Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1142: Pier shock

Tyler came with a solemn expression just after dinner. He first gave Alan two brightly colored pills. The red one was poison and the incubation period was 4o days, enough for them to complete the journey at sea. The green one is the antidote, and the endotoxin will be relieved within half an hour after taking it. Allen handed the red poison to Diego in front of Julian and the others, who swallowed it very simply, and then raised his hand and said, "Now you believe it, I am sincere."

Allen put the antidote away and said, "I will give it to you when I get to Ark Harbor."

"I believe in you, just as you believe in me." Diego shrugged: "Then you must talk about business, I won't bother and leave." He said to Taylor again: "Thank you for the dinner. They are so delicious. You know I came this way, but I lived a life worse than a tramp, and this miserable life has finally come to an end."

After Diego left, Taylor closed the door to make sure he was the only one in the room, after Allen, Julian, Edward, and Thorin. The big businessman said in a deep voice: "My people at Twilight Castle have just passed on the news that what Mr. Diego said has already been born. Not long ago, several people broke into the castle and found Birgan. Come with us."

Lin Lin sighed: "I didn't expect such a thing to happen." He said to Julian and Allen again: "Thank your Highness and everyone for believing in me and letting me know about this."

Julian smiled and glanced at Allen, who said: "If Mr. Thorin is a spy, then I can only blame Grand Duke Elizabeth for having no eyes."

"It's okay to talk about this behind the prince's back, don't say it in front of her." Thorin said with a nervous expression.

The others laughed, but the enemy is now, this burst of laughter is quite bitter and joyous.

Edward groaned: "If I were the eagle dog sent by Howson, and now I have found Birgan, I will use the power of the lord to deal with us in an open and honest manner. Tiger Shark Port is a port city. Once the other party locks the city, he can The only way to leave is by water. So I think the vultures will ask the lord to close the port to prevent ships from leaving the port. In this way, we can only sit in the city and wait for death."

"The other thing is, although we came to Tiger Shark Harbor under Mr. Taylor’s arrangement, we did not arouse too many people’s attention. But if you want to check, there are ways to contact Mr. Taylor. For example, the daily food consumption is an obvious We have a lot of food that nearly a hundred people eat every day. As long as we check in this area, we will find something." Edward said affirmatively: "So tomorrow we must go, no matter what. For one thing, the vultures will not go to Mr. Taylor because we are distracted. When they want to investigate too much, I think Mr. Taylor has already taken remedial measures."

Taylor nodded: "Just give me a day or two, I can make a fuss about the use of food, and make sure they can't find out the mistakes."

"In other words, we are left with the headache of leaving Hong Kong." Julian said: "But don't forget that there is another point. The merchant ship we are going to use is also related to Mr. Taylor. According to the previous plan, there must be no problem. Now that the vultures are involved, if the original merchant ship is used again, I am afraid it will cause trouble to Mr. Taylor."

"On this point, I do have an idea. We can leave Hong Kong, but also let Mr. Taylor and us separate the relationship." Edward laughed.

The evening breeze was slow.

Charlie yawned and supported the helmet on his head and complained: "This **** sea breeze is about to rust the armor of my new collar."

The two guards nearby laughed, and one said: "Captain, what are you afraid of rusty armor? Just don't get rusty there."

Another said: "The captain is not afraid of getting rusty, just call that Robella Nasao. The woman is grinded, the captain is too happy to be happy."

Charlie said in a huff: "What do you two **** do except thinking about women all day? Stop talking nonsense, go around and go to bed."

Charlie is the captain of the port guard, and every night, after the ship has settled in the port, the guard must inspect it once, sometimes several times. Lest any ship forget to fix it and be taken away by the waves, and then tomorrow the guard office will ask those merchants to lift the ceiling. It's not that this kind of thing has never been born, and Charlie doesn't want to deal with those businessmen who talk tricky. He prefers women like Robella. In addition to being able to talk and please him with her mouth, she also does other things, the kind that men would like.

When thinking of Robella, Charlie couldn't help licking his lips. It is a pity that it is his turn to be on duty tonight, otherwise, he can now enjoy the service of that little mouth in bed.

"Hey, why is there someone coming?" A guard yelled, and raised the lantern in his hand, a kind of lamp with a cover and no need to worry about being blown out by the wind.

Under the light, there really was a team heading towards the dock. Charlie frowned: "Look at it."

He stood in the middle of the road and asked loudly: "What's the matter, it's so late, what are you doing at the pier?"

"Is Captain Charlie? I'm Jeter."

One of the team over there trot over on a horse and jumped off the horse near the guard. He was a dark middle-aged man. Charlie recognizes him. This is Captain Jeter. He has been employed by the Golden Sails Chamber of Commerce for many years, and he has a little friendship with Charlie. Seeing him, Charlie was startled: "Captain Jeter, what are you guys?"

