Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1183: Handover

When he heard the four words "Son of Twilight", Allen's heart moved slightly. He seemed to have heard of these four words before, and these four words made him very familiar. Then Charlotte's figure appeared in her mind, and Allen immediately remembered that she was in the Bloodgate Fortress in the Garden of Eden. Charoline, who arrived at the fortress with Idahua's envoy, called him "Son of Twilight" when they first met.

Allen has keenly sensed that this time the federal emergency call himself is probably related to the Twilight Son.

But what is the son of twilight? At that time, Charlotte did not give a clear explanation. At this time, Silfa's voice sounded in Allen's ears: "General Fendi, what do you mean?"

Fendi didn't look at Silfa, but stared at Alan intently, but made a gesture. The soldiers of the Iron Fist Legion behind him quickly stepped forward and handed Silfa something. Fendi pointed to the thing in Silfa's hand and said: "Look clearly, that is the authorization letter from Mr. Mobit. Now this Mr. Allen has passed it to me. There is nothing wrong with Silfa here. You can go rest."

"This doesn't match the order I received at the time!" Silfa said with an iron face, "I want to see Mr. Mobit."

"I'm afraid Mr. President is not available." Fendi said with a grin at Allen: "Okay, Sir Allen, please follow me."

"Wait!" Alan's eyes flashed angrily: "What the **** is this? I'm not a cargo, so you can't let you forward it at will. Now I want to see the President, or my grandfather Horn. I didn't see either of them, I'm not going anywhere."

"Oh, the little lion is angry." Fendi shrugged. "But I'm afraid you can't help it."

He looked at Silfa: "You are right, dear General Silfa."

Allen also looked at Silfa, wanting to hear how he expressed his position. Then he first saw Silfa's ambivalent expression, then his eyes changed, and he wanted to say something. A sudden wind sounded in Allen's ear, he instinctively backed away, and heard Fendi "Huh". Then there was a heavy blow from the back of the neck, and a strong shock spread from the neck to the whole body, and the world revolved in Allen's eyes.

Everything changes too fast.

Soon Silfa didn't have time to stop it.

He saw Fendi make a sudden move while Alan was distracted, and punched Alan into his stomach. But Allen's reaction was also quite quick, and he drew back quickly. It's just that Fendi was faster than him, and he missed a hit. Fendi sneered around behind Allen, cut off with a palm, and stunned Allen directly. Seeing Fendi stretched out his hand to support Alan, Silfa's voice was extremely cold: "What are you doing! General Fendi!"

"The order I received is that after taking over Alan Bethkode from you, he will be transferred directly to the Iron Prison. But do you think our Mr. Allen will cooperate obediently? So look, let him Being in a coma is good for him and me." Fendi blinked and said, "You shouldn't want to see him break my hands and feet? Anyway, the President's order is not allowed to hurt his life, but he did not say that some special The method allows him to cooperate."

"I will ask Mr. President personally about this matter. I hope you didn't tell a lie." Silfa said solemnly.

He lifted his leg to leave, Fendi stopped him from behind: "Did you forget something? For example, Lord Allen's weapon, it seems that I have to leave it to me."

Silfa squinted his eyes, and then made a gesture before his adjutant handed the Scarlet King to the men in the Iron Fist Legion nearby. Fendi then blew his whistle and said: "Happy cooperation." Then he carried Alan to his seat frame, and a soldier took a tool, which was a helmet filled with many needle-like metal objects. Fendi personally put the helmet on Allen's head, and then took him into the car.

The speed cars left one after another.

Silfa looked at Speedway: "Prepare the car for me now, I want to see Mr. President immediately!"

The two federal admirals left one after another, perhaps because Allen's relationship was too important, so they did not notice the noise coming from the tail of the starship. If they pay a little attention, they will know that what happened there is also not easy. After the starship was parked, soldiers soon discovered a regular gap in the armor at the rear of the hull, and this gap was formed directly through the upper power room.

Soldiers are still searching for the cause of the gap, but no one knows. Three soldiers have mysteriously disappeared in the port of call. When people found out, they had become corpses. The uniforms and equipment of the corpse were taken off, and their whereabouts are unknown. It is likely that they have become a disguise tool for some people. So the Black Wing Legion quickly sent a team to investigate the matter, but it is undeniable that because of their negligence, some outsiders have sneaked into Babylon.

