Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1147: Predator

In the dim night, the Ragma Mountains are like demon claws that stretch out into the sky. The peaks here are terrible in shape, twisted and weird, and rocky and strange rocks can be seen everywhere. Especially on a moonless night, looking from a distance on the other side of Juying Heights, it seems as if demons are crawling out of the deep abyss and stretch their terrifying arms out of the ground. This is a mountain range lying at the end of Juying Heights. This mountain area is so wide that it takes several days to get out even on horseback.

Of course, no one would like to pass through Lagma Mountain, because opposite the mountain is the even more terrifying poisonous fog forest. There are shades of old trees and poison pools everywhere, and poison gas will permeate and volatilize from the cracks in the woods and under the ground. Some people say that this forest was not what it used to be, but it began to mutate a hundred years ago and then became a restricted area of ​​life. Scholars in the empire generally believed that it was caused by the alienation of the Shadow Principality. Those aliens transformed the forest into a natural barrier to prevent human infiltration, and only the strong at level 20 or above could walk through it. Because in that forest, there are still more terrifying things than poison pool poison mist.

In short, no one will pass through the mountains of Ragma, let alone wander into the poisonous fog forest. Jueying Highland is already on the fringe of the southern border of the empire. It is impossible for ordinary caravans to leave the highland. Therefore, the Lagmar Mountains have always been gloomy but quiet.

But tonight, someone obviously broke the silence.

On a distorted mountain road in the middle of the mountain, three figures are walking fast. The figure at the moment was so tall that even the strongest human beings could not compare with him. When he flicked through the gaps between the shadows of the mountains from time to time and appeared in the pale moonlight, a rhinoceros-like head pointed at its inhuman qualities. This is an alien race. What's peculiar is that the figure that flies around him is a human being.

If this picture were seen by the empires, they would be very surprised. Fortunately, the mountainous area is uninhabited, and only rocks are the loyal audience.

The alien who was sprinting stopped suddenly, and then said in a low voice: "Stop, there is movement." He stretched out his big hand and easily lifted the two humans, then went into a cave next to him, and then moved a huge boulder. Cover the hole. In the dimness, his golden beast pupils were like two rounds of golden crescents, and the alien made a silent gesture. After a while, there was a strange noise.

Sha Sha Sha

The sound of a certain reptile rubbing against the ground when it passes by makes it easy to think of a snake like an animal. At this time, the aliens shrank their heads and pulled the two humans deeper into the cave. When I looked at the entrance of the cave again, there was a gap between the boulder and the entrance, and the moonlight penetrated in a bit of silver. But now, something outside blocked the gap, and in the thick shadow outside the cave, two clusters of scarlet light lit up.

Those are the eyes of a certain creature, with a vicious and cruel breath. The hole was so quiet that the needle fell, and there was a series of strange hissing sounds outside, as if the thing was smelling something. Then the huge rock blocking the entrance of the cave shook, and things outside seemed to want to push the huge rock in.

The alien who was hiding in the cave squinted his eyes, he was ready to break through. At this time, a mountain rock scorpion crawled by his feet, and the alien caught it and threw it gently towards the cave entrance. Rock Scorpion fell frightened, and naturally went out of the cave. The shadow of the gap in the hole suddenly disappeared, followed by the sound of chewing, and then there was a rustle of friction.

The voice faded away.

After another moment, the alien moved away from the boulder, and after making sure that there was no danger in the surroundings, he greeted the two humans and asked, "Where is that guy Belmode?"

"The adults should be ready to meet us outside the mountain, Master Hubble, we have to step up." One of them said.

"Nonsense, I don't want to deal with those long bugs. It's a hell, there are even Ganas in the Principality of Shadows. I thought I would only see these disgusting guys on Dark Star."

This alien was naturally Hubble, and Edward arranged for him to infiltrate the Shadow Duchy before Allen and the others went north. Everything went well, Hubble quickly gained a place in the army of the Principality of Shadow with his own tyrannical force. This time, after he got the information on the deployment of foreign troops, he left the shadow duchy and returned to the Balkan Empire. But after all, paper can't contain fire, and Hubble is not the kind of person who is good at concealing his whereabouts. His departure was quickly discovered and aroused suspicion by aliens.

Although the fact that Hubble, an alien being a spy for humans, is too challenging the imagination of aliens, many clues point to this fact. Therefore, the alien race naturally sent out hunting troops, among which the Ghana were the main ones. The Ganas, who should have only existed on Dark Stars, are themselves good at advancing quickly in places like forests and mountains, and they are also good at tracking. So despite the presence of Darkblade members, Hubble chased them closer and closer.

The Ghana sentry who wandered outside the cave just now, since the sentry has caught up with them, the main force will naturally not be too far away.

Time is running out.

The Hubble trio didn't dare to stay long and chose another mountain road to leave. Originally, there were seven Dark Blades in response to Hubble, but five people were killed in the process of escaping from the mountains, and even Hubble himself suffered some serious injuries. In order to reliably intercept Hubble, the aliens sent out not only the army, but also several powerful men. Among those strong aliens, Li Anfusen, who was born in the Ghana tribe, is undoubtedly the best.

It was a huge Ghana, he was like a moving hill. Because he liked to swallow the bones of enemies, Li Anfusen, known as the "Predator," was definitely a fearsome alien. He is also a general, and this time the army of the Ghana is under his full command. In the process of hunting, Li Anfuson once stopped Hubble, but unfortunately because of his arrogance, Hubble successfully escaped.

Although Hubble is not afraid of him, the Catu people have to admit that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is entangled by that long worm, and it is quite difficult to get out in a short time. Just like meeting the main force of the Ganas again, you probably don't have to expect to leave the Ragma Mountains.

A dozen kilometers away from the cave where Hubble and the others were hiding, the moonlight was slightly slanted, and when it ran over a rock, suddenly a woman's face appeared in the moonlight. It’s just that this face is a bit too big. If only one face is almost as long as a meter, what is the height of this giant? But at this moment, two scarlet eyes were suddenly rolled up on both sides of the cheek. With the appearance of these two eyes, the woman's face changed for a while. If you look again at this time, you will find where is the female face, but a camouflage made up of many spots.

Under that face, there was a huge and flat head, like a king cobra magnified countless times. The head lifted up in the moonlight and turned to Hubble and the others. A series of weird chapters sounded from my mouth. It was a foreign language. If it were translated into a human language, it would be like this: "Run, run, maggots. Drop into my open catching net, and become my food ."

Then there was a strange noise, hissing.

Like a poisonous snake.

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