Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1136: Way back

After this period of recuperation, the injuries that fell after the battle with Stark have basically healed, and Yuan Li has also improved a few points. But these are not the most important things. Since the first contact with the will of the original ancestor, Alan has felt that he is quietly changing. This change is very subtle and almost imperceptible, but it firmly changes his body. It's just that Alan could only feel it roughly in the past, but this time, when he sensed his body, he found some obvious changes.

The blood vessels in his body did not know when there was a thin luminous pattern, and those patterns would light up when the source force surged through the blood. Allen could feel that they cushioned the impact of the source force passing by and strengthened the blood vessels. In this way, when Allen fights with all his strength, he will minimize the burden of Source Force on his body. In addition, his bones have also undergone subtle changes.

There are some densely distributed brilliant red crystal chips between the bones, which enhance the strength of the bones and have the characteristics of absorbing energy. When Allen's internal source force surges, a very small part of the source force will be absorbed by these crystal chips. Allen was very surprised, this is a sign that his body is changing. But usually, the opportunity for life to change, often happens after passing the 30th level.

Now, Allen's body has begun to evolve. Obviously, this is related to his experience deep in his consciousness. Allen still remembered that after absorbing all the energy of the fire source power in that valley, his body had undergone obvious changes. That dark red skin, lava-like armor, and burning flames!

Everything is still vividly visible.

He opened his eyes suddenly and his heart beat wildly. Alan faintly guessed what had happened to him, and he was on his way back to his ancestors. Exploring the world in the depths of consciousness and looking for the will of the original ancestors at the end of the world is itself a road back to the ancestors. He can be sure that every time he goes one step deeper into the world, he is closer to the end of the origin of life. The ancient factor will continue to overlap with him at the genetic level. In the end, Allen will transform into a life form like that in the conscious world, and by that time, he can no longer call it a human.

He shook his head. Tracing back to the ancestors is another option after level 30, and it is not that no one chooses to become an ancestor. It's just that Allen opened this road faster than others, and it seemed that he couldn't help him choose, intentionally or unconsciously, he had already embarked on this road. In that case, he would not consider too much. Regardless of the ruler or the ancestor, it means that they will gradually break away from the original life form, so which way to choose is actually the same.

He walked out of the stone house.

Outside the stone house, is a street leading to the temple. Tallinn Aisha has now returned to calm, the ice wind that once occupied this place was beheaded by Allen, and the cavemen were buried under the Flame City of the Marquis of Peel. At least most of the cavemen have been unable to return to the city. There are still small groups of cavemen in the depths of the city, but they are no longer a threat to Allen.

Several braziers flickered on the street, and Allen saw Thorin and Julian talking. That was the guide Elizabeth had found for them. Not only did Thorin bring the plan of Grand Duke Tsutari, but he also brought Edward and the others who had stayed in the Blaze Castle. Now only waiting to take away the remaining steel front samurai, after leaving Tallinn Aisha, the team will go to Tiger Shark Harbor, Elizabeth has prepared a merchant ship for them. They will use it as a cover and return to the Ark Harbor in the south by water.

Thorin saw Alan and bowed gracefully

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page). Allen nodded. This man has a very good education. He comes from Thorin, a branch of the Bolin family. He has long pale blonde hair and handsome facial features. He is tall and agile. In addition to being proficient in archery and swordsmanship, Also dabble in history and poetry. With him here, Julian will not feel lonely on the journey, because Thorin can always tell the prince some interesting and meaningful stories.

The braziers on both sides of the street were surrounded by twos and threes, including soldiers under Allen and blacksmiths from Longlance Town. They surround the brazier for warmth. It is already early summer and the temperature is rising. However, Tallinn Aisha is still cold, in addition to the city at the bottom of the mountain, but also because there is a vein of ice crystals below, it is cold like winter all year round. Naturally, it doesn't matter much to a strong man like Allen, but others need to put on thick winter clothes and warm up. Fortunately, they don't have to stay here for too long, and the people in Longlance have long been used to living just like life. This bit of chill is nothing to them. The blacksmiths still drink alcohol and make jokes with soldiers that men only understand.

Allen saw Nebot, but the former prime minister now warmed by the brazier like an ordinary old man. With a pipe in his mouth, with the light of the fire, the Prime Minister's expression was calm, which made Allen admire his mental cultivation very much. You must know that now Howson has accused them of traitors, Julian was the murderer of Tangiero, Nebot banned the position of prime minister, and Allen lost the title of earl. Howson also threatened to take over all the territories of Allen in the south, but the discerning person knew that as long as Elizabeth and Hoymo died, this would be impossible.

