Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1146: Key person

Orlando said more about the major changes in the empire since this time. For example, Howson's control has expanded from Olísgar to large and small cities near the Devil's Throat, waiting for Ruoxiao half of the northern border to be in Howson's pocket. Of course, judging by Howson's current ability, this is already his limit. Unless he gets the support of the army, his influence can hope to continue to expand, otherwise he will only rely on a new aspect. Even if Stark was a strong man of Tangliou's series, there was nothing he could do.

Saint-level powerhouses may easily destroy a city and a place, but they cannot make more lords loyal. After all, Stark has almost no background on the heaven star, except for his combat power. And Howson fell out with Rodek, and now most lords are holding a wait-and-see attitude, and Howson can no longer expand his influence, which is indeed quite embarrassing for him.

In addition, there are two chiefs in the Palace of Dawn. The leader of the original Silver Frost Guardian and Sharo, the leader of the King's Sword, have both left the imperial capital. Lienla left most of the Silver Frost Guard, and Sharo took away all the members of the King's Sword. Because the two had acted in secret before, Howson was busy expanding his influence, and it was too late by now. The loss of the two great powers and a large number of guards in Fort Dawn, especially the king's sword, survived in name only. This was a huge blow to Howson's prestige.

In addition, Lien and Sharo announced shortly after they believed that Julian was the legitimate successor to the throne, and they would do everything in their power to ensure that Tangliou's will is carried out. At present, the two men and their personnel have joined Woodrick's army, and Howson has been thundered for this, but it will not help.

On the southern side, under the leadership of the Bolin family, there was another Huoyi who announced his support for Julian. Therefore, most of the lords in the south have joined this alliance, but the power of the powerful in the south and the army are several levels worse than in the north. If Julian wants to launch a counterattack, he will have to wait for Woodrick and the others to arrive before he has enough strength.

But before that, there is an urgent problem that needs to be solved.

"That's how to prove to the other neutral lords and the generals of the Imperial regiment that Julian's inheritance is authentic." Orlando said this and bowed to Julian: "Please forgive me here, after all, it is Wood alone. The proof of Earl Rick and Allen is not enough. We need more definite evidence. Otherwise, even if Hausen is ousted from power, His Royal Highness will get the throne. But in the eyes of others, His Royal Highness's throne will always be called, not legal. Inherited, I think there is a little difference between the two."

Julian nodded, he knew this truth well. After all, the throne was not justified. Since he can fight for the throne, of course other princes can also. If you let those who care about it work behind the scenes, I'm afraid that the empire will never end. Only by proving the legitimacy of his throne, the imperial regiment will loyal to him. Only by controlling the power of the country can other people's minds of fighting for power be completely dead.

This road is not easy, but Julian can only go this way, which is the fundamental way to solve the empire's internal disturbances.

"That night, my father had already come back to light. He knew that he would not be able to make Olísgar announcing his decision, so he could only use Woodrick and Earl Allen as witnesses. If we arrived at Olísgar smoothly, and If all this is announced, then there will be no such things. But Howson rushed before that, not knowing what method was used to obtain the signature and consent of the official and the Privy Council, and succeeded to the throne in a legal manner." Zhu Li'an sighed. Said: "Although there are too many problems in this, at least on the surface, Howson is legal. That's right. Then he in turn framed me for murdering my father. At this time, General Woodrick said nothing more. Make others think that they only say this for the purpose of supporting me."

"Earl Allen and the two are witnesses. What they said should have been recognized by the imperial law, but because of Howson's relationship, people have no way of judging. So now, it is difficult to verify the authenticity of the father's will."

Everyone was silent, this was indeed a difficult problem to solve, so they just ate in silence, and the atmosphere on the table immediately became serious. This is a problem that must be resolved. If Julian's legitimacy of succession to the throne cannot be confirmed, then even if he wins the throne, it will not be too comfortable to sit up.

Allen suddenly put down the knife and fork, and this action focused everyone's attention on him. Allen narrowed his eyes and said, "Perhaps, it's not impossible to think about it."

Julian's eyes lit up: "Quickly talk about your thoughts, my dear friend."

"To be honest, it is very difficult for people to believe the authenticity of the emperor’s will, but this road does not work, does not mean that we have nowhere to go. There is another way, I think so, if people know Star Ke is the culprit who assassinated the emperor, what will happen?"

His words were like a spark in the dark night, faint, but they aroused hope. Neibert followed Allen’s vision and murmured: “If everyone knows that Xinxiang is the culprit who killed the emperor, then Howson, who strongly praises Xinxiang, will naturally be involved. In that case, Howson’s words are All must be overturned. Even with the signatures of two adults, the Judicial Yuan has the full power to overturn the legality of Howson's succession and conduct an in-depth investigation."

