Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1144: Condor revealed

The sun gradually rose, and the dock gradually became lively. The fishing boat was about to go out to sea, the captain yelled at the sailors who had not yet woken up, and the crows of roosters and the barking of dogs were heard in the distance. All this was telling Solo that it was too early.

It is indeed late.

It was already nine o'clock in the morning, and Solo's patience was fading. He began to send reconnaissance ships to check outside the harbor, but found nothing. Until noon, he suddenly knew that Julian and the others would not come. Seven to eight out of ten that news is false.

"Damn vultures." Soro refused to eat lunch, he ordered all the warships to leave the port and re-fly the flags that were taken away. After such a toss, the people of Hongye Port knew that a naval fleet was added to the pier for some time, and this fleet set off soon. But St. Trina is so vast and has lost track of the merchant ship. How can it be so easy to track down?

On the deck of the building, Solo supported the fence, cursing the bald eagle no less than a hundred times in his heart. Regardless of whether the **** sent false news on purpose or his identity was discovered, Solo seemed to be no different from a rice bucket.

"This kind of incompetent is the best to die." The admiral said in the end.

His fleet can no longer go south. The Bolling family recently organized a family fleet and expelled several navies stationed in the south, claiming that the southern waters will be completely blocked before Julian's return to Orisgar. , Prohibit all imperial ships from entering. Otherwise, it will be regarded as war.

Solo didn't want to challenge the background of an ancient family, especially when there were three strong holy names in that family, and the ghost knew whether there were other powers secretly.

The admiral's guess was undoubtedly correct. The three merchant ships carrying Julian did not enter Hongye Harbor, and Allen and others did not intend to abandon the ship and land ashore. They set off before sunrise and had already passed Hongye Harbor at dawn. At that time, Solo was still waiting for them on the ship deck. By the time the Navy's reconnaissance ships were moving in the Gulf, the merchant ships were already far from their sight.

A man looked at the sea outside the porthole, and he sighed. This middle-aged man was thin and hunched over. Everyone who knew him called him Huo Zi. As for the real name, no one remembered. He is Thorin's groom and attendant. He has served Thorin for more than ten years and is deeply trusted. At this time, the camel should have gone to the lower cabin to take care of the horses to ensure that they could reach the southern border in a healthy manner. But he was still in the room now, and he didn't mean to move at all.

Until someone knocks on the door.

Huozi opened the door, and there were two soldiers. Huozi knew that they were the men of the earl on the ship, and the soldier said, "Mr. Thorin wants to see you."

Huozi nodded, walked out and closed the door. He touched the doorknob, and then said, "Please lead the way."

Under the guidance of the soldiers, the hump finally came to the ship's end deck. He raised his head and glanced, not only was Thorin, but important figures such as Julian and Allen were all here. Julian turned his back to him and looked at the sea ahead, while Thorin walked over and said in a deep voice, "Hablin, is there anything to say?"

Habrin is the name of a camel, and only Thorin would call him by his name, not like everyone else.

Hulk, no, Habrin smiled. Then slowly straightened up, and finally stood up straight. Thorin knew then that his own groom was not short at all. Habrin uses calm

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) looked at Thorin with a smile on his face: "I have nothing to say, my lord. I can only say that my adult's strategy is wonderful, and he deliberately leaked the itinerary and asked me to spread the false news, cleverly The Imperial Navy rushed into the air. It’s just that I don’t know, when did you know my identity?"

"Thorin doesn't know your identity, in fact all of us don't know it." Allen replied in place of Thorin, "I told His Royal Highness before that the land environment is more favorable for vultures. But I didn't say, The premise is that he can bear no contact with the outside world at sea. Unfortunately, you can’t bear it, but at sea, the only tool that can transmit information is birds such as the letter crow. So as long as you monitor the movement on the ship, you can find out. clue."

"Unfortunately, I may have more eyes and ears than you think."

What Habrin didn't know was that when he released the letter crow in a hidden corner, he was seen by a steel front warrior hiding in the dark. Every steel front warrior is Lucy's eyes, and these steel soldiers will not leak their breath like humans, so the cautious Habrin is exposed. Of course, these arrangements do not have to be made clear to the vultures.

Habrin nodded, then looked at Thorin and said, "I am an orphan. The war has cost me my parents and my home. I have been wandering between various territories. At the age of seven, I almost died at the hands of some local ruffians. At that time, a man saved me. He gave me food and clothes, and also taught me other things. When I was older, I learned that he was going to train me to be a bald eagle."

