Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1194: Chaos Blade

Seeing that he was about to hit Belmode, a hand was suddenly placed in front of the general powder punch. A group of dark flames in that palm was spinning at a high speed, and the general slammed a fist on the group of dark flames, and the sources of both sides continued to consume each other. Finally, the palms closed, and the general's fists were wrapped in it. Belmode shrugged and said: "It's really a little pepper, I advise you to stay still."

"Really? Honestly you are a funny guy, but now I have to beat you. Maybe after throwing you in jail, we can sit down and have a good chat." The female general blinked.

"Thank you Bumin, I have no interest in places like prisons."

"That's not for you." The female general suddenly loosened her legs around Belmode's waist, and she quickly touched Belmode at a few points. She turned upside down in the air and kicked Belmode's chin. The latter leaned up very momentarily, letting the general kick empty. But taking advantage of this opportunity, the general clenched Belmode's wrists with both hands, pulled him up by the inertia of the back flip, and then slammed him heavily on the ground.

As the shock wave spread, Belmode didn't have time to catch his breath, and the female general had already sat on him with her legs apart. This posture is very ambiguous, if you change the time and place, maybe Belmode can still enjoy it. But this time the female general's legs were like steel to suppress him and couldn't move. She raised her hands, and then her fists fell like rain. Belmode can only cross his hands and resist this round of quick punches of the female general.

I don't know how many boxing punches in an instant, but the female general's boxing speed is still soaring. Seeing to reach the extreme, a black flame bounced off Belmode, brushing her fist and heading towards the general's right eye. In the female general's sight, the black flame kept poking upwards, and something sharp seemed to burst out of the black flame, shooting towards her eyes.

She didn't care about attacking Belmode anymore, her fists turned into palms, she pressed on the ground, and people leaned back. A short blade pierced out of the black flame, bringing down the general's hair. The general fell back to the ground, but saw more black flames lasing towards him. She supported her hands and feet on the ground at the same time, and she retreated with her strength, and flashed several short blades that burst from the flames.

After shooting a total of seven short blades in the air, they drew different trajectories in the air, and then all shot at her. The female general kept evasive, the short blade fell into the air, and after being stuck on the ground or wall, they exploded into black fireballs one after another. After seven explosions, the female general has been a dozen meters away from Bel Modra. This distance is long enough for Belmode to stand up in time, and still have time to shake his sore arms, and then spread his hands, black flames flying from under his feet and clothes.

In the black flame that was soaring, a handful of sharp blades of various shapes burst out of the fire. The female general glanced, and the weapons included spears and halberds, or knives or swords. There are many kinds and a lot of them, and they are densely scattered in the space around Belmode. Black fog and fire escaped from their bodies from time to time, and all the tips of their blades faced the Federation Major General.

"What the **** is this?" the female general asked with a frown.

Belmode smiled slightly: "They are the Blades of Chaos, they are not ghosts. How about, try?" Before the general could answer, Belmode flicked his fingers on a nearby dagger, and the dagger whistled immediately. Shoot away.

The general snorted and slammed the dagger with a simple punch. But at the moment of the collision, the dagger exploded and turned into a black flame. However, the feeling Hei Yan gave her was not high temperature, but rather cold. When she closed her fist, she saw a pale blue color on her white fist. The seemingly beautiful color brought her chills. The general Yuan Li rushed away, and that group of chills was driven away, and the light blue on his fists also faded by half.

At this time, two more shots and one halberd flew. The general didn't dare to be careless this time, and the blue light made a masterpiece between her fists. She wrapped her boxing front with her source strength, which not only formed a barrier, but also increased the power of boxing. When the spear hits, she bows slightly, closes her fists, sucking her abdomen and sliding back. At a distance from the spear halberd, the general's eyes shot out electric light. The double fists blasted three times at a very fast speed. The front of the fist did not hit the Chaos Blade, and only formed a shock wave with the light group of source power wrapped on the fist, and exploded the two guns with one halberd.

This time, the black fire of the explosion did not touch her.

"Nice work, but I have a lot more here, can you all follow?" Belmode snapped his fingers, all the chaos blades buzzed, and then they all shot over. There were hundreds of different The type of weapon blades dragged out the black tail flames, flocking to the general like a school of fish returning to the sea.

The horror of the Chaos Blade is not the sharpness of the mimic blade and the explosive flame, but as long as it is cut by them or the explosive flame is stained, it will randomly form various negative energy pollution on the opponent. Those negative energies will form unfavorable elements such as frostbite, burns, biological toxicity, neurotoxins, etc., which will continuously weaken the opponent's combat power and even the will, and eventually fall into the abyss of chaos and can't get up again.

The dense blades of chaos flew around the female general to attack and kill. The general had used his fists and feet together, but he still scratched the blade from time to time, causing the black fire to stain. However, for a moment, various negative energy pollution has appeared on her body, and these effects will increase over time.

