Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1157: Fierce battle under the city

The Eyes of Original Sin, like a self-disciplined weapon, don't care whether the blade demon or cannonballs or stones fall from the sky. Under the control of Belmod's will, they faithfully perform air defense work. As a result, the Eyes of Original Sin spewed out small, but richly colored black flames again, establishing a three-dimensional network in the air. Blade Demon's body brushed past the current of fire, and even screamed, disintegrating in midair.

It's just that the interception area of ​​the Eye of Original Sin couldn't cover the entire city wall. Only some demons were intercepted and killed by the fire, and more fell towards the human soldiers on the wall.

Bloy raised his head, staring at a sword demon who fell from the sky and shouted: "Infantry, draw your sword!"

The infantry soldiers standing behind the gunner or next to the gunner only came out of their swords when ordered. Everyone held their breath and looked at the enlarging figure in the sky, breathing quickly, and the tension made the soldiers' nerves tighten.

Before the demon fell on the wall, Broy slammed his warhammer and hit the opponent's chest with a hammer. At the same time as a flame exploded on the Hammer of Forbidden City, the sword demon smashed into the air. The body was twisted into a weird posture and descended towards the city. After smashing the sword demon, Broy squeezed a word from his chest: "Kill!"

"Kill!" The infantry yelled, greeted the sword demon who had landed on the city wall, and desperately pushed the enemy down the wall.

At this moment, the mountain city was full of wars. On the ground, the flames burned more vigorously and fiercely after the Ghanas who looked like long worms joined the battle.

Alien catapults have repeatedly thrown sword demon soldiers in the air. In fact, not all soldiers can fall to the wall. Many of them fell on the ground in the middle of the journey, and some hit the boulders on the city wall or bombed them with artillery shells. In the end, the sword demon soldiers who could land on the wall were extremely limited, so the human warriors on the wall were still able to defend them without much confusion.

All this was seen by Commander Sword Demon, he turned around and shouted in a foreign language. On the more than ten war beasts behind, the sword demon who was in charge of controlling these beasts nodded understandingly. On the battle beast, a sword demon walked behind the giant beast, they squatted down, and then reinserted into the battle beast with a sharp bone blade. The beast was in pain, and roared and ran. These giant beasts passed the commander's side and threw into the battlefield ahead.

More than a dozen war beasts ran together, and the entire ground shook. At this time, Keller had just completed a charge and brought down a Catu team, and saw a giant beast stepping out of the fire in the front fire zone. As a general of the Bucks Army, Keller is very familiar with this kind of alien strategy. While the beasts were running wildly, they would drag the siege truck behind them and crash into the enemy city. If it is not stopped in time, the city gate and guard wall will be violently impacted, and then the alien's city boarding cart will throw the ladder and the soldiers onto the wall.

"Beware of the beasts!" Keller yelled: "Stop them! Stop them!"

He quickly pulled up a cavalry squad and ran straight to the beast ahead. There, a war beast was hit by a cannonball and fell to the ground. Sure enough, behind the fallen giant beast, the alien city boarding cart and hundreds of sword demon soldiers screamed and fell into the flames. But at this time, three war beasts rushed through the fire zone, and more were behind. Keller locked on a war beast and yelled: "Come with me!" He took the cavalry squad and turned a corner on the battlefield, and the war beast that was running diagonally from the left edged in.

The beasts of war continued to expand in their eyes, and the knight behind Keller began to infuse his source of strength, throwing spears at the beast. The Battle Beast Company was shot three times in a row, but still refused to stop, inserting a dozen guns and continuing to run. Keller gripped the horse's belly and passed under the beast. He raised the long knife and clenched his hands tightly. With the energy poured in, the sword easily cut the thick skin under the beast's abdomen. When Keller got out from the other end, the war beast was torn apart by him, and its organs and intestines kept falling to the ground. The giant beast wailed, and finally couldn't run off, and fell to the ground with a weak limb, causing the city boarding cart behind to tip over, and all the sword demon soldiers inside rolled out.

Keller exhaled a foul breath from his mouth, and he didn't even have time to rest, so he turned and ran to the other side.

At this moment, Allen also confronted a behemoth that was running wild. He was much more swift and sharper than Keller, and King Chi swept across, pulling out a line of fire ten meters long and wide. Breaking through the city in one type, cut off the four hooves of the front beast. Suddenly losing its limbs, the war beast fell forward, falling heavily to the ground and still sliding continuously. Allen ignored him, pulling the horse across from the other side, and ran straight to the other beasts.

It is a pity that even though strong men like Ellen and Keller intercepted the soldiers, there were still beasts rushing into the battle zone on the ground. These violent behemoths, regardless of whether they are friendly or enemy, just blindly charge forward. Those alien soldiers who were too late to avoid, even the strongest Catu people, would definitely turn into meatloaf when they stepped on the beast. The Ghana who had attacked the Bucks Army’s line of defense immediately burrowed down the ground insidiously and asked the Bucks Army soldiers to face the red-eyed behemoth.

