Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1145: New Empire

[Thanks to ooukaide123 for the rewards and the monthly rewards of brothers and friends such as Brother Xiang, addj1ove, Hell Phoenix, heyes, etc. The monthly pass is over 300, and it will be added at night! ]

At about ten in the morning, the merchant ship docked.

The pier at the mountainside of Ark Harbor is full of colorful flags, and the golden double lion battle flag symbolizing the royal family is inserted along the winding road from the pier to the city. A large open space was cleared from the pier, and the agent Orlando and his wife of Ark Harbor, the agent Long of the Allen Territory, the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Roger, the Christian saint Willa, and other people with heads and faces all gathered. When Julian appeared on the bow deck, Orlando made a gesture, and all the white pigeons that had been prepared early in the morning were released from the cage. White birds rose into the sky, flapping wings sounded above the pier, and the birdsong all flew out of the pier and disappeared on the sea outside.

Julian suppressed his excitement, despite his steady and generous performance. He first waved to everyone on the pier, and then walked towards the trestle bridge connecting the merchant ship and the pier. After Julian's figure temporarily disappeared, 6 others appeared on the deck. First came Naibote, followed by Julian's mother Yilan, and others. When Ellen's figure appeared on the deck, Jola took a short breath before returning to normal. She saw Alan smile at her. Before that, Ruola had imagined how she would react when she saw him again? happy? sad? awkward? But until this moment, she didn't know it was all.

Now she has nothing but peace.

The past is like wind.

She could feel the warmth of Orlando's palm, so she knew that Allen was already a part of her memory, and Orlando was her present and future!

Ruola can finally face the man she loved.

She responded with a bright smile and waved her hands to release the joy in her heart.

It was the joy of reuniting with old friends.

Seeing the smile on his wife's face, Orlando also smiled, and kissed her on the cheek without paying attention. The latter squeezed him slightly in secret, but smiled brighter.

"Welcome to you, Your Highness, it is an honour for everyone at Ark Harbor."

As Julian walked off the dock, Orlando stroked his chest and bowed in salute. Others also saluted Julian, and His Royal Highness responded to people's enthusiasm with good etiquette. When Ellen and the others appeared at the dock, Vera and Roger also greeted them. Everyone hasn't seen each other for a long time, and when the empire changes drastically, there are endless conversations with each other. Finally, Orlando called in the prepared carriage and asked everyone to talk again.

With Julian's arrival at Ark Harbor, it also meant that the empire was formally facing north and south. Unless either Hausen or Julian disappears, this confrontation may be over.

After Orlando led the prince to leave, the other people on the merchant ship, including those bronze warriors, continued to disembark. Naturally, these people had other arrangements. But not everyone got off the boat. Edward and Diego prepared to rest at the pier for a while, then took another boat to Violet Harbor, and then diverted to Route 6 to Sur City. It has been transformed into a starship dock, where Diego will board the starship to return to Earth.

After arriving at White Castle, Allen also saw others. Naga Princess Lily and Princess Shusha, as well as Lily's half-sister Shana, are also in the White Castle. They did not go to the port to greet them. After all, it would be better for the Naga tribe to seldom appear in the eyes of the public, and to avoid unnecessary troubles as much as possible. Regarding this, Julian was not unhappy, on the contrary, he took the initiative to salute the princess to show respect.

The Orlando couple walked ahead and greeted the huge team to the hall, where a banquet to wash the dust was ready. Lily and other distinguished guests from the Naga clan also joined the ranks. Princess Lily even got to the side of Ellen, who said: "You guys are here so fast."

"Of course, we have special marine tools." Lily said proudly with a young breast. She didn't exaggerate. The Naga tribe is originally the daughter of the sea, and the traffic on the sea is naturally faster than that of human ships. A lot. What's more, as a royal family, Lily still has an undersea palace in her hands. It is a huge sea beast, and they are quick to go south.

"If it wasn't for my sister to delay some time in the palace, we could have been faster." Lily yawned: "You don't know, we have been waiting for you in Ark Harbor for many days. Boring. Elizabeth and Hoy jointly released a message and blasted the Imperial Navy to the south. They didn't resist a little bit, so I would have some fun."

Allen asked unexpectedly: "You join the defense line of the southern sea area?"

"Do you have an opinion? Is there anyone on the battlefield at sea better than our Naga tribe?" Lily narrowed her eyes.

Allen hurriedly put his hands together: "No, please don't get me wrong. I didn't question your naval battle ability, but the Naga tribe would also participate in human affairs. I was a little surprised."

