Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1184: anger

"Save me?" Allen said loudly, "What does this mean, am I a prisoner? If so, please tell me which federal law I violated!"

"Hey, don't yell so loudly." Fendi put a finger in front of his mouth, made a silent gesture, and said with a smile: "In fact, you have not violated any laws, and you are not a prisoner."

"Then let me go!"

"That's not good, little lion. You should listen to me and finish talking. Of course you won't be a prisoner, but a more noble test subject than a prisoner."

"Experimental subject?" Allen shook his head: "I don't understand what you are talking about, and I have nothing worth studying. Since I have not violated the law, what right does the Federation have to treat me like this?"

"Who said no, as long as Mr. President agrees, I can catch you here. Okay, little lion. If you are willing to cooperate, then tell me the secret of the Twilight Son, so it will be good for you and me."

Allen said angrily: "I don't know any Twilight Son, I only know that you are now violating the personal freedom of federal citizens!"

"It seems that you still don't understand, it's okay, I will explain it to you carefully." Fendi pointed to the machine that clasped Allen's left and right hands: "First of all, let me have the honour to introduce to you. This thing is called a heavy press. , It can adjust its internal pressure through the brain. Now I have adjusted the pressure to the 50-ton level. I believe it is difficult for you to pull it apart purely based on basic strength, right?"

Fendi walked up to Alan and stretched out his hand to flick his head. Allen couldn't see what was on his head, but he clearly heard a metallic noise. Fendi smiled and said: "As for the baby wearing your head is my favorite, you are probably invisible, so allow me to describe it to you. It looks like a helmet, but there are three hundred on this helmet. Many electrode needles, these things have passed through your skull and pierced into your brain. Of course, their size is so tiny that you can hardly feel it. But trust me, you won't like these bad guys. Because if I want to, they will release electrical currents into your brain. While making you suffer from pain, they will also interfere with the movement of your internal forces."

"So you see, heavy press, plus this baby on your head. Lord Allen, no matter how brave you were before, now you are no different from an ordinary person." Fendi took a few steps back and said, "I Having said that, you probably recognize the status quo. So can you tell me the secret about the Twilight Son?"

"I said, I don't know!" Allen said solemnly: "Is there something wrong with you, or this is a misunderstanding. Let me go, do you want this misunderstanding to deepen?"

Fendi touched his forehead and shook his head: "It's a pity, little lion. If you cooperate obediently, then we can probably get along happily for a few days. It seems impossible now, since you don't want to say, Then we can only do it ourselves."

He snapped his fingers.

After a while, footsteps sounded, and several researchers wearing biochemical suits and masks walked in. Fendi pointed to Allen, "This is your test subject, Mr. Mobitt said, to figure out his secret. Then, let's start with the simplest blood test. He is your specimen. , But remember, he is not allowed to kill him. Otherwise, you can do whatever you want."

"I see, General Fendi." said one of the men who was clearly in charge, his eyes shining when he looked at Alan, full of excitement.

Allen only felt extremely angry, Fendi actually regarded himself as a test subject and ignored his wishes. What is the difference between this and pigs and sheep? Watching several researchers come forward, one of them expertly disinfected his arm. Another person took out a syringe and obviously wanted to take a sample of his blood. Allen roared: "You have no right to do this! I have done so much for the Federation. On the star of Pluto, I discovered the origin of the civilization of the sword demon! Interstellar! On the battlefield, I stopped the alien’s attempt to frame the Federation! After I have paid so much, is this what the Federation has given me!"

Fendi shrugged and turned to leave. Allen was extremely angry, and the source of fire in his body surged. Unexpectedly, Yuan Li started to move, and there was a sharp pain in his brain, and with his perseverance, he couldn't help but scream. The source force in the body immediately lost control, unable to control it freely in normal times. At this time, there was a cold feeling in his arm, and the researcher inserted the needle into his hand.

Seeing blood drawn into the needle from his arm, Allen cried. Not because of physical pain, but because of dignity being trampled on!

However, no one paid attention to him, only a monitor in the corner of the room faithfully recorded all this.

"The above is the report for this quarter."

In a dimly lit room, only a few rays of light hang down. There is a person in each ray with a mask on their face, and the number of playing cards on the mask. They are A, J, Q, K and a clown mask. Alan stood in the middle, and he reported to these people this quarter's work briefing in a low tone. Here he is like the President of the Union, more like a department head who reports to the company's directors.

