Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1151: Welcome back

The strong fire horned demon on Allen smashed directly into a group of oncoming fire gnomes, and immediately knocked over a dozen. It roared loudly, opened its mouth and bit on the head of one of the dwarfs, and bit off its head directly. The flame horns waved their arms, the chains on the bracelet flew, and all the gnomes swept by them flew out. More flaming horns pounced from behind, they rushed into the dwarf group, and threw down each dwarf.

However, the number of dwarfs is obviously much more than that of the firehorn demon, and more dwarves have passed the comrades who fell, and desperately handed their weapons to the firehorn demon. At this time, the fire boy swooped down from the air, spit out fireballs towards the dwarf, and pressed the forward of the dwarf again. However, there are headless giants and flame knights behind the dwarf, and it is hard to say who will die.

Allen caught the horned horns and jumped up, squatting on the big head of the horned. When he supported his legs, he shot out like a cannonball and rushed directly into the dwarf. After Alan left, the flames of the horned demon's body lines lit up, and flames spurted out of the corners, and the momentum suddenly became three-pointers.

Knocked down a piece of dwarf hand, Alan fell to the ground. Spread out his hands, his palms burst out with flames, and the flames spit together, forming two burning long swords. Holding a pair of knives, Allen leaned forward and jumped into the dwarf group. The two swords danced, and waves of flames flew up and down. The position where the dwarf was swept by the flames turned gray, and Allen's sword was wide open, and no dwarf could enter the space within two meters of his body.

As soon as he got upset, Allen suddenly raised his hands, and high flames sprang up from the flaming canopies of the surrounding fire trees, and then the flames flowed from the canopy to the top of Allen's head. In a moment, fire hovered above Allen's head. He pressed down with both hands, pulled down the fire cloud, and then centered and put his hands together. The fire cloud kept condensing between his palms, forming a bright fireball.

The initial color of the fireball was orange, but as more and more flames were injected, the color gradually became darker. In the end, the fireball between Alan's hands had turned dark red. The source power contained in it will make you crazy just a little bit. The Cang Yan above Allen's head suddenly rose, his hands left and right, and the fireball flattened, forming a wave of fire and pushed it away.

This fire wave spilt away, sweeping across the dwarf, and instantly one hundred meters. Still cast off, flatly cut off to the knight leader. The knight sitting on the fire horse roared and raised his sword, and the giant flame scythe pulled out an arc of fire and cut it down. When the sickle touched Allen's fire waves, the Flame Knight trembled and flew out. After the fire wave passed its horse, it twisted and flickered, and finally exploded into a dark red fire curtain, as if to isolate the battlefield, rushing high into the air more than ten meters.

After the fire curtain rose, the dwarf in front of Allen moved closer and farther away, displacing everyone's body like pushing a domino, falling backwards in pieces. The end was the horse of the knight leader. The flame of the fire horse suddenly dissipated, and then the horse body scattered like a pile of building blocks.

The knight leader fell to the ground, the sickle in his hand melted into iron, the arm holding the sickle was red, and the gloves were twisted. It made a cry mixed with pain and anger, and the fire from the mask pointed straight at Allen.

The horse neighs.

From behind the leader, flame knights flew past, and the gnomes in front of them automatically stepped aside so that the knights could charge without hindrance. Alan has two more long burning swords in his hand. In addition, the rock armor covering his body, under his crimson skin, from the shoulders, elbows, knees, and behind, some glowing from the fire. Spikes large and small began to emerge.

All the orange and yellow lines on Allen's body were also lit up, and the blue flames on his head spurted out of meters long, like a long flowing silver hair.

Then Alan rushed into the flame knight.

He became a killing machine, with the flame knife in his hand and the spikes on his body, Allen could use almost any part of his body to attack. Whether it was struck by a flame knife or pierced by a spike, it was fatal to the flame knights and their horses. It's just that the knight seems to be endless, constantly impacting Allen. Alan became more and more brave as he fought, and later, he didn't even need to observe the enemy with his eyes. Just by feeling a knife, cutting down the enemy soldiers in front of him, Yu Jin will still be separated into a dozen knights attacking the rear.

He has already begun to use that unskilled technique, Qianjun.

Even he didn't know how long this battle lasted. Allen only knew that as the source of his body's energy was consumed, his style of Qianjun became more and more convenient. The last knife cut out, bursting out thousands of streams of fire. Each stream of fire hits a knight, and the fire is like rain. After flying by, hundreds of flame knights, centered on Allen, fell to their horses and died.

In this blank area, Allen looked up and found that the army he had brought was completely dead and wounded. At this moment, the knight leader made another roar. In addition to the headless giants slowly coming, in the depths of the forest, there are more creatures coming here.

