Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1135: explore

The passage of time is unknown in the conscious world.

Allen has forgotten how long he has walked towards the end of the earth, only knowing that the sun above his head has set from the end, and the world is like the eternal day of the extreme day and the night without a trace. Fortunately, Alan doesn't feel tired in this state. With every breath, a huge amount of fire source power enters his body to supplement his consumption.

The landscape of the earth is very monotonous. Occasionally, a mountain bag is embellished, more often than not a crack with poisonous smoke, and a pool of boiling magma on the surface. This is a space where ordinary life can hardly exist, but to Allen it is as familiar and natural as his homeland. Alan walked on this world, on this red land, without any difficulty.

The wave of beasts like the last time did not appear again, only occasionally a few igneous monsters were drilled from a certain crack or fire pool. This is the name Allen gave them. They all looked the same, like beasts with rock skins and flames and magma inside, at least Alan hadn't seen other creatures. Now dealing with these flaming beasts, Alan is already familiar with it. He can easily use a flame knife to slide through the textures of these flaming beasts, and with a simple knife, they will turn into a few charred stones.

So his journey went smoothly, except for a little boring.

It seems that the end of the world can never be reached. The giant shadow that faintly appears in the distance is like a mirage, as if testing Alan's patience, the earth stretches forward. I don't know how many days have passed before the landform has finally changed. The flat ground gradually undulates, with a drop of no more than tens of centimeters at the beginning, reaching two or three meters. But later, the drop on the ground was as low as ten meters, so the mountains and valleys replaced the original plains, and Allen could no longer see the distant horizon.

Changes are always gratifying.

Alan walked into a valley at random with a bit of joy. In some places, there is no way at all, and you can only climb past. When Alan turned over a pile of rocks, a wonderful creature appeared in his eyes. It was not a flaming beast, but something else. It is different from the rocky appearance of the igneous beast. This creature has red skin and looks a bit like a human baby. Sitting chubby on the ground, his round face has two oval eyeballs like black jewels. There is no nose, only two nostrils. The mouth is split to the sides of the head, so it can easily swallow when it opens its mouth. A fist-sized stone.

That's right, this creature is eating the rocks on the ground, as if it were a rare delicacy for it. But when it also found Alan, it spit out the half-eaten stone, and fire-glowing saliva dripped from the stone. These liquids are strongly corrosive, the stones sizzle, and green smoke bursts. The creature like a giant baby uttered a scream, and it fluttered behind and opened two tattered bat wings. But it was these two wings that made it float in the air under the flapping.

It flew towards Allen excitedly, opened its big mouth, with a faint flame in its mouth, apparently treating Allen as fresh food.

Allen spread out his palm, and a stream of fire spurted from the palm, forming a flame knife. Holding the flame knife, he instantly intersected with this strange creature. A fire light appeared in the middle of the big head of the giant baby monster, and then the body was separated in the center, turning into two corpses and falling to the ground. What spewed from its body was not blood, but a large group of fire origin power. Alan was slightly surprised, opened his mouth and took a breath, easily sucking these sources of force into his mouth.

The previous consumption was immediately replenished

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), the source of the giant baby creature after death is much richer than Alan's purely derived from space, and the quality is much better. As soon as he absorbed this source of energy, he heard the sound of flapping his wings loudly. From the many fissures and caves in the valley, a large number of giant babies flew out. Because they have good flame source power in them, Allen decided to call them Fire Boys.

The fire boy squeaked and screamed and seemed to be communicating. There were so many of them that they looked like a cloud of fire from a distance. The fire cloud was moving towards Alan, and at this moment, another sound was added to the flapping wings of the sky. Jingle, rubbing the ground like a chain. The Fire Boy stepped back a little suddenly, and Allen saw a cave light up in front of him, and a roar of some kind of beast sounded, and then a figure emerged from there.

It was another strange beast that Allen had never seen before. It had red skin like a fire boy, no hair, and a head like a lion, but it had a pair of buffalo horns on its head. Its forelimbs are a pair of strong humanoid arms, with iron rings on its wrists, and the iron rings drag half of the chains, looking like a beast that has escaped from some kind of shackles. But its hind limbs are two corbels, with hooves like cows. When these two pairs of hooves step on the ground, there will always be a fire.

On the head of this strange beast, in the middle of the two corners, an orange flame spurted and flew. When it looked at Ellen, the strange beast roared, emitting fire from its eyes and mouth.

Firehorn Demon, Alan thought of this name when he saw it. This kind of creature is much stronger than Fire Boy in appearance, and in fact, the Fire Boy in mid-air is a little afraid of it. There was more than one flaming horn demon. After a while, more than twenty of the same strange beasts were successively drilled out of several nearby caves. These fire horned demon are not at ease with the fire boy. Some fire horned demon flies too low, and the fire horned demon will jump up and pounce them down, then bite and swallow, and savagely eat the hapless guys.

