Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1164: Dawn is gone

[Thank you every brother who supports Lao Chen, this chapter is better for you! ]

Diego was breathing fast, and blood was flowing quickly in his body. He tried his best to restrain himself and didn't let the clenched fist hit Bede's face. The latter looked at him jokingly, turning around and saying, "Why, it doesn't seem to make sense from your appearance? It's okay, I will help you, who calls us brothers."

Suddenly, a punch was slammed into Diego's abdomen, and the latter bends his waist with the punch, even his legs bounce off the ground a little. A particularly heavy muffled sound rang from the garden, and the guard leader looked away, knowing not to intervene in the host's internal affairs. Dia's mouth opened wide, and a few drops of blood fell from his mouth to the ground. He was furious, but Bede's next sentence extinguished all his flames: "You want to do it, right? I'm looking forward to it. Brother Diego, come on. Let me see what you have learned on the Heavenly Star, do it, trash!"

Diego suddenly knew that his father Dornier must be nearby. Bader is provoking him, as long as he does it, he will catch the handle. He forced himself to calm down, and then heard a voice: "What are you doing?"

Sure enough, it was Dornier's voice.

The guard leader bent over and bowed, Dornier nodded and took the first two steps, frowning at the two brothers. Bede squatted down, patted Diego's shoulder and smiled at Dornier: "It's nothing, father. I just chatted with Diego, brother."

Diego didn't look up, and Bede whispered in his ear: "That's right, waste."

Dornier didn't pursue it any more, and said indifferently: "There will be opportunities for chatting or something, Diego, come with me, I want to know the situation on the heavenly stars."

"Yes, father." Diego said very calmly.

"I'm waiting for you in the study." Dornier left first.

After he left, Bede laughed and walked to the other side with the guard leader. After a while, Diego got up. He took out a white handkerchief from his shirt, wiped the blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and then calmly arranged his clothes. He was calm on the outside, but anger was rising in his eyes.

You see! Isn't it? Didn't you see the blood splashed on the ground, or did you not want to see all of this? Father, you never regarded me as your son, did you. Otherwise, why should all of this be turned aside? There was a voice in Diego's heart that roared, and that's the case, then I'll be in charge of Grant. At that time, who would dare to say that I am an illegitimate child?

He once again remembered the deal Starck made with himself, and the content was extremely clear. Diego reached into his pocket, held the test tube containing Allen's blood, and strode towards the study.

In the morning, Duke Grifo met the Great Ofascius in the Victory Palace.

Today Ofascius is dressed in casual clothes, without the usual majesty and dreadful aura. Apart from being taller, he is not much different from ordinary men. The emperor was sitting at a dining table, which was nearly three meters long and filled with food. From fruits and vegetables to barbecue bread, the richness of its content has long exceeded the definition of breakfast.

Griffith shook his head and said: "Your Majesty's food intake is really ten years like a day. Such a rich breakfast will only appear on the table when I am young."

Orfasis laughed and pointed to the chair at the other end of the long table: "Sit down and enjoy, my friend. You have to know that the amount of food determines the power. You eat more to have the strength to fight."

"War?" Grifoy sat down: "I knew that calling me over early in the morning, it would certainly not be as simple as having breakfast. Then, your Majesty, are you planning to use force against Agareth?"

"I just received the news not long ago that the King of Moroccan Sbernack has crawled out of his iron coffin." Ofascius answered the question, took a loaf of toast and bit it, grabbed the vegetables mixed with the salad and threw it into his mouth. in.

Grifo frowned: "In this way, the Black Emperor Frios has no flaws. He and Spinak are old rivals. Since the Demon King has awakened, he must find the general who has betrayed him."

"That's it, Agarez will fall into a civil war, but for us, it is a great opportunity." Orfascius snorted: "Last time they gave us such a big gift, we must have something Newspaper."

"It is indeed an opportunity, but the timing of sending troops must be grasped. Otherwise, instead of picking up the bargain, we will bump into the two supreme heads." Griver reminded.

"Of course I know this, so I didn't find you. Speaking of war, which one in this city of gold is better than you, Duke Grief?" Orfascius smiled and said: "I don't know Lucy How is that little girl? Not long ago, I sensed that she had unlocked the force-breaking lock, and Jin Qiangwei had evolved to the second stage. I hope that there is nothing wrong with that girl."

"With Alan by her side, nothing big should happen. Moreover, Her Royal Highness Lucy is a qualified person for Golden Rose. This is the first person who can drive the Empress’s source device since Golden Rose. I believe that even if there is something It’s dangerous, and your Highness can turn good times into good times."

