Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1166: talks

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The conference hall has been prepared early in the morning, and the projection curtain wall is in standby mode, showing that it is connected to Idahuaxing. Alan nodded and made a gesture to let Ge Fen and others leave. Since Ofascius asked for a private meeting with him, he would certainly respect the request of the great emperor.

After the door was closed, Alan picked up the tablet brain that Ge Fen had given him, and sent a communication request to Ida Huaxing. After a while, an image appears on the screen. The picture went from blurry to clear. Except for a few seconds delay due to interstellar communication, Ofascism's figure clearly appeared on the curtain wall, allowing Alan to see his movements clearly and hear everything he said.

"Good morning, the Great." Alan nodded to Orfascius in the curtain wall with a solemn gesture unique to Mobit.

"I'm afraid it's not very good, Mr. President." Orfascius wore a majestic and gorgeous armor, and his armor was always shining with a hazy glow. The crown studded with gems and crystal diamonds was fixed on his head, and the largest bright red spar in the center seemed to have flames rising. The emperor showed his majestic side, and the expression on his face was solemn and heavy.

"Did something happen?" Alan asked.

"A very serious matter, this matter concerns us, and it can even be said that the future of all life in the universe." Orfascius seemed to be organizing the wording. He paused for a moment and said: "Not long ago, we just confirmed The identity of a person. Unfortunately, it is yours."

"Appreciate further details."

"Before speaking of him, one must say another thing about the cosmic twilight and the twilight son. This is a legend, a rumor old enough. And your race is still too young, I believe you don’t know what the twilight son is. "Ofascism said in a deep voice: "Time is pressing, so I won't repeat it from the beginning. Mr. President, as long as you know, once the Son of Twilight appears, it will end all life in the entire universe and annihilate countless splendid civilizations. In the deserted time. And now we have evidence that the Son of Twilight has been born, and unfortunately, he is a human."

Alan squinted his eyes: "I roughly know what you mean. It sounds like the enemy of all living beings. Then the emperor, who is this twilight son?"

"Allen." Ofassis emphasized: "Alan Bethkode."

Alan was taken aback and said, "Is it him? The Beskard child? The grandson of Old Horn? The Great, are you sure you can't make a mistake?"

If it is normal, it would be quite disrespectful to question Orfascism. But now Alan was shocked and didn't care about it at all. Obviously Ofascius didn't care about this etiquette either. In contrast, the matter of the Twilight Son was a hundred times more important. The emperor nodded: "It is true. We have compared some data. As for the specifics, it is confidential and inconvenient to disclose. In short, we are sure that Allen is the son of the twilight of this generation. Because he is a human being and a member of your federation. Based on respect for my allies, I am inconvenient to act directly, so I would like to ask you to bring Alan and give it to me."

"here you are?"

"Yes, I will personally travel to Earth in the near future."

"Wait for a while" Alan shook his head: "I'll be honest, let’s not say whether the so-called Son of Twilight is true. Even if it does, then the Great, please tell me how a person can end the life of the entire universe. Even if it is not easy to end all life on a planet, let alone how many creatures there are in the entire universe, I am afraid that even you can't say an accurate number."

"I really can't imagine how Allen would do all this. Just relying on the scary name of the Twilight Son?" Alan half-joked.

But Ofascius was not in the slightest joking mood. His body leaned forward slightly. An extremely simple movement made him feel oppressed. The emperor said: "Mr. President, I am discussing this matter with you very seriously. If your race is old enough, then you will know, like us, what level of threat is the Twilight Son. Even if this threat is not yet at hand. Revealing traces, trust me, you don’t want to see it appear. Because it was too late to say anything. As for how to end, I’m sorry I don’t know. I only know that he has this ability."

"Because during our ancestors’ exploration of the universe, we found many clues left over from the last cosmic age, and these clues all point to the same thing. That is, the sons of twilight ended their age, and what I can disclose to That’s all for you. Now I only need an answer from you. If you can’t summon Alan Bethkoder, then unfortunately, I can only bypass your Earth Federation and go to the Heavenly Star in person." Said: "Although from a diplomatic point of view, it is too rude to do so. But being impolite is better than making things worse."