In fact, these people are indeed his bosses, at least temporarily.

They are the high-level figures and the core class of the Guangyinhui. Alan didn't know what kind of face was behind those masks, but he knew any one here could make him disappear in this world silently.

They have such power and strength.

"Very well, we are very satisfied with the progress." The man wearing the painted clown mask said, "But Alan, did you miss something?"

"Which one is it?"

"I heard that not long ago, the two generals of the Federation, Silfa and Fendi, had a conflict due to work issues?"

Alan patted his forehead: "It turns out you said it. This is just a trivial matter. It's not the first day that the two generals disagree, so I didn't report to you."

The man with the mask K wanted to say something, but the clown preemptively said: "Let's do it, Alan. Do your job, and if you have any special circumstances, report to us immediately."

"Yes, sir."

Alan lowered his head, and his figure gradually disappeared. After his holographic projection disappeared, the man wearing the mask K finally said: "He is lying."

"He is indeed lying." The clown said indifferently: "He thought we didn't know, Alan Bethkod called, and has been transferred by Fendi to the largest prison on the surface of the Federation, Iron Prison!"

"Not only that, before that, he also used our channel to contact Cagaso. But the content of their conversation was encrypted and we couldn't crack it. And this, he also concealed it in the report just now. K said loudly: "In my opinion, Alan is already somewhat out of control. We have to consider changing candidates."

"Don't be restless, my friend." The laughter came from the clown mask, and the man said: "Alan's tricks can't be concealed from me. He transferred Alan Bethkod to take advantage of the power of the Twilight Son. Contacting Cagaso is to obtain the capital to be able to deal with Ida Huaxing. Our presidential stand-in is not easy, he is very thoughtful and ambitious. Don’t you think that all this he has done is saved How much effort did it take us?"

"I think he should hand Alan out from the beginning. Even we don’t know what the Twilight Son is. Can Alan know more than us? There have been too many examples telling us that trying to control an unknown power often ends up with The tragedy is over!" K said heavily.

The clown shrugged: "Then what do you suggest?"

"Stop Alan's actions and let him inform Orfascius to hand over to the Twilight Son as soon as possible."

"Oh my God." The clown whispered: "K, our old friend. When did you become so courageous, you were so afraid of the son of the evening, or the emperor of Idahua? I think Alan did it. Yes, if the secret of the power of the Twilight Son can be unearthed, don't you think this is an opportunity for the rise of mankind?"

"I think this is playing with fire even more!" K said loudly: "Please open your eyes and see if the power of the Twilight Son can be analyzed. Only Alan privately detained the core members of Bethkode. Enough to seriously affect our entire plan. Have you ever thought about how Horne would react if he knew about this? It would probably lead to a complete outbreak of conflict between the nobles and the Federation, and now, this is not the time! "

"Okay, K. You are excessively cautious, yes, it is indeed a bit risky. But it is totally worth it. You can also imagine that when Alan parses out the secret of the Twilight Son, and then we will take over this power. Then humanity The young race will be superior to other cosmic civilizations, and we will no longer have to obey Idahua star. We can razor Agareth, and the glory of mankind will spread to all stars!" The clown opened his hands and shouted loudly. Said: "This is the future we deserve. Of course, if you still insist on ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then you can only follow the old method, everyone voted."

K nodded: "Then vote."

"Okay, then please raise your hand in favor of stopping Alan's doing." The clown said.

K raised his arm, but looking at the audience, only he raised his hand.

The clown continued: "Please raise your hands if you agree with the analysis of the Son of Twilight." After he said, he raised his arm, and then J and Q both raised them. Only A shook his head and said: "I can't tell which of you is more correct, so I abstained."

"I respect your choice." The clown looked at K again: "But even so, I still have three votes. So I'm sorry, your suggestion is refuted, old friend."

"Then this meeting ends here."

The light went out one by one, and in the end only K remained in the light. He looked around and reached out to take off his mask. Behind the mask is Alstai’s fat face, and the chancellor of the Exchequer said with disappointment: “Not only is Alan starting to lose control, even you are out of control. Have you all forgotten the original intention of the organization? It is to observe and make necessary observations behind the history. Instead of interfering in an open manner"

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