Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1193: Not give way to each other

"Damn, get ready to fight." Leotan yelled at the soldiers behind, who quickly formed a defensive formation, holding their breath. After they calmed down, they gradually heard footsteps. The footsteps were getting closer, and a Confederate soldier turned around the corner after a while. Seeing the uniform on the other party, Leotan breathed a sigh of relief and scolded himself for being nervous. But when a werewolf who was several meters high and covered with a rock layer appeared at the corner, Leotan's newly relaxed heart suddenly raised his throat. Looking at the Union soldier at this time, the more I looked, the more I felt that something was wrong with him.

"Stop! You must stop, and there is something behind!" Leotan roared, seeing that the other party had no plans to stop, and finally ordered: "Attack! Attack!"

Several magic rifles roared at the same time, and the Yuanli bullet tore through the space of the passage and shot at the federal soldier and the werewolf behind.

"Sargeras." Allen said coldly.

The Flame Demon suddenly passed him, blocking the attack with both hands. Then he opened his mouth and inhaled, the werewolf's mouth constantly lit up, and the flames inside it rose, as if his body was a hot furnace. The fire light illuminates the faces of several soldiers including Leotan, and finally a terrifying picture is reflected in their fearful eyes. A vermilion pillar of fire spouted from the werewolf's mouth. The pillar of fire was rich in color, and the alloy wall of the passageway it passed was sunken and melted. In a blink of an eye, this high-temperature pillar of fire was in front of him, and the sights of Leotan and others were full of fire.

The pillar of fire swept across them, without stopping, and hitting the alloy gate of the warehouse hard. The flames continued to spread around, and the Balrog walked forward, constantly pushing the pillar of fire to hit the door. After a few seconds, a 30-centimeter-thick alloy armored door burned a gap for Sargeras. The iron juice glowing from the edge of the gap kept dripping, and one could see the warehouse inside when looking in.

Ellen passed by several charcoal-like corpses and got into the warehouse. It was easy to find the Devil's Praise, the Scarlet King, and the armored scales on the middle platform.

He took off his shirt and put Niqin on his body. He pinned the devil's praise to his waist, and finally raised the Scarlet King and got out of the warehouse. Alan glanced at the Flame Demon and said, "Go, it's time to settle the account."

Fendi was walking on a corridor of the base. He looked at the tablet brain in his hand, which was constantly updating the base’s intrusion reports. The situation is very bad, the intruders are divided into several waves, and the first wave of intruders advances the fastest. The latest piece of information updated on the tablet brain shows that the wave of invaders has arrived at their upper base.

"This bunch of rice buckets." Fendi couldn't help cursing.

At this moment, a spirit of determination suddenly appeared on his head. Fendi stopped in amazement and looked up. A red light appeared on the metal plate above, and the light circled around to form a circle. Then the entire circular metal plate fell off and hit the corridor in front of Fendi. Looking at the circular gap in the ceiling, Fendi's face became quite difficult to look.

Someone fell from the gap.

Horn still fell straight down hard, this time his height was limited, he didn't even bend his knees, and his feet made a pair of clear footprints on the ground. His crutches had disappeared long ago, and there was an extra long as thin as a cicada's wings in his hand, Qiu Yan!

Anna fell in front of Horn, and she fell on her knees, making no sound at all. The female warrior was carrying a huge black pistol in each hand, which was a new generation of magic pistol developed by Bethkod's Mowu factory. Regardless of the ordinary appearance of these two pistols, they are equipped with "Storm" and "Energy" sequence plug-ins, making the power and accuracy of the pistols far higher than ordinary magic firearms. Anna once had a record of using two pistols to sweep down Yanxing missiles. In addition to her superb shooting skills, these two magic pistols also contributed.

Mirren and Belmode landed behind Horn's sides, respectively, and the adjutant of Marshal Greedy Wolves wore a tactical uniform common to surface mercenaries. They are very cheap, and the tactical armor used to protect important parts has almost no defensive power in high-level battles. The biggest role of this outfit is camouflage. In order to facilitate the movement, the glasses that Mirren wore in the past have been replaced with tactical goggles that are not easy to fall off. The goggles are Sirius’ military equipment. This is probably the most valuable equipment on Mirren’s body. It can be connected to Sirius’s dedicated satellite, can download any information Mirren needs in real time, and has dynamic capture, multiple visual modes, and A few combat assistance functions. The adjutant also had two pistols in his hands. The pistols looked like products of the old age. They looked old but delicate. But in fact these two pistols are not real objects, but weapons after Mirren Yuanli's simulation.

In contrast, Belmode seemed much more casual. He has black clothes and black trousers, except for the more leather buttons used to decorate his black long clothes, and there is no other special place. Belmode dropped his hands, with a faint smile on his face. At this time, there is still free time to look around, and it seems that Fendi and others are not in sight.