Alan was displeased, this was not a pretense, but an emotion from the heart. He straightened his face and said: "Ofascius the Great, I respect you and Ida Huaxing. You bring the dawn of hope to the earth and are our most important allies. Even so, threats are still an unwise move. Maybe you Can get temporary convenience, but it will damage our friendship."

"You're right, Mr. President. I really made a mistake, but if the facts have not changed, I will still take the correct action. Even in your opinion, it is only what I think is correct. But anyway. , I can’t let the Twilight Son out of sight.”

"Well, then take a step back. If I summon Ellen and give it to you. What are you going to do, kill him? I have to remind you that besides being a citizen of our Federation, he is still a shellfish An important person in the Skode family. Even if it’s because of you, I have to give Old Horn a satisfactory answer. And I think that Old Horn doesn’t care about the Son of Twilight. For him, that’s his important Descendants."

"I won't kill him, at least not for the time being. Judging from the current situation, I don't think Alan has ever known his identity as the Son of Twilight, which means that his instincts are still not awakened. I will keep him. Observing by your side, you also know that one of my daughters loves him very much. So there is no need, and I don’t want to hurt his life. At least until he fully awakens and becomes the Son of Twilight, Alan has no life worry at all."

"So he just lost the freedom he deserved?"

"Sacrificing some freedom is already lucky enough for him." Ofasis said solemnly.

Alan pondered for a moment and said, "Well, based on the relationship between you and our allies, I choose to trust you, the Great. I will call Alan and notify you again. What do you think?"

"That's great. This is the most ideal result. Thank you for your trust, Mr. President." Ofasius stepped back: "Waiting for your good news."

The communication ends.

Alan looked at the projection curtain wall without any image, Alan fell into silence. He came to pace, constantly weighing the gains and losses in his mind. When the corner of his mouth was slightly pulled up, he notified General Gefen to come in. The general entered the hall, and Alan said to him: "I'm going to have an impromptu meeting, general, please bring me two generals Fendi and Silfa. Of course, you have to participate, and I want to hear your opinion. ."

General Ge Fen showed an expression of excitement and stood upright and said, "I am happy to serve you, Your Excellency."

Alan was not asked to wait long, and after twenty minutes, the people who were eligible to participate in the meeting arrived one after another. General Fendi of the Iron Fist Legion is still wearing a black and white striped suit, and even chewing gum in his mouth, looking cynical. But who can imagine that under this lazy appearance, there is actually a heart eager to kill. The general nicknamed Butcher threw himself into a chair, and put his legs on the table, showing a drowsy appearance. For his disrespect, Alan didn't take it seriously. For him, as long as Fendi can faithfully execute every order of his, it is enough.

The next one was Silfa.

This is the youngest general in the federation. Silfa looks more like a shy teenager. He has soft black hair, neutral features, handsome and flawless, and his skin is slightly fairer. He often holds a thick book. In his free time, this young man is always reading, as if he is absorbing knowledge at any time. There are not no young people who are studious. They can hold high positions, but there are few who still desire knowledge.

Silfa was much more polite than Fendi, he took his seat after bowing to Alan. Next, General Ge Fen and several other officials from the Military Intelligence Department entered the arena one after another. Seeing that the people were all there, Alan made a gesture, and naturally a secretary closed the door for the big man.

Alan swept over the crowd ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "I had a brief meeting with Orfascius just now. The emperor revealed an amazing news to me and hoped to get our assistance. I think it is necessary. I would like to let you know, but before that, I hope that the content of this conversation will not circulate. If I find out who has leaked the secret, it will be classified as a first-degree felony!"

The two generals were okay, but the others took a breath. Alan was very satisfied with their reaction. He lit a cigar and spit out a few smoke rings. He said, "The emperor wants us to call Alan Bethkoder. As for the reason, I will talk about it later. Before that, I want to ask. Ask everyone, can you know the information of the universe twilight and the children of twilight. Any information is good, and you can tell me what you know."

Everyone looked at each other, Alan looked at Gefen: "As the head of our federal intelligence agency, hasn't General Gefen ever heard of it?"

Ge Fen awkwardly said: "I'm sorry, Mr. President. This is the first time I have heard of it. I really don't know what Universe Twilight is."

Alan sighed: "It seems that Ofascius is right. We humans are too young for this universe."

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