"hope so"

At this time, someone came in. Orfasis looked up and smiled: "Earl Marous, is this going to have breakfast with us?"

Grievous turned his head and looked at it. It turned out that it was Marus, the director of the Academy of Light. The latter knelt down on one knee, saluted the emperor first, then nodded to Grifo, and then said in a deep voice: "It is an honor for me to have breakfast with your majesty and the great public. But at this moment, I forgive me for not accepting this honor. , Your Majesty, there is a message from the earth."

"What news?" Orfascius asked casually, and picked up a glass of fresh juice.

"About the Twilight Son."

The cup burst suddenly and the juice overflowed. Orfascius didn't realize it, and at the same time Grievous whispered: "What?"

The emperor and the duke looked at each other, and Ofascius stood up and said, "Be more specific!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Marus got up and said, "Just now, we received an urgent report from the Earth Embassy. Earl Tim received something, it was a test tube filled with blood. Along with this test tube was sent a letter, which declared that the blood in the test tube belonged to the son of twilight, and claimed that the son of twilight had appeared, with his name attached."

Speaking of this, Marus obviously hesitated.

Ofasis squinted his eyes, "Oh, who is the identity of the Twilight Son?"

"The letter says that the blood in the test tube belongs to Alan Bethkod!"


Rao is the Great Emperor with extraordinary strength, when he suddenly heard this name, he still exclaimed. This is already his second gaffe today, and Griffith stood up directly: "This matter is not trivial, Earl Marous, are you sure that the name mentioned in the message is indeed Alan?"

Marus smiled bitterly: "I have confirmed it again and again because of the shocking news. So Earl Tim can't wait to return and report to His Majesty in person. He left me this message first, and he has now entered the speed channel to return. He The test tube and the letter will be handed to Your Majesty in person"

"This is incredible." Grievous looked at the emperor and shook his head. "I can't believe that Alan will be the son of dusk?"

"Yes or not, you'll know when Tim comes. As long as you test the genetic composition of the blood in the test tube and compare it with Allen's, everything is naturally clear." Ofascius said solemnly.

"But if all this is true"

Orfasis sighed: "Then I am afraid I can only make Lucy sad again. Xia Gelin had predicted before that, the cosmic twilight might appear in this era and so on!"

The emperor looked at Grifo, "I must go to Moon Lake immediately, so Xia Gelin can see through the future. If Alan was the Son of Twilight, she would have known it. But not only did she not reveal anything, but she didn't know it. Miao has become Allen’s woman, and even has his flesh and blood. I felt something was wrong before, and now it’s even more confused. No, this time, anyway, I want her to tell me clearly!"

Griver said: "Then I will go with you, and I have some personal relationships with Marquis Chagrin. It will be more convenient for you to ask me."

Ofasis nodded in agreement.

The Moon Lake where Xia Gelin lived was not on the Golden City. Ofascius and Grifo departed from the floating island in a fast airship and sailed quickly westward. The ten minutes on the spaceship was almost like a year for Orfascius. He couldn't help but think of everything related to the Twilight Son, which was a secret that was only known to the Star of Idahua and several advanced civilizations.

Life has a superstart, and so does the universe.

When the universe was born, even the most profound astronomers on Idahua have no idea. Whenever we talk about this topic, people always say "the universe was born before the singularity of time", but what is that singularity? When, but no one knows. Just one thing is certain, since the universe will be born, it must have its end.

The arrival of that day ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the so-called cosmic dusk.

The Idahua star people have begun to explore endlessly in the various star regions of the universe long ago. At that time, there was not even a saying about the nine star regions. In the exploration of the Idahua star people, the concept of star field was gradually established, and a certain set of codes was set for the planets they touched to facilitate classification and management. In the process, they came into contact with many interstellar civilizations and visited a certain planet that was about to be destroyed.

Ofasis didn't know exactly when that time was. In short, among the many expedition teams returning to Idahua, one team found broken clues about the cosmic twilight and the children of twilight on a desolate planet.

Said it is a clue, but it is actually just some kind of ancient text left on a stone slab. At first, the Idahua people could not decipher it, until they came into contact with similar civilizations on other planets, and analyzed the legends circulating in some advanced civilizations, they had a vague understanding of the words on the slate.

Those words, translated, are: dawn is gone, dusk is over. The child born in the evening is both the beginning and the end.

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