Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1173: Flesh Battlefield

The red king and the dragon flame refracted a faint halo in the gray sunlight. The sword and the sword continued to fly in Allen's hands, beheading the foreign soldiers who had rushed through the steel front line of defense. Lucy's ninety or so steel front warriors form a real steel line of defense. These warriors have no fear or doubt. Their tall bodies are wrapped in long cloaks, only their hands and giant weapons in their hands are exposed. These tall figures reassure the people on the ground, their mechanical and efficient attacks will always make the impact of the alien one invisible.

Only the sporadic fish that slipped through the net were lucky enough to escape the threat of the giants, but it was the second line of defense that several powerful men including Allen joined forces to meet them.

Allen's sword movements are simple, he is like a miser, and he will never waste excess physical energy on these miscellaneous fish. The Scarlet King didn't even show its most basic high-heat characteristics, just because of its sharpness, Allen used it to cut the throat of the Sword Demon or the Catu.

This position is the defensive area that Allen is responsible for. The artillery position is arranged on a low slope. Including Allen's Vulcan cannon, more than thirty artillery fired continuously, blasting the shells to the right flank of the foreign army. The other side also respected, but most of the shells were intercepted and detonated by strong men like Allen. In this field, in addition to Alan, there are powerful men like Hubble, Lola, Adele, Bloy, and White. Lucy is in charge of commanding the steel front samurai, and let the Blade Runner find the enemy to assassinate.

There are not many soldiers in their position, but there are definitely many strong ones. Even considering the lack of strong players on the Orlando couple's side, Allen also arranged Reggies, Roy, Belmod, Willick and others on their side to help defend the position. Otherwise, there are so many strong players on Allen's side, and even the Bucks does not have such a luxurious lineup.

Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible to dash across the line of defense with soldiers alone. As a result, under the low slope, the unique auras in the enemy's formation rushed up. Headed by a strong Jiatu, the aliens all at once put five strong players at level 23, 34, and planned to breathe. Take down this shelling position.

"Hubble!" Alan shouted.

Hubble's eyes in the helmet lit up, the source of power surged, and flames gushed out from under every gap in the armor. Hubble's breath became as heavy as a mountain. In people's eyes, his figure seemed much taller, like a towering mountain, able to stop any floods. He strode forward, with a great plan to stop the strong opponents with one person.

Except for Allen, even Lola, who has been with Allen for a long time, was surprised by Hubble's actions. Only Allen knew that Hubble definitely had such strength. At this moment, the Catu started another mode of fallen body.

That is an immortal temple dedicated to defense, which is a defensive posture different from violent killing.

At this moment, the five powerful aliens all rushed through the defense line of the steel front samurai and slew towards the low slope. Hubble strode to meet him, thrusting his great sword into the ground, then punching his fists. A shock wave visible to the naked eye took him as the origin, spread out in the shape of a fan, and spread over the five powerful enemies like a tide. Regardless of the level, when this shock wave passed by, everyone of these alien powerhouses showed surprise. Their bodies, perceptions, and even their internal energy have been affected, and they have even fallen into chaos. At this moment, let alone continue to charge, you can't even do simple movements like moving your fingers.

Kinetic energy shock, a special ability under the posture of the Immortal Temple. The oscillating force field it generates can disrupt the target's perception and source force movement, making it difficult to move. Seeing Hubble restraining the five powerful aliens, Allen let out a whistle, and the red flames of the Red King's blade flowed, and the long sword finally exploded. Allen leaned forward, and the person had disappeared in place, only a red light fell along the slope, passing by two of the strong.

When the toes landed, Allen had already appeared under the low slope, and the red line stretched and expanded, which exploded, forming a cloud of fire. The two strong men who had been wiped by the fire cloud were annihilated by the high heat and explosive flames, their eyes quickly dimmed, and several corpses fell on the ground. Bloy and Bai also rushed down, the former's hammer of forbidden yellow light flashed out, and a hammer was imprinted on the body of the strong Najiatu. As the hammer spit out, the Catu’s chest collapsed, and his whole body flew upside down, and he had to be seriously injured if he was not dead. Bai was simple and rude. He flashed in front of a strong sword demon, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the opponent's heart. When he was about to kill another alien next to him, suddenly a sharp scream sounded from the slope, and the person's head exploded in awe. White head, saw a **** the **** raising a sniper rifle, her short brown hair flying freely in the sun.

The five strong men who attacked the position were killed in the blink of an eye, but this did not deter the aliens, but in a short time, they could no longer throw more strong men into a shelling position. As a result, the situation returned to the original situation. The alien race still used the advantage of the number of soldiers to attack the defense line of the position, and the killing seemed to never stop.

