Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1140: anonymous letter

"It seems that I didn't guess wrong." Allen was not surprised at all, and the events that happened in Moseor that day are still vivid. If Eric hadn't been concealed by the real power figures in that city, it would be extremely difficult for him to arrange such a killing, so that Allen's journey would almost end early.

"Yes, Eric provided Arkham with a huge amount of gold. It is a cash-saver, not a voucher. There is Eric's seal on it, and the footnotes written by him. The words'for General Arkham' are written, and the word "cooperation" is simply marked on the item of use. Just ask a handwriting appraiser to confirm this evidence, and Arkham will not deny it." Taylor smiled.

Allen nodded, but said: "Then please save this evidence first, Mr. Taylor. Now is not a good time, even if I can get evidence against Arkham at this moment, I can't hold him accountable. After all. Now the pseudo-king has banned my title, and not all of the empire’s generals have fallen to Hausen. Our general Arkham still maintains a wait-and-see attitude. If I push him too eagerly, he will stand on Hausen instead. It’s not good to go to Mori."

Taylor snorted: "Arkham didn't say anything, just thinking about it for himself."

"That's true." Nebot said helplessly: "If the emperor is alive, ten dare to give Arkham the courage to do so. But now, neither Howson nor His Royal Highness Julian can shock these imperial generals. Nowadays. Only the Black Wolf Army clearly expressed support for Hausen, but that was from Rodek’s instruction. As for our second prince, fortunately, the emperor arranged for General Woodrick to be loyal to him before his death, which gave us a front line. The power of resistance."

"General of the Dragon Army? What about the others?"

Thorin replied gracefully: "Now the pseudo-king has framed General Woodrick and his army as a rebel. After General Woodrick arrived at the Flame Fort, he took over the original crusade and all the family coalition forces that participated in the battle. The army of tens of thousands of people will go south on a secret route arranged by the Grand Duke Tsuta, and meet us at Tieqiangling, so the general did not go with us."

"That's really a pity, like this loyal and brave general, I really want to see him." Taylor sighed.

"There will be a chance." Allen said: "But for now, I think the safety of His Highness going south should be the top priority. Mr. Taylor, please talk about the arrangements for this trip carefully. I can coordinate with the deployment of manpower and guard the work. ."

They discussed until late at night that the main job of the guard was done by Allen and his manpower. Whether it was the remaining soldiers going northward or the gunners from Dragongun Town, they could do the job. What's more, there are now ninety-eight steel front warriors in Allen's team. This combat strength is even if it encounters an army. With the steel front samurai in hand, the thousand-man level army did not give Alan the attention. Even if it can't be killed, it is more than enough to break through.

Of course, considering that this trip is mainly at sea, the role of the steel front samurai is relatively limited, but it still cannot be ignored.

Throughout the discussion, Thorin's bold suggestions and Nebot's careful and cautious, all perfected the entire plan one by one. They didn't end this discussion until they thought that the plan for the entire trip was going to be perfect. Afterwards, everyone went to their own room and slept well.

As he had to stay in Tiger Shark Harbor for two or three days, Julian could only hide himself in Taylor's house. Fortunately, this place is quite spacious and the range of activities is quite large, which makes Julian feel bored. The prince also knows how to use time. During these rare few days of vacation, he arranged for himself a full course of study. In the morning, I will ask Nebert for advice on how to govern the country. In the afternoon, I will review the history of the empire from Thorin. In the evening, I will discuss swordsmanship with Alan. According to Nebot's words: Julian has never been as easy to learn as he is now, even if he was a serious student before.

Allen didn't take time off either. During the day, he would change his appearance and change clothes, playing Taylor's distant relative and assistant, going to the dock to inspect the three merchant ships that would secretly carry them to Ark Harbor. Taylor provided him with structural drawings of the three ships to facilitate Allenby's correction of his plan. Sometimes Edward also went with him, and made quite a few good suggestions to Allen. Just to prevent identity leakage, more often only Alan left Jinfan Avenue.

On the third day in a blink of an eye, they can leave the port by boat tomorrow. That day, Alan finally didn't have to go to the dock. After a few days, he even got used to the more intense fishy smell of the dock. So when he walked into this bar and smelled the smell of wine in the room, he was a little uncomfortable.

The reason why he appeared in this "Spirit Barrel" bar was because Tyler received an anonymous letter. The letter pointed out that at four o'clock in the afternoon that day, Allen should come to the bar alone and sit down in the designated position. At that time, someone will contact Allen, and the letter said that the person will provide some important information, including Howson's secret plans for their team.