"Later, I will be by your side, Lord. You treat me well, my lord. Although I am a hunchback punk, you still call me by my name. You are a respectable person. And thankfully, My boss has never been tasked, and I thought it would continue to be your groom until one day he left quietly. But not long ago, when I almost forgot my true identity, that task came down."

Habrin knelt down and bowed his head to Thorin: "The adults must be able to guess what will happen afterwards. The reason why I tell the adults this is not to beg for the adults. I just want to tell the adults that Habrin would rather be you. The groom doesn’t want to be that vulture, but destiny has not given me the opportunity to choose. Now that I have nothing to say, I can only hope that the adult’s journey will go smoothly. I...I..."

The man on the ground suddenly coughed violently, Thorin quickly helped him up, but saw that Habrin had foamed at the mouth, smiled at Thorin, and stopped breathing.

Seeing his corpse, Thorin had mixed feelings and could only let out a sigh.

"When you arrive at Ark Harbor, let him be buried." Julian said softly.

Thorin lowered his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness."

It is not surprising that a vulture like Habrin was thrown into the sea to feed fish after death. Now that Julian said so, he was very kind, and Thorin's gratitude was on behalf of Habrin. After Thorin left the deck with the corpse, Julian exhaled, trying to break the strange atmosphere on the deck, and deliberately laughed and said: "Earl Ellen, you actually counted me in. I really thought I was going to have it today. When I disembarked at Hongye Port, I asked someone to pack up my things last night."

Allen shook his head and smiled: "If you don't trick His Royal Highness into it, how can you fool the vultures on the boat. Until this moment, we will always

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Really safe. "

Julian nodded and looked at the sea in front of the ship: "What kind of place will Ark Harbor be?"

"His Royal Highness will know soon," Allen said.

But in fact, this is not fast. Starting from Tiger Shark Harbor and heading to Ark Harbor by water, it will take 20 days at the earliest even if the wind is smooth. So when the merchant ships arrived at Ark Harbor, it was already a month later.

When the morning light dawned, Ruola was sitting in front of the mirror, and the maid was combing her long hair. She looked at herself in the mirror. She was Miss Ruola a few months ago, but now she is Mrs. Orlando. After the grand wedding in Gun City, Ruolabian and Orlando arrived at Ark Harbor, and the two took care of the territory together. Orlando is humorous, gentle and considerate, anyone will be very happy to get along with him.

Ruola is no exception. At first, she would think of that person from time to time. But now, she feels that she has forgotten the past. But after receiving a message, that person resurfaced in her mind.

Today, three merchant ships carrying Julian will arrive at Ark Harbor. Alan followed the prince. Ruola looked at herself in the mirror and shook her head suddenly. Then Orlando came in and looked at his wife in front of the mirror and whistled: "Ms. Ruola is always so beautiful."

Ruola rolled her eyes, and the maid behind chuckled. Orlando waved his hand and took over the job of the maid. The latter had already taken the opportunity to leave the room, leaving room for the couple. Orlando changed Jola's long hair and fixed it with a jeweled hair net. He looked at his wife in the mirror and said, "You don't look very happy."

If you stretch your hand and gently hold Orlando's hand: "Or, I won't go to the port to meet you, you are the representative."

"How can it work? In name, you are the agent of Ark Harbor, and I am your follower." Orlando held her scented shoulders with both hands: "I know what you are thinking. You are afraid to see Alan, right? Ruola, how many times should I tell you, I don’t mind if you still think of him now. If you forget someone you love so easily, then I feel terrible."

"It's like I still haven't forgotten that ignorant girl I loved when I was a teenager, that is a beautiful memory for me. And because of these beautiful memories, life will become more full." Orlando Shrugged and said, "Or do you think I am a stingy man who will be jealous for a relationship that has ended from the end? Please, that guy Alan is not as attractive as I am. I need to be jealous of him. ?"

He hit a haha~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ruola laughed, and Orlando's words unlocked the last knot in her heart. She stood up, kissed Orlando on the cheek and said, "Thank you."

"I really want to thank me, do we have something real?" Orlando smirked and looked at the big bed.

Ruola snorted, "Don’t think about it, I don’t want to waste another hour to tidy up my hair. Don’t you say it’s my follower? Then come with me, Mr. Orlando, don’t let our distinguished guests wait in the port, as Master, that would be too rude."

Seeing his wife returning to his usual true colors, Orlando bowed exaggeratedly, "All your orders, madam."

Ruola's deliberately tense face immediately burst out with a laugh.

(End of this chapter)


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