"Isn't there a batch of goods to be shipped to the south tomorrow? The boss temporarily added some goods and let us load them on the ship first, so that we can set off when the port opens tomorrow morning." Jett said bitterly, "Businessman, it's not profitable." It’s not happy, it’s just that we have to rush around and exhausted most of the night."

"It turns out that this is the case, then you are busy, tell me when you leave." Charlie is very clear that Taylor, the owner of the Golden Sail Chamber of Commerce, can now be said to be a big red man in Tiger Shark Harbor. Not to mention that he and Jeter had some friendships, even if they didn't, they wouldn't dare to make things difficult for Jin Fan's people, so he let them go.

Jeter jumped on the horse and said, "Wait for me to come and find you for a drink."

"It's a deal." Charlie patted his horse: "Go ahead."

The team passed under Charlie's nose. What the captain didn't know was that as soon as he entered the dock, Captain Jet's smile disappeared. He led the team quickly to the vicinity of the three merchant ships of Jinfan. The captain got on the ship and woke up the sailors on the ship, and then opened the cargo boxes. But what kind of goods are there, but a famous steel front samurai and a blacksmith from Dragon Spear Town.

Lucy jumped out of one of the cargo boxes. She nodded to the captain, raised her hand, and ordered the steel front samurai to be divided into three groups to board the ship. The blacksmith of Longlance Town followed closely, and then Jeter went to the boat and met with the other two captains. They quietly untied the ropes that fastened the ship, and the sailors took their positions, completely ready to leave the port at any time.

After all this was done, a shower of horseshoes came from the direction of the entrance of the pier.

Charlie also heard the sound of horseshoes. He was taken aback and hurriedly took the guards and ran towards the entrance of the pier. After a while, I saw a team of cavalry galloping in this direction. Charlie knew that something was not right when he saw the situation. But where his responsibility lies, he still mustered up the courage and shouted, "Who are you? Stop all of them." , This is a heavy pier, no trespassing, offenders arrested!"

The knights stopped. The man in front had a striking silver head. He smiled slightly and said, "Are you sure?"

Birgan kept cursing in his mouth, but reluctantly sat on the carriage. The carriage was racing towards the port. There were no guards behind the carriage, only the man named Searle and his dozen or so men. Searle asked him to go to the pier in person overnight and ordered the port guard to close the pier and prohibit ships from leaving the port. Birgan had planned to issue this order tomorrow, but Searle insisted that he had to do so.

Considering that if he didn't do this, it was estimated that the man would be treated with force again, so the earl could only curse in his heart, but had to go toward the port instead of having dinner.

Searle was riding on the horse, his face gloomy. They have received information and can be sure that Julian and Allen are in Tiger Shark Harbor. As long as the port is closed and the city is blocked, the thieves will have nowhere to escape. At that time, catching them is only a matter of time. Doing this job well, Searle will be promoted. The thought that he was about to be promoted to a rotten eagle made him hot.

At this moment, a pillar of fire suddenly sprang up from the direction of the port. The pillar of fire seemed to be licking the night, and the sound of explosions from afar made the horse panicked. Searle secretly said badly, and ignored Birgan, shouting: "Everyone keep up!"

He flew away with his men.

A bad premonition is rising in my heart.

When he arrived at the port, several ships on the pier caught fire, and three others left the port. Searle ran to the pier, looked at the three merchant ships hidden in the night, and couldn't help but roar. He turned around, his eyes bloodshot: "Go and find the person in charge of the dock!"

A few minutes later, Charlie with his broken armor was thrown at Searle's feet. At this time, Birgan also arrived. Looking at the messy pier, Birgan screamed, "What's the matter?"

Searle kicked Charlie on the ground: "Perhaps this gentleman can give us an answer."

Charlie didn't know Searle, but he knew Birgan. He threw himself at his feet and howled: "My lord, it's none of my business. The opponent is too strong~www.wuxiaspot.com~there are so many people, we can't stop it."

Searle pulled him up and pointed to an obvious blank space on the pier: "Whose boat is that."

"It's from the Jinfan Chamber of Commerce, their merchant ships would have set sail tomorrow"

At this moment, another carriage drove into the dock. A man jumped off the carriage and yelled at Birgan from a distance: "Earl, you have to help me anyway this time. The **** not only robbed my ship, but also robbed my cargo and the captain. People. If I can’t find it, my loss will be difficult to estimate.”

Birgan only felt big, because that man was Taylor, his biggest creditor.

ps: Recently faced with a performance assessment, Laochen's current average booking is still a hundred or so short of the standard. That means whether I can raise my salary and get more milk powder money, so I would like to ask everyone if possible, try to subscribe to the original version of the Chinese website. The novel has now been updated with more than three million words, Lao Chen's stable update, and the quality of the article should also be seen by everyone, and you will definitely not be sorry for your contribution. So if you have the ability, please help me, let me rush to the results, thank you!

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