Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1141: lackey

"You know, there are several legions in the empire." Diego said as he poured himself a second glass of wine, and a beautiful musician in the bar was playing brisk dance music. Several pairs of men and women swayed slowly on the dance floor, and two men who were drinking a little drunk wanted to harass the musician, but they stopped by the strong bartender with a smile. Amid the loud noises in the bar, Diego’s voice seemed to float from another world: “Let’s count, the Bucks, the Bears, the Lions, the Dragons. Good guys, there are so many. Yes, I wonder if you have heard of another army."

"Shadow Corpse Eagle?"

"I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes." Allen said truthfully.

Diego laughed and poured the wine into his mouth: "Don't say you, I have not been with Hausen for a short time, and I have never seen it. People even guess whether there is really this army."

"Believe me, yes. It is a force specializing in gathering intelligence and assassinations, doing some ugly activities for the royal family. They are divided into several code names, and the condors are the most members. These eagle dogs are spread throughout the empire. In every city, their identities may be merchants, mercenaries, farmers, heirs of a run-down family, partners around powerful figures, etc." Diego blinked: "You never know what their true identity is. Unless you are someone who knows everything, the woman who slept next to you to please you last night, maybe this night will pierce your heart with a poisonous dagger."

"It sounds scary."

"It's really scary, because these vultures are dead men and even lunatics. I have heard that they can do anything to accomplish their goals. As far as I know, there is a female vulture in order to kill the target. He planted poison in his body, then had a relationship with the other party, and finally made the target die unclear. For this, the woman also lost her life." Diego shook his head and said: "Who is the most terrible? That is even myself. A madman who wants his life."

"Except for the vulture?"

"Above the vultures, there are rotten vultures. These people are very few. They are the leaders of these spies, and there are no more than ten. Each of them has a group of vultures. And among the rotten eagles, they don’t know the others. Which spy is under the boss. So sometimes in some missions, there will be cannibalism. At the same time, it also ensures that the identities of the spies will not be easily revealed."

"The last one is the Eagle King. This is the head of the entire Shadow Corpse Eagle. But about this Eagle King, don't say the name, you don't even know whether the other party is a male or female." Diage paused when he said that. "Before I left, a rotten eagle took his vultures and threw them at Hausen. I don’t know if this is the meaning of the Eagle King or the rotten eagle made his own claim. But what is certain is that Hausen’s current The line of sight can be seen far away, and is no longer limited to Olisa."

"So he saw us?" Allen tapped the table with his hands.

"Yes, how do you think I knew that you were in Tiger Shark Harbor?" Diego squinted his eyes: "Because Howson knows you are here, he has ordered those eagle dogs to deal with you, ours His Majesty the King has a plan that he thinks is perfect. And the key part of this plan is that you have a bald eagle by your side."

"So you see, the alliance of His Royal Highness Julian may not really be so unbreakable."

"Do you know his identity?"

Diego waved his hand: "Please, I am not a rotten eagle, how could I know the identity of the spy. Don't talk about me, Howson doesn't know. I only know that your team has already been planted with spies, as for the identity. , That’s really hard to say. Anyway, what tricks you are going to play, Howson probably knows seven or eight out of ten. My suggestion is that you’d better change the original plan so that the journey south will be safer and I can go smoothly. The earth goes."

"Okay, will you go with me?"

"Of course, if I'm not by your side, maybe you would suspect that I am the vulture, right?" Diego drank the rest of the wine, took a few silver coins and smiled: "I treat you."

Allen shrugged, and lifted the red king from the table.

When I arrived at Taylor's house, I saw Diego and Allen coming, and many people, including Julian, showed hostility. Allen briefly explained, then asked Taylor to arrange a room for Diego to live in. The latter bowed solemnly to Julian eight hundred, calling out your Majesty, but Julian's teeth were itchy. After Diego Dia left, Julian said, "Do you believe him?"

"Of course not, so I need to verify, and there must be some assurance." Allen looked at the big businessman: "Mr. Taylor, I don't know if you know some pharmacists."

Taylor is also a wise man, and he immediately understands: "I just know someone who will not only save people, but also know how to kill."

"I don't need to kill, I just want to put a lock on our Mr. Diego to make sure that if he lied, he would regret what he did."

"I understand, then give this gentleman a kind of chronic poison." Taylor smiled and said: "I will do it now."

