Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1174: Unexpected help

The voice of the messenger was heard outside the door: "Master Ellen, General Salon invites you to the square." The soldier's voice was a bit of joy, and it seemed that the soldiers who came out of the forest road were reinforcements. It's just that according to what Salong said, it is difficult for the emperor regiment to mobilize troops again, so where did this support soldier come from?

Allen simply replied "I'm here", put on his robe, took the Scarlet King and walked out of the room.

It is still early, and the lead clouds in the sky today are much thinner, revealing a light blue sky. There is a line of fish white to the east, and the golden morning light is slowly permeating. However, the light on the castle square was still dim. When Allen arrived, Saraon was talking to the other two generals in the square. Hearing the footsteps over his head, the old general's eyes renewed their radiance. He laughed at Allen and said, "Earl Allen, we have reinforcements. Guess who they are?"

Salong must be in a good mood, otherwise he wouldn't be in the mood to joke. Alan shook his head honestly, and another voice said, "It's our iron gun guard!"

Orlando strode with a gun, but this time Joura did not follow. The Son of the Iron Spear first nodded to Alan, and then said to Salon: "Just received a call from his father, he sent us two thousand iron spear guards. That is our most elite army, General Salon, You have to take a good look, we lads can't lose to the emperor at all."

Salong smiled and said: "I heard about the iron spear guards, and today I finally have the opportunity to see them. Let's go, everyone, let us meet those lovely people."

They left the square, rode across the Lake Avenue, and stopped on the shore. At this moment, the morning light from the east has spread over the woods, casting a golden light at the exit. They shone under the gray armor, reflecting the dazzling light of their debut. Alan rode on the horse and saw from a distance the elite army trained by Hoy through the woods and approaching them along the avenue. The iron spear guards lined up in two rows. They were all dressed in gray armor, bucklers and rucksacks, and long knives on their waists, but the most striking thing was the long spears they carried on their shoulders.

Each iron spear is pointed diagonally backward, even in the march, the inclination of the spear is almost the same. Under the morning light, it was like a moving steel jungle!

When there was still a distance of about 100 meters from the shore, the ten iron gun guards on the left and right each stopped, then turned in the opposite direction at the same time, and then strode forward. After pulling a certain distance, it stopped, and then the second and third rows of iron gun guards scattered left and right, waiting for the last two rows of soldiers to stand at the predetermined position. All the iron spear guards turned to face the big lake at the same time, shouting in unison, with iron spears in their hands. The sound of two thousand iron guns struck the ground at the same time, combined into a strong sound, which spread far above the lakeshore.

So imposing.

Salong Anzan is worthy of being the elite of the Marquis of Iron Spear. The quality embodied by these soldiers alone is no less than that of the soldiers of the Bucks Army. Only the elite horned deer legion in the Bucks can securely defeat them.

After the Iron Spear Guard stood up, people saw that there were other people behind. The one who took the lead was Hoy in the gray armor and gray robe, and the Marquis of Iron Spear appeared in front of everyone in the armor that he had worn for a long time, making everyone shocked. Before Saron could speak, Orlando had already moved forward quickly and knelt down on one knee in front of Hoima: "My father, why did you come by yourself?"

"Why, you can be on the front line to kill the enemy, and I am not allowed to have fun on the battlefield?" Hoy turned over and dismounted, patted Orlando on the shoulder: "I have heard about your situation here, I am very I am glad that the unicorn collar is still at a loss. Orlando, you did a good job, and I am proud of you."

Orlando said with a smile on his face: "If it hadn't been for Lord Allen to lend me a lot of powerhouses, it would be unclear whether we could hold our ground yesterday."

Huoyi rolled his eyes, slapped his mouth and said, "I wasted my tongue."

Then he met Saron and Allen, the old general of the Bucks opened his arms and gave Hoy a strong hug. He was much taller than the Marquis, and Hoy was almost invisible under this embrace. Salong said solemnly: "How many years have you not seen each other, old friend?"

Hearing this sentence, people realized that the two old men had been in friendship for many years. Even Orlando didn't know about this, and he looked at the two old men confusedly. Huoyi clenched a fist and hammered the general's chest, and sighed: "Since the day you insisted on staying in the Bucks, I haven't seen you again. Thirty years have passed in a blink of an eye. Look, we are all old. Guys, but I'm about to have a grandson, and you are still a bachelor."

Salon stared and said: "What's wrong with a bachelor? As far as I can tell, you are tired of your family. Otherwise, you will be a marquise of bullshit, marching with me and fighting, wouldn't it be more enjoyable to kill a foreign race?"