"This is indeed a feasible way, but Earl Ellen, when the father was attacked, only you and I were present," Julian said. Without the presence of a third party, the problem will go back to the original. On the idea.

"No, it's not just ours." Allen reminded: "There was another person present."

Julian was taken aback, and then lost his voice: "You mean Mason?"

"Yes, Swordsman Mason was there at the time. He saw Stark with his own eyes, and more importantly, Mason was neither from our side nor from Hausen. At least not at the moment, I know. This will make His Highness very embarrassed. After all, if there is no Ma Sen, the emperor will not appear in the solitary mountain tundra, and Nasdaq will not be able to take advantage. But now, Ma Sen may be the key person to reverse the whole situation. Moreover, at that time, His Majesty did not intend to take his life. Therefore, His Royal Highness, I think it is necessary to find Lord Sword and try to get him to stand up and identify Stark." Allen said: "Even if Howson denies it, it can come from Lord Jian’s accusation is enough to shake his current position. Another point, Stark is not a human being, and can be regarded as a foreign race. If this point is confirmed again, then Housen’s throne will be unstable, because in the history of the empire, No one's appearance is taken by a foreign race, right?"

Julian's chest rises and falls, his lips are tight, and his eyes are very complicated. Allen knew that it was not easy for him to do this. But Mason is indeed left to reverse the situation now, and whether or not to do this is ultimately up to Julian.

Everyone at the table stopped, waiting for Julian to make a decision.

After a while, the prince sighed softly: "Well, I can't think of a better way than you, Earl. But it's not easy to find Lord Sword."

"I will inform Grand Duke Tsuta Hua that the Bo Lin family will try their best to find the whereabouts of Lord Jian, please be at ease." Thorin stated on the spot.

"Then bother Duke Elizabeth." Julian nodded.

After that, they stopped discussing matters related to Howson. Julian asked the Orlando couple about the customs of the south. It seemed that he had to stay in the south for a long time. Naturally, the sooner he could integrate into this land, the better. Orlando is fluent in conversation. He speaks humorously. He is also the son of Iron Gun Hoy, and he quickly won Julian's favor. After the banquet, Julian asked Orlando to move into Whitecastle, while Allen lived in a house not far from Whitecastle.

This was originally an estate purchased by Christianity. At that time, Orlando had requested the people related to Allen to withdraw from Ark Harbor out of fear of Allen. Now the relationship is very different. This house, including other Christian properties, has been back in Vera's control.

When Allen came to the residence, there were no other outsiders here, and everyone opened their mouths and talked freely. Milo gave Vera a vivid description of his accomplishments, especially the fact that he had received many believers in the cities of Milahan, which made the priest very pleased. Young Abel was entangled by Ark Port Mirai's heir, Oban's youngest son Art. Knowing that Allen had accepted Abel’s apprenticeship, Arter pestered Allen to teach him sword skills. Allen kicked him to Abel and asked him to teach the little earl some of the most basic postures. Quite distressed.

In the hall, tired of Milo's boasting Vera, he put the priest aside and came to Ellen standing alone in front of the window. Allen looked at the distant street through the window and said, "The city is still as peaceful as ever."

"The Orlando couple managed well, but it's a pity that peace will end soon." Vera said lightly.

"Yes, in the empire, the two princes are fighting for power. Even a city like Ark Harbor on the southern edge of the border will be involved in this dispute."

"No, it's not just the empire's civil strife that broke the peaceful scene of this city." Vera said in a voice with such an empty and distant tone: "You have to be prepared, darkness will soon spread across this land. Qian Soon I just foresaw that the shadows from the west would grow and spread on the land of the empire. Wherever they passed, I saw the burning flames and heard the crying of women and children, all of which made me feel very uncomfortable. ."

"Western Shadow?" Allen said solemnly: "You mean the Principality of Shadow?"

The shadow Principality is located at the end of the earth to the west of the empire~www.wuxiaspot.com~The hint of Vera can't be more obvious. The Christian saint nodded: "Just after foreseeing the scene, I heard a few words from the alien coalition army from Belmode."

"Speaking of which, why isn't Belmode here?"

"He has gone to meet Mr. Hubble. I heard that Mr. Hubble is going to come and will bring important information."

Alan slapped his forehead, and before they headed north, Edward arranged for Edward to infiltrate the Shadow Duchy. Now, that big guy is finally coming. He murmured: "Then I have to prepare spirits, so many barrels!"

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