In Mirren's goggles, a fist that ejected electric light was expanding. The battle assist function of the goggles quickly calculated the trajectory and impact point of the opponent's boxing. Mirren quickly made a judgment and retreated lightly. Stick to the wall behind you, and then pan strangely. Therefore, the fist of the major general of the Federation could only slam into the wall in vain, and a circle of shock waves spread, and the surrounding walls vibrated like ripples on the water. Then the metal twisted and broke, and the large pieces of cables buried in the wall were torn apart. , Ejected flamboyant sparks. The general panted heavily and pulled his arm out of the wall, seeing that Mirren still had the mind to observe the battle in other areas, which simply didn't put him in his eyes. With a roar, the general rushed towards Mirren, caught him with his arms wide, and tried to hug him.

Mirren turned her head just now, there was no expression on her face, and her eyes were calm behind the goggles. He suddenly raised his figure, causing the general to jump into the air. Mirren took the opportunity to step on his shoulder and jumped behind him. A backflip in the volley, Mirren raised his head and feet, holding both spears in his hands, and then the trigger pressed down. The general quickly turned around and saw Mirren's pair of mimic pistols flickering, and silver-white Yuanli bullets almost covered the space of his upper body.

The general's pupils dilated, and his arms blocked his head, face and chest, further stimulating a barrier of source force. The rain of bullets fell, smashing the barrier first, and then hit the general's hand. The general's two sleeves immediately smashed and flew, but the arms under the sleeves flowed with a layer of metal-like luster, and the original force bullets could not penetrate his skin. When Mirren landed, he smiled slightly, the bullets nailed to the general's hand flickered, the source of flames erupted, and a fireball immediately rose in the corridor.

The shock wave of the explosion pushed the general out. He stepped back and sat down on the ground. Seeing his embarrassed face and black hands, the general bitterly smashed his fist to the ground and got up again.

At this time, a group of Iron Fist Legion and soldiers rushed towards Mirren.

The general simultaneously launched an offensive from the opposite direction.

A large piece of data flashed through Mirren's goggles. He first turned and threw a pistol at the incoming soldier, then fired at the general with the remaining pistol. While suppressing the general with a single shot, the spun out of the mimic pistol fired on its own, sweeping a few rounds of the source force bullets, and after putting down the soldiers in an instant, it spun back into Mirren's hands.

Mirren's two guns collided, the muzzle was soaring, and a group of silver-white brilliance swelled rapidly, and it was full of maddening terrifying energy! The general had already pounced near Mirren, but he stopped alive when he saw this situation. Then the group of brilliance burst open, and a brilliant silver-white beam spouted out of it!

The beam of light blasted instantly, and the general blocked the beam of light with both hands, but kept pushing it back. The beam of light became brighter and brighter. When the entire corridor was swallowed by white light, there was a blast in the light, and the entire passage violently vibrated. The light was in full bloom for nearly three seconds before it gradually dimmed. The flames in the corridor rolled, the walls of the passage twisted and fell off, and even the ground was arched by the shock wave. This corridor was like being rubbed by a giant's hands for a while, countless cables and steel were twisted together, you can imagine how violent the explosion just now.

Horn glanced in the direction of the explosion, then turned his head and looked at Fendi who was close at hand: "I didn't expect these two boys to be pretty good. Mirren is Windsor Bello's adjutant, so it's not surprising to have this strength. That. The young man named Belmode, I remember he was just a mercenary before, but he didn't expect to have the strength to rival the major general of the Federation now. Oh, you don't know, he is one of Allen's strong men."

Fendi narrowed his eyes. "What are you trying to say?"

"I want to say that the times are always rolling forward. People like you and me will always be left behind by the ever-forwarding times. Originally, I planned to gradually fade out of people’s vision, but unfortunately, because of your behavior. , I have to stand up again." Horn shook his head: "This is a bit different from the retreat I imagined."

"I think this is pretty good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Otherwise, I won't have the chance to meet Mr. Horn's Qiuyan."

Horn glanced at his long knife and said lightly: "Then you plan to stand at such a close distance to pick up my knife?"

"No way?"

"Yes, as long as you can catch it"

Without any warning, Fendi didn't even see Horn's movements, and suddenly a golden light lay between them. The light that resembled the autumn sun continued to grow in Fendi's eyes, and the latter yelled, using all his strength to raise his head before the light touched.

A wisp of breeze passed, and a few drops of blood floated in the air. At this moment, the time seemed to be still, and the few round blood beads suddenly separated in the center, and then burst into countless particles. When all this fell in Fendi's eyes, only a small cloud of blood was scattered in the air.

He touched his cheek, there was nothing on his face. Then a thin red line emerged, and Fendi's hand was stained with blood rolling out of the wound. At this time, he saw Horn's hand had been raised and Qiu Yan was pointing at him.

Then the long knife fell diagonally.

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