Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1150: Burning Forest

[a1234a23, Mo Burning Mo Burning, Brother Xiang, mrs Shui Yuexi, Yang Shushu o3o1, Su in the War, and other brothers' monthly ticket rewards! thank! ]

"It turns out to be a chariot. The chariot is a chariot. Why do you create such a ghostly appearance? I really don't understand what you humans are thinking?"

Walking on the flat surface of the high ground, Hubble knocked on the beast-like front of the next chariot and muttered. Belmode on one side shrugged and said: "This is what Mr. Lins meant. He thinks this shape is more in line with the aesthetics of humans on the heavenly stars, and will not make this new thing look too abrupt and make people more acceptable."

"How many of these guys are there?" Hubble asked casually.

Belmode whispered softly: "It's all here, now the army of the Principality of Shadows is ready to move, according to Mr. Long. Once there is a war, the mountain city will bear the brunt. If the mountain city falls, the Lyon mountain road is dangerous. If the alien army passes through. The Lyon Mountain Road attacking Unicorn Ridge will pose a huge threat to the territory in this area. So we now arrange the chariots in the mountain city, and do not expect them to repel the Shadow Principality, but at least it can buy us time."

"Let death come slower?" Hubble sarcastically.

Belmode didn't respond, and changed the subject: "Have you got the information about the army deployment of the Shadow Duchy?"

"Yes, but now they know my identity, they don't know if it will be changed temporarily."

"I'm afraid this won't be possible. The deployment of the army cannot be completed overnight. Supplements, strategic materials, distribution of the strong, etc., must be decided early in the morning. The plan is not to be changed just like it is changed. If you change it randomly, it will lead to chaos. Position. However, it is necessary to make some detailed adjustments, but the overall impact will not be too great." Belmode said: "You are here at the right time, Master Ellen has just arrived at Ark Harbor, come with me to see him. "

Hubble said "Oh", and then said, "That kid has finally come, and I'm worried that he will be killed by going north, and he seems to be lucky."

Belmode smiled slightly.

After a moment of trance, Allen felt the heat in the air. It was no longer high temperature, but almost as hot as boiling magma. Then I smelled a bit of choking burnt smell, mixed with some pungent and spicy sulfur, forming the unique taste of this boundless land deep in the consciousness world. This is definitely not a place where humans can survive, but every time he enters this world, Allen feels like returning to his homeland.

This feeling made him feel very kind.

When he opened his eyes, his eyes burst out with thin fire. The flame shrank and condensed into a pair of blazing eyes. Allen raised his hand, his body remained the same as last time. Orange-yellow lines are distributed on the red skin born from the rock. When Allen breathed, these lines brightened and darkened, resonating with him. He inspected this body, that red skin looked fragile, but in fact it was much tougher than the surface, and could resist high heat and most other energy shocks. As for the remaining rock formations, the color is darker than before.

It was dark red and brown, and there was fire in the gap, occasionally a few floating sparks would fly out of it. Allen raised his head, the blue flames on his head spit out, the flames in his eyes lit up. One charge, a few jumps, and then climbed a high slope. From here, you can see that this hilly area is still extending forward, and there is a flying fire at the end, I don't know what it is. And farther away, there are towering lonely peaks, pillars of fire that rush to the sky from time to time, fire clouds burning in the distance, and the vague giant figure on the horizon.

The world is so vast.

Allen couldn't help but let out a long roar, and as he roared into the sky, blue flames spurted wildly, circles of invisible fluctuations spread from him as the origin, and the radiation range was close to the mountainous area of ​​several kilometers square. After he calmed down, Allen heard some other voices.

The sound of flapping wings.

Hundreds of fire boys flew out of the valley behind him. These strange creatures fluttered with their ridiculous wings and flew towards Alan. Seeing that the flapping sound is getting louder and louder, not only the fire boys flew out of this valley, but a group of fire boys flew out in the place covered by Allen's whistling sound just now. The total number of them is thousands, densely packed. The ground merged into a red cloud.

Then the sound of chain dragging the floor sounded, the flame horned demon with flames on his head also came out of the hidden cave, and one of the extremely strong flame horned demon climbed up the high slope. It has a reddish-brown skin, and even has dark lines that are not found in other fire horns. The chain on that wrist is red and shiny, and it will splash countless sparks when it brushes the mountain wall or the ground.

In it, Alan could feel a stronger aura than other Firehorn Demon. But that's it, thousands of fire boys, plus a hundred fire horns, Alan hasn't put them in his eyes. He sneered, wanting to see how these creatures deal with himself. Unexpectedly, the fire horned demon came to him and stopped, and his body was pressed to the ground, and the flames on his head disappeared.

