deserve. Before that, I need you to do something for me."

"What do I need to do, sir?" Diego's eyes had returned to calm.

Stark took out a test tube from his arms, which contained a pale yellow liquid. But in the middle of those liquids was a round blood drop. From time to time in the blood bead flashes of flames, very strange. Diego Dia asked in surprise: "This is?"

"Your old friend, Alan's blood." Stark made no secret, and said directly: "When I fought him outside the imperial capital that day, I took the opportunity to collect a few drops of blood. I need you to send him to the earth. Then hand it to the ambassador's mansion of the Idahua stars in your Babylon. Tell the arrogant people that this is the blood of the Twilight Son. You don't care about the others."

"Son of Twilight?" Diego wanted to ask what it was, but it seemed that Stark would not say it, so he had to say: "My lord, you don't know, I have been out of touch with the family for a long time, so I won't go. ."

"You don't want to go, but Alan can. I have collected information about him. This information shows that he did not show up for a period of time. It is certain that he left the planet during that time. Since he can leave, then he There must be a way to return to the earth. You go find him, gain his trust, and let him help you earth."

For this, Diego does not deny it. At that time, it was because Allen and the earth regained contact that the Federation knew of the existence of the heaven star, and the Grant family sent him to participate in the development plan.

"It works, but I stood on the opposite side of Allen. I'm afraid it's not so easy for him to believe me?"

"It's simple." Stark smiled: "Hausen has discovered that the Bolling family helped Julian dive

(To the end of this chapter, please turn the page) To the south, our king has now sent an army to intercept his brother. I will tell you the specific whereabouts of this army, you use it in exchange for Alan's trust. Don't need him to trust you completely, just let him feel your sincerity. What's more, you just want to return to Earth, this does not conflict with him, he will not embarrass you anymore. If you add some conditions, such as certain newspapers in your family, it will be even better. "

Diego smiled bitterly: "My lord, this thing is very risky."

"Mr. Diego, if you want to gain something, you have to give something. There is no good thing for nothing in this world. I think you understand this truth?" Stark patted his shoulder: "Go, just You put this test tube in the hands of the Idahua star, and your mission is completed. After that, I will help you become the chief of the Grant family as a reward."

Diego was startled first, and then his eyes filled with enthusiasm: "A word is certain?"

"When did I lie to you?" Stark asked back.

After Diego left with a look of excitement, Stark sat down and couldn't stop squirting blood from his mouth. The second daughter of Meili came in quickly and helped him to lie down on the bed. Stark's face was even more ugly, but he laughed: "Look, I won the bet again."

Diego didn't know, he missed a great opportunity. If he had just made a move, he might have called the pirate emperor to drink hate here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Unfortunately, life has never been so-so.

When Alan opened his eyes, he saw that he was already standing on a barren red ground. The dark red ground stretches forward, cracks open in the ground, and from time to time poisonous smoke or flames will be emitted from it. There are dim fires everywhere. This is a world where no plants can survive. All there is here is flames, lava and poisonous gas.

He looked at his hands, and now his body has no half-human characteristics. The rock is his skin, and the flame is his blood. When he breathed, the fire under the rock layer shone brightly and darkly. When the fire light came on, the many cracks in the rock layer on the body surface would spray out and glow like a striped road.

At this moment, he is in the depths of his consciousness.

At the end of this land, where the two suns are, an ancient will is calling him. So Allen took his steps and started this long journey.

(End of this chapter)


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