Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1155: Army pressure

[Thanks to Eleventh Show, Cat Escape from the World, Brother Xiang, villain @百度, 友25587517, Sam Tsai, Hellscream and other brothers for their monthly ticket rewards! Thank you, continue to ask for subscription]

The arrival of the Bucks is undoubtedly a booster. The soldiers and residents of the mountain city who stayed behind are all excited about it, and even Remington's face has such a smile. The rain in the sky is getting heavier and heavier. At noon, it is still light rain, but by this time it has become moderate rain. The sky is gray and gloomy, and you can't see the beauty of the sunset. At this moment, there was only an indescribable heaviness. The pre-war dignity soon overwhelmed the excitement caused by the arrival of the Bucks. People became silent again and focused on the work assigned to them.

Allen and Keller went to study the battle plan and the deployment of the army, while Remington was busy calming the mood of the soldiers in the mountain city, and Bloy made the final mobilization of his soldiers in the rain. Everyone seemed to have something to be busy with. At this time, Hubble felt that he had nothing to do. He was sitting on a step under the city wall. In order to conceal his eyes, Hubble put on heavy armor covering his whole body, and even his head was wrapped in a large iron helmet. His helmet is like an iron bucket, with a pair of corners on both sides of his head. The helmet blocks all the parts below the eyes, which makes Hubble look weird.

He put a wine bottle on the side, picked it up and smelled it from time to time, but he dared not drink it. Allen said that if he drank before the war, he wouldn't want to drink a drop of alcohol afterwards. So Hubble could only wipe the giant sword he had brought from Ellen to break the spirit from the bottle. In fact, Hubble prefers to use an axe, but the giant axe cannot be used freely for humans, so he did not build such a weapon. Hubble can only take the giant sword, but it is still a little smaller for the Catu.

"Can I touch it?" There was a voice cautiously.

Hubble raised his head, he was a teenage human teenager. Wearing an improper lock armor and a helmet with horns. The helmet is a little loose, so the boy always shakes his head, which is a bit ridiculous. He had a one-handed sword off his waist. It looked very ordinary, and it wouldn't be any sophisticated equipment. The regular troops in Shancheng would not accept such a weakly crowned boy, so Hubble knew that standing in front of him was a militia.

But as far as the militia is concerned, this boy is also too young. The young man was looking at the huge sword in Hubble's hand with hope. Such huge weapons are very attractive to him. It is a natural attraction from nature. Hubble handed the giant sword over: "Be careful, it's a bit heavy, I don't want it to hurt you."

The boy licked his lips and took it. Although he was mentally prepared, his hands sank under the giant sword. Then he couldn't catch it, the sword fell to the ground, splashing muddy water on the ground. He blushed, and was anxiously about to pick up the sword. Unexpectedly, his fingers reached the edge of the sword, and the gap was opened. Hubble bent down and easily picked up the giant sword and said, "Look, I said it is not something a kid like you can play."

"I'm not a kid, I'm an adult, and a man!" The boy tried to straighten his chest and said with burning eyes: "I can fight, too. I want to help protect my homeland."

"Courage is commendable, but it seems stupid in my opinion. You should evacuate with the others in the morning. This war is no joke. At least, it's not something you can participate in as a young kid like an adult." Hubble Shaking his head, "If you cherish your life, you should take off your armor now."

The boy stubbornly shook his head: "No, but I promised Captain Yoni. I will stay and fight, but he has to give my sister a sum of money so that she won’t be hungry when she goes to Lord Ellen’s territory. ."

"Where are your parents?"

"They are gone long ago. Even if there is no war, I am going to join the army so that I can support my sister."

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) At this time, someone in the distance called the boy over. The boy said to Hubble: "Thank you for letting me touch that sword. You know, maybe I won't have the chance to touch such a big guy again."

Under the helmet, the green face was a bit sad. The boy turned to leave, and Hubble stopped him: "What's your name, kid."

"My name is Bobby, my lord."

"Bobby?" Hubble nodded. "Listen to Bobby. Normally, militias don't need to go to the battlefield. But if you get to go to the battlefield, if you can see me, try to come to me. You Don’t you still have relatives? Then don’t want to die easily, otherwise, the living relatives will cry bitterly."

The boy was stunned, then bowed to Hubble, "Thank you, sir. I remembered it."

After the boy left, Hubble looked at the wine bottle, sighed and picked it up. Bobby reminded him of the past. Long ago, Hubble also had a brother. But Vasak’s army came, and in the end, Hubble could only harvest the bodies of his loved ones. The Catto shook his head, trying to shake this almost forgotten memory out of his head. Finally, he found an empty corner, pulled down the helmet mask, and poured all the wine into his mouth.

"Follow him, if I can't drink wine in the future, I'll recognize it." Hubble snorted, but the wine didn't make him forget the past. Instead, some faces that he hadn't remembered for a long time appeared again. Flashed through my mind. At this moment, Hubble wished he could pass drunk. In fact, he smashed the bottle of wine in the corner, and then walked out of the city with the huge sword, ready to fight at night.

The night finally arrived.

