Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1156: Original Sin of Chaos

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The wheels of the beast chariot pressed across the ground, and the car body made a dull sound. The cannon barrels protruding from the beast's mouth roared and fired. Under the dazzling fire, the shells dragged the flame tail visible to the naked eye and blasted away, causing the charging sword demon to turn their backs. The strong in the alien army began to take action, from the enemy's army from time to time shining with various colors of source power.

The enemy's powerful men intercepted shells or falling rocks blasted by humans with their own combat skills or abilities, and exploded them in the air. Of course, even the strong cannot intercept all attacks from the enemy, but it effectively eases the pressure of friendly charges. When the beast warrior entered the battlefield, some powerful aliens tried to intercept the shells of the tank, but got the opposite result.

The rate of fire of tank shells is too fast, and the impact of the physical kinetic energy of the shells is far above the shells fired by the defensive artillery. A strong sword demon slashed the chariot shell with his double-edged blade, blasting it, but also pushed the impact force back, and then his body was engulfed by the explosion of fire. When he finally exited the firelight coverage area in shock, the second shell had arrived, and another one was already halfway.

This strong man was surprised that the firing frequency of the tank artillery was so high!

After that, he screamed Yuan Yang with repeated bombardments, and he didn't want to try to intercept the bombardment of those beast chariots.

The firepower of the city and the chariot concentrated on covering a specific area, and the foreign army must use blood and life as the price to rush through this firepower area. But no matter how fierce the human firepower is, it is still unable to intercept all the enemy forces, so Keller's sight soon appeared in front of the sword demon force. Those alien races rushed through the fire zone without stopping for a moment, they all cried out to continue rushing.

Keller drew out the long knife, raised it high, and shouted in his mouth: "Ready..."


The long sword slashed down, and hundreds of cavalry rushed past him like a tide. The cavalry of these Bucks Army wore battle armors and dark green cloaks hanging from their backs. Once they charged, they would spread like a green carpet in the direction of the sword demon forward. Keller clamped the horse's belly, the horse neighed, charged and accelerated. After a few breaths, Keller rushed to the front, like a dagger, thrusting into the enemy's forward fiercely.

The sword swept across, a dozen sword demon flew out in the air, the body disintegrated in midair, and a rain of blood was sprinkled. Keller kept walking and went deeper. The cavalry followed him closely, and the gap he had made in the enemy's formation continued to widen.

The cavalry was followed by the infantry, armed with spears, and killed with a charge. After the cavalry rushed forward, the fish that slipped through the net had to welcome the baptism of this spear forest.

The Bucks’ operations are very layered and efficient. Even though this army ranks at the bottom of the imperial team, it still has such a fighting capacity, which really makes Allen admire.

Alan was not idle either. After Keller launched an attack, he also pulled out the Akagi. The long knife exploded, and the dark red flames gathered together, enveloping the long knife and burning like a striking flame battle flag. Allen grabbed his horse and roared, "Come with me!"

Then take the lead.

The simple three words caught the eyes of the 500 soldiers behind him

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) The flames of war are raging, and they all roar and follow Alan. On the other side, Hubble also roared, raising the huge sword and leading the other five hundred warriors to charge together.

As Allen's soldiers on the two wings joined the battle, the sword demon forward was quickly strangled on this battlefield.

At this time, a horn sounded in the direction of the enemy's main force. It was definitely not a retreat horn. On the contrary, it was a signal for a general attack! The Catu berserkers raised a two-meter-high shield, roared and launched a charge. They withstood the bombardment of shells and stone rain, pushed away the flames with their shields, and rushed towards the human ground forces. They were not afraid of attacks from the walls, and the artillery fire could not stop them. The boulders of the trebuchet only let them hurt but not die, not to mention muskets and feather arrows. However, the line of fire from the thunderfire heavy machine guns in the city occasionally crossed their limbs that were not protected by the shield, but they were able to receive miraculous effects.

But compared with the entire battlefield, this has really little effect. On the contrary, the cannonballs of the Ferocious Beast Chariot hit with great power, and they hit from the side. Without the protection of the shield, the Catu people who were directly hit by the shells flew out with their shields, and the flames of the explosion would engulf a berserker.

Even so, many Catu people still rushed through the fire zone. As soon as they passed the fire zone, they threw away their shields, untied their usual heavy weapons from behind, and rushed over with a roar. Seeing this battle, Keller immediately gathered the cavalry, made necessary adjustments and launched a charge again. But this time the opponent is Catto, but it didn't go as smoothly as before.

The Catu army is like a dam made of steel, and the impact of the Bucks cavalry cannot rush the opponent as quickly as before. Often a few Catu smashed the cavalry away, and one cavalry inevitably cut off the horse for the opponent. Once the cavalry fell, the consequences would be unimaginable. So after the Catu people joined the war, the war damage ratio between the aliens and the humans consumed each other at a ratio of five to one.