So Allen came. Although Taylor reminded him that this might be a trap, he was afraid that he would miss the opportunity to learn about Howson's plan, so he was invited. Of course, he also made some arrangements. For example, Adele is on a bell tower behind two streets, where the view is wide. If necessary, the howl sniper shell can hit any place in the bar within a few microseconds.

There are also strong men such as Lola and Regis scattered on the street near the bar. In case something happens, it's okay to take care of Alan.

Allen walked into the bar and walked to a round table in the window with a "reservation" sign on it. When he was about to sit down, a blonde woman stopped him: "I'm sorry, sir, this table is reserved."

"That must be the table I ordered." Allen reported his name and threw a few empire silver coins into the low neckline of the female bartender. The woman screamed and agreed to take Alan into the seat, and did not forget to suggest that Alan could also provide some other special services.

Not long after he took his seat, someone came to him and said, "I need something, sir. For example, what do you think of a bottle of vintage wine?"

This is a familiar voice.

When Alan raised his head, Diego, who was completely covered in the cloak, had already sat down opposite him. For a moment, Allen almost pulled out the Akao who was resting on the table. It wasn't until he could see the freshly scarred face of Brother Dia and the helpless bitter smile in his eyes that he took away the hand that was reaching the Scarlet King little by little. Diego looked at his hands in place, shrugged and said, "I'm glad you didn't do this, otherwise I can only run away."

"Diego?" Allen nodded: "Tell you, what tricks you are playing. Shouldn't you kiss and cheer at our king's feet? Why come to this place free, or say, you are Howson That secret plan?"

"Come on, Allen. Something has happened." Diego shook his head and said: "You should also know that there is a powerful guy next to Howson. That's right, the guy who killed our brave Majesty Tangiero. What do you think he is? A strong man in the Principality of Shadow? No, no, that guy’s identity is the same as ours, he is an outsider."

Diego pointed to the top of his head, and poured a glass of wine for Alan and himself: "I overheard the conversation between him and his entourage, but he also found it out. Fortunately, he didn't dare to mess around in the palace. I took the opportunity to escape. Howson couldn’t stay there anymore. Your Majesty doesn’t need a half-bucket of water like me now. Oh, that **** is called Stark, don’t you know his name?”

Allen's heart beats hard.


Sure enough, it was the culprit who destroyed Maritan, the so-called pirate emperor in Edward's words.

Diego glanced at him and said, "I want to make a deal with you, Allen."

"Really? I think it might be better to kill you now, Master Diego, you should remember some unpleasant experiences between us before?"

Diego waved his hand: "Come on, Ellen, do you mean the Chunkari meeting? At that time, they were the masters. The two chicks under yours almost killed me, especially the Mosen family. I don't know where Adele got such a terrible sniper rifle, and almost burst Lao Tzu's shit."

Alan frowned.

"Don't mind, I have been in the Black Wolf Army for a few years, and I am afraid I have forgotten the elegance of nobles." Diego drank the wine in his glass: "Let's talk about the transaction. You know, I I’ve been out of touch with the family for too long, and now I don’t want to stay on this damned planet. You have a starship in your hand, right? Get me out."

"Oh, then I think you still have a ferry ticket."

"Of course, this is the part I want to trade with you." Diago said: "I will tell you the layout of Howson. What I can reveal to you here is that in addition to the Black Wolf Army, some vultures also joined him, although Not all. But those guys are really annoying. Did you see this scar? Yes, it was left by one of the vultures, but his stinky head was also cut off for me."

"That's it, Howson's arrangement, detailed plan. And, the Grant family will pay you a sum of money, not much, 10 million federal coins, which is the highest amount I can get. Of course, this money I have to wait for my earth to pay ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for the relevant information of Hausen, it will be used as the deposit for the ferry ticket."

Allen squinted his eyes, and the tens of millions of federal coins that Diego had promised was now ignored by Allen. With the resources in his hands now, if they were exchanged for federal currency, they would definitely be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. He is concerned about Howson’s plan, and whether what Diego said is credible?

"It sounds good, but how can you convince me. Don't blame me for being too careful. After all, Master Diego had never thought about killing me before, did he?"

Diego nodded and laughed: "It's true, Allen. Well, first of all, you can look at it like this, I think the earth, it doesn't conflict with you at all, isn't it? Secondly, during the time I was walking with you, You can use all the methods you know to imprison my source force, or simply give me some kind of poison, which takes a while to happen. Of course, if you prove that everything I say is true, and you don’t If you are willing to give me an antidote, I think I still have a way to inform Howson to deal with you."

Allen laughed: "Well, Master Diego, I can feel a little bit of your sincerity. So, let's talk about the king's secret plans first?"

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