Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1148: Iron Beast (1)

"It's not far ahead, the last supply point. We can rest there and leave the mountain in one breath."

A dark blade warrior whispered, he lowered his voice, and it was not difficult to hear the excitement in his tone.

This journey of death is finally over.

The replenishment point is a marked cave, covered with bushes and stones. If it was not known in advance, Hubble might have missed it. In terms of camouflage skills, the Dark Blade Warriors are very clever. Obviously Belmod has trained them in this respect.

Part of the disguise was removed, revealing a gloomy hole. The Darkblade Warrior was about to get in. Hubble stretched out his hand to grab his back collar and pulled the warrior behind him. Hubble kept alert and entered the cave. After confirming that there was no danger in the cave, Cato told the two soldiers to come in. They re-arranged the camouflage, and the cave was dark at first, and then gradually there was a little light. That is the light that the moon casts in through the gap in the mountain. Not bright, but enough to see things.

Hubble was okay, but the two Dark Blade fighters were already too tired. One of them went to the depths of the cave, removed a few stones, opened the camouflaged ground with a dagger, and took out a box from it. Open it and there is ready-made water and food in the box. The supplies are enough for seven or eight people, but since there are only three people left, it looks extremely sufficient, but it also feels unspeakable.

The soldiers divided the things into three parts. Hubble only took water to drink. After eating dry meat and water in a controlled manner, the other two closed their eyes and rested to buy time to regain their strength.

After a while, Hubble heard the long breathing of the two, and the two had entered a state of light sleep. If you look closely, you will find that their faces are still very young. There is still a bit of lingering youth in the eyebrows. Their peers may be farmers, fishermen or other occupations. But they chose the most dangerous and darkest cause.

Even Hubble knows that spies like Dark Blade can only live in the dark, and their identities will never be exposed. Even if they die tragically one day, their closest relatives will not know why these people died. When they chose to join Dark Blade, they were actually dead.

Hubble shook his head, wondering when he became so "sentimental". He suspected that it was because of staying with humans for too long. This race looks quite weak, but after staying with them for a long time, Hubble must admit that under the weak appearance of human beings, there is a toughness that cannot be lost to anyone. Perhaps this is the reason why this young race can shine among the many beings in the universe. They always wait patiently for the opportunity to come, and burst out unimaginable energy at the right time.

"Actually these guys are not bad too, at least, their drinks are good." Hubble already missed the barrels about his height, and he decided to soak in the wine and sleep afterwards.

Then I heard a strange noise.

Hubble immediately awoke the two fighters, and an expression of fear flashed across the soldier's face the moment he opened his eyes, and then he calmed down. Hubble pointed his head out and didn't speak, but the soldier knew what he meant. One of them squatted on the ground and pressed his ear to the ground, a moment later he got up and nodded.

The Catu man walked into the hole and opened a small hole between the bushes with his finger. I can see through this small hole, outside

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) There is no one on the mountain road with interlaced shadows. Hubble moved his eyes left and right again, and finally stopped in the shadow of a mountain wall on the left. Although Hubble couldn't see much, he always felt the shadow twisting. Suddenly, a pale human face emerged from the shadows without warning. It was a female human face with a weird smile.

Then the face became distorted, and when the two scarlet eyes were rolled up, the entire face was scattered into mottled gray spots. The flat head like a cobra raised up, and a Ghana spat out a long, split tongue from his mouth, making a rhythmic hiss. Then he came down from the mountain wall, his body appeared inch by inch in the moonlight. Ghana’s snake-like bodies are covered with light green bio-armor to protect their sleek, scaly bodies. They do not have hands or feet, but have a row of feet on each side of the body. These centipede-like limbs can allow the Ghana to walk freely on most terrain. The steep mountains and complex jungles could not stop their steps. Except for the sea, there was almost no environment that could prevent the advance of the Ganas.

Seeing this Ghana sentry, Cato narrowed his eyes, gestured a little while to the two soldiers behind him, and wiped his neck. The Dark Blade warrior nodded knowingly, knowing that Hubble was going to kill the sentry alone. Just when Hubble was about to rush out, suddenly another Ghana appeared, and then the rustling of friction became more and more, Hubble finally cursed: "Damn, we are fooled. These long bugs have known long ago. At this stronghold, they are waiting for their prey to be delivered by themselves!"