Alan heard news one after another during the journey.

The Grand Duke of Tsutahua and Hooi issued a statement jointly with more than a dozen nobles and nobles, in which it declared that Julian was the legal heir to the throne, and Howson was just a shameful thief. He seized the throne when Julian returned to Orisga in time, because the Bolling family was one of the oldest families in the empire and was loyal to the royal family for generations. The voice from Elizabeth's mouth today was a huge blow to Howson.

Regardless of whether Elizabeth's words are true or not, it means that scars that cannot be healed have appeared between the imperial royal family and the rich and nobles. Under such circumstances, most of the lords in various places maintained a neutral attitude, so it was difficult for Howson's voice to reach the southern border.

"Are you okay? Your lord?" Allen squatted down by the brazier, reached out and fished out a flame in the brazier and pressed it into Nebot's extinguished pipe. Nebot smiled, the wrinkles forming some shadows on his face, he smoked a pipe, and the tobacco inside lit up again.

Nebot spit out a smoke ring: "I'm not bad. The fog grass sent by Master Nightshade is really the best. With it on the journey, I am as comfortable as at home. Except that this place is indeed a bit colder, I well."

"I'm relieved to hear you say that. We will leave Tallinn Asia tomorrow. When we arrive in the South, I have a place I want to take an adult to see. I bet you will like it there." Allen thought of the light of glory. , Scholars like Nebot, would like to stay in that college. It would be even better if the Prime Minister would condescend to offer one or two courses.

Nebot knocked off the ashes in the pipe and smiled: "Master Allen is really good at selling things. Hearing you say that, I can't wait to fly my wings to the south."

"Don't worry, that place won't let

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) You are disappointed. "

Allen greeted the nearby blacksmiths from Dragonlance Town again. These people have good craftsmanship. It's a shame to lose them in Dragonlance Town. Allen simply took them to the South, and his weapon workshop was very short of people.

Entering a room, there is a brazier in the corner of the room, the temperature in the room is not too cold. Bottles and jars were scattered on the ground, and thick dust had accumulated on these things. An empty space was cleared in the middle of the house, and a simple table was built with a few stones and a wooden board. Edward spread a map of the empire on this temporary table, surrounded by stones, the Maritans were looking at the map, but did not forget: "You are finally here."

Allen shrugged. Ever since he joined Edward, he felt that there was something wrong with the Maritan along the way. He always wanted to find the opportunity to ask Edward, but there was no suitable time on the journey until this moment. He walked over, and Edward turned to look at him: "You look a little different from before..."

"Of course, I am not afraid to tell you that I have already embarked on the road of returning to my ancestors."

Edward said in surprise: "You don't even have level 30."

"Obviously, but I know my own situation best." Allen waved his hand: "Let's talk about you, what's wrong with you Edward, I always feel that you are absent along the way."

"I still think you have to wait until the south to ask me this question." Edward nodded: "Yes, one thing bothers me and makes me unable to concentrate."

"If you want to say..." Allen tentatively asked.

Edward raised a completely irrelevant question: "Master Allen, how old do you think I am?"

"You?" Allen frowned. Maybe he had been ignored before. Now that Edward asked this specifically, Allen suddenly realized that Edward's appearance didn't seem to have changed. Alan himself has grown up rapidly over the years, and now he has no youthful immaturity. The lovely Dehua looks no different from when he first met in Babylon. The only difference is that he now tries to choose more stable clothes to wear, but how to look carefully, his eyebrows are still the slaves of the year. juvenile.

Allen whispered: "You have hardly changed. God..."

"Maritans live longer than most lives~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Especially for short-lived species like you humans, a hundred years is already a long time for you humans. But for us, it’s just a step forward. A sign of adulthood. As you can see, I am still a teenager, but in fact, Mr. Horn is probably still younger than me."

Alan looked at Edward in disbelief, who shrugged: "I have never wanted to tell you this, just don't want to see your face like this. Don't you always ask me what I have experienced before? Then I can tell you now, In the fifty years before me, I lived in darkness. When our planet collapsed, I was a child. I was lucky to escape, but soon I discovered that being alive is not a thing to be thankful for ."

"Because everyone I met wanted to capture me as a slave or a toy, that time was really not very pleasant. I saw a lot of darkness, far more than all the dark things you see now combined many……"

ps: Please follow WeChat public account: chengran0000

(End of this chapter)


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