"Do you think we think about it? Now if we don't support Julian, the little devil's superiority, and if the proud boar-like **** of Hausen is in power, it will be a disaster for our Naga tribe. By then, we might have Fully withdraw from the imperial territory, isolate the sea, and live a life behind closed doors. It will be even more boring."

Allen frowned: "Howson still wants to be against you?"

"Then what do you say? After he declared himself a king, the first decree was to abolish the protection of the Naga clan, and then he went to the palace to persecute his sister, asking her to tell us the specific position of our clan, from his words My sister inferred that he wanted to get involved in our fountain of youth! This **** little bastard, how could Tangliou give birth to such a son." Lily gritted her teeth.

Allen finally knows the ins and outs of the Naga clan's participation. You must know that if it is normal, the turmoil in the empire is something they like to see. In this way, humans have no time to pay attention to them. Now Howson is trying to get involved in the Fountain of Youth, but instead has forced these sea aliens to Julian's side.

When I arrived at the banquet hall in a blink of an eye, Orlando didn't have much fanfare. There were only a few long tables in the hall. The guests at the banquet included dozens of people including Julian. Under the arrangement of the two couples, Julian, Allen, and Lily all sat at the main table, while the others sat at the deputy table. After the guests are seated, the food and wine are served, and the guests can eat and chat without being restrained.

After tasting a roast duck with onion, Julian asked Allen and others what they were most concerned about: "What's new in Olísgar now? We stay at sea for too long and we don't know what changes the empire has now."

Orlando gently wiped off the wine stains on his mouth with a napkin, looked at Julian and said solemnly: "Several things did happen."

"After your Royal Highness you sailed out to sea, Howson issued an order. He asked the lords and nobles everywhere to be loyal to him. In return, he could allow an important member of the lords’ family to have a permanent residence in Olisga. Quan. Howson called it the supreme glory, but to put it bluntly, he just wanted the lords to send him a hostage to prove his loyalty."

Julian shook his head and said: "The imperial family's majesty has caused him to be lost. When his father is here, the loyalty of the lords cannot be guaranteed by this method."

"But he is not your majesty. Howson has very little weight in the hearts of lords everywhere. It's no wonder that he wants to use this method to consolidate his rule. It's just that he was too hasty, not only because of this, it has caused complaints from the rich and powerful in the North, even the old marshal Luo Dirk made a special trip to Olissy for this, but I heard that the two of them seemed to be very unhappy. You must know that in the past, Howson had not dared to confront Rodke like this, but now he has something to rely on. "Orlando paused deliberately when he said that, leaving everyone time to think.

Allen sighed, "Is that the strong man named Stark?"

Orlando pointed to Allen and said, "Master Allen, can't you let me sell for a little longer at this level?" After making a little joke, Orlando nodded and said, "Yes, this is Stark. This person came out of nowhere, and he was so strong. Why Rodk rushed to meet with Howson? It was because the family named by Howson ignored him when the hostage plan was launched. Then, a few days later, a group of important people died in those families, and some families with insufficient background were scared to send hostages to the imperial capital."

"But when Howson did this, even Rodke couldn't stand it anymore. As mentioned earlier, Howson was uncharacteristically towards the old marshal, which made Rodke very angry. During the period, there were some conflicts. It seems that the name is Stark. The people and Rodek faced off in an imposing manner~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the two did not fight each other, but ended with Rodek leaving the city overnight. Just after Rodek left, Hausen was there the next day Announcing Stark as the new prime minister. But for the prime minister, we don’t know much information. Except that his Royal Highness learned that this person was the prime culprit of the attack on the emperor, even the Bolling family could not find him. Information on the origin, past, etc."

Allen shook her head secretly, and Elizabeth certainly couldn't collect Stark's intelligence. He is from outside the heavens, no matter how powerful the Boleyn family is, he can never get half of his intelligence.

The former who had just put a piece of fish in his mouth shook his head. Nebot looked at Julian and said, "Now you have to have the power of a holy realm as a portrait. No wonder I will dismiss our new king."

Julian laughed: "Strong combat power can't solve anything. If the ability to govern the country can also be converted into combat power, I guarantee that the Paima named Stark can't keep up with you, teacher."

Nebot laughed, and then whispered in a voice that he could only hear: "The strong are indeed not omnipotent, but at least they can solve most of the things. What is needed at this time is the strong power of the country. , Not an old guy like me?"

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