In the black street of Babylon, in a five-story building, Diego kicked a few men who were taking neurological drugs in disgust. The opponent glared fiercely, and Diego directly took out a large-caliber revolver and pressed it against his head. This is an old antique, but the firepower can still easily blast away this ordinary person's head, so the man raised his hand and retreated, obediently in the corner of the staircase.

Diego took the pistol and walked upstairs quickly. He knocked on the iron door of a house on the fourth floor. The rusty door opened a gap. There were double purple eyes in the gap. Obviously, this was not the color that humans should have. However, the people here in the Black Street are complicated, and some are aliens, even if humans run into it, it doesn't feel strange. The door opened, and the person behind lowered his voice and said, "You are too late."

This is the voice of a woman.

"Dear Meili, it is not easy to put aside some eyeliner gazes. In fact, I have already arrived at the fastest speed." Dia went in and shook his head in the corridor: "But what can I say? , God, why are you here."

"Let the master tell you this kind of thing."

Diego shook his head. In the afternoon, someone sent him a letter. The letter asked him to come to the building on Black Street tonight, and the signature was Stark's name. Diego was really taken aback, he came half-believingly, and didn't know that all this turned out to be true until he saw Meili. What Diego didn't expect was that he had told Stark about Babylon and he had indeed mentioned the Black Street. But I didn't expect that Stark would really find such a place. Heijie is indeed an ideal hiding spot. For a short time, Stark will not attract any attention here.

He saw this bizarre man in the living room. Stark was sitting on a dilapidated sofa with unsightly programs playing on the pay TV in front. But the man didn’t have any expression on his face, as if he didn’t know that Diego was coming. He just said, “This is indeed a good place. I’m glad I heard the description of this place from your mouth. Otherwise, I still don’t know where to hide."

"Master Stark, why are you here?"

Stark stood up, looked at Diego and said: "The task I gave you, you did a good job, Mr. Diego. That's why I came here, but now I have another thing that needs you. help."

"Do my best."

"Very good." Stark said, "Because of the Twilight Son, Alan brought the Federation. But here, some accidents happened. He took it away and gave it to a man named Fendi."

"Fendi?" Diego said with a sigh, "That's Fendi the Butcher, the general of the Iron Fist Legion. It's the Federation general, Lord Stark, who took Alan away. Hell, what the **** is the Twilight Son? , Even want a federal general to go out?"

"Actually there are two. The one who called Allen from the heaven star is another young man named Silfa. His strength is also not simple." Stark patted Diego on the shoulder and said: "But None of this is important. The important thing is, I want you to figure out where Fendi took Alan?"

Diego smiled bitterly: "Master Stark, this is too difficult. If both General Fendi and Sylfa interfered, it must be a federal secret matter. You think it’s like this kind of information, yes. Can I find out?"

"How do you know if you don't try, I think you will find a way, such as using a little bit of your family's power?"

"It's very difficult." Diego said helplessly: "Anyway, I will try my best, but you shouldn't have too much hope. Then, how can I contact you?"

"No, I will contact you when necessary."

"Well, then I'll leave first."

As he left, Diego looked into the crack of the door, and it seemed that many things had gradually departed from the track, and were developing towards the unknown end.

"Who is this guy Ellen?" Diego shook his head and said softly.

When Diego left the black street~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Allen finally woke up. At the moment he opened his eyes, he subconsciously wanted to jump up, but he found that his body remained motionless. Then I heard Fendi's frivolous voice: "Look, our little lion finally woke up. Hey, how are you feeling, Lord Ellen. Oh, you might feel a little uncomfortable, but let's do it. "

Allen shook his head, and after his eyes focused, he found himself shirtless and wearing only shorts at the waist. As for the previous clothing, including the devil's praise and armor, the scales were all taken away. He squinted his eyes, the situation was quite unfavorable. And his hands are flat, and his wrists are each clasped by a machine. There seemed to be something on his head, heavy, and a slight tingling sensation from time to time.

Then he saw Fendi's stubborn face, and Allen asked coldly: "What's the matter?"

"Don't be nervous, I am happy to explain. After all, we will have to get along for a while. Let me briefly say that you and I are no longer on Babylon, but in a certain administrative area on the surface. Of course, neither It’s as simple as being on the surface. It’s one kilometer deep down here. So it’s not safe here. Of course, the so-called safety is not the distance from the ground, but because of me."

"In short, unless the old Hornken and the Federation tear their skin, no one can save you."

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