An infantryman of the Bucks raised his head, and the shadow of the giant beast enveloped him, facing the beasts that rolled over like a hill. The soldier finally broke the string of reason and turned to run with a scream. Unexpectedly, after two steps, a giant hoof fell. When the hoof stepped out again, the soldier had disappeared a long time ago, and there was only a vague spread of flesh and blood on the ground, and a completely twisted armor.

Bloe smashed several sword demons with his warhammer, and took time out of his busy schedule to look down the city. Seeing a war beast rushing straight towards the city gate, he quickly yelled at the back of the city: "Block the city gate for me!"

Behind the city gate is the militia of the mountain city, and the boy after talking to Hubble is also in it. He licked his lips nervously, then made a tender cry under the command of the officer, and hugged the wooden pillar on the door with the adults, preparing to resist the impact.

Bloy himself leaped up to the wall, and the air flow gushed out like a flood. The Forbidden Hammer lit up from the inside out, and the khaki flames flowed through every corner of the hammer body, and the hands of the highlanders seemed to catch yellow light. He roared and jumped out of the city wall, hitting the beast's head with a volley. The Hammer of Forbidden blasted in the air, and the Sword Demon on the War Beast Throne looked up, but it was as if it had been hit by an invisible giant hammer. Starting from the head, the body suddenly twisted and deformed, and then the whole person exploded.

When the hammer of forbidden hit the beast's head, a circle of ocher ripples immediately spread. Where the ripples passed, the body of the beast vibrated violently, and then thousands of blood lines spewed from under the thick skin. The giant beast wailed, his head obviously sinking in. The big head hadn't fallen to the ground, but there was no look in his eyes.

The beast was killed with a hammer, and Broy fell to the ground. At this time, the war beast fell to the ground, and its huge body was still sliding towards the city gate under the influence of inertia. Bloy yelled, raised the warhammer with both hands, and stopped the behemoth with the hammer, but it kept sliding back. He almost nailed his feet into the ground, and he just plowed out two gullies. When the beast stopped, Broy was only half a meter away from the city gate!

He just breathed a sigh of relief, but the soldier's exclamation came from the wall, followed by two deafening crashes. Bloy looked in the direction of the sound. It turned out that there were two war beasts hitting the left and right sides of the city wall respectively. The wall that was hit directly collapsed, and the heads of the war beasts plunged into the thick wall. . The city boarding cart that pulled the beast down to the city reached the root of the wall under the impetus of the sword demon soldier. Then the ladder and the alien soldiers were thrown onto the wall, and more sword demon climbed onto the wall, and a fierce landing battle began on the wall.

At this point in the war, human disadvantages began to appear little by little. The Bucks were forced to retreat in order to strengthen the line of defense to block foreign attacks. Allen and Keller met behind the defensive line. Keller shook his head and said: "We won't be able to support it for long. Maybe we have to consider retreating."

Allen squinted in the direction of the enemy. "If we kill the opponent's commander, we should be easier."

Keller was taken aback and shook his head and said, "Master Allen, this is a ten-thousand-thousand-thousand war. It is not easy for you to defeat the enemy Chinese army, it is crazy."

"Got to go crazy, because I am not used to sitting and waiting to die. Even if you want to retreat, you have to make those guys understand that if they want to chase us, they have to be prepared to be killed." Allen changed another horse. The horse with sufficient stamina said to Keller: "I will leave it to you here, and my man, General, please hold on for a while."

Then he rode away.

Keller shook his head, but there was already respect in his eyes. He took a deep breath, raised his sword and shouted: "Hold on to me, let these monsters see how powerful the Imperial soldiers are!"

When a new tug-of-war started under the city, Allen bypassed the main battlefield alone, slaying from the flanks to the direction of the enemy. Soon he was intercepted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The flame pattern on Alan was lit up, and a faint light of fire surged within 100 meters of the space he was in, and sparks followed along the battlefield. Allen raised the Scarlet King, and pointed to an enemy soldier coming to intercept him: "Sargeras!"

The source force surged.

A ball of fire appeared in front of the enemy soldier, and then the fire spread, and a big hand stretched out from the flame. This arm covered with the hot rock struck at random and swept away a dozen enemy soldiers like flying flies. Then Sargeras, the Balrog, emerged from the flames. Sargeras waved his hands repeatedly and kept the enemy soldiers up in the air. After several times, he raised his fist and smashed it down again, blasting a shock wave, and dozens of soldiers shook the air into the air.

Sargeras stood up straight, fire flickered in the magic pupil on his chest, and the Balrog made an inhalation movement. An air current visible to the naked eye quietly appeared on the battlefield, and this air current rolled towards the Balrog's mouth. When Sargeras opened his mouth, his mouth was full of flames, like a dumping furnace.

In the next moment, a pillar of Foehn Wind fired out of Balrog's mouth. The pillar of fire swept across the battlefield, causing a fierce explosion wherever it passed. When the pillar of fire disappeared, the Balrog cleared a passage for Allen in the enemy line, a corridor of flames!

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