The howls of the beasts sounded in the rear, and they dragged in foreign trebuchets, siege engines, and odd-looking artillery. The alien armies also began to counterattack with long-range firepower. They concentrated their firepower in the direction of the wall of the mountain city, and also divided a small part of them on the chariots on both sides to suppress the opponent's firepower.

Seeing that the enemy catapults and artillery were ready in the distance, Broy on the wall shouted: "Don't be afraid, don't back down! Aim at those **** catapults and artillery, and smash me fiercely!"

At the same time, the strong on the friendly side are also ready to intercept. Laura, Regis, and Belmode are all scattered across the walls, and with Bloy, four strong points of support are formed.

At this time, the first huge rock bounced into the air from the opposite position, and after reaching the highest point, it fell towards the west side of the mountain city wall with a harsh sound.

In that direction, Lola suddenly burst into flames. When the boulder approached, he leaped up and chopped it away vigorously. The multi-ton boulder was chopped up and it was cheered by the soldiers behind. Then more boulders and artillery shells flew from the other side of the soldiers, and other strong men also began to intercept them. Even so, the walls of the mountain city are still constantly tested by gunfire and stone rain.

After Bloe issued the attack order, he raised the Hammer of Forbidden City to join the interception. Now that the warhammer in his hand was activated by Bloy's source force, the khaki texture inside was shiny. Every time it hits the target, the warhammer will burst out with a hot flame. The impact of the flame is equivalent to the bombardment of a heavy artillery.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Very impressive. What's more, the Hammer of Forbidden City has another ability, so Bloy, who holds the warhammer in his hand, can even challenge the strong two or three levels higher than him.

A huge boulder missed the interception and smashed into an arrow pile not far away. Belmode saw that the arrow pile was torn apart and even separated from the main body of the city wall. The soldiers who were seriously injured inside fell down the city wall together with the boulder and died in the end. Belmode snorted and burst into full force. A large amount of dark fire spewed from his left shoulder. The dark fire slightly condensed into a wing-like shape, just like the previous black magic wings. But now Belmode has advanced to the Awakened, and the Black Devil Wing has also evolved and evolved early.

The dark flames in the shape of wings spread, revolved around Belmode, gathered, and attached to Belmode's body. These dark fires formed an armor-like appearance, but in essence, they were some kind of source barrier. But no matter what, the dark flames were added, and Belmode turned into a black knight. Those dark flames even wrapped his head, shaped like a helmet, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

Above the helmet, there was a stream of bright red fire spouting and fluttering, like decorative red feathers.

This is the new form after the evolution of the Black Devil Wing, the original sin of chaos!

It was the first time that Belmode activated Primal Sin of Chaos in full view. The ascending dark fire armor made him look a little bit evil, causing nearby soldiers to retreat subconsciously. Belmode let out an imperceptible sigh under the dark fire helmet, and everyone's reaction was precisely the reason why he was reluctant to show this gesture easily. But now he didn't care much, he pointed towards the void above the city wall.

Then the soldiers on the wall felt a slight vibration. After they saw the space where Belmode's fingers shook for several times, black lines of different lengths gradually formed. Then the line of fire opened to the left and right, forming black fireballs. In the middle of the fireball, a red stripe extends up and down, making the fireball look like weird eyes. Especially those red lines will move left and right, more like some terrifying creatures are watching this battlefield.

At this time, the enemy's shells and stones rained down again.

The fireballs hovering in midair also reacted. They chased and locked on their respective targets, and then shot a long and thin black stream of fire from the red lines. These black fires easily cut shells or rocks apart. So the lines of fire sprayed by a dozen fireballs interlaced each other to form a deep three-dimensional network ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is one of the abilities of the original sin of chaos, the pupil of original sin. They are like some kind of self-disciplined weapons, capable of defending or attacking on their own, and all this requires only a simple idea from Belmode.

Allen looked up from the direction of the city wall and saw that Bloy and Belmode had made great progress. He was happy for them. Over his head, King Scarlet dragged the blast to sweep across, and a cloud of fire swayed across the blade. All of Catu who were swept by the fire cloud stagnated their movements and slipped down with their bodies dislocation. As for the position where they were swept by the fire cloud, they were annihilated and wiped out by the instant high heat.

A roar with a strange tone sounded from the enemy's position, and a tall and strong sword demon was directing something. His aura is tyrannical, and with the fortitude like a blade, he is obviously the strong one among the sword demon. And judging by his gesture of gesticulating with soldiers, he might be a commander. Under the command of this sword demon commander, some of the blade demon jumped into the slinger's throwing blue. When the throwing blue shot in the air, the blade demon inside cried out to cross the battlefield and towards the wall of the mountain city. Go!

(End of this chapter)


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