Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1185: Secret journey

A drop of sweat rolled over Allen's strong nose, dripped on the tip of his nose, cut through the air, and dripped onto the smooth ground under his feet. Allen looked to his right hand, and the ring member of the heavy press was tightly embedded in his arm. The internal pressure of the machine reached a weight of fifty tons. It was almost impossible for Allen to pull his arm out with strength alone. But he never compromised, he used to be, he is now.

"Good morning."

After he failed another round of attempts, the lights in this room suddenly turned on. Allen quickly closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep, and then he heard Fendi laughing. The general of the Iron Fist Legion laughed and said, "Don't pretend to be asleep, little lion. I have never seen anyone who sleeps profusely. To be honest, your acting skills are really bad."

Allen opened his eyes and looked at Fendi's nasty face and said, "When is it now."

"Oh, I forgot that there is no sun here, nor everything related to time. People can easily lose the concept of time here. According to the rules, I couldn't tell you, but who told me to like you so much. Okay. I can tell you that it is exactly 8 o'clock in the morning. There are still three hours left, and 24 hours have passed since you returned to the earth. Why, do you want to have a bottle of champagne to celebrate?"

"I'm not as interested as you. General Fendi, maybe you have to consider letting me go. You also know that I've been here for so long. Do you think my family will not know anything about me?" Alan smiled Said: "Yes, before I came, I had made some arrangements, just in case, it seems to be useful now."

Fendi exaggeratedly held his head in his hand: "Oh my God, isn't our plan seen through?"

Then he laughed. He laughed until the whole person was bent down, and then shook his head: "You are so cute, little lion. But unfortunately, your cleverness doesn't work in front of Uncle Fendi. Listen, we monitor With all the channels and communication networks related to Beskod, I can tell you responsibly, not to mention your news. Even a mosquito is resting and flying under our noses."

"I think Old Horn doesn't know that his favorite grandson is already on the surface. Maybe he thought you were fighting on the heavenly star."

Allen's heart sank when he heard it, but he still said quietly, "Oh, is it? Maybe you can monitor Beskard's network. What about Wolfstar that day? Can you even monitor the network of Marshal Greedy Wolf? You guys? Of course I think, but I guess you don’t have that kind of ability, do you?"

The intelligence capabilities of the Red Wolf in Sirius are well-known in the Federation, and Windsor Bello used the Red Wolf's intelligence system to make pocket money. This is a well-known secret within the Federation. Fendi's smile froze immediately, his expression seemed to be eating a big meal happily, but suddenly he found that he had swallowed a dead cockroach. He put away his smile and said in a deep voice: "You should worry about yourself, Mr. Allen. Yesterday they collected your blood samples. Today, they want to conduct other research. Guess what they want to know?"

"Yesterday you also said that Mr. President would not allow me to die? Well, well, you can do your research. But how much time do you have? 24 hours? I guess not more?" Allen looked at Fendi Said: "What good will this do to you? Soon, my teacher or family. Anyone will intervene. At that time, if things here are exposed, it will be a major federal scandal. What do you think he would do to the president, General Fendi, or if you are in the nickname of the butcher, you will probably label the president as a lunatic."

"What do you think you are? Actually, you are nothing. You are just a scapegoat when you need it."

Fendi flashed forward suddenly and hit Allen's abdomen with a punch. Alan opened his mouth wide, but couldn't take a breath of air. After a while, air poured in from his mouth and nostrils, and then a big mouthful of blood came out from Ellen's mouth and nostrils, splashing Fendi's hand. Fendi pulled Alan by his hair and pulled him up, and whispered almost to his cheek: "Don't try to irritate me, little lion. It's not good for you. The president said he can't kill you, but he never said that Can’t beat you half to death. But that’s too cheap for you, isn’t it? Yes, Windsor Bello must have done something, but we still have time, and I don’t think it will be too short. Before that, I will let you know What is hell."

He left Alan behind and said to the research director who came here: "Don't you want to understand his self-healing ability today? Let's start now, and I am happy to participate."

Fendi took out a scalpel from the medical box held by an assistant. He walked up to Alan and pointed the blade at Alan’s eyes: “Maybe let’s see if he can recover from blindness. ?"

A cold sweat broke out on Alan's forehead, and Fendi grinned: "Of course I was joking." But then a knife was cut on Alan's arm, pulling out a thin, but deep wound. Alan gritted his teeth, not letting himself be weak. Fendi laughed, and took two more pliers to clamp the upper and lower ends of the wound, and then smiled cruelly at Allen: "Next, let's visit the skeleton of the Twilight Son."