Not only it, but also the rest of the Fire Horned Demon. As for the Fire Boy in the air, it dropped to a height slightly lower than Allen, and his big eyes looked at him with some fear. Suddenly Allen understood the meaning of these creatures, and they were surrendering to himself.

This reminded Allen of the last time that when the fire horned demon appeared, he released his breath and commanded the fire boy. This is a typical phenomenon in which the upper position dominates the lower life. Unexpectedly, this phenomenon appeared to him now. At this moment, an oppressive air machine appeared from behind Allen. He followed the direction of the air machine's gushing direction. It was outside the hilly area, in the flying flames.

There was a certain provocative scent in this air, and Allen squinted his eyes and moved on. The foot was gently bitten by the Fire Horned Demon on the ground, and it raised its head and looked behind itself. Allen knew, and said: "Want me to sit on you?"

As soon as he uttered the words, Alan realized that he was actually using Eboins' language. Unexpectedly, the fire horned demon understood and nodded his head. Allen was not polite at the moment, jumped on the Fire Horn Demon, and sat on its neck, holding his hands on the two big corners. Allen stretched his hand to the direction where the Qi machine emerged, and shouted: "Go!"

The fire horn demon stood up again, every pattern on his body lit up with fire, it roared loudly in that direction, and then jumped out of the high **** and fell in the air. The horned demon fell heavily to the ground, shook up the clamor, and supported it again, and then carried Alan into a gallop.

Allen looked back, and the rest of the Fire Horned Demon followed him closely, and there were hordes of Fire Boys above the sky. These creatures are like Alan's army, following him and galloping among the rolling hills and valleys.

Viewed from the high slope, this hilly area seemed to be straddled in the blink of an eye. In fact, it was much broader than Allen expected. Even if there is a fire horn demon walking, the speed is much faster than his own walking, but when he approaches the edge, a long time has passed. This time Allen paid a little attention. If converted into the time flow of the real world, it took him nearly two days to cross this hill.

After passing the hills, Allen entered a flat clearing. There were a few huge cracks in the clearing, and fire light emerged from the cracks in the ground. The horned demon easily crossed these ground cracks, and soon after moving forward, he saw the continuous forest line that traversed the earth.

Yes, there is a forest here.

It's just a little different from the forest in the usual sense. The trees Allen saw were not green leaves, but flames blooming on their canopies! Flames spurted from each branch of these strange trees, forming a fire crown. This is a flaming forest. Soon, the horned demon led Allen into the blazing forest, and swiftly shuttled between the fire trees.

When entering the forest, Allen keenly noticed that he had penetrated some invisible barrier. This barrier does not seem to be used for defense, but rather as an alarm. Sure enough, after he entered the forest, a strange breath began to emerge on the road ahead.

Soon after, Allen saw a knight.

It was a humanoid creature, covered with fiery red armor, a cloak of flames hung behind it, and a huge half-moon sickle in its hand. The blade of the sickle is formed purely by flames. The horse under the knight is somewhat similar to the strange beast that Allen saw when he first entered this world. Its body is covered by a thick layer of rock, but its back and four hooves are spewing dark. Red flames.

When seeing this knight, Allen clearly felt that the Fire Horned Demon was a little uneasy. Obviously, that knight was a higher life than the Fire Horned Demon in this world.

The flame knight raised his sickle to Alan and his army at this time, and two fire lights burst out from under the mask, and a thunderous roar came out.

Then there were screams.

Behind and in front of the knight, from the ground or from the tree of fire, some humanoids with only Alan half-human height, slender bodies, and rough swords in their hands surged. They look like dwarfs, with big heads and thin bodies, and they look ridiculous. But these dwarf eyes and mouths flicker from time to time, and normal people should not be able to laugh when they see them. The aura of the fire dwarf is not much stronger than that of the fire boy, but there are so many, almost at first glance, the forest end is full of such creatures.

A few more roars sounded in the forest~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Several tall figures appeared behind the fire dwarf, standing at a height of three meters with the fire dwarf, simply a giant. These giants were full of fire, holding fire whips or flame-lifting axes in their hands, with a huge magic pupil on their chest, and a huge mouth cracked in the abdomen. The giant walked by, occasionally picking up a certain hapless dwarf, then tossing it into his mouth and chewing.

When they got closer, Alan realized that these giants had no heads.

On the side of the headless giant, there are some flame knights, but these knights have a weaker aura, their armor is dark red, and they look much lighter than the previous knight. The war horse under him did not emit flames either, but fired from his eyes from time to time.

But no matter what, this army is far stronger than Allen's. In addition to the fire gnome and the fire boy, the aura of the headless giant is far stronger than that of the firehorn demon, and the weakened version of the flame knight is also much stronger than the firehorn demon. Even so, Allen still had no plans to stop.

Soon, the two armies met in the forest, and the battle was over!

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