When dusk came quietly, Allen was almost numb. He forgot how many people he had killed, only knowing that he mechanically waved the Scarlet King and the Dragon Flame to kill the aliens he could see. If he hadn't been determined, he would have collapsed. And now, this shelling position actually exists in name only. After the battle on that day, the artillery shells were almost exhausted. After noon, the artillery could no longer continue to saturate the bombing and could only fire in turns. Even so, the aliens are still unwilling to give up, even if their bodies have been piled up into a hill under the hillside.

Finally, the rear of the alien army blew the clarion call. In the desolation of the horn, the alien soldiers who had been constantly on the line of defense began to retreat. At this time, even the tireless steel front samurai, their weapons have already been cut and curled. At the end of the battle, they were almost brutal. The force is beheading the alien.

But no matter what, the alien race finally chose to retreat, even if it was temporary, but in the face of this hard-won victory, no one could cheer. Most of the soldiers who had collapsed in their spirits fainted directly on the battlefield after confirming the alien retreat. It was necessary to rely on other comrades to carry them, and only Salon herself carried four or five officers back to the camp, let alone other people.

In this extremely tragic war, more than 3,000 people were lost in the battle on the human side, and several hills were piled up just by the corpses. Due to the large number of the dead, they could not be transported and buried at all. They had to be cremated on the spot after taking their nameplates to avoid plague. As for the alien race, the number of corpses dropped was more than ten thousand. Looking around, you can see alien corpses from every inch of the ground. The blood shed by the troops on both sides dyed the wilderness in this area dark red and other colors, and the smell of blood was so strong that one had to stop breathing before vomiting it out.

Cleaning up the battlefield after the war is no easier than fighting. The logistics soldiers needed to take turns to work and rest before cremating the last batch of alien corpses before wee hours. The entire battlefield was full of smoke, and the aftertaste of the war wafted everywhere. By the time Saron arrived at the castle, it was already midnight. After eating dinner and resting for a while, Allen felt much more energetic and saw Saran coming and asked about the situation of the barracks.

Saraon took off his cloak and helmet, and at the moment he sat down, he appeared old. The general shook his head wearily, and said, "Although the number of soldiers killed in battle is within the expected number, the number of wounded is far more than I had imagined. Lord Allen, we have nearly 70% of the wounded, 30% of them. They are seriously wounded, let alone fighting, it is still unknown whether they can survive until tomorrow."

"To put it simply, if the aliens continue to attack tomorrow, the number of people we can participate in will be about half of today's. But this is not the most serious, and the more serious problem is that our ammunition reserves are consumed too quickly, and tomorrow we will shell out. I am afraid that the position will face an embarrassing situation with no bullets to fight."

Alan frowned: "Aren't there any reinforcements? The Imperial regiment should have more than this strength, even if the north and south lines are starting at the same time, isn't the emperor known as the one million hero?"

"If it is normal, even our Bucks Army will have enough troops to deal with the battlefield here. But now the situation is turbulent, my lord, as far as I know, the Ursa Army stationed in Moseor openly refuses to listen to Rod. Under the command of Marshal Klein, General Arkham declared his own power alone, and only when the empire decided on a new king did he lead the Bear Armies to loyal to him."

At this time, Ante sent someone to bring food, but Salon obviously had no appetite. I simply ate two slices of bread and drank a glass of ale for refreshing. Then he continued: "As for the dragon army, I think you also know. General Woodrick led part of the dragon army to the south~www.wuxiaspot.com ~It should have been the most promising support army on our side. But now the war in the South is not limited to ours. I think the general has been delayed elsewhere. At least in the short term, it is impossible to arrive."

"As for the Black Wolf Army and the Lion King Army, there are also problems like this. Marshal Rodek is already very busy just to maintain the operation of the military headquarters. He also has to take into account all the soldiers on the battlefield, so it is our front alone. That's it, I am afraid it will be difficult to draw more reinforcements." Salong sighed: "We have to rely on ourselves, sir."

Alan was silent, he knew what it meant.

Today has passed, what will happen tomorrow?

No words for a night.

At the end of dawn, a horn sounded outside the castle. Allen opened his eyes, thinking that the alien was about to attack again, but listening carefully was not a warning signal. He got out of bed in doubt, cloaked in his clothes, opened the window, and came in with a somewhat cold wind, which refreshed him. Alan looked out of the castle, and there were figures constantly pouring out of the avenue in the woods. He was startled by this sight. Could it be that reinforcements have arrived?

PS: The credibility thing is accumulated so little by little. Be brazen for subscribing, for flying

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