However, after a few food attacks, the firehorn demon was obviously more interested in Alan than the fireboy, and one of the extraordinarily strong firehorn beasts roared to the sky. Then there were a few short calls, as if urging something, and then Allen saw the fire boys in mid-air flying towards him in droves.

This is an unexpected discovery.

The Fire Boy is obviously under the Fire Horned Demon in the food chain of this world. The Fire Horned Demon can order them. In other words, the higher creatures have control over the lower ones? But now there is no time for Allen to consider this issue. The Fire Boy has already flew over the sky, and the twenty-something Fire Horned Demon on the ground also launched an attack.

The whole valley shook.

Allen shrugged, squatted slightly, and another flame knife formed from the palm of his left hand. Holding a pair of knives in hand, Allen flashed into the army of alien beasts. The red cloud formed by the fire boy immediately wrapped him, and centered on Allen, the red cloud revolved like a red tornado!

Fire bursts from time to time in the tornado, and every time the fire lights up, a fire boy burst into death. These fire boys at the bottom of the food chain are not much stronger than the flaming beasts. Allen kills them like adults to deal with unarmed babies. Their only function is to provide cover for the flaming horns.

The killing lasted for nearly three hours. In the process, Allen's source energy continued to be consumed, but he was replenished from the source energy gushing out of the killed Fire Boy. So when the last fire horned demon died in Allen's hands, Allen's source power still maintained a level of more than 70%. Remaining fire

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Tong retreated, they were far away from Allen in panic, Fire Boy only now knows that Allen, who is treated as food by them, is actually a higher-order existence than Fire Horn Demon.

There has never been a world like this that fully interprets the cosmic rule of the weak eating the weak, and the lower dared not resist the upper, it seems to be the iron rule of this world. This is the conclusion that Allen came to after killing more than 20 fire horned monsters and fire boys all over the floor. But now Allen ignored these, the dead fire boy gushing out a large amount of source power, they are just like biomedicine, no wonder they will become the food of the upper life in this world. At this moment, a large amount of Yuanli was floating in the air, Allen took a deep breath, Yuanli turned into flames, and the entire valley became a sea of ​​fire.

In the middle of the sea of ​​flames is Ellen, and the flow of fire continues to flow into his nose and mouth. The source power that Ellen consumes instantly recovers and is still growing. Allen's body also began to change, his rocky skin glowed red, and hot smoke continued to leak from every gap. The flames of the entire valley swirled wildly around Allen, and the flames seemed to cheer and sing. When all of them were absorbed into Allen's body, the valley was hot and smoked.

Suddenly there was a little light flickering in the gray hot smoke, and then the pillar of fire soared into the sky, a scorching frenzied air filled the entire valley, making those fire boys who had escaped a disaster shivered. Because from that aura, what they smell is the aura of the upper ranks, and they are the kings in the upper ranks, even if the aura of the kings is still very weak.

The hot smoke billowed and gradually dispersed. Alan panted, and he reached out to his eyes. The previous rock-like skin has fallen off, replaced by dark red skin like the fire boy. At this moment, Alan's body looked very similar to humans, with a strong body and slender hands and feet. Except for the dark red skin and several orange-yellow lines, it was not much different from the original him.

It's just that there are still rock layers covering the chest and shoulders, and they are like Alan's armor, protecting his new body. Alan has no hair, and his bald head looked a little ridiculous, but when he stood up straight, he spewed blazing flames from above his forehead like a flaming horned demon, like long red hair. Alan's eyes moved, and suddenly the color of the flame changed from red to white, and Cang Yan spit out, just like his original hair color.

He smiled, and was about to continue exploring the deeper and wider world. Suddenly things kept going away, so he knew that he was being pulled out of the depths of his consciousness~www.wuxiaspot.com~Wait for him to come and see It was a brazier with dim fire, and a stone chamber illuminated by the fire. He sat for half a minute before the memory was reconnected. At the moment he was in the stratum of Aisha in Tallinn. After leaving Olísgar, he and Julian and others went all the way south. On the way, Elizabeth arranged for a guide to join them, after which they passed through Dragonlance Town. After unanimously agreed by the residents of the town, the blacksmith in the town joined the team and followed Alan to Tallinn Aisha.

They are about to leave the north. The cold crystal veins of the original Tallinn Aisha cannot be mined according to the plan, but the dozens of steel front warriors hiding in the dungeon must be taken away. They will be an important force, whether Alan or Lucy didn't want to leave them in the dungeon for nothing.

It's just that when I think about it, it seems like a lifetime to Allen. He shook his head, habitually observing his physical condition silently.

ps: I got a WeChat public account at night, can you add it? Public number: chengran0000

(End of this chapter)


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