"Everyone has their own ambitions." Ho Yi shook his head and laughed: "But I am not here today. We still have a chance to fight together again. You should be cheating."

"Speaking of which, I really didn't expect you to come this time in person. Are you worried about your son?"

Hoy looked to the west, with a solemn tone: "Marshal Rodk sent me a message a few days ago. It is said that one of the three warlords will personally preside over this front. Old fellow Rodek. I hope I can contribute to the empire. I think it’s at my door anyway, so I just walked this way. Otherwise, if I fall here, then my iron spear collar will eventually see the flames of war."

"Grand Overseer? Do you know who it is?" Salong asked silently.

"I don't know, I just hope it's not Rubian. He ranks the lowest in the three warlords, but on the battlefield, his ability is the most troublesome." Ho Yi shook his head and laughed: "When I talked, I forgot your Highness."

"Which Highness?" Salong was taken aback.

"Nonsense, who else is there in the south now?" Huo Yi said with a smile: "Of course it is His Royal Highness Julian."

Just after speaking, a carriage stopped, the carriage door opened, and Julian got out of the carriage. The iron spear guards on both sides immediately turned to the young prince and knelt down on one knee. Several generals such as Salon hurried forward, and Allen followed along, and everyone bowed to Julian. Only Hoy has a special status and only has to bow to Julian.

Julian smiled brightly and let everyone get up. Salong said solemnly: "His Royal Highness, this is the front line. With your noble identity, how can you appear here. Please also leave your Highness, otherwise, if you make any mistakes, the situation in the empire will be even more chaotic."

The prince hadn't expressed his opinion yet, Ho Yi shook his head and said: "Saron is such a temper, otherwise he should have been a general after all these years. Old fellow, you deserve it."

Salong blows his beard and stares at Ho Yi, with a look of irritation, but can't find words to fight back, so he can only sulk himself. Julian smiled slightly and said: "General Salon, I have your concern. But as the successor of the kingdom, how can I hide in a safe place to enjoy peace during the national war. If I want to do this, my father is Don’t worry about handing over the throne to me. So there is a war here, so I should be here. Besides, Marquis Hoy is also there, and Earl Alan and generals, if I don’t dare to go to the front, then this I don't want the throne."

These words made the generals nodded in their hearts, whether Julian's words came from the bottom of the heart or just superficial skills. But at least he was on the front line. Compared with that, the other prince who was still desperately consolidating his position in the national war was much inferior.

Salong sighed after hearing this: "Since His Royal Highness said so, then I will not reluctantly. It's just that Hoy has to deal with the Great Warlord of the Principality of Shadow. His Royal Highness must remember to stay in a safe place. Your Highness has not taken care of it well."

Huo Yi smiled: "Don't worry about this, naturally someone will greet the great warlord of the foreign race. Besides, I never said that I will personally deal with the top powerhouse of the foreign race. I am old, let the young people go desperately. "

Julian also smiled and agreed: "The Marquis is right. With that person, Lord Hoy may not be playing."

Salong said dissatisfied: "Just tell who it is, I'll make adjustments early."

Ho Yi shrugged, Julian and the people next to him gave way, so a thin figure appeared in the eyes of the people in Salon. The man’s long silver hair reflected a dazzling light in the morning light, and he could barely see his appearance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was not until he took a few steps to see what he looked like, but Alan was included. , People exclaimed. Because this person doesn't seem to be here, after all, he had assisted Ma Sen in betraying the empire, and now he appeared on the southern front line, how dazzling he looked.

Midian, one of the Ten Saints, the man called the Twilight Prayer lightly nodded at the crowd, and said, "Don’t be surprised, no matter what my previous position, I am a human first. I also have my own relatives. And the family, I also don’t want to see them caught in the flames of war between different races. My mood is the same as that of you. Of course, if you want to investigate what happened before, then I have nothing to say."

Allen glanced at Julian, who understood what he meant, smiled and shook his head, and said to Midian: "When this adult appeared in front of me two days ago, I was as surprised as everyone, and I couldn't believe it. My own eyes. But I saw his determination in the eyes of Master Midian, and I also believe that he will fight with the people of the empire. As for the things that happened before, I think I can press it for the time being. Besides, he also brought News from Mr. Mason Da Ma Sen."

Midian took the words: "Ma Sen knew that he had stabbed a big scorpion. If he hadn't done his own way, this situation wouldn't happen in the empire now. He intended to help, but now, his wife is about to die. Ma Sen intends to accompany his wife through the last period of time, and then see what he can help. To the worst, he can prove to everyone that Housen is not qualified to sit on the throne!"

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