He grabbed two pliers and pulled them up and down suddenly.

Alan heard the sound of tearing his skin and muscles!

He opened his mouth and let out a silent roar, and engraved Fendi's face firmly in his mind.

Jamie, the bartender next to him, almost yelled when a thigh wrapped in thick military boots kicked open the hardly sturdy door of the "Spirit Deer" bar. Jamie is small, but if he needs to, he will have more than ten pistols aimed at the rude guy outside the door as long as he shouts for a while. But when he saw the sturdy figure in front of him and the rough face, the bartender swallowed his words.

Because the guy who came in was not offended by him, Jamie smiled and said, "What brought you here, Mr. Ron?"

Ron bared his white teeth, stuffed a few small bills into the bartender's pocket, then pulled him over with his big hand and asked softly, "Where is the old alpine eagle?"

Jamie showed a "so" expression and said, "Mr. Mountain Eagle is in the upper room, old place, you know."

Ron nodded and strode towards the stairs. The wooden stairs of the bar made a rattle for him. At the corner, a man was pressing a woman against the corner to live happily. He heard the footsteps cursing "Get off". Then the woman in the corner saw the man who was still pressing on him one second before, and the next second he flew downstairs and fell a dog chewing on mud. The man stood up cursingly and was about to rush to theorize. Jamie picked up an empty wine bottle next to him and hit him on the head, slamming him directly.

"I'm saving you, idiot." The bartender shrugged at the bleeding man.

Ron pushed open a door, and the warm light behind the door flooded his body and eyes like running water. He saw a round table in the room, surrounded by several benches, and only a small old man sitting on it, drinking wine. An old record player next to it is playing an old song decades ago, and the time here seems to freeze, staying in a certain age in a long time.

"Looking for me in such a hurry, wouldn't it be for me to accompany you to listen to the song?" Ron was also polite, pulling the bench and sitting beside the old man. Reached out and took the wine and glass on the table, and then poured a glass for myself.

The old man called the "Alpine Eagle" smiled and said, "I'm going to get some tickets to Babylon. Of course it is the one that cannot fill in the identity."

"Black ticket?" Ron grinned: "It's not easy to do, old guy. It's been checked recently. I have a way out, but I can't help with this."

"It won't keep you busy."

"You don't understand, this is an extraordinary period. No matter how much money I have, I won't do it." Ron drank the wine in the glass and shook it. Ok."

Suddenly the door was pushed open, and a female voice sounded: "Please do me a favor, Lieutenant Ron."

Ron smiled, and suddenly took out a magic pistol from behind his waist and pointed it towards the door, moving faster than lightning. But when he saw the person at the door clearly, he was stunned, and then whispered: "Miss Adele, why are you?"

Adele was indeed standing at the door. She was wearing menswear that didn't fit well and shrugged: "It's a long story, but we can't sway Babylon right now, so you have to help."

"You?" Ron squinted his eyes. "How many people are they?"

Adele held up five fingers.

"It's not a small number" Ron nodded, "Well, since it was Miss Adele who spoke, I have to do it anyway."

Adele was obviously relieved and nodded: "Thank you very much."

This was her heartfelt words, Ron did not ask anything but agreed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ This alone was very interesting.

Ron made a waiting gesture, then went outside and called the bartender for pen and paper. He quickly wrote a line of information on the paper and handed it to Adele, "Before noon tomorrow, come to this address to find me. If you don't know the road, it doesn't matter, the old guy Alpine Eagle recognizes it."

The old man raised his glass to Ron: "You are so kind."

"It should be." Ron seemed to not hear the old man's mocking tone, and replied solemnly, which caused the latter to roll his eyes and shook his head to continue drinking.

Adele put away the note and said goodbye first. With the care of the elderly, the bartender took her away from another passage. She came to the alley from the back kitchen of the bar. Adele put on a hat, and it was difficult to see her clearly in this night. She drove a few laps in this small town and got into a garage after confirming that no one was following. This is the place the Alpine Eagle finds for them. In the garage, there are some Edwards.

They arrived on Earth at noon. This journey can be said to be carried out completely in secret. Because he didn't know the latest situation of Allen, Edward did not dare to return to Babylon rashly, but contacted some reliable people through Adele's relationship and sent them secretly to Babylon. Alpine Eagle and Lieutenant Ron, who had trained Allen, were one of these people.

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