Fendi's gaze fell on Horn, then slowly looked at Qiu Yan in his hand, and finally returned to Horn's face. Fendi has experienced countless battles in his life, and he has faced many enemies. Some of the powerhouses who impressed him deeply have their own characteristics. With Fendi's rich combat experience today, just feel the characteristics of the opponent's aura, you can roughly deduce the opponent's strengths and even fighting style, and determine targeted countermeasures. But Horn was a special existence, Fendi could not feel anything in him, as if Horn was an ordinary person.

Of course this is not the case.

Horn's state is like an icy lake. The ice on the surface of the lake seems calm, but in fact, there is turbulent water under the lake! It's just that Fendi's perception can't penetrate the ice surface, so he can't sense Horn's aura. It seems simple, but there are very few people who can actually do this. Fendi knew Horn was tricky, but it wasn't until this moment that he was right, that the previous assessment could be invalidated.

He showed his signature sneer and said, "Mr Horn, you really shouldn't be here."

"I think I have to come, and it's too late. If I go one day earlier, Allen will suffer one day less."

Fendi said with an exaggerated expression: "What? Allen? Mr. Horn, you must be mistaken, why is Mr. Allen here?"

"You don't need to act, Fendi." Horn said coldly, "You know, you are a slapstick actor. So now one is to return Alan to me, and the other is to get out of me and I will go personally. Pick him up."

Fendi shrugged and put a smile away, saying: "These two choices are hard to fathom. Now I will arrest a few people in the name of trespassing into the powerhouse of the Federation. Your farce is over."

He stepped towards Horn, and two Federation major generals and soldiers followed closely behind him.

Horn squinted his eyes: "Can you stop us?"

"I want to try."

Horn shook his head and smiled, and walked away. Anna and the others also stepped forward. Since both sides refused to give in, the final result was battle. Everyone here is very clear, so everyone's energy is running, and all kinds of brilliance are emitted from their bodies, even Fendi is no exception. Only Horne still didn't show any qi in his body.

Anna took the lead.

She rushed out like a vigorous leopard, arms raised, two magic pistols fired at the same time. A dark red source bullet was ejected from the muzzle. Under the correction of the two sequence plug-ins of storm and shaped energy, the bullet rain formed a red whip with amazing accuracy, and drew it straight at Fendi.

Fendi simply turned sideways and avoided the red whip. He wasn't even interested in shooting Anna, only staring at Horn. Anna also knew that the Admiral was not her opponent, and even the two Major Generals of the Federation had no turn to greet her. Her red whip was completely drawn towards the soldiers of the Iron Fist Legion behind Fendi.

As soon as Anna moved, Belmode's forward figure rose slightly. Dark flames continuously spurted up from his clothes, cuffs and feet, and the dark flames revolved and gathered around him. A pair of dark armor was intertwined on his body. This armor formed by dark flames turned Belmode into a black knight. When a bright red stream of fire rose on the helmet, Belmode turned to Fen. A major general on Di's right rushed.

It was a woman. Her petite figure looked like a little girl who didn't know anything about the world, but her chest was surging and the scenery was extremely spectacular. She also didn't see her using any weapons, she just gathered her source power on a pair of pink fists, and stepped on long or short steps to face Belmode in a rhythmic movement.

Belmode's mouth in the helmet slightly pulled an arc, and suddenly a cloud of black mist exploded in front of him. He got in through the black mist, and the person disappeared into the air.

"Small bugs!" The female major general smiled disdainfully, and she slammed forward in a forward posture, then twisted her waist, and took a leg and swept back behind her.

Behind her, a cloud of black mist spread silently, and Belmode just exposed half of his body, but the major general's whip leg was already in front of him. The major general could even see the look of horror in Belmode's eyes. She sneered ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and swept Belmode's head.

But there was no feeling of hitting the real thing.

At the corner of the female major general's eyes, another black mist dispersed, and Belmode emerged from the black mist. Reaching out his hand on the leg that the major general was stepping on the ground, he turned her around in midair and then fell heavily to the ground. Belmode rushed forward, resting her knees on the major general's legs, buckling her right hand with one hand, and pressing her with the other against her back, pushing her against the ground and unable to move. Belmode said: "Honestly, if I can, I don't want to hurt you."

"I don't see it, you're still a real knight." The female major general gave a sweet smile: "But this is a battlefield. There is no difference between a woman and a man, only the enemy and the friendly army."

Her only free arm struck the ground hard, pressing out a ring of shock waves. Under the huge reaction force, Belmode's body bounced slightly from her. At this moment, the female major general twisted her legs and turned around, her legs wrapped around Belmode's waist, the clasped right hand held Belmode's wrist in turn, and then made a fist with her right hand, aiming at his face. It was just a punch. The fist front moved, and there was already a sharp howling sound, and circles of light cyan source power brilliance scattered around the major general's fist front!

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