Seeing Alan's arrangement, Julian felt a little relieved, and then frowned again: "If what Diego said is true, which of us is a spy?"

"Not sure, but we can find out."

As the sun was going down, several knights appeared on the road in front of the city gate. The soldiers defending the city stopped them and asked the other party to show their identity papers. The headed knight is a middle-aged man with short hair and no beard, and his eyes are deep. He silently took out a coat of arms from his shirt, threw it towards the soldier and said, "You don't know this thing, give it to your captain."

The soldier went to do it dubiously. After a while, the captain of the city defense team trot over and respectfully offered his coat of arms and said, "This lord, what can I do for you?"

The middle-aged man smiled faintly: "It's clever, let's go, take us to see the lord of Tiger Shark Harbor."

"Yes, please follow me."

In the twilight castle, there was a breathtaking gasp in Birgan's bedroom. When the old butler brought the strangers who entered the city at dusk to the bedroom door, he was very embarrassed, but he had to say, "My lord, there are guests asking to see you."

The housekeeper shouted three times, and then there was an impatient time for Birgan: "Have you seen me busy? I'll talk about it later."

The housekeeper made a helpless expression to the guest, the middle-aged man made a gesture, and a man behind him immediately rushed up. The man lifted his foot and kicked the door, blasted the door open, and then stood by and made a please gesture to the leader. When the middle-aged man walked in, he happened to see Birgan fighting a few women on the bed. As soon as the door blasted open, the women screamed. Bill Gambi pulled a quilt around his waist, jumped out of the bed and pointed at the middle-aged man and said angrily: "Who are you? Do you know where this is? Do you dare to mess around here? Get out of here!"

"I'm afraid it won't be what you want, my lord." The middle-aged man grabbed Birgan's fingers casually, and then pulled down.

Birgan's face suddenly changed. In order to keep his fingers from falling, he had to squat down and shouted, "Let go of me, bastard! You dare to attack the earl, you are dead, ah"

Before he finished speaking, he gave a scream instead, and the middle-aged man kicked him in the waist. The force is subtle, which makes him suffer, but it doesn't matter. With just one kick, Birgan was sweating and his muscles twitched. The middle-aged man frowned. Although this foot used the technique of torturing prisoners, for an earl, Birgan was too weak. He let go of the earl and squatted down and said lightly: "Now we can probably talk, earl Bilgan, right? My name is Seswell, of course you can call me Searle. In fact, everyone who knows me is That’s how you call me. Believe me, it’s no good to fight against me. Too many people have verified this with their lives. Don’t think that the identity of an earl can do anything to me, because I I came to your place on business by the king’s order. You’d better cooperate with my actions, otherwise, as long as the king says something, Tiger Shark Harbor can change a lord at any time. And I think some people are willing to sit on you This location."

He looked up at the bed again with a big smile: "I'm willing to change me."

The middle-aged man picked up Bill as if he was carrying a harmless rabbit: "Now I will give you one minute to put on your clothes, and then come to the living room, unless you want to talk to these women in front of them. "

Birgan nodded repeatedly, and when the opponent walked out, he was very disappointed and depressed. Look at a few women staring at him dumbfounded. They couldn't help but exasperated and shouted, "What are you still doing? Hurry up and help me get dressed. We only have fifty seconds left, **** it!"

Searle and his people were drinking black tea in the living room. After a while, Birgan should not come. When I saw Searle, my face was ugly, and he barely smiled and said, "What do I need to do?"

"Look, if you said that early in the morning, we saved a lot of effort~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Searle smiled and said: "According to the information we have, some rebels who are against the king have quietly sneaked into your territory. in. "

Birgan's face changed and he lost his voice: "Is there such a thing?"

"Don't be nervous, as long as you cooperate with my actions, His Majesty the King will not care about you. Otherwise, Lord Earl may have committed a crime of sheltering a criminal, or even an accomplice."

The hat was buttoned down, and Bill dare not even let it go. He smiled bitterly: "Mr. Nasser's actions specifically?"

"In the first step, I need you to close the operation of the port terminal. From this moment on, no vessel can leave the port until I think this order can be revoked."

Birgan immediately jumped up and said, "How can it be done! The merchant ships in the port terminal come in and out every day. If the terminal is suspended, they will not demolish the ceiling of my castle?"

Searle looked at him and said unhurriedly: "That's your problem, not mine."

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