The number of enemies was unexpectedly high, and by this time Allen had reached his limit. There were few thorns left on his body, and countless wounds were all over his body. The blood that came out of the wounds was not blood, but flames. Even the pale flame on his head was only a few inches away.

At this time, there was a faint laughter in the depths of the burning forest, as if laughing at Alan's self-defense. There was a flash of fire in Allen's eyes, and he wanted to sprint. Suddenly the knight leader not far away, the surrounding fire gnomes, the headless giant further away and other enemy soldiers retreated. Then Allen saw the burning crowns of the fire trees and the blurred ground in the distance. Only then did he know that it was not that things went backwards, but that he had begun to leave the world.

After he was in a daze, he saw the bedroom window, and loud voices came from outside. Allen patted his head. He only arrived at Ark Harbor yesterday, but it felt like it was a dozen days ago. He lay down with his head back, feeling exhausted, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

It was night when Allen woke up, and his stomach groaned as if he had been hungry for several days. So during dinner, everyone saw him gorging on food, and after eating several times the usual amount of food, he exhaled contentedly.

After staying in Ark Harbor for two days, finally on the third day's breakfast, Allen said goodbye to Julian and left the city. Julian will have to meet with many aristocrats in the south one by one in order to win over the feelings and make the alliance stronger. The second prince must be busy with him. Allen also has his own business to deal with, he has been out of the territory for a while and must go and see. At the same time, an alien army must be prepared for an offensive. Judging from Vera's prediction, the army deployed by the Shadow Principality to the south might use his territory as a breakthrough, otherwise Vera would not have those premonitions.

Moreover, before he went north, the Shadow Principality was suspected of using the mountain city as a bridgehead to invade the south. Allen believed that they would not give up this plan easily.

When leaving the Ark Harbor, he casually took Nebot with him. Alan did not rush back to the Castle of Dawn, but first took the former Prime Minister to the Glory Light Academy. All the academicians and students of the college were extremely excited about the arrival of the Prime Minister. Naibot’s position in the minds of scholars is like the ten sages and martial artists, and they are all respected idols.

Nebot went around the academy and admired Alan a little bit more. He sighed: "I am afraid that only the Royal Academy can be compared with you. But the Royal Academy is only open to royal children and individual wealthy families. Noble, but unlike yours, the academy is willing to be open to civilians. Lord Allen's pattern is really unusual. No wonder you have what you have achieved today."

For this admiration, Allen certainly passed away with a smile. In the end, Nebot stayed in the academy and hung an honorary lecturer in the academy, but the Prime Minister did not rush to start his own course.

It was the fourth day after arriving at Ark Harbor by the Dawn Castle, and Allen saw the dragon in the city lord's mansion. Long is thinner than he was a few months ago, but he is full of energy. It seems that the job of managing the territory has not troubled him, nor is it in vain of Allen's trust in him. In the study, Long briefed Allen on some important events that had happened in the territory in the past few months. There is nothing to talk about in terms of the convenience of the people's livelihood, but in terms of military affairs, there is a significant change from Allen.

The first is the army. On the basis of the balance of income and expenditure in the territory, Long finally kept the total number of the army at about 5,000. This includes several elite troops such as King of the Mountain, Inch Fire, and Dark Blade. Coupled with regular infantry, cavalry, and musketeers, Allen's current army is rich in arms, coupled with the rigorous training of Roy and others, so that this army has good combat effectiveness.

In terms of equipment, Lins’ Weapon Workshop has produced ten tanks in the past few months after having two tank production lines. At present, these ten soldiers have been deployed in the mountain city to prepare for the possible war. In addition to the tanks, the Weapon Workshop vigorously produces the Vulcan Cannon and Thunderfire Heavy Rifle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These are sharp weapons on the battlefield, so the dragon can be said to be responsive to Lins's supply of resources.

In addition, Lins also designed several special artillery shells, such as the flame shell designed similar to the oil grenade, and the blast shell used for mass destruction of artillery fodder against mixed soldiers. These shells can be used on tanks as well as Vulcan cannons.

While Long was giving a briefing, heavy footsteps sounded outside the study, and then the door was pushed open, and a tall figure squeezed in. As soon as he entered the room, the study immediately appeared crowded. When Allen saw him, he laughed and said, "Hubble, you are here. I am relieved to see that you have no intention of staying in the Shadow Duchy."

The Catu man who squeezed into the house hummed: "What is good in the Shadow Principality, those guys are not so funny, they don't even drink!"

"That's really thanks to the aliens' no hobby of drinking, otherwise, the big man would not come, I'm afraid." Behind Hubble, Belmode and Kira came together. The two were much more polite than Hubble, and bowed to Allen at the same time. Belmode raised his head and showed a bright smile: "Welcome, Master Ellen."

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