Now that it has been discovered, Hubble is certainly not going to stay in the cave and wait for death. He lifted his thick leg and kicked, and the bushes and rocks were rushed out by the violent vigor. Hubble ran out with a low growl, and the two Ghana sentry, not to be outdone, hissed from their mouths and swam quickly. When they were a few meters away from Hubble, the Ganas shrank and leaped up into the air. They opened their mouths, revealing their fangs. The most common attack method used by the Ghana is to entangle the prey with their body and tear the target's body with their teeth. But these are not their main means of attack, the Ganas are a sinister and evil being. Their tails have sharp thorns. In addition to being highly toxic, the thorns are usually retracted in the body. Only at critical moments will it pop out and pierce into the prey, and many unfamiliar Ganas often die under their stings.

It's a pity that Hubble knows them too well.

The Catu took a big hand and caught a Ghana. With a bit of force with both arms, Jianan's body was instantly torn apart. Another Ghana jumped onto Hubble’s body, wrapped his body tightly around Hubble like a snake, and then stroked hundreds of pairs of feet, but he could only draw a lot of them on Hubble’s rough skin. Shallow opening. When he tried to bite Hubble, the Gatu held the upper and lower palate of the Ghana with both hands, and then yelled, directly cracking the mouth.

Throwing the Gana to the ground, Hubble added another foot and stepped on the sentry's head. But Hubble was not happy at all, because in the shadow of the mountain ahead, more and more white faces appeared, and they had surrounded the main force of the Ganas.

"Come on, boys, we should go now, or do you want to stay and party with these long worms? Then forgive me for not being with me." Hubble began to step back.


(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The Dark Blade Warrior said: "Leaving the mountains, there are no obstacles in Jueying Highlands. It is difficult for us to get rid of these alien races in the plains."

"Then you mean to take advantage of the environment here and wait for Belmode to support Luo?" Hubble shook his head: "This idea is even worse. These long worms can move on almost any terrain, and the mountainous environment will block our sight. There are too many shadows and caves for them to launch raids, and the danger of staying in the mountains may be higher than the plains."

"But..." What else the soldier said, the ground suddenly vibrated, and silt spurted up from the ground. The mountain is cracked and arched, winding all the way, like a dragon. The dragon soon came to the feet of the Hubbles, the Catu cursed, pulled up the soldier closest to him and threw it aside. Just about to catch another person, suddenly the earth dragon exploded, and a thick black figure burst out from under the ground.

The darkness brought the Dark Blade Warrior into the air about ten meters, something in the dark shadow swept, and Hubble subconsciously raised his arm and bounced away. Only after he retreated ten meters, did he see that it was a huge bug. It has a height of more than ten meters and its head is as big as a mountain. With his mouth open and closed, he was chewing on the Dark Blade warrior. His screams kept coming from above, and blood gushing from behind him like a fountain.

He desperately tried to crawl out of the huge mouth of the blood basin, but his body kept sliding down, and after a few breaths, only one arm remained and still wanted to catch something in vain. As the giant insect's mouth snapped, the arm was snapped, fell off, and fell to the ground.

Hubble squinted his eyes and looked up at the giant insect calling out a name in a low voice: "Amphreyson..."

After the predator Amphreysen had eaten the dark blade warrior, he slowly lowered his head and stared at Hubble on the ground with his ferocious eyes. He was like a snake, with most of his body lying on the ground, while his smaller body was raised up. Just now, he gnawed mud and swallowed the sand all the way from the ground, and dug a tunnel directly to the soles of Hubble's three people. Originally wanted to chew the three of them in one bite, but Hubble was so alert that Amphreyson only ate one of them.

This made him very upset. Amphreysen opened his mouth and spit out the lingua franca from his mouth: "Betrayer, don't expect to leave Ragma, your flesh and blood is destined to become my food. If I were you, give up." Pointless resistance, so that I can make your death easier."

Hubble sneered: "I want to stew you into worm soup~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know how it tastes."

Amphreysen was furious immediately, the insect's mouth opened, and two palatal teeth were cracked from the left and right sides, making a hissing noise. Hubble's pupils glowed deep, his source of energy skyrocketed, and his body's joints popped and shook under the steadily stretching. Hubble's skin flushed, blood vessels swelled, muscles swelled and proliferated, and his tall body swelled up again. As the back of his head grew and dyed red, and a huge oval spar floated on his chest, Hubble immediately exuded a strong murderous intent. The murderous aura was so strong that the temperature in the nearby space dropped a lot.

As bone spurs appeared everywhere, and a circle of dark lines spread around the spar, Hubble's changes stopped. Amphreysen’s pupils kept shrinking, and he said solemnly: "What's the matter? I have never heard of the Catu people having this kind of change!"

He certainly didn't know that that was the ability Hubble gained after becoming a follower.

(End of this chapter)


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