Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1165: Dusk is approaching

In the bright morning sun, the calm surface of Moon Lake is like a beautiful blue gem. The sapphire reflects the flowing clouds in the sky and a black spot that is constantly enlarged. A platinum imperial flying ship landed vertically and was parallel to the surface of the lake. The water waves on the lake surface separated on both sides, like a pair of white wings. The airship came to the shore and lowered the fixed base. When the engine turned off, Viscount Peidong, who came to see the news, saw Orfascius and Grifo step out of the airship.

Pei Dong looked terrified. He didn't even know the arrival of the emperor and the duke, and quickly knelt down on one knee: "I have seen your majesty."

"Pei Dong, where is Xia Gelin?" The emperor started to ask.

This viscount is the head of the guard of Xaglin's mansion in Moon Lake, and Xia Gelin is responsible for the safety of Xaglin in Moon Lake. Pei Dong didn't dare to neglect after hearing this: "Master Xia Gelin should be still eating at this time. She doesn't eat much for breakfast, but it takes a lot of time."

"She knows how to enjoy better than I do." Orfascius said casually, and said: "Take me to see her, I hope she won't lose her temper at me."

Griver next to him shook his head and laughed. Xia Gelin might not be happy to see the two of them coming here. But the Son of Twilight is a big deal. Even if the marquise is unpleasant this time, he still has to figure out the cause of the matter.

Xia Gelin's mansion is near Moon Lake, hidden in a forest. Starting from the dock on the lakeshore, through a path, you can reach the gate of his mansion directly. The Marquis Mansion was built elegantly and mysteriously according to Xia Gelin's meaning. Even though it is not as grand as the Victory Palace, it has the quietness and profoundness that the palace courtyard does not have. It is a pity that Ofascius was not in the mood to appreciate this rare view, and under the leadership of Viscount Pedong, he went straight to the main building with Grievous.

Turning a corridor covered with red carpets to the restaurant, but when you push the door and enter, there are exquisite food on the long table in the restaurant, but there is no Chargrin herself. Pei Dong frowned: "Strange, Master Xia Gelin seems to have finished eating, which is much earlier than usual."

An indescribable feeling floated in Ofascius's heart. He said in a deep voice, "Take me to her bedroom."

Pei Dong hesitated. Even though the other party was the King of Justice, he went straight into the Marquis's bedroom, especially since Xia Gelin was still a lady, it seemed somewhat abrupt and rude. Griver next to him was observant and said: "Pei Dong, the situation is urgent, and some ordinary etiquette can't be taken care of at this moment. Go away."

The Viscount finally realized that things were not easy, and hurriedly took the emperor to the third floor residence. The door to Xia Gelin's bedroom was hidden, and Pei Dong pushed in. The room was very quiet. One side of the window was opened, and the curtain was lifted by the wind, blowing a piece of white paper on the small table next to the bed. Ofasis saw the piece of paper at a glance. He raised his foot and reached the table when he fell. Reaching out and removing the red coral pen stand holding the note, the emperor took a look at the paper. There was a line of delicate handwriting on it: Go away, don't look for it, things are not what you think.

The handwriting is dry, apparently not long after it was written. Orfasis handed the note to Grifo with a sullen face, Pei Dong's expression next to him was ugly. Orfascius pointed at him and said, "Very well, you, the security chief, can't even look at the person who wants to protect, Pei Dong, what do you want to say!"

Pei Dong immediately knelt down, sweat beaded on his forehead, but he didn't know what to say.

Grievous, who read the information on the paper, shook his head and said: "Xia Gelin can foresee the future. If you have the intention, it would be simple to leave Pei Dong and other guards aside. Your Majesty does not need to blame them. It seems Xia Gelin knew Ai from the beginning. Lun’s identity. That’s weird. She foreshadows the dusk of the universe, but she finds the son of dusk, why she doesn’t want to reveal it."

"How do I know?" Ofascius said loudly: "That would have to be explained by our Lord Charglyn, and now, she is gone!"

Grifo smiled bitterly: "She should have just left, maybe"

Orfasis waved his hand: "If she wants to hide, even if I can't find her. Leave it alone, wait for Tim to come, and test the blood sample he brought. This matter is too important. I can’t believe it, Griev. It’s up to you."

"I am happy to help." Grievous said solemnly: "Just for comparison, then you can only ask your Majesty to hand over the holy sword Azilas to me."

Ofasis nodded.

Pei Dong, who was next to him, was confused and didn't care about him. After all, there were very few people in the imperial court who knew about the holy sword Azilas.

A long time ago, after discovering the record of the Son of Twilight, things related to it gradually appeared along with the large-scale exploration of the universe by the Idavars. From these things and clues, the ancestors of the Idahua star gradually put together a framework.