After the world became dark, war drums and horns rang on the west side of Jueyo Highland, and then people could feel the ground shaking, as if a giant was walking toward the mountain city with heavy steps. All braziers were lit on the mountain city, and the braziers were blazing with flames, and the rain could not extinguish. They illuminate the city walls and brighten their faces. On the wall are soldiers from the mountain city army. Musketeers and archers have been arranged behind the shooting holes and arrow stacks, while the infantry soldiers with swords as weapons guard every section of the wall. When enemy soldiers climbed the wall, they were the last line of defense.

Under the city wall, the Bucks lined up the formation. Keller was mobilizing the soldiers loudly, and his voice could not cover the sound of rain and drums. In this battle tonight, the Bucks will be the main body of defense. As for their two wings, Allen’s soldiers are in charge, and ten beast chariots are already on the battlefield, ready to fight at any time.

When everything was ready, people saw a black line. That is the front line of the tide of foreign troops, they rushed across the earth, constantly advancing in the direction of the mountain city.

A suffocating sense of oppression enveloped the battlefield, and even experienced soldiers had to use various subconscious small actions to disperse the pressure. As for those newly enlisted soldiers, their tension and fear are completely expressed on their faces. Their palms will always repeat the movements of clenching and relaxing, and some even tremble. It is difficult even for military officers to scold them. After all, for recruits, it is only natural that this level of war will put tremendous pressure on them.

With the light of the fire, Alan could see that under the rainy night, the alien army had stopped at a distance of nearly a kilometer from the mountain city. At this time General Keller yelled: "Give me calm down, boys. Wait until those ugly guys are baptized by a few waves of artillery before it's our turn to play. Don't panic, forget your fears, and think about our usual training. , And every look-awaited face in your home. I repeat, these damned alien races must be kept out of the gates of the empire unless you want them to kill and set fire on their homeland!"

"We are Teijin, and our mission is to protect. Tonight, I will join you to fight for the empire and family!"


(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) "Fight!"

The soldiers of the Bucks responded violently, and the shouts spread, which made the old and new soldiers on the mountain wall forget a bit of fear. Thinking of their homeland behind them, their faces began to feel firm. Those trembling palms began to calm down, becoming full of power again. I don't know who screamed "fight", and then the soldiers on the mountain city roared like thunder, and even the thunder in the sky couldn't hide the roar of humans!

Keller raised his hand.

All the roars stopped at the same time, neatly as a miracle.

At this time, the alien army began to advance slowly. Blade Demon’s troops are at the forefront. They are both forwards and cannon fodder, so they are the most numerous. Looking around, the dark tide that was gradually advancing under the firelight shone with countless icy debris. Behind the blade demon is the Catu, these savage and violent warriors roared and roared at the human side as they marched.

The low-pitched cry was a huge beast. They tried to drag the siege equipment behind them, while the warriors on them were desperately beating the drums of war to cheer for the troops on their side. The only people who moved forward silently were the Ganas. These insects swam quietly and scattered to the sides of the battlefield, and some even began to drill down toward the ground. Suddenly, there were countless arched and advancing earth dragons on the earth.

"Be calm and listen to my orders!" On the wall, Bloy temporarily became the commander of the mountain city army and other soldiers. He ordered all the artillery to enter the standby state, the catapult began to load the boulders, the musketeers pushed the bullets and loaded the guns, and the longbowmen drew the arrows. Bloy calculated silently in his heart, calculating the ever-shortening distance between the enemy's front line and the mountain city.

At this time, the pressure is the greatest for every soldier, it will reach a certain critical point, and then it will be released with the outbreak of emotions. At this moment, all the soldiers held their breath, waiting for the moment when the order was issued.

The distance is constantly shortening.

Even Keller's palms began to sweat.

People's nerves are like a broken string.

There were about 700 meters left between the enemy frontline and the Bucks. At this time, a musketeer on the mountain could not withstand the pressure in his heart. He yelled and depressed the trigger, so a gun sounded on the wall. . But at this distance, the bullet obviously missed, but it angered the enemy. A blade demon roared, and then all the demon changed from walking to sprinting, and a black wave surged in such a rapid manner.

"What are you waiting for, open fire!" Bloy roared, and then his voice was quickly overshadowed by the sound of cannons from left and right.

The artillery fired in unison, blasting a round of shells at the enemy line. The catapult was not idle either, and several tons of huge boulders were thrown into the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then an arc was drawn, and with a dull sound of breaking into the air, it smashed into the position of Blade Demon. Tuan Tuan fireballs began to bloom on the enemy's position, and huge rocks smashed the ground into potholes and left large traces of flesh and blood. Then the Thunderfire heavy machine gun was also added to the shooting martyrs. The shooter turned the axle and quickly shot the bullets out. Because the bullets fired very fast, they left a continuous line of fire in the air, like a whip. The attacking enemy army.

In the end, even the musketeers and longbowmen joined the ranks of the attack, which kicked off the battle.

Keller looked thoughtfully at the line of fire in the sky and the fireballs that kept blooming. The power of Allen’s guns and the firing frequency of the artillery are surprisingly high. Obviously, these weapons are far higher than the technology mastered by the empire. Keller couldn't help looking at Allen's direction, wondering where the earl had found a master who could develop these weapons.

When the beast chariots arranged on both sides began to advance, Keller was already dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)


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