About the frame of the Twilight Son.

It can be seen in the records left by advanced civilizations that have long since disappeared in the long river of history on many extinct planets. They believe that when the life in the universe, their civilization develops to a certain extent, it will usher in the twilight moment of the entire universe. The dusk of the universe is the end. At this time, the Son of Twilight will be born. He is the terminator of the universe and will end all life. After that, he will create new life and let the ecology of the universe start from scratch.

Therefore, in some civilizations, they have another name for the Son of Twilight.

The **** of destruction and creation.

The end of the universe does not mean the destruction of the entire universe. What the Son of Twilight ended up was the life in all star regions of the universe. And before the Idahua star discovered the first record, the cosmic dusk had fallen several times. Each time, countless splendid civilizations were completely annihilated, and only extremely rare records were preserved.

At the time when clues about the Twilight Son were discovered, another cosmic dusk came quietly. But that time, the cosmic dusk was stopped. The Idahua people, who had a lot of clues to the children of the twilight, realized that the cosmic twilight began to appear, they exhausted their resources and manpower to search the known cosmic space, and finally found the trace of the twilight children in the land of the side hammer of the universe.

The way to prevent the cosmic dusk from falling is simple and crude. As long as the Son of Twilight is killed, the life of the universe will naturally escape the catastrophe of the end. So in that era, the top powerhouse representing Idahua star fought a decisive battle with the Son of Twilight on that barren planet and finally succeeded in beheading him. . Despite this battle, countless strong men were lost, but they escaped.

The long sword that killed the Twilight Son is now the holy sword Azilas. This sword is unnamed, but after that earth-shattering duel, it was changed in the name of its fallen master. Azilas was the king of Idahua in that era. But this king is not recorded in the annals of history. Legends about him are only secretly circulated within the imperial court. It was because the survivors at that time believed that the fewer people who knew the children of twilight, the later the new round of cosmic twilight would come.

The holy sword Ezelas was retained by the imperial court with a special secret method, and on the blade of the broken blade, there still remained the blood of that generation of twilight sons. If Alan’s blood is analyzed and compared, Ida Huaxing can easily get an accurate answer.

It's just that at this time, Griver would rather they be busy. Otherwise, the relationship between Ophasis and Lucy finally has an opportunity to improve, and I am afraid it will be destroyed because of this incident, or even worse.

The Duke believed that if Allen were the son of twilight in this era, Ofascius would kill Allen himself to prevent the arrival of the cosmic twilight. And if you do that, it will drive him and Lucy to a dead end!

No one wants to see such a tragedy happen.

Including Ofascius.

The next day, Ambassador Ida Huaxing, who was stationed on Earth, arrived in the Golden City. On the same day, the holy sword Azilas was delivered to Grifo. And all this is going on in secret.

Alan looked at herself in the mirror. In the mirror, it was the face of President Mobit. From a stand-in to a fake president, Alan has become more and more integrated into this role. Even in the recent diary, when recording various matters dealt with as Mobit, Alan no longer uses the symbol "T" to replace Mobit, but directly expresses it as "I".

He has become more and more competent in this role, and even in many cases, he consciously is Mobit rather than a substitute Alan.

Alan has a plan, a plan to get the pieces off the board. He must be cautious, after all, the giants are not fuel-efficient lamps. If they know that the chess pieces are no longer satisfied with the board, Alan believes that there will be another substitute ready to replace him at any time. He is like a performer walking on a steel cable, which is suspended in the sky over 10,000 meters. As long as one mistake is too small, he will be destroyed.

"Be careful, you can do it." He said so to himself in the mirror.

Then the communicator in the corner sounded, and then the secretary in his office ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the **** stunner Adalen. Her as always indifferent and slightly hoarse voice rang: "Mr. President, I just received the urgent news. Mr. Ge Fen from the Military Intelligence Department asks you to come over immediately."

"I see." Alan said.

Then he sorted his clothes a little, and left the house. Under the **** of bodyguards, the three magic speed cars arrived at the Federal Intelligence Office on Babylon at the fastest speed they could achieve. This is the headquarters of the federal intelligence agency, at least on the surface. The director in charge of this organization, General Ge Fen, had long waited by the gate with a group of assistants. Seeing the Alan people coming out of the car, he hurried forward.

Alan asked in Mobit's voice, "What happened?"

"Your Excellency, I just received a remote communication from Ida Huaxing, and Ofascius wants to have a video conference with you in person. Those Ida Huaxing looks very nervous, I think something big has happened."

"Oh?" Alan squinted slightly, this is Mobit's usual movement. He smiled and said: "Then go and see our respected allies, what are they going to do with me."

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